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I am so god awful at Ball anytime I even try to run him it's feed central and everyone is mad. It's not even that he's a bad hero I'm just hot garbo so it's 0% fun. I have no capacity for his movement and I can never make anything remotely work. He looks fun as fuck though and I'll keep trying periodically.


Ball, Doom, and Genji are my trinity of ‘I don’t know how to play you but I want to cause I got cool skins so I’m going to make it everyone elses problem’


I was the same forever and finally got to a point where I’m at least respectable with genji, ball and doom are a different story


Ball has by far the best Skin to Difficulty ratio. Best skins and voice lines and emotes in the game. But cant ever play him because it's rage central


I sucked ass at Doomfist in OW1 for the longest time and as soon as I started getting the hang of it they reworked him 😭


I'm the opposite honestly Never could get into Doomfist at first. Now recently i managed to get a 25/4 or something with him and i do admit he's kinda fun to play


Ball is so much fun. I always play with my group of friends/family so losing is no problem for us. Lately when I'm dominating the match as ball the other team switches to Ramattra, Mei, Sombra and slows down my ball gameplay so that usually takes the fun of ball.


I look forward to being able to roll & stress whole teams like the best of em (in 80 years when I finally learn what the hell I'm doing).


Yeatle is awesome for learning ball


Not me being a brig main 🫣


Ball is lowkey unstoppable if you're good at him (and you HAVE to be really good) in low ranks and have a competent team.


Ah, "having a competent team", the highest skill ceiling this game has :(


Big true, but I'd argue that it is extra important on ball. If I piledrive into the enemies and my dps isn't hitting shots while they're SUSPENDED IN MIDAIR, I'm probably not gonna win


I'm real bad(tho I don't play DPS in comp), but I can at least get an ashe dynamite off in there most of the time


One of my friends is a GM Ball and watching him in replays is like he's some sort of flying speed wizard ruining everyone day and getting Minefield every 45 seconds. Me trying to Ball is hitting every single wall possible and flinging my dumb ass off the map.


That's the result of people forcing a difficult hero that was borderline shit-tier most of OW2 and is now pretty damn good if you can play him - minefield alone is probably one of the most valuable ults in the game AND it builds crazy fast. Sometimes, I'm just using it for necessary zoning since I know I can build it up again for the next fight and gotta have that ult economy.


The amount of times I've felt like a God only to roll into a corner/barrier and been subsequently destroyed... feels bad.


I'm a ball OTP and I can tell you, if your team accepts you in spawn without starting to flame before the game has even started it's a great carry. Partly because it's a very underused hero so people don't know how to handle him. And partly because you are practically unkillable if you know when to escape. It's common to have 0-3 deaths in a game. Try him out for a few hours in qp and you will start to enjoy it! Start with the easiest combo: Swing up in the air, slam, shoot, roll away (with grappling hook). Try to NEVER roll in normal speed to avoid feeding. Quick and frequent in-and-outs


I have 185 hrs on ball since ow1. Everyone is always mad no matter the skill level


Wrecking ball. Cannot. understand. his play style. lmao


Same. I play wrecking ball exclusively to mess around in the deathmatch warmup while I’m in queue, and his kit makes a lot more sense when you’re 1v1ing someone. Once I’m in an actual game and I’m rolling around on point getting attacked by 5 people, nothing makes any sense to my brain.


Ball is about distraction. If you have 5 people shooting at you it means no one is attacking your team. A well played ball is about creating situations in which your team has a numbers advantage.


fat tracer


Not a bad description


Imagine you are a hit and run driver with a few stars in GTA.


Same also apparently I’m terrible with his hook thing so I can’t even swing around right.


Big mood. I see some of them rolling all over the place like zoomies on Adderall and I'm just so clunky with him. It's mind boggling. Good Hammy players are truly something admirable imo! I can't figure out how to key map his pile drive so my short ass fingers can actually hit it.


