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I’m more afraid of bastion than reaper as Winston.


To be fair, anyone would fear Bastion if you are playing tank


As a Sigma main I thank the gods


D.va main here. Legit free kills.


Yup, dva is my goto when a bastion appear


JQ too. Come over here lil botty, have you met Carnage?


Bastion main here. you’re not wrong lol


You’re not real


you must be going againt bad bastions because dva kills are easy for me as bastion. she basically never kills me lol


For a minute orisa would straight up win the 1v1


Then bastion turns to tank and eats your hp like it would be a snack


Yeah when I play dps pretty much the only time I go Bastion is when they’re Orisa. Easy target to hit and can fairly withstand a javelin compared to most.


I go Bastion if they got flying DPS or Mercy easiest way to counter them. They have to pull out to attack but you can then shoot them. Youre basically anti aircraft. Hes great too in countering good Reinhard or Ram


Yea that’s true a classic against rein and tbh I kind of forgot Ram existed hardly see him lol


But I dont think Bastion is OP tbh. hes good counter to tank and flying but hes easy to kill if you know how as Orisa just bait him to turn into tank, do spin and hes out of his defense. Reaper just flank. Hes easy to kill because hr has to be close and has to peek unlike other hero who doesn't need to be close and doesn't need to risk life by peeking


With bastions "entry skill level" being comparatively low, it comes down to mindgames. A good bastion player will rarely get themselves baited, or adjust accordingly - in theory. In practice, tank form goes brrrrrt leading to "Oh, Im in spawn again". He's not op by any means, but a very effective glass cannon.


I would only wish Junkrat was dealing himself self dmg with bombs and mines so he is defenseless on close range and Roadhog standing still while hes healing


glass cannon?


Ram is actually a good matchup against Bastion. Ram wins that fight 9/10 times


any decent pharah/echo will just LOS until you’re out of form and then can easily outduel you


mauga can win the 1v1 and its fucking hilarious


Nah it’s free bonus hp as sigma


I don’t. Just bait the sentry mode and he’s walking box of ult charge. I guess it helps that I tend to main bastion and junk because they are off meta, so I know how to play around it.


Bastion is a gift from God every time I play Sigma. Motherfuckers won't stop holding m1 when I'm absorbing bullets


And situation will get more worse if there is an enemy zenyatta.


With bastion though he doesn’t have a movement option and can’t outheal winton damage by himself. Also reaper has an invulnerable ability which is annoying af


reaper can be ignored fairly easily, and shield dancing is effective against him. Generally speaking Reaper doesn't stick closely to supports so to counter winston he needs to adjust gameplay style. Bastion just blows through the bubble and winston's health bar. His effective rage is also longer so its hard to just avoid him than with reaper. Bastion's low mobility works in his favor here as it makes him play near his team more than reaper. Bastion even outside of turret form has more base health, and in turret form has DR that's super effective against winston.


Yes, reaper was once a menace to Winston but it’s no longer an issue, dps just dont know yet I guess


Bastion really isn’t that good that’s why. Also you should be looking to counter multiple characters not just one; often a Winston is playing a dive comp which bastion struggles at.


Remember Winston eats through armor now unless they reverted it and I missed it lol


He ignores the DR from armor which is cool, but bastion gets more DR (not ignored) when in turret form. He also still has higher base health than reaper even with ignoring the armor DR it'd take longer to kill bastion than reaper.


The bastion is not normally standing around isolated. At any rate he if he wants he can just mostly not let you play the game by saving his turrent form for your dives. Winston can 1 v 1 a reaper if he has his bubble


Just soft dive? Bastion isn't that strong rn anyways. I managed to bait out his turret from 8/10 times in low ranks because people except one tricks won't give up cass or other strong dps to play bastion, he's trash at high elo


So if he never uses it you are effectively neutering it and when he does you take cover and dive with team and he’s dead. That’s pretty much how most of my Winston vs Bastion games go lol. He needs a rework his value is pretty much only against Orisa who can’t punish him effectively.


Doesn’t have a movement option? People aren’t creative with his bouncy bomb and that makes me sad.


