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This is where I would have put brig, but I suppose rein would be the second best


Who would you swap out for cleric?


Me personally, ana or bap.. good damage, and healing, bap lamp is kinda like death ward.. idk brig is perfect for both cleric and paladin


God, if bap could stack lamp like you can stack deathward this game would be doomed


In this series, Mercy actually was the cleric early on but OP changed it. They still haven't explained the change.


Yeah I remember seeing a picture of mercy as cleric in this so I’m confused… what happened?


They said they recounted the votes and Brig had more for Cleric than Mercy


Mercy. Honestly most supports you could put in cleric


Mercy isn't versatile enough for dnd cleric


Clerics are versatile but they can be built to be specific in their roles. Mercy is the example of a pure healing life domain cleric with a damage boost support. She is also the only one that can resurrect which is something clerics are known for


Clerics are also known to be kinda tanky, and a mace/shield is the classic dnd cleric aesthetic. Brig is the textbook cleric.


Paladins are also known for being tanky with healing, and arguably Brig fits paladin better as it seems she uses charisma and leadership to heal people


Yeah but she also has an aura which is classic paladin


DnD cleric can more or less have every ability all the OW supports have




Moira, she's a death domain cleric








Fym. Rein is the one who actually calls himself a CRUSADER. Yknow the thing PALADINS WERE BASED OF in dnd


Brigs more of a war cleric than a paladin imho.


Brig doesn't have an oath that she abides by, merely a squirehood (if that's what it's called.) Also, Rein literally has a smite for his ult lmao.


No, stop, we been over this on the fighter post #Earth Shatter has NOTHING in common with a DnD Smite


No one else has anything as similar. Plus abilities aside Rein is the most conceptionally like a paladin with an oath


Thunderous Smite on Steroids. Even then while not a perfect fit, if folks are recognizing it as a smite, it’s a smite. No perfect 1-to-1, but still.


closest thing we have though. its a powered up melee attack.


I'd argue Doomfist's rocket punch is closer to a smite, but I also agree Reinhardt fits a classic paladin aesthetic more


Earthshatter does, however, have a lot in common with destructive wave, a paladin spell


Why is Zen not monk??




I am aware, I've been here




Yeah. If its not Reinhardt then what are we even doing here?


It could be brig


Brig is already taken, I had the same thought at first.


Rein, he is the dnd paladin. He has an oath, a massive battle hammer, and is decked in plate mail Also don’t forget life weaver said he should get a horse because paladins can get find steed


Rein also has a shield


His ult is also basically smite.


Rein, unlike people are saying, healing is not a paladin’s staple, the oath and smite (Earthshatter) are. Rein also has a crest on his shield and armour and tanks damage like paladins do and can also somewhat cast magic (firestrike). Rein is a paladin, Brig is a cleric


Rein he has a big hammer and he blocks shots and Earth shatter is kinda like smite


Brig! Yes Rien is big hammer big shield, but he lacks the healing that Paladins have as a staple of their class. Lay on hands is important!


I'd say the oath is more important than the healing, plus rein also has a smite as his ult.


Yeah it should really come down to the power fantasy imo. You don't play paladin because you wanna heal sometimes, you play paladin because you wanna be a stalwart knight who smacks shit *really hard*. That's Reinhardt's whole shtick, doesn't matter if he can't heal. Lifeweaver's still 100% a druid even if he can't turn into LifeBeaver


“I have been called. I must answer.” Hardest shit I’ve ever heard




No, stop, we been over this on the fighter post #Earth Shatter has NOTHING in common with a DnD Smite


But you see https://preview.redd.it/hqw7pqbzv41d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea6efbbb9178fd5ca33032920575811667d33ae5


The healer with a shield and mace is clearly a Cleric. She doesn't have an oath, and her healing is ranged, not touch like Lay on Hands, which is only a handy utility, not an integral part of the Pally's identity like say, the feature so integral it's what defines the subclasses.


She does have an aura though, which, along with Smite, is a DnD paladin’s defining class feature.


You're correct, but brig doesn't fit when it comes to the non- mechanical aspects of being a paladin. Reinhardt fits it perfectly


No, the defining class feature of Pally's are their Oath, it's literally what makes up their subclasses. Oath of Vengeance, Oath of Redemption, Oath of Glory. etc etc. Clerics also have auras via spells and subclass features, these are also temporary like Brig's are, not permanently active like pally's are.