I didn’t start getting good with Ball until one day in QP I said fuck it I’m just gonna mess around with his mobility all match. I ended up kicking ass that game, I was totally playing like a fool but I was moving around so much that no one could hit me which confused the enemy team enough to let my team stomp all over them with some extra boops and ground slams from me


Dude same situation for me just this week. It all clicked and he's so much fun. The best part of ball is the hate I get from the enemy team. 10/10


Genji and Lucio, no matter what I do I just can't play these two


I hate Genji players (out of principle) but also respect them. Been playing since OW1 closed beta and no matter how much I try I cannot figure him out or find a way to be effective with him. I can play almost any hero as the need* arises but if I jump on Genji my team is fucked. Might as well be a 5v4. 


I swear fighting a genji it’s like you can’t catch up to them or keep track of them but playing genji feels like i’m trying to walk through glue. His movement is difficult to get right lmao


these two exactly!!! 6 ½ years of overwatch and i've never understood them 😭


Lucio. I’m a support main and not unfamiliar with dive, but Lucio’s kit just seems so odd to me. Idk when to speed, when to heal, when to boop lol. Maybe it’s because zen is my main main and I’m more used to playing in my back line than the enemy’s.


I just started playing Lucio recently. I speed all the time unless someone needs heals. I play double support with my SO, so they usually have heals handled until a fight gets intense. Lucio is a lot of fun with Rein since you make him faster and he can keep swinging at fleeing enemies to finish them off.


Also a lot of fun to play as him against rein. Hop around his shield while hes blocking to finish him off. Boop him into stuffbwhen he charges. Speed your team away from his hammer swing. Block his ult.


Wait…how do you block his ult as Lucio?


it’s less blocking and more moving him until something else can happen; if you boop him into the air, maybe ana has enough time to sleep him, or he could even die if low enough you can also boop him behind a wall or a shield to negate his shatter (can’t shatter what you can’t see el em ay oh numbnuts)


On support I only play zen and lucio. I dont know why but it just works for me. Overly aggressive dive or overly aggressive poke.


Zen is fun but I always end up just spamming the charge balls lol and I like Lucio cause if anyone complains I say “I can only dance so hard mate”


Lucio is a very aggressive support. Also very situational, often times I’m just spamming wallrun, switching speed and heal at the same time, booping enemies around to mess them up. He’s my best support, but tbh idk why I’m so good with him lol.


Why do I see some people switching heals and speed almost instantly? Is there some sorta tech idk about? Asking as someone trying to learn the Lucio ways


It’s something done subconsciously imo. It helps manipulate your speed to be a bit more unpredictable and when you’re jumping or flying in the air u can momentarily switch to heals without losing momentum so it’s pretty much optimizing both your heal and speed uptime. Ofc, there are times when u shld stick to one like when your team is engaging u stick to speed


Playing lucio helped me read the flow of the game. If either team is going in, I go speed for in or out. If no one is really moving, I'll heal


What I do with ball is toggle between heals and speed. Speed is used to engage and disengage. While my team is fighting its mostly heals (on less with certain comps). Once his cooldown starts I always bump up the healing 90% of the time, this allows the team to stay engage or engage. The other 10% is used for when Ults are used are my team has an ult. The exception to the rule is what Tanks you are running and how they like to play. For Queen it's 90% speed boost, For an aggressive Rein 90% speed boost for his engage and disengage. The 10% is when he has his shield up and use the boop to keep enemies away. For Zarya when she's cooking 100% speed boost, when she gets low you just boop enemies away. Ram only when he starts punching people. For his ult its good defensively, but I think you can get more value when you use it to buff your teammates Ults blade, DieDie, Justice, Tactvisor, and when you engage in fights with your team. Lucio is best when the teamnis together and he gets the most value out of any support. Thata why I use him on all King of the Hill maps, Push maps, and at the beginning of hybrid maps. As these are the most times that the team will actually group up and he gets his ult fast. My winning percentage for Lucio has been around 60% since the beginning of Overwatch in all modes QP, Rank, etc.


Watching lucios just make me feel like I should be playing something else if I'm not riding everywhere and bullying dps




I'd edit this to actually say heal in the neutral to help farm beat. If your team isn't really moving/neither team is making moves, why go on speed?


As a support main, Baptiste is the one support I never seem to enjoy. Every aspect of his kit just lacks a certain satisfaction. And his skill floor is quite high. So I might enjoy him a lot more if I was much better with him and could consistently land all of my shots and the timing and placement of all of my abilities. But there's always huge gaps in between my Baptiste games exactly because I don't enjoy his kit so I'm always rusty with him and never get really good with him.


