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I took my first .5 dosage last night after being on .25 for 4 weeks. So far, no difference (knocks on wood)


At day 4 of my 0.5mg I felt like I went through a colon cleansing!! Other than that, no side effects whatsoever.


Me too! I'm back to constipation now though


No difference for me as well.


Reassuring to read yours and everyone’s comments! Going to .5 tomorrow night and a little nervous about it. Thank you!


2 weeks of .5 here and no extra side effects! In fact my nausea has gone down!


Same here. I’ve done 2 doses at 0.5 and had no (negative) side effects.


No difference for me whatsoever either


Me neither. It’s been about 20 hours. Fingers crossed.


Likewise. No difference for me going from .25 to .5.


I put off dosing up for a month. Mostly because I got sick (Covid) and the idea of dealing with side effects while already sick was just a hard no. Then I finally just went for it… and it’s been totally fine. Literally exactly the same as .25 except more appetite suppression. For me, I was worrying about nothing.


Thanks for saying this. I needed to hear it! Am worrying right now before the increase!


I’ve experienced 0 symptoms from 0.25, 0.5, and now 1mg. I guess I’m fortunate!




Same 👀


Same ….there may be some connection with people who actually have diabetes and side effects. My doctor told me he and his wife tried it for weight loss and had to stop because of the side effects. I however have been on as high a dose as 2mg a week without side effects.


Oh! That would make sense. I also have T2D and I’m the only one of all my friends who is symptom free, but also the only one with T2D lol


I also have diabetes and have had no side effects.


Check this sub on dose splitting. I inject .25 every 84 hours. So Saturday 8pm and Wednesday 8am. Side effects are fatigue but I did not get the issues I did with my first shot ever


1,000% the way to go. Only side effect is fatigue for me too. I only ever get nausea/stomach pain if I eat the wrong things or eat too late at night.


Yes! I puked for the first time because I ate 2 wraps with cheese on top of my dinner. I deserved that lol definitely will avoid getting to that level


To split it up. Do .25 one day and 0.25 on day 3 or 4. Makes the world of difference.


This is brilliant! How does one get extra needles for the pen to be able to inject twice as often?


You can get a box of 100 for like $10 on Amazon. https://a.co/d/43AtJLv this is just an example, there are many options out there.


I have compounded semaglutide and use insulin needles. I’m not sure how the pen works!


As long as your doctor is on board they can prescribe extra needles. You can also just buy them but with the rx it reduced the cost.


You dont have to double your dose this week. Just go up a few more clicks each week til you get there. If side effects are really bad a few more clicks up, don't move up again the next week. Stay on each dose until side effects are easy to deal with.


I haven’t had any side effects other than constipation. I’m taking more fiber supplements and eating more fiber as well as drinking as much water as I can. Good luck!


What fiber supplements are you taking?


I take the Vitafusion Fiber Well Sugar Free Gummies. I forgot to mention I also started taking a raw probiotic too


Colon broom has been a win for me. It’s a small scoop every day https://colonbroom.com/quiz?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=16225237124&cq_con=132119776526&cq_term=colon%20broom%20canada&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=g&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=16225237124&adgroupid=132119776526&utm_term=colon%20broom%20canada&adpos=&gc_id=16225237124&h_ad_id=659215892548&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAoNLiJ4geC2k3vnhqY-B82exs7yiO&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWCSXjl7CaBWVCEe-HPFWbD-L05UV3sOuJo5O7keV0fiZJNAjC85EosaAp-MEALw_wcB


For me my side effects were the same from 0.25 to 0.50. Nausea, vomiting, acid, reflex, heartburn, diarrhea. Everyday would be hit and miss some days zero symptoms other days multiple. Going up to 1.0 though…… I’m constantly nauseated lol I think this is what morning sickness would feel like and smells of things just make me so ill. But i am okay with all these side effects, although they suck it doesn’t really bother me. Nothing debilitating. My tip would be- to take the shot at night that way you can eat during the day and take the shot, sleep on it and hope the next day is plays usually it’s a day after when the side effects kick in.


I'm currently on week 3 of 0.50, and I'm in the same boat. Yesterday, drove all over gods creation, active all day ate everything I wanted, no issues. Today woke up with heartburn. Then outta nowhere diarrhea and nausea came on, and it came on quick. Felt like I was dying for an hour. Then it went away. Now I'm just tired from all of that.


🤣 I honestly don’t think it ever goes away. I’m envious of the people with no side affects


I quit drinking alcohol 2 days before starting the ozempic. Now it feels like I'm just having hangover issues without all the fun.


I would have gotten my script for reglan ready. I took a half dose of miralax a couple days before moving up but I wasn’t expecting the nausea to be do significant. I didn’t need a ton but those first couple days 😅. The dr gave me 20 and I think I have 8 left - after 14 weeks and multiple dose increases.