Rein has an oath though


If you're using your Pali as a dedicated healer, I got news for you bud, there are better choices. Lay on hands is such a minor part of their kit when they could be SMITING!


Reinhardt without a doubt


As someone who actually plays DnD this makes me irrationally angry.


Thank you, this list is clearly made by non dnd players


It's just a fun little exercise. The games are so different only a few characters are gonna fit super well. Most of the others are gonna be like Lifeweaver. A druid because he's got a plant-motif and that's as close as OW gets.


How many people do you think actually play DND and know what the classes do most of these are simply what fits the archetype


Is it accurate? Ha no. Is it fun to see what they decide? Hehehe. Yeah. Thinking the skin possibilities.


Mauga is unironically a fitting paladin. Has an aura, a mele smite(smash), and his ult is very similar to oath of vengeance.


This is the only viable non Brig argument


Hear me out. Brigg is tanky, has some damage and has healing. Paladins are balanced classes that can do a lot of thigs, just like her.


She lacks the big damage output that Paladins can dish out with their smites. And Rein can definitely smite.


Who in overwatch has the equivalent to smite? No one? Brig has literally every other feature a paladin has?


Rein's shatter does incredible damage to whoever is standing right in front of him and staggers everyone else caught in the range. Sounds like Wrathful or Staggering smite to me


To counter that, Brig Ult Shield bash is also a Staggering Smite, plus the overhealth it gives allies is similar to the Turn The Tide channel divinity


Rein slams a hammer directly on to someone’s skull usually instantly killing who ever is under it


I guess you didn't play Brig at release... 🤣




Yea literally rein




Rein no doubt in mind. I mean even the fucking logo is telling you who


People taking about rein when the only thing about him paladin like is that he swore an oath, which many classes can swear an oath. He doesn't heal nor does he have an aura. It's brig.


Tank build, two handed weapon & shield covering both common Pally playstyles, limited more powerful attack, his barrier is a proximity based team defensive ability. The Oath is the thing that defines Pally's not their minor healing utility. Read the tenets of the Oath of the Crown and Oath of Glory and tell me that's not straight up the Crusaders in a nutshell. Everything from his name "Brave council" to his design "Knight in shining armor" screams historical Paladin and D&D Pally. And I don't understand how people pick Brig for Pally over Cleric. She's an actual healer with a shield and a mace, contrary to Lay on Hands, which anyone who's actually played Pally can tell you is 9 times out of 10 just used to either heal yourself or give a downed teammate 1hp to get them back in the fight, because as healing abilities go it's **very** limited. 100 HP total per long rest for a max level Pally (which you need to touch the target to use), meanwhile a max level cleric can fart out 700, at range, with **one spell**, divided over any number of targets. And Clerics have plenty of aura-spells, her ult isn't permanently active like Pally's auras are, the only one who'd fit there is Lucio.


You're looking at mechanics that are covered by fighter. Literally the only thing you've got going for him is an oath which Brig also covers considering she swore an oath to follow and protect Rein.


>Everything from his name "Brave council" As a german: this is just straight up wrong


As someone who knows Etymology and linguistics, your German nationality does not give you automatic authority over the proto-germanic branch of language that practically all Northern European languages evolved from. Reinhardt derives from From Middle High German Reinhart, from Old High German Reginhart (also Raginhart), from Proto-Germanic Raginaharduz, a compound of raginą (cognate with Old English reġnian, Old Norse regin, Gothic 𐍂𐌰𐌲𐌹𐌽 (ragin)) and harduz (cognate with Old English heard, Old Norse harðr, Gothic 𐌷𐌰𐍂𐌳𐌿𐍃 (hardus)). True, if we were to take the most common meaning of all the different permutations of those original words, we'd get "Strong Council", but "Brave" is a perfectly valid interpretation of the Old English variety of harduz which is also the closest to the hardt in common use today. Changing it to "Strong Council" also doesn't affect my argument in any way so the difference is irrelevant.


Giant shield effectively functions, both thematically and in practice, as aura of protection .


Rein has smite. And every Paladin i've ever dm'd for or played with picks their smite over the healing lmao


What's his smite? His ult? Isn't that just hitting the ground really hard? Unless you mean fire strike which smite isn't ranged.