Aww what a shame. He’s my answer to the enemy Widow and/or Hanzo my team ignores. He’s the only support I feel like I can pressure them with. Throw down IF behind cover and harass them. His ult isn’t very exciting, at least in QP at my rank (Dross). It doesn’t feel impactful using it solo and my teammates seemly do everything within their power to not shoot through it.


Kiri is my answer, snipe the snipers with two tap headshots, I do love dropping bap ults into mauga ults though lol really add to the enemy’s sense of panic


How can you talk about killing a widow and not think of Lucio bro?


I’m so bad at him. The wall riding and jumping around is way too much for me to get a handle on. When I see a good Lucio I’m instantly jealous. He looks like so much fun, but in my hands he just holds the team back.


It might be a good idea to try out the Lucio Surf workshop. Pretty popular and the workshop gamemode just lets you practice wallriding without fear of throwing a match. You don't even necessarily have to go to the goal, all you really need to do is to just learn how to wallride and stay on the wall. Just remember that even the best Lucios mess up some times


Thank you for the suggestion and encouragement! I’ll give that game mode a try.


You can three shot mauga through it though. Double damage it’s insane if your team actually uses it though I think most people genuinely just think it’s a shield though lol


Lucio is pretty good at pressuring them as well. You gotta be good with luc to pressure a hanzo tho


Bap is super satisfying if you land the disc well, healing from distance is nice and hitting the heals on flying teammates is satisfying, but as you say it takes time and practise to hit them well and consistently


A good Baptiste can easily bully at least two DPS players so I've always said support players should learn him. I'm surprised you didn't mention his long cooldowns. That can get really annoying playing him


The thing with lamp is that even if you miss or mistime it, the death is nearly always on the person who died and not you. They might mald over it, but most of the time you’re trying to cover their mistake with it.


I disliked Ana in OW1. I never played her but when devs added Baptiste in OW1 I felt like they added him for me. Baptiste is my go to when things hit the ceiling for my team.


Same. I had 0 hype for him when he came out and the way his healing grenades land and arc feels so awkward and unsatisfying. His left click feels good but thats about the only thing I like with his kit.


Doomfist. I do know how to play him and play him well but I don’t enjoy his kit. I preferred his DPS kit in the before times, but I never went out of my way to play him. I just play a lot of mystery heroes On that same note I cannot stand playing OW2 Orisa. I did like playing as her in the before times


Oh, true about Orisa. I'm not unhappy when I get her in MH, but I find her very meh. It's fun if you're being boosted by a Mercy, though! Very satisfying gun sounds.


Tracer, i cn never get to play her without dying constantly


The big thing about Tracer is knowing when to disengage. It's really easy to over commit to a kill, and get smoked. Also, keep health pack mapping in your brain. If you have a recall, and you're not 1v1, use it to reset, and blink to your nearest health.


Orisa. She's just so so so boring


boring is an interesting word to use for orissa, id say goddamn annoying


I’d use both


I'd say boring to play and annoying to play against. one of my friends swears orisa is fun to play and no one agrees with him


Boring you say? \*Spears pharah into the ceiling\*


Besides Mercy, I would say Sojourn. For some reason I’m just not very good with her. I think I run in too much because of her slide and I always am missing the secondary fire. Idk I just feel she’s a less fun version of Soldier, since they’re so similar. Also, Zarya, I just find her boring to play with and against. Many of the “beam” characters are not very fun to me. Sym too.


I totally relate to not hitting sojourns secondary fire. Took me a while to also realize it was hitscan, but still I’m not used to it


Doom. I literally just throw myself into the enemy team so I can get a new character as soon as possible when I get him in mystery heroes


As a doomfist main, that is exactly what I do but instead in quickplay or comp




Rein and Lucio. Rein because well I don't like how abysmally slow his gameplay is and being the battlefield fool who charges in is just not what I want out of a game like Overwatch. If I wanted to swing a melee weapon around like that I would play a game more catered to it. Something like For Honor, Mordhau, or hell Vermintide is what I'd go to. Lucio is a weird one since the game I came to Overwatch from was Titanfall so you would think the wall running hero would be the most appealing thing, but you could not be more wrong. Something about the way Lucio feels to play is just so god awful compared to Titanfall 2 wall running that it turned me off of the character forever.


