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"infinite gas storage" "How much?" Well you see... Your answer is right there! :P


Well, technically there's a number overflow somewhere if mass per tile gets too high. I have had that with a 4 tile liquid storage and then the numbers were all over the place randomly, including negative mass.


It's a pretty incredibly big number though. You almost have to try to break it


I forget what that is but isn't it so high that getting to it would be effectively impossible in any realistic amount of time?


I think matter duplication glitches kick in at a smaller amount than actual limits. If it's like temperature calculations at some point the floating point calculation errors become significant. In the the case of temperature the game throws out the result if it's clearly absurd, resulting in zero heat transfer when there should be heat transfer (instead of getting heat/cold out of nothing), but it'd possible mass transfer doesn't have the same safeguards.






infinite, gas doesn’t break tiles like liquid would


With 3 tiles thick you could make infinite liquid storage


Or airflow tiles


That works?


It works for liquid storage since liquids can't exert pressure on airflow tiles. You can also use airlock doors.


They don't break from overpressure, so they can hold infinite liquid


you can do inf storage with mech doors too. way easier


Airflow tiles are a tile :|


Or door


Didn't they fix this?


I hope they don't, else I'll have another Atlantis on my hands


my nuclear waste storage will be the end of me


I little water never killed...everybody


Ok Noah.


I can confirm, as someone with infinite inside of airflow, definitely nope lol




Nope it's a feature now lol


You need the gas in front of the liquid outlet. I use Airlocks instead.


Okay that doesn't make ANY sense, i can get gas but liquids can't get compressed. Though this is a game so I'd expect nothing less


Liquids can compress actually. They are just really reluctant to do so Oni displays that with 1% mass increase per depth level (check your main water storage, it's 1050+ kg in bottom row if it's full)


So you're saying liquids [can compress irl?](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=can+liquids+compress) edit: nvm [they can compress](https://imgur.com/a/s6RNwAJ), but I wouldnt call it possible


>liquids can't get compressed Talking in absolutes most often hints at the use of an inadequate conceptual physics model.


Or that they are a Sith lord


Why didn't you put a pump there lol


was doing other things and forgot. It’s in now lol


If you did it correctly, then infinite


As the name says, infinite.


Yes, but can you quantify that? I mean, give infinity a number


2,147,483,647 tons. Because anymore than that you get an integer overflow.


Maxfloat or maxdouble


Bro. You said infinite.


If you go for rigour, its finite, but infinite for gameplay purposes, cause even double has its maximum number.


i'm wonderin why you didn't put a gas pump in there. Wouldn't you want to use that oxygen later on?


In case of emergency, break tile. Warning: may cause unexpected violent eardrum disassembly.


The dupe standing there yells "IT'S BEAUTIFUL!" and then gets Arc of the Covenant'd.


wish that was an actual status effect XD




Does anyone know the amount of gas required to make the game crash?


At least one Taco Bell meals worth


I recommend a completely integrated design. Air pump up top, Bottle emptier oneside,three ladders to match, Mesh under bottle, vent under ladders. Powerswitch outside locked door will fill till you need to pull from it, or use in a loop or whatever.


It should never explode


Infinite storage- that's how much you can store. Just a question, why there is no pump? Would it be more efficient if you just vent it to space, instead of that infinite storage? You need to reopen it, to build a pump, your base is going popping eardrum tango


Been there done that. Had a 20k pressure base for a bit lmao but it’s all put together and fixed now.






What part of “infinite” don’t you understand?


Once i stored hydrogen in one storage, and walls started to break Once it was 1000kg+ per tile


Depiction, or it shan't have been.


I do especially like these comments. Yes, sir, I store all my game-fault situation pics just to show someone. Isnt it a common habit?


Okay, I found that base. That playthrough I reloaded just before the storage breaks and just used some hydrogen. It is possible to look the problem storage construction [https://ibb.co/y5bT3LH](https://ibb.co/y5bT3LH) It breaked on the selected tile when inner pressure is up to 1000kg+ per tile


The highlighted tile is not broken. Can you demonstrate this actually happening from GAS PRESSURE? I have an infinite gas storage setup to keep on one of my SPOMs running, which has gone over 1,000kg per tile and none of the tiles have broken. I went as far as making an extreme example in sandbox mode to prove my point. Here's the [evidence](https://imgur.com/a/irJmxFl). If you're aware of some kind of weird interaction or bug that makes this happen, please explain. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're quite wrong here.