Yes i'm talking about his ult. If you hit someone in the head with it (right in front of you) in oneshots squishies and you can stun everybody else around. It can be looked at as one of the stunning smites like staggering or wrathful smite.


That's a bit of a stretch. He hits someone hard? That's not a smite. Every martial can do that. At that point brig whipshot is thundering smite considering the knock-back.


That’s not a smite. It’s more of a Destruction Wave, another paladin spell.


He can absolutely heal if he doesn't take damage for a while


A lot of people here clearly haven't touched D&D, or maybe only played 5e a little, with how they talk about Paladins.


Reinhardt, been saying this for a while. Big hammer and shield. Super tanky and high DPS, both qualities paladins have. Fire strike = magic Earthshatter = smite Overwatch symbol = holy symbol Hes all about honor and glory too. Glory paladins believe they and their friends are destined for glory through deeds of great heroism, which REALLY fits. He's part of overwatch and all. There could even be a little character arc where he went from a conquest paladin (crushing your foes with overwhelming force for the sake of glory, he was reckless and bloodthirsty while still in the crusaders, refused to take orders) to a glory paladin (joined overwatch and fought for others, from death and battle to heroism, became a glory paladin) People say brig but brig doesn't have many paladin-like qualities while reinhardt is a paladin trough and trough. Brig COULD fit but she's more of a war cleric. She fits both but fits cleric better :)


I concur


Listen, guys, obviously cleric and Paladin have substantial overlap as divine casters and general do-gooders (played straight, traditionally). But brig is clearly a cleric. Her Healing aura is not a Paladin aura, it’s just a divine spell-like effect. Closest Paladin feature analogous to her aura is the oath of glory’s channel divinity inspiring smite ability. That’s one single subclass feature to make the case for why brig is a Paladin. Brigitte is durable, wearing armor and a shield, but she’s not *tanky*. Much like most big-standard clerics who get armor profs. She doesn’t have the melee damage of a Paladin, or really, doesn’t come close to Rein’s. She’s a cleric. Hell, maybe even a melee geared celestial warlock would fit “mechanically” but not narratively, obviously. She is paladin like, but only so far because she’s a cleric. Rein is the most obvious paladin in the entire roster. He looks like a WoW paladin. He is apart of an order of knights in iirc what is canonically called Crusader armor. He talks about justice and honor and valor constantly. He is OW’s Don Quixote, a knight errant. “But he doesn’t have healing” Paladin’s signature feature isn’t their healing. It’s their smite. He swings with a big fuck-off hammer, his ultimate is a roided up thunderous smite. His flame strikes would be analogous to ranged smites (which can happen with certain spells, or just use guiding bolt). And besides that, he doesn’t have to heal. As well as dealing damage, he takes it. He is a rank, and he has a big fuck-off shield that wards the innocent and his comrades from danger. It’s like he has the interpose fighting style and the great weapon fighting style simultaneously. TLDR, Brig is paladin like, but only because cleric is adjacent to a paladin. Rein is much more paladin like than her.


Rein or nothing


Maybe rein doesn't have anything resembling magic but i'd still put him as paladin bevause he fits the concept of a paladin much better


Rein for sure. Armor. Oath. Hammer. Shield.




Vote for redo on Brig


Oath Paladin is Rein duh, shatter being smite. Then for Ranger I think Ashe, with Bob as her familiar lol


Ashe is an artificer, there is literally a subclass that lets you have a robot sidekick lol, plus they are the only class with gun proficiency


I genuinely forgot Artificer was a class


No, stop, we been over this on the fighter post #Earth Shatter has NOTHING in common with a DnD Smite


Oh I know I just think it's cool lmao




Brig's internal development name was Pally. In fact I think she might still be called this in the game code but don't quote me on that


people that say that the most iconic thing paladin has is lay on hands and not smite never played paladin Also clerics have shit ton of auras they can cast, so brig is a good pick for a cleric Rein goes best into the paladin class


what ive come to realize is we should give rien the inspire passive


Reinhardt. He is the Crusader, he embodies the spirit of protecting his allied and the forces of good, and smashing evil things with his mighty hammer. All he's missing is the healing. Personality of basic Paladin fits almost *Like a glove*


pally is rein and any other answer is just incorrect


pally is rein and any other answer is just incorrect








Guys come on it's reinhardt


Reinhardt is a crusader.




