• By -


Ana can nade for 90hp and land a first heal shot at the same time for 105 all at the 0.0s mark. Then 3 more shots for 105 land by the 2.4s mark. So that's 510hp in 2.4 seconds. To fill the remaining 290hp she needs to do 4 more shots @70hp which is 3.2 seconds. Total time is 5.6 seconds. Moira can heal 135hp/sec with orb and spray but the orb only heals 300hp max and lasts 4.6 sec. So she heals 622hp in that time with spray added in, and then needs to heal another 180hp after with only spray, which takes around 2.6 seconds. Total time is 7.2 seconds. And then none of the other supports can even come close to the same burst healing output so that's the whole story. Ana wins here.


Illari can heal like 165hp/sec with pylon+beam but beam recharge might make it worse than Moira I guess


With an Ana nade, the beam does like 225/s (50% boost of 150/s,) with the pylon hitting for 60 each time. Ana nade makes healing numbers jump, I still enjoy Ana/Moira combo for crazy heal numbers


nitpick but shouldn't the total time for Ana be a little longer because of the heal over time effect? the 510hp in 2.4seconds delivered actually takes more like 3 seconds to receive and you likewise have to add .6 seconds to your calcs for the final shot post nade.


Yeah I guess you're right about that!


What's the math for spray/orb and the whole team grouped together tho? Ana still coming out on top in the perfect 'everyone bunched up' scenario? Always feels like Moira is perfect for keeping the whole team fed.


Yeah Moira pulls way ahead once you're spraying down 2+ people nonstop but honestly, any team playing where that's a possibility is probably going to lose since you aren't taking the map.


It's not *that* crazy, since there are brawl maps and chokes and shit. But if we gonna look at realistic scenarios, i think it's impossible to do calculations. For instance: * Ana might miss her shots, and Moira might not be in range. * Ana's heals can be blocked by other players, Moira's will go through them. * Ana needs to reload, while Moira may or may not need to recharge * Moira will self-heal and her heals linger. * Ana's nade can be blocked by shield, but at the same time, it's unlikely Moira's orb actually sticks to her team mates the whole time. * Ana's ult is more likely to keep one person alive from *focus fire*, but Moira's ult is more likely to keep multiple people alive from *sustained damage*. Too much shit going on to do maths.


Would easily be Zen in that situation. 1,530 Heals per second.


https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Healing I used this to figure out Zen would be 1,530 heals per second. You can math up Moira and see if it's higher. Edit: Moira is maxing out @ 911 heals per second.


Bro forgot Nano heals 250 instantly


True...or 375hp with nade.


If we're using Ults, Zen wins hands down.


But then you have to add in Coalescence + orb.


Moira can actually heal slightly faster than that because her spray is just a ton of small projectiles and their frequency goes up as you walk *towards* the person you’re healing. It’s marginal but an interesting fact nonetheless


Which is greater with ultimates This order of combo ana; nade/shoot-> nano- shoot to fill remaining life Vs zenyatta orb + ult Dont forget that biotic grenades heal buff affects the 250 hp instant heal from nano.


Ana would actually win for the first few seconds. Nade + Nano + shoot at moment 0:00, followed by 3 shots, that gives her 885 healing output in 2.4 seconds. That's around the time where Zen takes the lead, because Ana's next shot puts her at 955 healing by around 3.2 seconds, but by that point Zenyatta has healed 1056 in 3.2 seconds with Trance + Harmony.




Well Acthually. 🤓 Mercy can let tank die, then ressurect.


TRUE She can heal like 700hp in 0.5 seconds!


Nobody wants to hear it but Illari burst heals for 145 with new turret + alt fire


Include nano and it’s literally 2.5 seconds.


Old Ana would win by a landslide


She hasn't changed though in that way. Healing and burst healing output is identical now to her release state.


They have merged nade and the amount of healing she does per shot. In overwatch 1 Ana could heal a whole team if you hit all of your shots and naded well. As long as I kept my friend alive, he kept the rest of the team alive 🤣


Nade was always a splash heal for 90-100 (they tweaked this a couple times) and a 1.5x healing buff for 3-4 seconds (lowered to 3 in OW2) seconds. And her shots have always healed for 70-75 (also tweaked a couple times). So these numbers have pretty much always looked identical for her since the first day.