Bastion does have a movement option


Agreed. I'm totally not scared of Reaper. Don't do anything stupid like hard engage him first or anything, and you're fine. Just bubble dance him, and he'll get frustrated and wraith out or die. Bastion is a different story. If you jump out of place one time while their Bastion has turret mode, you're dead. Bubble just evaporates.


Bubble dance, yes this is the way


I dont fear bastion or anyone the way i fear reaper


I'm more afraid of Ana than reaper//bastion when playing most tanks


the combo ana zen is hell as a tank


People like to think Winston is countered by Reaper while in reality it's all up to the Winston how to handle that matchup, all it takes is jump and bubble management and Repaer can't do anything, on the other hand if a Cass bangs you or Tracer chases you down or Bastion melts your bubble then you're royally screwed


To be fair, As Winston,I’m also more afraid of soldier and Cassidy than reaper


Ball = sombra cass


This also applies to Doom


Doom can navigate around this (well, Sombra at least) a little. By comparison, playing Ball into Sombra+Cass is actively throwing. Cass alone can shred through Ball’s shield+HP with Flashbang into double right-click.


And this is why I don’t take anymore in any mode. If the counters are so good I can’t even play my tank, why bother queuing tank the tank I like? Why bother tanking at all? Switching should be an option not a necessity, at least as tank, and enemy dps and support should have no say in it. All these hard counters to ball need to be removed or he needs a major buff. At minimum, cc effects should not remove him from ball form.


Hell no. Ball can easily hunt both, ball deadass counters sombra if ball entirely focused on her, problem is you have to do that and it’s boring compared to big meaty slams into the core of the team


if you’re focused on her you’re trading a tank for a dps and the rest of your team would probably just lose no??


Sombra vs ball is literally the hardest counter in the game dude.


My ball begs to differ


Sombra cass hog Ana brig


That means you are doing a good job. If your dps aint playing into sombra and cass counters they are throwing. You are distracting both Enemy DPS already, and your only priority should be protecting your least mobile support from the enemy tank. Again, if your DPS is feeding the sombra by going sniper, report them for "blocking team progress" .


r/overwatch and people complaining


Reddit and people complaining


People and complaining


and complaining


The father, the son, and the holy spirits








Redditors who don’t play Overwatch and claiming that Overwatch is dead.


r/Overwatch and complaining about complaining




I don't believe it!


Yet you’re whining you absolute dunce


Peanut butter and jelly, am I right?


Not on my team! Always a Hanzi / widow duel that won’t switch to bastion despite my pleading


Hanzo is great to counter monkey, but if you’re good at Hanzo, you ll summon Pharah


Me when I spread misinformation online


Widow is in like every other match at this point, yet people will die on the hill that she’s not broken. I see her in half of my matches, she needs changes


the thing with widow is that she can only be as powerful as the player's aim and mechanical skill. So if they're not good enough, or don't know good spots on the map, then they won't be able to apply as much pressure (this is why aimbot widows dominate so much more than other aimbot heroes). If she can't provide value without the required skillset is she really broken?


>If she can't provide value without the required skillset is she really broken? Yes. There isn't really anything I can do against someone who spent 1k hours in aimlabs, once the game starts.


But that’s just them being better than you?


A Reaper that practices a shit ton will not deal high damage at high range. A Widow that practices a shit ton will deal high damage at low range, oneshotting the tracers, sombras and genjis trying to flank her.


Absolutely. If anything, her inability to function unless she's dominating (in many cases) means she's *more broken* than other problem characters.


Rein + Zarya


This was overwatch


Maybe before the armor buffs. Now monkey doesn’t really need to fear reaper


huzza for monkey mains


Winton and Hamter


Clearly you’ve never seen the DPS on my team then. Enemy team has a Winston and we go widow/sym


Reaper isnt as much of a Winston counter as he used to be unfortunately


Winston diffs those two losers 💪🦍


Pharah and soldier


Getting 2 flashy kills on genji and 2+ beam characters spawing on the opponents team


Back in OG overwatch every time you choose Symetra a Winston would turn up lol


And mauga to make that monke rage leave


I got the sig mythic in this season for a reason


Reaper isn’t good against Winston. He’s stuck in a very reactive mode and if he tries to go aggressive he’ll be out of supports range and just waste his time. He can get value through not focusing Winston and only selectively playing to deny plays on his supports though. But again, it’s a very reactive playstyle.


