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TBF, most of them reacted normal to the nerf. Not Mercy main levels of delusion yet.


Overwatch will die without mass rez šŸ˜”


I still think it should come back reworked, just to see how it would work in modern OW.


I really like the whole ā€œtemporary rezā€ idea that is being introduced in the creator patch. If they wanted to bring back mass rez - that could be the way you do it. That way even pulling off a ~~5 man~~ā€¦ 4 man isnā€™t going to just undo the previous fight - as long as you kill the Mercy, the rest will die after a few seconds. Rezzing becomes a more active exercise than just ā€œhide in corner until team loses fight (they were 4v5-ing because you were doing this) then fly in and press Q.ā€ If you do that, they still only have to kill you to prevent significant progress on the objective, and you just need to survive everyone else.


Temp rez feels like shit to the person being rez'd, and even a 10 second mass rez would be way too strong. Rez in general is way too hard to balance, barely gets used in actual matches, and honestly we would be better off reworking Mercy


Yeah the kiri players are at least aware thier hero is very good. Most comments were "she's still very good". Lol if you look at hog mains they are all crying l, meanwhile top 500 is filled and will be filled with them


To be fair to hog players, they just giganerfed him instead of small nerfs. They honestly took him to the back of the barn, put a shotgun to his head and pulled the trigger.


And the game was great.


Hey I don't like hog either I just don't think he needed this many nerfs. I'd like him to still be playable at all. I do like playing him on illios well after all šŸ˜‰


This happens a lot in multiplayer games. If you are a rational person and realize that gutting a hero isnt fun, people will give you hate for it. Roadhog could recieve 20 nerfs and somebody would still complain.


God is in heaven. Hog is dead. All is right with the world.


Based EVA reference šŸ¤œšŸ»


He's still fine


You guys keep saying heā€™s so bad but Iā€™m still seeing him in 80% of my games. He honestly needs his one shot taken away


They gave them a lifeguard skin and the mada mada voice line so they wouldnā€™t complain


Never ask a mercy player what the ā€œnerfā€ was in season 3


I feel like a lot of the "delusional mercy players" are rage baiters and people fall for it all the time.


Need to sell that rein weapon skin


The nerf in question: ā— One second swift step nerf ā— Rein can use his ultimate now :skull:


Back in my day youā€™d have to bait heroā€™s abilities, kids want shit the easy way now šŸ’¤


Suzu is a stupid one though.


Subjective, before ow2 was a thing I remember people crying for a hero that could cleanse CC, now that we got it people are crying about it lol


I like the cleanse aspect of it for sleep or nade, just donā€™t think it should be this oh you shattered 4? Well they can all stand up now cause I saved my 12 second cd (idk if itā€™s 12 but that sounded about it). Like with lamp I can break it in that time and still get value even though I hate lamp too. Suzu just removes my ult if she plays back and saves it like a smart player does.


fair, before this nerf youā€™d either have to chase kiri(kinda impossible as rein) or more realistically have to rely on your dps to force suzu (applying pressure and getting kills is their job) but it kinda feels scumy they nerf suzu as they release a rein mythic skin


Definitely is scummy no doubt but still it shouldā€™ve been this way for awhile. If the kiri sees the shatter coming and suzuā€™s before hand thatā€™s fine thatā€™s either luck or skill just like another rein blocking it. But once itā€™s landed as a reset ability is stupid against an ult


Tbh that one second nerf is annoying just because now both of her skills have pretty long cooldowns which just isn't gun


https://preview.redd.it/p0ufrgiu5y7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2efe8edf6704077b5310ad51c365490e47ec5713 Idk some of them are genuinely tweaking out


I love when people inadvertently admit to being bad at the game


I was gonna say, it just sounds like little bro sucks. If you're not getting value out of kiriko it just means you aren't hitting kunais and using suzu like a bozo.


u/pudgypizzapuppy that you?


Yeah? Although at the time of posting, I missed the part where they said it still works on sleep. I still don't see why anybody would pick kiri over bap, though, over just liking her character.


Couldnā€™t possibly be the fact that he sucksā€¦ itā€™s Kiriko lol


I actually thought they went extremely light on the Kiriko nerfs. I still want to see a complete rework to Swift Step and/or Suzu tbh.


One of her cooldowns needs a rework. Not even a huge nerf necessarily just making her survivability a bit worse.


The way I see it she either needs to not be able to teleport through walls OR she shouldn't be able to make herself and teammates immune and intangible.


Well at least rein can actually get an ult off now


Even sombra's bs old translocator gave a little indicator on which direction she went. Swift step doesn't even have that. It hardly feels like a movement "ability" because it gets you out of harm with a single press of a button and the counterplay feels clunky because you just have to hope that you kill the character with an invuln ability and the stickbug hitbox within 7 seconds max(chances are its like 3~4 seconds because she already used swiftstep a while ago) or just hope there's not another enemy nearby behind like 3 walls


You're so right about the hitbox as well. You'd think someone whose diet is mostly donuts would be a bit more chunky wouldn't you?