Rein mains: I swear to God, I fucking NEED THIS, people!


Gotta go with Rein. Hes got the attitude, the sense of duty, and a earth shatter thats like a smite.


Brigitte without question. -Brig has an Aura. -Rally is comparable to a channel divinity. -Repair packs are a lot like Lay on Hands -whipshot shield bash combo has the burst potential of a divine smite. -Whipshot is like thunderous smite, -ult shield bash is staggering smite I do understand Earthshatter and firestrike feeling like a smite, sometimes I even say Smite when taking down an enemy with those. However, Brig is way more mechanically comparable.


She works as an oath of glory Paladin, but that’s a limited feature, not really an aura comparable to anything else the subclasses get. The damage just isn’t there to call her attacks smites. She’s paladin-like, but only so far that cleric is advancing to Paladin. Reinhardt is the most obviously paladin like character in the whole game. He is just much more of paladin than she is, both mechanically (having smite, which is like, *the* signature feature of a paladin) and thematically. He is a knight errant, in power armor called “Crusader armor”, formerly apart of an order of knights. He is like the Don Quixote of OW, and brig is his squire. Brig wouldn’t be the character she is without him.


100%, you clearly play dnd




Brigitte She has armor, she has healing, and most important of all in my opinion, she has the aura. The only thing she's missing from a classic dnd paladin is smite. I mean for God's sake, in her origins trailer she ends it by swearing an oath. "I, am Brigitte Lindholm, and I WILL be their shield". But since she was chosen for cleric for some reason. So my next vote is actually Junkerqueen, oath of glory specifically. She's a tank, even if she's not wearing heavy armor, she's still tanks enough to be in the front lines. Her shout is LITERALLY what Aura of Alacrity does. And it evens gives the effect of Inspiring smite to her allies. Speaking of smite, while I wouldn't normally counts skins, in her mythic skin, her knife LITERALLY becomes a smite. She doesn't quite heal allies but she does give overhealth and she heals herself. Aside from Brig, she's the closest to a paladin that we got. But because she's a barbarian for some reason I guess my next vote is begrudgingly Reinhardt


LW is druid not ram? Monk not zen? Brig is paladin


Ramatra has zero nature motifs, the only druid esque thing he has is mild shapeshifting, but even in that area Echo fits far better, and Bastion fits just as well as Ramatra. OW just doesn't have any good fit for a druid, LW is the "best" we got. Zen may be a monk but he has zero similarities to a D&D monk. No CC, no movement boosts, no way of dealing with projectiles. Closest would be Genji, but Democracy has spoken. Brig is a healer with shield and mace, she's about as bog standard of a cleric as you can get in OW. She is also not defined by an Oath like Rein is. He just outclasses her on every level except healing when it comes to Pally, and even then, her ranged healing is closer to "Healing Word" than "Lay on Hands".




Reinhardt feels like the only right choice. Oath of GLORY


Obviously brig is paladin and mercy is the cleric. Anyone who’s played dnd knows the paladin has no spell slots for revivify and the cleric is casting it. Brig also has rally, an aura, real armor (not sub class specific), shield bash as a sudo smite, and no abilities off cool down similar to a paladin running out of slots


Reinhardt. He's a walking tank with a hammer who's part of an order of warrioers. That should be reason enough but he's also a top teir melee fighter and a defender with a massive sheild. And earth shatter is thr closest thing we have to Smite. And for the last time; A PALIDIN DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A HEALER. They can use sheilds and their bodys to defend their party instead of just healing.To put them into such a strict role defies the point of DnD. Classes have features but they don't fall soley into their sterotypes. Like Rouges, yes they are all sneaking characters but they can go about it in different ways. The conventinal way of moveing quietly and out of sight or magical trickery. Same applies to Paladin. They are fighters and party supporters but they don't have to heal in order to do that.


A Paladin doesn’t have to be a healer but it *is* a staple of their class


Paladins do have an aura though as a huge part of their kit.


True that they don't need to heal and do support, but if you aren't doing that stuff with a paladin you would just a be fighter. Rein has great reason to be on this list, but as a fighter class, not paladin


No, stop, we been over this on the fighter post #Earth Shatter has NOTHING in common with a DnD Smite


Massive damage to one target or area?


SMITE. ARE. NOT. AOE. That and ranged are the only things smites NEVER are


Then whats the better option for smite in overwatch?