It definitely makes sense for Ana to have the highest burst healing, a hard CC as a support, an AoE anti heal, hitscan damage and healing with no falloff, and possibly the strongest comboing ult on the game other than maybe EMP. Gee, I wonder why Ana has the highest pick rate across every rank other than bronze every single season 🥴 I know I’m ranting but honestly, fuck that hero.


Everything you just said require a ton of skill to do lol


Also she has no escape tools whatsoever, meaning without team members who are keeping an eye out for you, defending yourself can be a real uphill battle against some comps. The idea that Ana is uniquely and incredibly unbalanced is just... not supported by reality. It just kinda sounds like they mostly play tank and getting slept frustrates them.


I mean, her sleep and nade are her escape tools, but we're also all here in this thread assuming she's using nade on others to crank the healing output.


Sleep dart is a single-target crowd control ability with a slow projectile and a big windup that doesn't actually let her escape if more than one character targets her or a teammate wings her attacker with a shot without realizing, assuming it even connects. That's not to say you shouldn't be hitting darts as Ana, but the majority of other supports have mobility built into their kits, which allow them to actually escape - and much more consistently. Of the other two without, Brigitte has a shield and is built for brawling. Zen and Ana are holding hands in the "eyes open, shoot well and hope your teammates aren't idiots" club. Nade is only an escape tool in the sense that all damaging abilities are escape tools, which is to say the best way to escape an enemy is to stop them from breathing.


Sarcasm right? It takes a ton of skill to throw sleep and anti at the enemy tank on cooldown? lol


To throw, no; to connect, yes.


lol you struggle to hit tanks with sleeps and antis? That’s a you problem then homie


Takes even less skill to hit a tank with a hitscan hero but in both cases if that's all you ever do you won't get far past plat. Her being popular EVERY SEASON should tell you something. She's fun, the meta doesn't really matter much unless she's absolutely unplayable.


No, her being popular every season doesn’t just mean she’s fun. It means she is good in all scenarios no matter what happens with the meta because of her insane utility. It’s the same reason that kiriko will literally always be a good pick. The value they bring to the team is absurd.


Well that's factually not true. She's been weak in the meta plenty of times.


Oh? Do tell when that was. I’m not referring to pro play. We’re talking about ladder.


If you're throwing antis and sleeps on cooldown and they all connect with the tank, you're playing below your ELO


They don’t have to all connect. It’s the constant pressure of a hard cc and anti nade coming your way on cooldown. You’re not going to dodge them all as tank, and in a lot of scenarios getting slept means you’re just fucking dead, especially in higher elo


At a certain point though, you need to be saving sleeps for something. Chucking the sleep+nade combo early in a fight gives a window of opportunity.


And tbh most tanks are pretty good at baiting out sleep.


Yeah I know you’ll all defend Ana lmao she is popular like I said


Idk as a tank I think Ana is a challenge but in a fun way. A lot of people play her but when played incorrectly she can have a really negative impact on the team that people don’t realize when you look at healing output.


How can Ana ever have a negative impact? She has the most utility on the game. Any hero can have a negative impact if played badly, but Ana gets free value by lobbing her abilities at the tank


Me as a big fat Winston dives Ana knowing I’ll get slept and naded, my Kiri will cleanse me or I’ll ult and now my Genji can hop right in and destroy the back line.


The fact that your plan hinges on having Kiri, another problematic hero with absurd utility, is pretty funny to me.


Ana basically has to stand still at range scoped in to heal her targets in a lot of scenarios. She's very easy to hit shots at range with a long range dps like Hanzo, Ashe, widow, causing her to either have to nade herself or hide behind cover. Just by throwing a bullet or two her way you instantly get value by either taking the ana out of the fight for a bit, or denying her the utility she can use against you. Don't even get me started on flankers into ana, aside from zen she's the easiest support to catch off guard and secure an easy kill or at least pressure enough to where she can't heal her team, of course you have to dodge sleep, but the flanker characters all have abilities that can help keep them from being slept if played well. Even if a brig is babysitting ana which is recommended, or a Kiri or mercy are pocketing them, that means both supports have to look at you, which also means they aren't helping their team. I don't know how this guy doesn't see the clear downsides to ana, she IS a good character overall, but definitely has huge weaknesses and can absolutely be the weakest part of a team regardless of their skill against people doing a good job exploiting the characters lack of mobility, dodging sleep, and just walking in a straight line into her running her over because she can't do anything once sleep is gone


If anything ana has a high pickrate because shes the only hero that easily counters a healing focused strategy. ana has the strengths she does because she herself is pretty vulnerable to dive, has long cooldowns, and has trouble changing angles when the team takes space. I would argue that in terms of power level, bap kiriko and moira are definitely stronger.


