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If you aren’t into it already, then it might not be worth it to you


Agree with this. I was hooked on the pilot episode.


Yeah man. The >!affair partner got tossed from the balcony!< in that one, right?


I don’t think you need to spoiler-protect the literal pilot episode lml


First time. Got excited


Yeah, although I wish Wendy joined him. I just hate cheaters.


I was hooked from episode 1. If you don’t like it yet, I imagine that you won’t start to like it later.


Honestly 3 episodes is probably enough. If you didn’t like them I doubt your opinion will change much by watching more.


It’s a slow paced buildup series. It takes its time but I found it easier to watch the show because of how much I enjoyed the characters. Very well written. The plot was the secondary thing for me. Watch s1 if you don’t like it then drop it.


Push thru it’s worth it


Episode 4 was when it really hooked me! Try it. 😀


Episode 4 was pretty good!


I watched while I was at work and it was boring for me at first because I’m only into teen drama shows, but I needed something new to watch so I gave it a chance. 1st episode was super boring and I gave it a break for like 3 months then I decided to give it another chance and oh man it was rough because I just couldn’t get into it! But like I said I was l watching it while I was working, so I didn’t feel like I was wasting my personal time or using that time for something that could be more worth watching. So the more I watched even though it was boring it became really interesting. The twists, story lines and characters made me fall in love with this show specially my girl Ruth. 😭😭 Give it a chance! It’s gonna be slow but it’s so fuckin good!!


How are you not hooked from the first episode. I remember watching the first episode and being bummed that I was gonna have no time to do anything else in my life cause I had already planned to binge it💀


For whatever reason the Martin and Wendy characters to me are kinda boring


Now Ruth on the other hand….


I hated Ruth at the beginning but she has such a good development throughout the series. I love Marty. Wendy can fuck herself, hated her since episode 1 haha.


You should watch at least until episode 9 coz ruth is probably a top 5 character and i will say no more.


Late to the party but it honestly took me several episodes, like the majority of season 1, to finally be hooked. Unlike a lot of other people apparently, the pilot didn't really hook me. Once s1 wrapped and going into s2 I was in it!


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First season. Then you'll like it


I wasn’t fully into it until season 2 onwards


I watched the first two seasons when it first came out, and I just now started it over and rewatched. It took me a second but was definitely worth it


IMO the pilot is one of the best episodes, was hooked pretty quickly. Might not be for you


How did the 1st episode not grab you? Well, I'd say just watch the first season.


Episode 4 was pretty good!


Quick update: I ended up watching the whole Show and thought it was pretty good. Season 3 was the highlight for me. I think part of why I didn’t enjoy it get immediately immersed in the show to start is that Marty and Wendy were pretty flat, matte characters to start. Not super interesting as people, even though there story was interesting. But as the show went on I got more interested in Wendy and the family dynamics and Ruth and all that. Not my favorite show but well worth watching. Worth binging while I was up in the middle of the night feeding my newborn