Funnily enough, some things you wouldnt ever expect Junkerqueens axe applies a DoT like Searing Smite, Zenyattas melee does knockback like thunderous smite, Doomfists powered uo punch also comes to mind They dont fit the rest of paladin tho. So brig with her support based aura abilities + armored melee playstyle with a shield, is simply the closest choice


This is gonna sound weird but Roadhog, tanky, does some healing, is a stern religious follower. But nah fr I have no idea.


I guess we kind of now have to ask the question whether we're talking about which hero fits best mechanically or in spirit. Because mechanically, Brigitte looks exactly like a cleric, but I would argue she fits the paladin archetype more than anyone. In DnD, clerics are defined as Full-Casters who use spells to heal people and apply buffs and debuffs they can use weapons but it is dependent on their subclass (about 50/50) whether they are actually going to. Paladins are frontliners who use their more limited number of spells to inflict damage and heal themselves and their allies. I personally think Ana fits more into the cleric because she's all about buffing and debuffing enemies. And Brigitte is obviously the paladin


Its Brig and its so clear to me none of these people actually play DND


Ranger is unironically Sombra




Who could you possibly put here except the man, the myth, the legend: Tracer!


Don't know why people think Brig is more a Paladin than a Clerik. A Clerics basic weapon is a fucking mace and shield. Brig uses a mace and shield. Her design is so obvious based on a Cleric


I’m gonna throw a wild one… Zarya


Cassidy is a better fighter than Soldier 76, he shots like 6 times, rolls (action surge) and then shots again.


Ram's basic attack is using nano machines in the shape of Doritos to attack people from a staff engineered in a lab of sentient robots. He is a monk that does use the Iris for negative reasons but the guy that trained with him does this as well with the exception of healing and punching with orb like objects that only exist to help expand the minds of others. I have no idea why ram was chosen over the floating monk character literally called a monk in the Halloween event. Yes rein is the paladin.




"Is all about the move set!" VS. "It's all about the lore!" Ready... FIGHT! YALL tearing a father and daughter apart here! The TRUE paladin here is clearly... uh... Lucio or Kirkiro because uh... auras. No wait, Zenyatta heals and has an oath/ religion of sorts! No no no, that's silly. It's orisa because they're coded to protect!


Brig: frontline, hitter, support for the team


Sym on artificer and Sombra for rogue probably.


This whole thread is a great example of how much 5e screwed with the Paladin class.


Has to be rein if you count the facts: he has a hammer, shield for the party, heavy armor, small speed buff for self, holy fire and *judgment*.




also just answering now if you put anyone that isn't torb in artificer you are wrong




How is zen not the monk?


I'm not on here often enough so I'm probably going to miss the rest of these. So I'm just going to put down my ideas for the rest: Paladin: Reinhardt. Ranger: Hanzo (duh). Rogue: Kiriko. Sorcerer: Moira. Warlock: this is a hard one since I can't think of anyone that would have a patron that fits. So I'm gonna put Bastion with his patron as Ganymede lol. Wizard: Mei. Artificer: Symmetra.


Brig is a textbook cleric, good healing, mace and shield, medium armour, rally is basically casting aura of vitality which clerics get 4 levels earlier than paladin post TCoE. Brig also isn't as good on the front lines as Reinhardt, instead opting to stay at a mid-close range while darting in for opportunistic strikes (kinda like a cleric with spirit guardians would do) Reinhardt on the other hand thrives on the front lines while struggling at range, a trait shared by paladins, he uses a high damage maul, paladins are known for running great weapon master with a heavy weapon, and earthshatter is just destructive wave, a 5th level spell which is the equivalent of a dnd paladin's ult


Tf is brig doing as cleric






Reinhard I think.




Whaat? Ram for monk? Monks have monk weapons too. Genji should have been there, he's acrobatic and reflects projectiles.


Y’all messed up, ram should’ve been the warlock and in his place is obviously zen; subsequently wizard is then sigma


Im confused how ram is a warlock???? Warlocks draw power from a patron they serve under, ramatra is his own boss, you could make a better argument for zen cus he draws his power from the iris


Zen doesn’t really have any of the hallmarks of a DnD monk. He doesn’t rely on physical attacks like most Monk subclasses, his kick is unique to him but it is not a sustainable or substantial enough part of his kit. Monks also do not really have a focus on healing, which Zen evidently plays a huge part in with not only Harmony orb and Transcendence. And lastly, DnD Monks are known for their high agility scores and ability to chain turns, Zen however, doesn’t really have any sort of mobility to his name besides a measly speed increase in Transcendence. TLDR; Zen is a Monk, but certainly not a DnD Monk by any stretch of the imagination.