That's a ridiculous take. Ana and Genji have always topped the pick rates, even when their win rates were closer to **45%**. People simply think they are fun to play, no matter how weak or bad they are. The meta the last few seasons were Moira or Kiriko. Ana is just too easy a kill with the dps passive. Besides, even a healbotting T500 player isn't gonna hit every shot as Ana. So her actual healstats aren't gonna be higher than heroes like Moira. That being said, I do hate how easy it is to sleep a tank. I don't understand why sleep dart has infinite range, what is even the purpose of that? It's fine to sleep e.g. a widow, but why is it so easy to sleep a hammond and doom, who are supposed to *counter* vulnerable heroes like Ana?? It's so annoying and unfair honestly.


> Witch is the highest burst healing hero New hero confirmed: Witch, burst healer


Only takes Lucio about 22 seconds


5 seconds of alright healing to prolong your teams agony


Infinite harmony orb healing around you, crank that shit up to max and you got brigs inspire passive! What CANT this guy do??? Ill be clocking in at a massive 1000 heals per 10, I'd like to see Baptiste pull that off




But 5 people combined if everyone is together it adds up pretty fast


Yet he’s somehow the most picked hero at pro level and top 500, gm..etc.. Lucio’s heals aren’t enough to keep the normal gold-plat team alive. But they can keep players up that play with cover and survive on their own. Lucio’s ult is really why they pick him. The ult by itself is a free team fight win.


Reddit user attempts to understand the speed boost ability. Seriously speed is insane value, let’s you secure stagger kills, quickly reposition as a group, is essential to brawl as a whole, escape bad situations etc etc


That’s is not why lucio is picked at all.


Ask any high ranked player and they will tell you speed is why Lucio is played. Sure it’s his ult as well, but speed at high rank is why he is played.


Lucio is the reason brawl exists


Lucio is the reason *rush comps* exists. Rush is the only reason a brawl comp is ever viable in high elo. You can brawl without a Lucio, it's just not gonna be as strong in a coordinated team.


Nah it’s the speed boost. Rein with no Lucio vs Rein with a Lucio, the rein with the Lucio will win in most cases


lucio is picked because speedboost is the best utility in the game as well as lucio being the support with most survivability/ hardest to dive support


You do realize speed alone denies damage? Also your healing usage should be pretty low.


Zenyatta puts harmony orb on the target and presses Q. 330 hps for 6 seconds. He can heal 800 hp in approximately 2.42 seconds. Zenyatta is the best burst healer. Technically.


Yeah I feel this question really should be split into two, depending on whether Ult is available. Zen can burst heal like crazy with Ult but if he doesn't have Ult (or doesn't want to use it there) he's waaaaaaaay behind most supports in terms of burst heal. Maybe dead last actually?


Witch Kiriko is higher than Witch Mercy






I mean Zen ult is 300hps with orb which is another 30 HPS on top of that with those together its roughly 2.42 seconds to full heal 800 health. Zen 2.42


If you include self-healing, Winston can heal from 1 HP to 875 HP in the cast time of his Primal Rage or 0.7 seconds.


Winston is the best healer confirmed.


Baptiste would actually finish in **~7.75 seconds**; with amp it decreases to **~4.31 seconds**. It’s faster because his lamp instantly heals any deficit from 20% max HP. - Lamp: 0.8 sec, brings health to 160 - Regen burst: ~0.16 sec, heals 120 - M2: ~6.69 sec to heals remaining 520 (~3.35 sec with amp) Moira can throw a healing orb and animation cancel straight into her ult, so it’d take 3.9 seconds for her.