Yeah I agree it’s way better to dive Winston’s backline forcing him to make a decision quick or lose your healing/range. Having a lifeweaver /Zarya also makes this strat pretty effective. Reaper staying with his backline is also smart but Cass does this better.


Yeah definitely. If you can force Winston to fight you while you’re getting other value that’s really good. And yes, camping your own backline doesn’t work, it’s best to look for opportunities to deny plays dynamically rather than just sitting there. If you stay in your backline go Cass or Bastion instead.


Sorry I don't wanna be ran over the whole match not gunna stay widow and let the money win


Too bad still gonna roll you anyways❤️


i can confirm. played a couple games a winston this morning. Reaper and Sym got me freaked up


Symm isn’t that bad. Even if she charges the beam on shields it’s not like she’s damaging you when she does it. I usually win against Symm if it’s a 1v1


but then her lasers completely charged and it becomes a laser war. that’s at least what i do when i play Sym, i just charge it off of shields and then use it on whoever’s near by


I solo Winstons with Zenyatta and Ana.


Why’s this comment section just Winston depreciation


They probably just never played against a good winton.


after the buffs i've seen him EVERYWHERE and you literally cannot play any backline dps or support unless you're countering him if they're a good winston. The last two matches I was playing support and me the other support were practically forced to go play Zen + Ana. twice.


I love diving them both it’s so easy lol only issue is when Ana’s can land air sleeps then I gotta early shield.


You don't run reaper or torb vs winton anymore, doesnt work, only bastion, so as for the seconds dps to run? I have no idea now


Junkerqueen also counters the hell out of Winston.


True, but most queens I see don’t understand this. They’ll immediately yank the knife back as soon as it lands instead of waiting for him to jump out.


Well, then they’re dumb.


Symmetra and the Devs (Getting straight nerfs sense OW2 launched)


Ngl I’m pretty happy to not see Symmetra in my games


Orisa into Reinhardt


More iconic than Batman and Robin, I can't argue


Those two mf show up every time im having fun


Genji = sym ana mei zar kiri


Honestly the games I've been getting it's the other way around. A team starts with reaper/bastion and the enemy tank swaps to monkey.


When there's a good Winston i don't know what to do so I freak out and go widowmaker and stay as far away from him as possible 👍


Well, TBH almost every time I'm doing well playing Genji a wild Winston appears. Forcing me to spawn one of those 2. "But but you can work around Winston and still get value", yeah a couple of minutes until they swap to sym + cree + moira + lw/kiri. So same happens with Genji and lots of characters.


Don't forget the tank swap to dva and the support swap to moira/kiriko!


And your DPS wont go junkrat/ashe/soju/tracer for the ez picks, nah; they will try hard into the bad matchups then Blame Winton for not switching. This is EXACTLY why tank role is miserable. When your DPS dont capitalize on the tank distracting both DPS and having the matchup advantage by just switching themselves. The same game theory applies with supports. Say you have zen + mercy. You are taking HEAT off mercy, because the enemy dps will most likely switch from sniper to tracer/sombra. Then its up to your tank.


I love forcing a reaper + bastion lol it’s once they get a DVA that it becomes more difficult to get value without the risk of feeding. Making a reaper focus you instead of your backline is a decent trade and playing around Bastion’s configuration is fairly simple, he’s just not a good character tbh.


This is my Hog but with Ana and Mauga/Orisa.


Rein + Brigg


Reinhard and sym bastion


Cock and balls


I was once talking with my mate in discord. He was playing comp winston and I was doing something else. All I can remember is that he said, in the middle of casual conversation, "No the Bastion's in reconfigure - *unintelligeble*" and "I can't do shit!"




It makes me wish everyone had counter picks in some way as strong as this, even if stats were inflated against certain picks like Junkrat doing double damage to shields.


Im scared of neither as winston, the one that scares me is cassidy


I was playing with a buddy on tank a couple days ago. He rolls out on Winston in overtime. We won first fight. First enemy dps respawns, Reaper swap. Second dps respawns, Bastion swap. Tank respawns, Hog swap. Needless to say, after we won, we enjoyed gloating after their counter-the-tank strategy failed to win


Doomfist/ball= sombra or bastion/reaper


First time?