Hmm, maybe I was unclear. 1. It is an old colony, played spring 2021 2. That storage breaked like a 100 cycles before the highlited situation. Once I fount that break, I just reloaded, setup some hydrogen throw away system and continued me playthrough. I just cant reproduce that break fast enough and I dont keep photo of last break Also I just dont know is it was a bug or some feature


Ye, but as /u/Violaquin showcased, gasses do not have a tile breaking mechanic. And afaik it was that way wel beyond 2021, so that's an irrelevant factor. It's far more likely that anything BUT the hydrogen gas caused a break, if there was one. I.e. shenanigans with the submerged Electrolyzers, or possibly a glitch with temperature that briefly liquidized part of the hydrogen (rare, but at least that's a thing known to possibly happen). But the problem is if somebody supposedly finds some weirdly obscure bug, and then posts an anecdotal claim to something that is unlikely/impossible to happen, as response to a new player asking for info. Imagine how many new players might have had the same question, read the title, your comment, and now firmly believe too much gas will cause their base to explode. That's how misinformation spreads.


In all my saves i do have over 1000kg per tile in infinite gas storages. Never had breaking tiles. Only with water


Liquid or gas? It does matter.


>gen in on It was a gas after my nonstop oxygen generator. It was a foborel\`s design from youtube named 'hydra', As I researched later, looks like chinese are engineered something like this too. Storage was made of insulatd tiles. And that break lead me to understand why these storage rooms are made of metal doors in most of youtube popular builds


I looked at the [link](https://ibb.co/y5bT3LH) you shared in another comment and it doesn't really prove your point. It just shows a highlighted insulated tile with no sign of damage. I have an infinite gas storage setup to keep on one of my SPOMs running, which has gone over 1,000kg per tile and none of the tiles have broken. I went as far as making an extreme example in sandbox mode to prove my point. Here's the [evidence](https://imgur.com/a/irJmxFl). If you're aware of some kind of weird interaction or bug that makes this happen, please explain. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're quite wrong here.


I gave here all the details I do have. I dont think i will reproduce that problem just to prove that I had that storage breakout happend in my old playthrough. Also I just dont understand why I should to - It was so long ago when I was ecstatic enough to prove something to someone internet wide. It is just a pure time and energy loss It was a topic about some game mechanic. I shared my experience. It is a lot of such examples here. Suddenly someone appeared here and there, blamed me as a liar and gave me some karma hits. I shared my experience, it was as detailed as possible. I have no idea why some ppl are dont like this. I just dont want to reproduce that situation again just to make 2 ppl hitting my karma happy. It is enough details in my screen to verify this (I mean breakage situation), if One is really interested in it. I tried fast test and for now it was worked. Btw this thing could be changed during last 1 year of updates.


So that screenshot is from a year ago? Okay. That is important context since, as you pointed out, that might have been patched in the intervening time. Look, I’m not trying to attack you or get on your case. I’m genuinely curious about what you said. That’s why I booted up my game right after breakfast to see if I could reproduce the pressure damage incident. If you were right, I’d have to seriously and carefully renovate a couple of installations around my colony. A lot of people in the ONI community are curious and eager to understand things. Sometimes it can feel like they’re attacking you, but they’re probably intensely interested in what you’re saying. Anyways, take care.


I tested exactly that build for a ingame 10 cycles and it was ok with pressure like 2 000 kg per tile. I cant provide more details about the breakage - it was just a situation where half of my base was filled with hydrogen fom that storage. And that one only made me to go some saves back and start to use some hydrogen. But as for me - after that year ago breakout I just got the point about making these storages are made of mech doors, not by tiles and every my high-pressure storage now is made of doors.


There is not a limit as long as you do not pop it... mostly. There are funny things that happen if you ever get to overflow but generally the game itself looses stability/ playability long long long before that would happen.


I have one with almost 1200K so i don't think there is a limit


>bunker tiles