I don’t know anything about dnd, thanks for the info :)




Should have been Brig, Rein should have been the Fighter (champion subclass). Now, the best bet would probably be Doomfist as an Oath of Conquest paladin or Mauga as an Oath of Vengeance paladin. Rein just doesn’t fit paladin besides being a big guy with a hammer.


THANK YOU! Rein absolutely should have been the fighter! You are the only other person here I've seen with this take, and it just makes so much sense!


Nah, I think they got it right with soldier. He is thematically the bog standard, boring human character that is mechanically reliable. You would just need to imagine his rifle as a crossbow or the rarely used laser rifles in a space setting. Rein is way more paladin than fighter. They’re adjacent, but not the same.


I do think solider fits, I'm not saying he shouldn't be here, I just more so think that if Rein is gonna be on the list it should be as a fighter


Bap may not look like a paladin, but he has good damage, decent heals, hard to kill 1v1, and buffs his team, what else does a paladin need?




Paladin has to be Rein at this point.




No argument it’s rein and rein only


Reinhardt Tanky playstyle, two-handed weapon & shield (reflecting both primary playstyles of Pally in one), limited use extra powerful attack, Oath sworn (Including abandoning that oath before reforging it), team defensive abilities reliant on proximity, limited ranged attacks, belonging (formerly) to an order of like minded warriors that followed tennets that might as well have been copy pasted from the Oath of the Crown and Oath of Glory, the fact that the original purpose of Paladins were as the greatest defenders of the Crown and by extension the country just like the Crusaders, the fact even the devs refer to him as a "knight in shining armour", the fact his name means "brave council" yet again tying back to the origin of Paladins as close retainers of the king. Yes, he doesn't have any healing, but "Lay on Hands" is a handy utility, not an integral part of D&D Pally's identity. The defining characteristic of Pally is their Oath, and the only other character that explicitly has a binding oath is Kiriko, and she's a much better fit for Archfey warlock with her teleporting and mind-altering illusions.


brigitte clears


have any of you even played DnD bc these choices are... interesting


I can follow the barbarian, bard and druid and even fighter tbh But brigitte clearly is the paladin


Hard disagree. Cleric is adjacent to Paladin, so in that way she’s similar, but Reinhardt is way more of a Paladin than she is. He is like, the most obvious choice.


Mechanically: Brig Attitude-Wise: Rein




Replace Brig with Bap or Mercy and put her on Paladin spot


It should be Brigg again. Other than smiting, there isn’t a ton of difference between the classes, and smiting isn’t really represented in other media ever. Or make Illari a light domain cleric.


Also brighette


Paladin: Reinhardt. He's a literal crusader. The only downside is that he has no healing, but Brigitte is already a cleric. Tbh, Brigitte is more of a paladin as she has aura, so maybe it would be reasonable to swap her with Mercy as she has resurrection. Ranger: Hanzo Rogue: Sombra. She could has been an artificer, but there're better choices. Sorcerer: not many heroes in overwatch have some kind of "internal magic". I guess Illari is a good choice as he is capable of healing and damaging + her backstory is literally just a fireball from wild magic. Also Tracer, maybe Warlock: I would sincerely place Ramattra here, swaping him with Zenyatta as a monk. Sigma, maybe, as he's definitely passing as a warlock of The Old One. Wizard: ... Overwatch does combine archetypes of wizard and artificer. Sigma is more of a wizard than artificer, Moira is an embodiment of "necromancer" archetype, Symmethra is literally using summoning... If Zen is monk then Ram is Warlock then Sigma is Wizard. Otherwise Moira/Symmethra. Artificer: Junkrat does not use mad science, alongside Torbjörn.


Brigi... Oh wait, the perfect paladin was used as a cleric


I'll tell you who's not a freaking paladin reinhardt. Absolutely bottled this whole thing


This is already too scuffed.






Yeah I agree with everyone, Reinhardt is best. Brig is already cleric which is why I don’t say her.


go rein