The trouble I’ve found with Winston is that the characters here that counter him are particularly easy to play, so we see counter swaps much more frequently. With ball, as an ex., Sombra is more difficult to play with value added outside of just hacking the ball so they may actually be a detriment to their team


doom = orisa, sombra, cass, ana... every match...


Just started playing Winston and I swear this happens almost every game


bastion gets destroyed by hanzo so easily and reaper can be tag teamed by supps


Dva = Zarya


And Symm


imagine if there was a second tank that could go dva here and help the winton




dva and zarya


I love playing Winston but if I'm on another role and I see a bastion in order to protect my Winston, I instantly go tracer or Lucio and hard farm them, I have a clip where I farmed like 70% pulse bomb in 20-30 seconds of a bastion and just stuck him bc the mother fucker would just not die with the Ana and Kiri shoving their hand and rifle up his ass.


D.va & venture 🫨😧


Doom= sombra cass


All vs Pharah + Mercy


As a Winton enjoyer, please stop picking Bastion against monke. He's actually really bad against him. I get that him and his bubble are easy to burst down in turret form, keyword "TURRET FORM." Outside of that, you can't really do anything, and any Winston with a few braincells will time his dives with your cooldowns. "So what? I'll just hold my turret form until Winston inevitably jumps into my backline" 3 things: 1. Do you actually know where your backline is? Winston loves to attack sniper characters, whose play styles favor high ground. If you're not up there with them when the Winston dives, then your turret form is useless. 2. How confident are you in your ability to not use turret form? It's the only good ability in Bastion's kit, and recon mode is when he's the most vulnerable. Combined with his massive hitbox and low mobility, this makes it easy for other characters to burst you down, basically forcing you to use turret form. And don't think for a second the Winston player isn't tracking your cooldowns, after all YOU are their counter so YOU are the biggest threat. 3. Bastion is just a bad pick in general. His only niche is tank busting, but most tanks are either able to outlast his initial burst damage to get to cover, or avoid him entirely. It's also easy to kill him as dps because of his massive hitbox. Even supports can take down a Bastion if they really wanted to. The only way to survive is to get healed by your supports, but they're probably boosting your tank so he won't explode and aren't willing to waste their resources on you. Tldr just pick Reaper or Symmetra


Bastion is way better into winston than reaper.


Bastion relies on his turret form to counter Winston, which is something any Winston can play around. Meanwhile, Reaper can apply constant pressure to Winston with his primary fire. Bastion does best at midrange due to his spread. This leaves him at the right distance to be blocked by Winston's bubble, which can block enough damage for Winston to jump away and get behind cover. Meanwhile, Reaper is close range and more mobile than Bastion, meaning he would either be inside the bubble or more able to walk through the bubble and deal damage. Even if Winston jumped away, Reaper has 2 movement abilities to hunt him down and finish the kill. Bastion's hitbox is huge, and he's someone the entire enemy team will focus on because of his high burst damage. This makes Bastion more likely to be shot at and killed than Reaper. That's not to say Reaper isn't a threat, it's just that if you were in a match and saw an enemy Bastion and Reaper, most players will shoot the Bastion first. Bastion is also worse against squishies, so the only value he gives is pressuring the enemy tank with his turret form. It's hard enough to kill a Winston who's playing around your cooldowns, much less an entire team that's waiting for your ability to run out. Meanwhile, Reaper is able to burst down the enemy tank and continue on to the backline for the same reason above without relying on a single ability


Reaper can't really consistently apply any pressure on monke because if he groups to cover his allies against the dive then he's useless since he's at range and he wants to flank, and if he flanks then he's not really going to be running into monke. They exist on two different plains of existence and if they ever stumble upon each other then monke can just shield dance and jump away. Bastion on the other hand DOES want to group with his team and he CAN play from range with his primary fire and get value whilst covering against the dive, also being able to poke out the winston, and if he ever stumbles upon monke he can burst bubble and delete monke in a blink of an eye. Yes monke can play around both these matchups, but bastion is just plain better against monke than reaper. And no, no reaper can hunt down a monke, his mobility is vastly inferior, if a reaper ever successfully hunts you down as monke then you need to seriously reevaluate your gameplay ahahah.