For me it has to be mauga, when he first came out I was hyped but now I hate him, hate playing him, hate playing against him. He’s just so boring with not much skill involved, hate the guy.


At least It's never boring around him


Boring you say? \*Surfs a roof to dive widow\*


Mercy for me. It’s just such a passive experience. All you do is dodge around trying to avoid dying while hoping the person you’re beaming does something with it. Most healers you can at least shoot something while healing, even if you’re not doing a ton of damage.


I actually enjoy that experience even if I'm not that good with her. Sometimes you just wanna chill and not sweat. And gliding around the map to avoid dying is like a fun game of tag with your opponents. Plus it's satisfying rezing and blue beaming good dps.


This exactly, especially after sweaty ranked games, sometimes I just wanna be a fairy and fly around.


I'm the exact opposite, playing mercy is a terrifying hell hole of sweat and fear and constantly being hunted while gliding to save friends and trying to resurrect randos in the middle of the battlefield I love it


Seriously. Always being the #1 target of the enemy team and having no way to defend myself besides relying on my own movement is stressful asf but that’s why I like it. Queuing with my friend who is a great Cass/Soj player is awesome too


Yeah. I will never understand how so many people have hundreds of hours on her, out of all heroes...


a good mercy will actually do other things though, like keep track of enemies’ ults, damage boost dps when they’re having critical 1v1s or even their ults, and go for the rez that turns the tide of the fight. also knowing when to take cover and using your ability to fly and glide to teammates to your advantage. Mercy is so great in that aspect. Mercy can truly carry teams, to the point where the other team is screaming at their dps “kill that mercy pls” LMAO


Yeah I’m not saying she’s bad, and obviously a lot of people love playing her. She’s just not for me.


Its weird how a character with such a basic type of playstyle has such a big userbase.


One of the reasons I'm a Mercymain is because her kit is basic. I'm not good at mechanically intense games, but with Mercy my mechanics have taken a backseat (because I've memorized everything) and I can focus on what I'm good at - game sense. I can play team captain because I can spot and easily keep track of enemy CDs and watch our flank and ensure that the game rhythm doesn't get interrupted with a well placed rez. Mercy is for those who aren't good at mechanically intensive gameplay. If I'm Ana then I get too sucked into my aim mechanics to pay attention to shit around me.




Much worse when you decide you wanna practice with her in QP and the enemy team pulls out their T500 widow from their asses


Rein. I know a lot of people like him but to me he's just insanely boring. Probably tracks since I play mobility based characters and being glued to the ground isn't a fun experience for me.


Nah I get ya that’s why I enjoy Lucio I don’t feel like I’m going to the point at negative 12 speed lol


I can't play Zarya worth a damn


Same. Every time I get her on mystery heroes I just go “ah fuck here we go” But then I’ll play against a skilled Zarya and get absolutely smoked. My dumbass always chooses the wrong time to unload everything I have on her when she has a shield active and I get so frustrated hahah. I respect her though, just terrible utilizing her :’)


Same exact story here. When She's on the other team I feel like her bubbles last 10x longer and she is just a monster


Thats a shame. Zarya is a beast


I just can't manage her bubbles and once I run out of them, everyone just beat my ass lol


Widow. I’m not an aim god.


Personally I never enjoyed playing Soldier. He's so flippin' vanilla - Full auto primary weapon, explosive secondary weapon, sprint, self-heal... I didn't boot up Overwatch just to play Call of Duty, LMAO


I think there’s some intentional aspects of him to make the game more approachable from other games. I agree with you though.