Ana and Ana for both. She does 93.75 hps unscoped which means you will heal for 800 in 8.5 seconds. If you add the grenade, it is 90 from splash and 140.62 hps unscoped which means you will heal for 800 in 5 seconds. For ult. Add nade for 90 healing, nano for 375, and then 2.4s of unscoped shooting until 800 hp.


zen ult still probably edges it, no? Edit: because nano has cast and recovery time. Zen ult + harmony orb = 330hp per sec = 2.42 secs


edges wtf


“To defeat by a small margin”


Zen also has travel time. From narnia backline to the target is usually more than ana's use of utility.


If you include travel time, Zen still wins.


Wasn't trying to claim "victory" on behalf of Ana. Just stating that going from the typical zen positioning to tank with tranquillity, usually involves a bit of travel time.


Zenyatta ult?


Does ana heal more when scoped?


No, but it's hitscan instead of projectile


ana nade+ult


Does Mercy rez count?


In total mayhem, with hog or hamster, that’s 1,400 heath.


Only if they're using the witch skin


Zen ult is the fastest. Or if regular healing then Ana


What about kiri on kitsune? Or anyone on kitsune?


Your math with Moira is so close, but you can have a bouncing heal ball inside a closed room along with her ult healing. I think the only things that could beat it are zen ult or and nade+shot followed immediately by nano


I believe Zen wins @330 Hp/sec


This question makes me wonder how far away we are from a support that get a lifeswap mechanic


Ults it’s zen, but that’s not surprising it’s 300hps


Bap easily. Aoe healing on his shift and can heal multiple allies with his right clicks. Not to mention he has one of the strongest supports kits in the game with his damage and immortality and window and exo-boots


Zen ult is the fastest. Or if regular healing then Ana


Illari should be behind Ana in numbers, I made an assumption that tick rate for both beam and the HoT component for her pylon is 100 ticks per second because I could not find a reliable tick rate source online. Pylon + Alt Fire to Depletion + Ult Reset Alt Fire Charge (1.82s to cast ult and fire ult) + Alt Fire = 800 hp healed in 6.04s Pylon + Alt Fire 1 tick shy of Depletion (for reduced cd) = 800 hp healed in 6.78s Pylon + Alt Fire to Depletion = 800 hp healed in 7.17s


Pretty sure Zen heals a ton with Ult but that’s it for hom


Since you are counting ultimates, it's Zen with a Harmony Orb and Transcendence. 330 HP/sec. End of discussion.


i mean….trans……


Witch sounds OP


With ult, zenyatta, without, ana


Is your math on Bap right? Does window affect his Shift? If not, it's not cut in half.


Zenyatta ult


Ana's Nade + Nano = 90h + (250h x 150%) = 465h alone. Each additional heal shot is 105h while Nade is active. Ana, I believe, is the answer.


Who is that?


I think ana wins both in that scenario. Also the most practical because you could output insane single target burst healing from any range.


Wait bap ult boosts healing too, is it just projectiles or does things like Mercy's healing beam too?


Just projectiles


I don't think witch mercy heals any faster than her regular skins. Maybe I'm wrong i havent done any testing.


It was a typo, I meant which lol


I know. I was just making a joke




I love Moria so much death ball heal ball zoom zoom heal bind death bind zoom zoom boom boom out!


The answer is always ana or kiriko to just about any question involving "which support is best at ______" They're not overtuned tho 🙄


That doesn't mean Ana is overtuned lol


When every problem is either created or solved with 2 characters, yes, yes it does


Ana has literally been the same hero since overwatch 1 and has actually been nerfed many times since then how is she overtuned LMAO


Since some of us actually read the post, your answer is completely incorrect. It's Zenyatta with Harmony Orb and Transcendence, since Ultimates are included. End of story.


Which character is Witch? Mercy in her witch outfit? I don't think she has high burst healing.


Come on, both words sound the same lol it's an honest mistake


My guy clearly doesn't speak English as a first language, stop patronizing the whole place


I don't think you know what patronizing means


zenyatta's super heals super quick. that plus the healing orb has to be the fastest. as for without super, i would imagine that title would go to mercy


lol mercy. Good one.


Flower boy is my highest healing hero, and I barely play him. I’m good with illari and Kiriko but for singular burst (not using a pylon or a tree or a suzu) it’s gotta be him. Charge it like one second and your healing 50-75 hp everytime