Idk what to tell you man, I play Winston and have a much harder time dealing with Reaper than Bastion. In fact, I think the game gets easier if they swap to Bastion because I know they're saving their best ability for me and I can play around it


Probably a rank thing. Once you get better at winston and you play against better reapers and bastions you'll see which one is actually worse. I play monke and my brain doesn't even register reaper he's so ridiculously easy to play around.


They’re both kinda mid into Winston ngl… I legit dive reaper and bastion off turret. The post was made just because of the iconic duo I’d see whenever I did well on Winston before S9


I mean it’s obviously not that simple; of course a Winton can play around a Bastion’s cool-downs, but a good Bastion can also play around yours. He doesn’t work in every team comp as you identify with the sniper characters and high ground, but in a tight brawl comp he essentially negates a Winton’s value. If it costs a Bastion his turret form to essentially deny a Winston his entire function of diving squishies and getting picks, then his purpose has been fulfilled. 1 DPS for a tank is a much better trade than practically any other role for role trade in the game. Not to mention that a good bastion is just as capable of utilising high ground as any other sniper; bastion nade is really a mobility tool more than anything, and you can create so much value simply by taking angles that your opponents don’t initially expect and getting burst picks with turret form. You are right that it isn’t a perfect counter, but it’s a whole let better than a lot of other things.


The problem is that Winston’s usually pair themselves with a dive comp, something that Bastion is already weak against. Hell even range can make sure Winston solo dives work out. He’s just not a good character that’s easily punished. Cass or even Sojourn is just overall better pick that neutralizes Winston’s strengths.


You lost my at symmetra but I guess she’s a fine pick now with the buffs. She was def too squishy against Winston and died before she got value. Seriously though I can’t believe people think Bastion is a good pick, he’s great against Orisa and that’s it lol.


I mean... You are objectively wrong. I play 🐵 as well. Bastion IS a counter to him. In fact, he will make your life hell (especially in this current era of a lone tank until another tank comes back).


I'm not saying Bastion isn't a monkey counter, I'm saying that currently he isn't as good as the other counters and is a bad pick in general


Pick Symmetra over Bastion when going against Winston? What am I reading here lol. Edit: Nvm saw that you're low rank, all good.


Symmetra got a buff to her beam charge rate, making it reach level 3 faster, increasing her damage output. She also received more health, making it more difficult for Winston to brawl with her. Symmetra also gains health when damaging shields, which works well against Winston's bubble dance strat. Finally, if Winston or his team aren't actively destroying turrets, they limit his movement and can deal enough damage to kill him. Bastion isn't a very good pick at the moment, and the constant pressure that characters like Reaper and Symmetra place on Winston is more valuable than the pressure from Bastion's turret form


with the latest tank buffs winston shits on the reaper


Man I miss old bastion. So fun


Queen can also fuck up winton, arguably moreso than reaper and bastion


Absolutely more so she’s a great pick to push him away AND keep him close/closer. Those two sacrifice what little they’re strong at just to shoot a guy that can outmaneuver them.


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Op, you are so right. I do go bastion/reaper against monkey. Cause I just wanna play Hanzo or Sombra and that scientist mf wont let me 😤


DPS goes *brrrrrrr blam blam brrrrrr*


If only Winston had another tank on the field for a fighting chance


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^StackinBread: *If only Winston* *Had another tank on the* *Field for a fighting chance* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Reinhardt + Zarya Winston + DVA Pharah + Mercy Junkrat + Roadhog Genji + Hanzo


Because winston is one of the most unfun tanks to play against for every hero. Wanna play hitscan? Nope. Flanker? Not a chance He gives you little options but to counter him, so get fucked and well deserved you peanutbutter bottom


Guys I think I just found the first Winston hater


Everyone hates playing against him, and who are these guys you're talking about? You don't have friends..


Honestly based😭 I can see why hit scans hate Winston I feel like that I main an absolutely busted and OP hero who counters every poker and everyone just accepts and is happy with it. My hero is so much more unfun to fight than Orisa Mauga Hog Found the first guy with a mind of his own FRIEND