They should really give her a bigger hitbox, perhaps somewhere around the upper torso and belly area and also somewhere lower and behind her as well because that's where most players shoot. I think it would also be nice if these features were right in front of an ally's face were Kiriko to swiftstep to them, just for extra protective utility as a body shield. Her skins have already been made though and extending the clothing to fit the new model would look weird so her clothes should stay the same size despite her added heft. Make the new additions to her hitbox jiggle as a visual indicator that you should shoot them. I think these would be great adjustments to her gameplay


Least horny overwatch player


You're a genius


Both iterations of translocator have a little animation indicating where sombra tp'd to, and Swift Step also does (you can see the little leaves and the fog thingy moving towards where Kiri went to, and also Kiri literally needs to be facing the general direction of where her teammate is) But yeah, Swift Step sucks to fight against, and it's very rare to have a situation where you can actually chase Kiri after she tp's. It's not a movement ability, it's just a get-out-of-jail free card, or a bail out for one of her teammates (tp+suzu+heals or just killing whoever's shooting her teammate).


>Swift Step also does (you can see the little leaves and the fog thingy moving towards where Kiri went to Didn't know that, I'm sorry But also I genuinely could never tell. The effects on that thing just looks like a blurry mist to me


Take that away then what value. Because her healing sucks and kunais only really kill squishies


...are supports supposed to kill tanks then? I can spam her kunais while aiming with my feet and I'll still land a 2km headshot.


Nah, just heard her HP by 25 or 50. Same with Sojourn.


still good so idrc


Psa from tank players to kiri players. fuck yo feelins


To be fair, they don't know what they're doing most of the time. And sometimes it's quite obvious, like when they decide everyone wants a god damn zarya meta that no one asked for... But this is a good suzu change can't wait to see reins pop off.


ā€œThey have no idea what theyā€™re doingā€ Hope to God they donā€™t think this because of a Kiriko nerf. Suzu has been so fucking broken for the longest time, and it still is. Instant denial support abilities are just dumb and slow down the game. Slow down the game = boring.


In another post there where people saying how Kiriko is vital to the games health and now weā€™ll see how things fall apart without her lmao, idk how you can delusion yourself so hard because you like a hero that you believe your single hero and their one ability is the reason the game is holding together


https://preview.redd.it/on91nnb1rz7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3232b127e0c860dfff5341283aa0de6231c6fb8e Literally unplayable (sanest kiriko main)


this has to be bait i refuse to believe someone can say 4x crit unironically


Letā€™s one shot the tanks because this one ability is a bit less effective against this one other ability on REINHARDT (the best character in the game needs a nerf rn)


Heā€™s right sheā€™ll never break into the top 10 now /s


Now let Sombra's emp remove Kitsune Rush to add salt to the wound.Ā 


Might come back to overwatch after this one šŸ™


Crazy reaction to the best ability in the game being nerfed to the point itā€™s still the best ability in the game


Finally, let's celebrate this w


Thank god




To be fair they are right. The devs are stupid


"It's official" dawg who tf are you? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


tbh if u quit a game from a single patch note u kinda have an issue. some ppl need to learn to deal with it bruh


Oh no! Anyways


Noooo come backā€¦ Anyways


Bro Iā€™m a Lucio main and I want to see kiriko players burn


Not really a nerf to good/great kiri players... All they gotta do is time it before the ult/stun impacts them/teammate. (Explanation: If you tried to cleanse a teammate that got, either earthshatter or doom's punch, you can't cleanse it. But if you suzu before it impacts you, you'll be fine.)


Players: "Jeez...Orisa needs a nerf.." The Devs: "We have decided to listen to our players needs and suggestions... and we are nerfing Genji to the ground and buff Orisa!"


Every other OW main ![gif](giphy|qpggeUSR0l3izyUO9R)


I have a serious question why this sub only targets kiriko and mercy mains. You can see this exact if not worse level of delusion on every other main sub Reddit. What it is about mercy and kiriko mains that get people on this sub hard for a screenshot


Because mercy players play a ridiculously easy character and kiri is rediculously broken, and the annoying tank subs like mauga and hog also get similar hate, they just cry less


I see




Hey maybe they're just tired of playing an OP character and are giving up hope that she'll ever get the nerfs she deserves? Right...? No? I should've known...


What a huge loss


As a tank main, fuck yo feelings Kiri. You and bap should of followed hog behind the shed https://preview.redd.it/o0e2hx1hcy7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad89ded3895763648e921edfaab7792eba252323


I understand kiriko but leave poor bap alone. Heā€™s fun, fair and good unlike that bullshit fox thing


Should've* šŸ˜˜


I donā€™t necessarily like the nerf, but itā€™s just a gameā€¦


Try not screenshot Kiriko mains sub post (challenge impossible)


Why the fuck would I abandon a gold mine


Obviously youā€™re not from around here


Found the kiri main




Why thank you very much


Welcome to Overwatch CJ my friend


And Illari who was already really fucking good got gigabuffed