I only started playing soldier because I sucked at the game and I needed to play a basic hero. When I started I only played Cassidy because I like cowboy, but I couldn’t hit anything. But switching to soldier was just what I needed. Plus I like his lore too


So real


hot take but i’ve never enjoyed playing cassidy 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah fair I feel like his shots are inconsistent


Brig, illari, junker queen, ball, and Sombra. I just don’t like playing them but also don’t really know how to, I used to be good at Sombra but I stopped playing her because people would bully me for it every game even when I wouldn’t do anything and it hurt my feelings so I stopped playing her and now when we actually need a Sombra I can’t go Sombra because I can’t play her as well as I used to anymore


Damn that sucks. Also as a genji-widow main I flipping hate sombras and it’s just a horrible match-up for me, but I hate to see someone being affected and bullied for playing a hero they like.


this is why I constantly have to tell my gf not to bother looking at chat, if it's not the occasional cute message it's just pure fucking hate for some characters


Cold take mercy I just hate her whole kit and play style it's just spectator mode. And dmg boost doesn't count as dmg


Yeah, I put in my time playing The Medic on TF2. With the exception of the Junkrat/Demoman comparison, I’m not playing this game because of TF2 similarities.


It depends on how you play mercy (and most people play her terribly). You should be damage boosting 2k+ in a comp game, have less than 5 deaths, and have at least some kind of damage. That being said, so many mercy players have 0 damage, 8+ deaths, and only stay on heal beam 24/7. They also time their rezzes horribly (rez tank, then they die leaving the tank to 1v5 and die again) it also doesn't help that mercy is in a terrible state rn and her heals in general are garbage


I like the spectator mode sometimes, love flying around like a moth, seeing my dps pop off and getting that clutch res off. I mainly play Ana and Zen but sometimes I just wanna chill a bit more. Also its the Battle Mercy rule to kill that fucking Phara with valk


Fr mate you are a man of culture lol


Thank you for understanding my hate for her.


Ball because I suck and just can not figure out how to properly play him and Zarya cause it seems like my bubbles are always instantly destroyed.


I love Mystery Heroes because I get to play everyone whereas when I role queue I'm only support. That said, I find Mercy incredibly boring. I find Symmetra really frustrating to play. Zarya I can be good with but I find her mechanically boring. Winston I find fun but just do not know how to have an impact with him, but I think a large part of that is how weird team comps in MH can get. On the plus side, I used to hate getting Sombra, Widowmaker, and Reaper, but I've learned to play pretty well as them. Same with Sigma, I'd say most of the time I get him in MH I can steamroll, barring broken team comps. (Last night the other team spawned with Mercy, Moira, Mauga x2, and Bastion. It wasn't fun.) Edit: Forgot Genji, who I used to absolutely HATE getting. I still can't play him super effectively, but I'm slowly getting better and having fun with him. Strangely, the major player in that was learning about his alt fire, which I didn't know about because for years I just never played as him. The major benefit of all of this is that I'm a lot more knowledgeable when playing against other heroes now.


Genji and Doomfist. I understand the theory of how to play them, but when I actually do it, my brain goes on a coffee break.


Symmetra, easy. Even when I do well, she’s just not very engaging to play at all


Sombra. I know by playing her I'm actively making others upset and I've never enjoyed the assassin archetype. However, I only swap to her, never pick her first, and only if there's a Widow on the enemy team. Then my one job is to make her swap or keep her attention on me so the rest of my team doesn't need to worry about being one tapped. Once she swaps I do as well.


Lucio. Half of his kit is purely automatical and that kinda ruins it for me


Gives you more time to shoot and move.


Lucio is my fave because you can just fly around the map and draw enemy fire while dealing a considerable amount of damage and passively healing. Plus a good boop off the map is always super satisfying. However I totally understand why he’s not appealing to some as a support. Definitely helps having the other support with more singular, consistent healing.


He's one of the most engaging characters to me for that reason. Since your healing is automatic you can always be on the move


Yea definitely Mercy. I reallyy liked her mythic so I tried playing her but I just can’t get into her, I find playing the other supports more enjoyable to play


Soldier 76 is fucking boring


Fair he’s the most generic character


Definitely Ball. I still think it is more clunky than people like to admit.


It's odd, I would've agreed a while back but since maining Ball for a month, he feels so fluid. I cause absolute havoc and have a 71% wr after I think 60 odd games now. He's so much fun! I think I just like irritating heroes though lol — Mei is at 74% wr for me after 90 games or so.


Junkerqueen. Just feels odd, can't really tell why. It's a bit sad, because I loved her cinematic.


