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"fine, I'll do it myself."


I miss when mercy used to say that switching to her gun


Battle Mercy best Mercy


we need a tf2 crossover to see battle medic and battle mercy go head to head haha


She did? That's honestly amazing


Mercy still has that voice line I heard her say it the other day while I was trying her out


We need a Mercy's voicieline saying "The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting" when she gets a kill


She still does when she gets a kill on someone who is close to killing an ally. It’s a rare line tho. Almost as rare as rein’s “hewooooo”


Became a support main in OW1 because of this. Guess my new main




This is genius


Best feature of 5v5.


Fine. I’ll throw myself


I've started doing this lately and honestly... It did kinda work lol. Not perfect but at least I ended my losing streak.


If you're support you could always pull them back with lifeweaver. That's what made it less annoying for me.


Aaaaand now they're walking back to where I just pulled them out... before any of the people who almost killed them are dead. I was on Baptiste trying to keep this Junkrat alive and failing because he could not stop walking into the Reinhardt spamming shots at the shield. He'd died twice already to the hammer while being healed and he didn't once think "maybe I should keep my distance." Three guesses what happened after I went LW, petaled up to a safe spot where Rein couldn't reach, then life-gripped that Junkrat to that spot.


Yeah that's about right. I'm also guilty of this though, still learning to coordinate with LW.


Honestly this is a large reason I play tank. Getting a bad tank is just far too big of a handicap.


I did and now tank is higher than my other ranks.


Only downside is the queue pops way too fast and I keep forgetting that I need to take pee breaks


This is how I got trapped into a tank main


Did this the other day in open comp lol, tank was absolutely throwing and said if anyone thinks they could do better they could take over. I went rein and we had a pretty good game.


Honestly, I miss that soo much about ow1 open queue. I remember when I had a game full of tank players, and after each round, we would switch roles lol


That infinite avoid list is amazing.


Been doing this for YEARS! helpful with good supporting cast...


Tried this, didn't work, ended up with the tank throwing 100% of my games


You should report them for sure lol


Either you have a throwing tank or you are the throwing tank, which is worse?


Did that, just got bored of the unholy trinity (orisa hog mauga) meta


Looking forward to more avoid slots.


The bronze user flair really makes this post


Honestly, I wish I could be in bronze. Wait I think back in ow1 I was able to get in bronze during the time they had the death match competitive mode


it does feel extremely shitty that 5v5 has given us the consequence where new/learning tank player = 99% chance of losing. i know that could be said about all roles in any game, but when it's a solo role that has the most responsibility in the game, it just sucks for the person playing it and people playing with them. there's no incentive to learn it when you're gonna get hit with shit for not being aware of every little thing. people will say 'well just don't play tank if you're bad', but then become pikachu shock faced when queue times start hitting 15 minutes. my queue times last night were hitting 7 minutes for a ***quick play*** game in support.


I've had a couple of friends try tank as their first role and just drop the game lol. Whenever I play with friends, I need to play tank cause it's too stressful for them. The queue times are amazing tho


Weirdly enough for me, the tank queues are usually long in QP but short in comp


Enjoy having your team type “Tank diff” in chat every time you lose now


I’ve really been shying away from competitive on tank because I know there’s a very real possibility that I’m just going to get counterswapped to death and then flamed by my team, especially because I only really like playing JQ, rein, and hog.


I'm in this post and I don't like it /s (Main reason I'm flex main since early 2017 and still rocking the boat.)


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Someone else might have done it wrong.


You trade a throwing tank for like throwing teammates. Especially on doomfist, ill get counterpicked to hell why my team enjoys playing their heroes even if we are losing.


That's my answer to all the people flaming me when I play tank.