I had very little side effects on 0.25 and didn't get any worse as I moved up doses. Best of luck


this makes me relieved i started a week ago and don’t really have a lot of side effects but im scared to move up when the time comes lol


Always remember that people generally don't make threads about how they don't have any side effects. Most people don't need zofran. Most people don't need to drink a bunch of electrolytes. And so on Most people at most have to add a fiber supplement and be mindful about drinking enough water. Those just aren't things that are worth posting about so if you read this and related subreddits its easy to start thinking everyone has bad side effects.


I've stuck to the same schedule the whole time apart from one week where I had to miss a dose and when I went back on after two weeks I still didn't get any side effects and that's on 1mg.


The only side effect I've had on both 0.25 and 0.5 is sometimes nausea and/or diarrhea if I over eat. On 0.25 it happened maybe once, on 0.5 I have to be careful how much I eat. My eyes are still bigger than my stomach and sometimes I don't realize I over ate until I'm done eating.


You may be one of the lucky ones. I was the nausea/vomit queen on all doses of both Mounjaro AND Ozempic. I started on M and switched to O because of cost. My significant other started taking Mounjaro. Like you, he started with 0.25 then went up to 0.5mg. He has not had ONE issue with his medication at all. No nausea, no vomiting. 🤷🏼‍♀️ On the website, it does say it’s a common side effect & if it happens, they encourage you to hang on, and persevere. They say to eat mild food and beverages during this time. For me, the severe symptoms died down. I get the nausea & vomiting very rarely now.


Please how where you able to get Mounjaro or Ozempic as my insurance was not able to approve it and now am on Segmatiude on 1.5mg and paying $495 monthly without insurance and still not losing as much. Lost only 8 lbs within 5 months.


My insurance doesn't cover sema either, go to a compound pharmacy to fill it. They just make it themselves at the pharmacy. $100 for my first month....$137 for my second month (5 weeks.) Google compound pharmacy near you and call around.


I am retired and on Medicare. Medicare doesn’t cover Jack Schitt. Therefore, I am paying out of pocket, getting my Rx filled by a compound pharmacy. It’s not cheap, by any means, but Mounjaro was getting way out of hand in regard to price. Ozempic was less expensive for me. So…..my Medicare “insurance” denied coverage for me. I also have another drug for my Psoriasis (off subject, sorry) that is currently being denied by Medicare. They gave me names of other drugs that they DO cover. I called Humana (my part D pharmacy) to check prices….out of 4 medications, the cost PER DOSE is: $900 to $2400. Yep. Retirement & Medicare is not your friend if you need Rx meds. I’m in the States, and use Good Rx when I can instead of the drug insurance I pay for every 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬month.


If 0.25 is still working, no need to increase it. I had to reduce my dose back and am still losing weight with far fewer side effects as my body finally seems to have gotten used to THIS dose. If it takes as long for my body to adjust to the 0.5 dose, I don’t know if I can even put myself through it again. I was falling asleep while sitting at my work computer and nauseated every day for months.


It’s different for everyone as you can see here, so try dosing as normal and see what happens. For me, it gave me unreasonable diarrhea. After I shit my pants in the ocean, I decided splitting my dose was the way. It has helped immensely!!! (Sorry for the TMI lol but imagine if I was in my car or something at that time, even worse)


I wish I would have known not much would change. I was expecting a rise in wait loss but it didn't happen. It came further down the road. Glad I stuck with it.


I have had zero side effects going up and zero side effects in general I don't need fried food I don't eat fast food I don't eat huge meals most of the people who are vomiting or eating poorly


I didn’t have any terrible side effects until I went to 1mg. Any side effects I had previous were remedied when I started doing my injections at night before bed and I do my injections every 8 days instead of 7. I also didn’t move up quickly. I stayed on .25 for 7 weeks and .5 for 9 weeks.


Stay as low as you can for as long as you can. If it’s working - no need to move up. Otherwise, if you’re experiencing side effects, don’t worry - they do go away.


When I went up to 0.5 I had a bit of a head ache and just over all felt unwell for the day. Other than that I haven’t really bad side effects. I have some constipation and occasionally slight nausea in the morning if I don’t have a protein drink soon enough. Now I am on 1 mg and again no issues going up!


Took my first .5 last week. No negative side effects or major changes from .25


Does .25mg mess with birth control pills? They gave me the shot but I’m nervous because I have irregular periods and that what I use the pills for.


By design, semaglutide slows your digestive system down via delayed gastric emptying, which impact oral medication absorption. All other forms of non-oral birth control are in the clear for sure. Idk what the academic consensus is now, but talk to your prescribing doctor about it if you’re sexually active just in case!


I am on day 2 of .50 and for the first time in my entire life I am dealing with constipation. It’s weird and I hope it doesn’t last long


Drink kombucha. It took care of my constipation; my bits are now happy!


*Drink kombucha. It took* *Care of my constipation; my* *Bits are now happy!* \- Dramatic\_Arugula\_252 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


0.25 had been working for me and I regretted going up to 0.50. I’m back down to 0.25 now. My weight loss plateaued and I was insanely fatigued. Let alone feeling like I wasted extra doses.


I did a little test on this and took my .25 shot two days early vs going to .5. I did it just for one week. I was fairly sick (headache and nausea) for about 8 hours. That test was enough to let me know I am not yet ready.