That's exactly how I felt when I first tried her so I dropped her. I recently tried her again but more committed and she's now probably the most fun character in the game


Honestly same. Mercy's really boring for me too.


As an MH main Tank-Doomfist I know how he is supposed to work, I'm just ass with him and it's not fun. DPS- Genji. The projectile with no splash takes too much precision and timing. And then IF I actually farm blade, I can't do garbage. Support- Moira and Brig. Moira is either boring or I am DPSing and dying. Brig is just boring.


Doomfist, I cannot wrap my head around how to play him. I launch myself into the enemy, take a couple shots and then bam, nothing left I can do and I get shit on.


Reaper. He’s slow as fuck and I don’t get how anyone kills with him or manages to escape multiple people chasing him. Let alone gain health back from landing shots with him. Idk dude, he’s miserably slow imo. That teleport takes eons. I almost always switch before getting his ult but even when I do, I don’t kill anyone with it, because I get picked off before I can get in the middle of everyone, because he’s too fucking slow.


I agree on the Mercy take. I have plenty of heroes that I don't "get" how to play, but for Mercy I "get" how to play her, I just hate the playstyle. The "Beam Healer" is probably the most common type of healer in games and I usually don't mind it, but Mercy specifically has the worst variant of it I've ever played. She has nothing without a healing target. She can't really fight anybody with her peashooter and she can't even run away without targeting somebody with guardian angel. Not to mention that her entire kit encourages pocketing her tank/DPS buddy the entire match. If her pocket is full HP she can just pocket them with the damage beam until they take damage. If they die she can just revive them because it basically has the same success rate as running away on her own. The only thing that discourages pocketing is her ultimate, which just makes her help the rest of the team while she pockets someone.


Kiriko and Symmetra






Tank: dva and hog Dps: pharah Support: Mercy, moira and kiriko


I play a lot of mystery heroes and I get mad when I get: Mercy - I feel useless Rein - I struggle to do anything other than just be a shield Doomfist - I just don't understand how to use him. I've tried so many times but nothing. Sigma - I find him so boring to use, I always do well but he's just boring to me.




ball dva junkerqueen phara ashe hanzo genji mei bap brig life weaver illari and prolly also sigma




I cannot play widow to save my life I have tried before and I do comically bad like, people legit think I’m trying to suck ass lolll




Dva I always found her incredibly dull and cheesey to play it never feels right playing her and the games feel so mind numbingly easy so I never really play her unless it's the only option left for my team


Tank Doomfist is find super boring and I don’t really get the playstyle. But old DPS Doomfist was my favorite


Mercy and specifically Genji's throwing stars. For me his stars are the things that need rework the most in this game; They feel like trash.


Moira, easily. I played her when she first came out (partly because she was broken/fun), but the lack of any required mechanical skill to learn her made me pretty damn bored of her quick


Came here to say this, such a boring kit


No mechanics you say? \*Hits an object at the perfect angle, air strafing around the lip of the high ground to escape the enemy\*


Lol, good point, I ball a lot so that's probably where I get that particular release.


this is all the mechanics I need, memorizing angles so I can shoot across the map like a beyblade


Ashe. I never liked that I have to manually fire every bullet instead of holding down the mouse button.


To me is the gun sound, it sounds terrible, like farting. I like her but can’t stand the gun sound lol.


Yeah, my mouse only has so many clicks, you know, blizzard...


Junkrat - feels like I have to do physics just to hit a shot with any of his kit. Traps are fun though


There is two types of rats: 1. The classic spam rats that have a direct hit accuracy of 10% or less 2. The insane geniuses that drop in from the skies and annihilate your backlines, along with doing casual trigonometry calculations to hit people around corners.


Brigitte. Sit in the back and throw out packs and be a minion for a sniper. Whack people when they get close Not fun for me


i used to main her a while ago and i do not understand how i managed to enjoy playing her, i feel so weak just slowly moving with my shield up 😭 


sym is so boring


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For me its tracer, i think its just because i prefer higher damage but less bullet speed characters


Reinhardt, Ramattra, symmetra, Tracer, Sojourn, junkrat, mercy and maybe zen.


Ball.. I just cant play him.. and I've tried.. I just fail every time I've tried..


