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I love doomfist


"health boosted by mercy" all i needed to know


Yeah you missed “if” idiot.


Missing the entire post cuz it’s gone


Nope. They just need to fix his bugs and reduce the hitbox of his punch. That punch is ridiculous. i dont think just punching in a general direction should be rewarded as much as it does now. i've been hit despite being out of his sight because the hitboxes are insane. and i've been hit behind cover and while i was above him and nowhere near his fist. Simply cus the game has the worst hitboxes ever.


Yup. Any low health hero gets obliterated on sight basically.


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There are two heroes where, if I see them on my team it's a guaranteed loss. One is Monkeh. The other is Flubberfist.


Maybe cuz you’re low ranked


i mean i do prefer the days he was DPS over tank by far, but nerfing him right now, i gotta disagree. he's an extremely feast or famine tank and most people you see play him are OTPs who dedicate a lot of time to learning him. if they're not an OTP/main him often enough, they're generally worthless. he's an aggressive tank that serves hardly any frontline for the rest of his team. you have to take advantage of that and make their backline suffer the consequences for that. it'll tilt the doomfist pretty fast.


The rank where I’m at in general is super annoying to go against because everyone has their 1 or 2 mains that they’re good with and do their roles well. It’s been a while now where we go against Doomfist and have trouble beating just him. We hit him and he runs away. He destroys anyone with less than 200 hp.


shut up loser


What’s hilarious is I get sht on for not being good enough as doom


Lmao I’ve seen so many doomfist that are crazy annoying to fight against.


Stfu hoe. tf you being a dick head for? Gtfo loner


Go zen 🧘‍♀️