I wish I’d know about splitting dosage and not injecting in my stomach. I had terrible side effects when I went from 0.25 to 0.5. Once I started splitting dose (injecting half the dosage every 4th day) and injecting in my thigh, the side effects stopped - now I’m on 1.7 and I don’t have side effects. Also magnesium citrate for constipation.


I was on 0,25 for 4 weeks, had no or very little side effects (except for very vivid dreaming but I get that on every medication that alters dopamine etc), then split the dose and was on 0,5 for two weeks. Now I changed to only one 0,5 injection per week, my hunger and appetite came back very strongly when I split the dose. Now when only taking one shot it went away 🤷‍♀️. Next injection is due tmrw, but I might do it a few days later because I don’t feel like the effect is wearing off and I still don’t have any appetite.


I split my dose. .25 every 5 days works best for me.


Stay on a low a dose as possible, for as long as possible. I lost 14lbs in 6 weeks taking 0.25mg. I wish I had stayed on that longer. I have read some people taking < 0.25mg initially. That would have been a good idea for me, as I was an early responder.


I’ve been on .5 for about three weeks now and just way more constipated. I also got this weird rash on my left wrist which I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it but now that I’m thinking about it it’s Been there almost as I upped the dose…


Also more heartburn !


I had no side effects from titration to .50


I titrated up verrrrry slowly. I took .25 ---> .375 ---> .5. -----> .6 ----> .75. I am at .75 now and hope to stay here for a while. I am currently splitting the .75 dose (.60 on day one and .15 on day 4). So far, this has worked extremely well for me. I am also on compound so there's been a lot of math involved. LOL I decided to do this on my own, but when I did tell my doctor what I was doing they said it was fine. I want to do everything I can to keep from getting nasty side effects and this just made sense to me. Also, I don't follow the 4 weeks thing. If it is still working, I stay. If not, then I move up. I REALLY hope I don't have to go past .75 though.


I'm on week two of .5 and I feel the same physically. OTOH I kind of feel my appetite coming back? Can OZ stop working? :'-(


I started on .25 then jumped to 1.0 then jumped to 2.0 over a three month period. I saw no change in side effects but I’ve also been on 2.0 for a year now with no weight loss at all. Disappointing.


Nothing. I took all the advice up front and ran with it. No issues at all, just even less hungry.


That a super freaky looking leg rash might happen whenever I titrate up 😂😂😂


Make sure your well hydrated aches I drink a protein shake 45 mins before I do my shot it seems to help I didn't have success effects anymore I also take it right before I fall asleep I'm up to 1mg now but when I went up to 1mg no side effects at all with the regime I've been following


After my first .5 I was exhausted for a few days. So the next time I split it .25 on Wed night & .25 on Sunday night 👌🏽


After starting on 0.25 this is the first post I’ve seen about someone worrying about moving up to the next dose so now I’m worried about moving up even tho I haven’t had any negative side effects yet. I am very very early days though…. Day 5 of my first shot. I guess I’m interested in the answers to this question now!!


Minimal difference for me when I took 0.5 the other night. I’ve only been a bit nauseous


I've been 18mths and still cannot get to 0.5. I tried the split dose but still violently ill. I went up clicks and that didn't work either. I did lose 15kg though so maybe I'm destined to be on 0.25 forever (I'm on for dumping syndrome)


No difference for me. Only side effects is a little constipation.


I'll ask a question back to you. Why are you going up to 0.5 mg? Are you doing OZ for diabetes, weight loss, or both? If it's weight loss only, consider staying at 0.25 mg if you're still losing weight...


I had zero side effects moving up and have stayed at .50 for 12 weeks because I’m still losing at this dose (down almost 3lbs in just the last week). I’ve not had one side effect the entire time. I drink lots of water, eat fiber, and avoid fried foods (people say friend foods are a trigger but it’s a good I never really consumed anyway). I still enjoy heavy carbs at time just smaller portions. I do have at least one protein shake a day.




You will be ok


I didn’t notice a difference.


Staying hydrated and constanr munching. Like a couple crackers a hour the emptier my stomach the worse my side effects🙄 i still have days i think i eat too much so im ready for 1.0


My doctor prescribed zofran for my nausea. I’m usually nauseous in the early morning for a few days after each dose. I also take fiber supplements.


Psyllium and lots of water before pills.  Every time.


No real negative difference for me. Took it at night on a Friday to potentially sleep through side effects, but haven't gotten any so far.


I went up to 0.50 and felt no difference (I had mild side effects all throughout) except for the third week. I felt okay the first two days and then was hit with this unreal fatigue and felt cravings for food that on a usual I don’t feel .. coupled with continuous bloating. I’m usually a huge gym rat but haven’t had the energy or confidence to lift heavy when I feel fatigued. However, it’s not unbearable it’s just something I’ve noticed.


I wish I had known its not really a big deal going up 🙂


Do not do fuyurhealth. Scamm


Hi! My symptoms reduced and I have tolerated the increases well!