Almost all of the DPS unless it's Sojorun, Soldier, Junkrat, and Mei, also ALL the Tank heroes except for Roadhog. I am a full support main, I play mainly Kiriko, Moira, Mercy, Zen, and Lifeweaver, and I am planning to move on to other characters, but I can't seem to grasp on DPS and Tank role in general, I am pretty limited there.


Ball lol I have maybe 20 in game min on him I am not a fan


Doom, ball or widow


Not-Soldier 76


Doomfist, Widow


Widowmaker but I suck at playing any sniper lol


Tank: Ball DPS: Tracer Support: Mercy


For me Lucio. I’m above average as a player but I’m not at that level to make Lucio work. I just don’t know who to speed boost half the time because we’re so uncoordinated at my rank half the time (plat/diamond). QP especially forget about it. I like bap for his consistency and because I get to feel like I’m playing a shooting game. Mercy I think just attracts a certain brand of player. My ex played her a lot. I tried her and got bored fast. I like having agency in my games if I have the skill set to do so.


Widowmaker, my aim sucks


Solider 76. I can’t really put my finger on it but his kit just doesn’t seem interesting. He’s not a bad character or anything, it’s just i find it hard to see how it’s interesting to play him. (Especially due to his auto aim ultimate, soz)


Genji. It's always been Genji. My Genji is so bad that I have difficulty quickly killing the training room bots with blade. My swift strike usage is abysmal. My Overbuff stats suggest I have managed to get eliminations with him in QP, even with blade, but I don't know how. Mercy is also up there. She is the antithesis of fun. She's the only support I refuse to play.


OW2 Doomfist. I had 64 hours on him in OW1 and he was my second or third most played. I have 65 hours now. He just isn’t the same in OW2.


Wrecking Ball - Far too complicated a hero for me. (Regarding Mercy, she was originally pitched as a hero for those that may not have been FPS players. Back when they had the idea of "A hero for everyone")


Doomfist and ball tbh


3,200 hours into Overwatch here. I have hundreds of hours between almost every hero except Hanzo, Ball, Bastion and Junkrat. Can’t stand those.


I think one of the things that really makes overwatch stand out is that every single hero *can* be fun to play on the right map or in the right comp. But it’s orisa. Her entire gameplay loop is just spamming bullets and cycling cooldowns to not die. That might sound hypocritical of me as a sigma main but sigma requires so much more thought be put into his gameplay.


Doom. His kit feels one dimensional bc of his high skill ceiling.


Ana. I just hate how slow she feels and I hate getting dived when playing as Ana.


I hate playing Lucio.




Mercy main here, the lack of shooting is the appeal XD I am atrocious at anything that requires aim, no matter how much I've practiced I just can't figure it out. My wife spent a while trying to get me into Overwatch, and it wasn't until I tried Mercy and Moira that I decided the game is actually fun. Plus, her mobility is AWESOME. Once you get it down, you can just zip all over the place! On that note, I've never really enjoyed Zenyatta. He's a cool character, but he's SO slow, I felt like I was always getting left behind and obliterated the few times I tried to play him.


Winston just does nothing for me, would rather just play D.Va if going for high mobility / dive tank


Brig is the only one that comes to mind for me. Love her as a character and maybe it's because I don't really know how to utilise her but I don't have fun with her and she's the last support I choose to play


Doomfist is the only one I just can't understand.






Mauga. I feel like there is a decent character there, the dash and ultimate are really fun. But 90% of the gameplay is just shoot at big target and press E when in battle. Its so boring and I hate that the best way to deal with an enemy mauga is just to mirror and play Brainrotwatch


I've been playing since the ow1 beta, and I've played pharah maybe 3 times. Can't stand her. I think it's because I played quake 1/Quakeworld so much back in the day and pharah feels like a slowed down, dumbed down version of original quake guy, especially for anyone that played Quakeworld (a faster, more stable version of quake 1 made specifically for online duel/tdm)




Lucio, I have a weird hate for 'aura' supports. I think it's a bad game design.


Widow cuz I suck. I can track, but can’t snapshot to save anyone’s life.




Genji, Hanzo & wrecking ball. I just can’t do it lmfao