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I didn’t know swine could block roads like this.


Pigs have evolved for sure...


They are sick. In what dystopian world is starving children alright. Shame


This just shows that the current government isn't the only thing to blame. The people may protest for their hostages but that doesn't mean they give a fuck about Palestinians. Israel for years has gone through general radicalisation and now we see its full effect. As Israeli historian Raz Segal said "it is a nation filled with war criminals". Are there good people, of course there are but sadly their numbers are too little.


I think that's the argument on both sides.


But the Zionist ideology made this argument to show that all Palestinians are monsters and irredeemable while from the Palestinians perspective the British unfairly gave their land over to the Zionists and then when the Palestinians fought back they sadly lost. It has only gone downhill for them since. Zionists often view 1940s and 1950s Europe and America (except Germany) as great friends but they forget that the only reason they got a state was because the others wanted Jews out of their own countries. They stole land from the natives and then continued to oppress and displace them. If Israel claims to be so fair to Palestinians, then why the law of no return ? Why the illegal settlements ? Why did they split up a united Palestinian front and support Hamas ? What about the tens of thousands of people in their jails kept on false charges indefinitely ? Why the segregation of roads and markets in the west bank ? If anyone sees this as a two sided conflict, they are sorely mistaken. One side has a nuke and the western world's support. The other is fighting for their freedom alone. This is simple imperialist colonialist ethno nationalistic BS.


Zionists are terrorists


Do you all forget that Israel purposely bombed every bakery in Gaza in like the first month. Famine was a part of their plan this whole time.


Hamas did it


I don't understand why they are so upset..


Horrible human beings


Omg 🙏🇵🇸


Such sick people!! Your so disgusting


scum of the earth, the world would be a much nicer and safer place without an israel in it.


It took so much effort to do that. They expended soo much effort to make children starve to death and others to die slowly and painfully. And they say they are Gods people?


Satan is their god actually


Your correct, a truth teller, Bravo 👏!!! I liked how you named these heathen people who terrorized the starving Palestinians from getting much needed aid in the occupied territories. 'Zionist terrorist settlers' that name rightly fits them and their evil ways.


The ahadith about them being at the ends of believers' swords, towards the end, are true. I believe it when i see them fallng below all standards.


It’s speaks volume in terms what these folks are all about .


Zionist scums, they deserve the worse they get


Haha. fafo


Free the hostages then.


Cool, free the thousands of illegally detained Palestinian prisoners, many of which are children, kidnapped/arrested/locked up on bullshit charges from years and years past being held hostage. And then get out of all the illegal settlements and do away with checkpoints, Jewish-only roads/highways/areas and Military court for the Palestinians. Maybe start there.


You didn’t answer my question. Do you think Hamas care for the prisoners more than for the Gaza people? I think they care less for one or the other, they only care about their agenda.


You asked a baseless/biased "question" and are conveniently avoiding the 80 years of context that created it smart guy. Bibi The Baby Butcher ShaytanYahu/Israel encouraged, funded, and propped up Hamas playing political games. This is manufactured blowback. Was Hamas around in the 1890s-1940s when the Zionist project was thrust onto the Palestinians and the world and exploited the shit out of the 6 million Jews who were killed BY EUROPEANS in the Holocaust?? There's literally been rioting/protests on the streets INSIDE Israel to get rid of ShaytanYahu for months/years even prior to Oct. 7th with all his corruption. Does ShaytanYahu care about Israelis having had foreknowledge of 10/07 for almost 2 years prior and still letting it happen?? Or does he/Likud/rabidly racist Settlers only care about their agenda?? Did they care about their own citizens/hostages/concert-goers with their Hannibal Directive as they mowed them down with Apache Hellfire missles and shelled the shit out of their own kibbutzim with tanks and indiscriminate bombardment inside Gaza?? Do the disgusting ZzioNazzi Settlers who block aid from getting in everyday care about their hostages who also need that very same aid/food/water/medicine they're blocking from getting in or do they only care about their manufactured agenda and ocean-front properties in Gaza, and the millions and miilions of barrels of oil/natural gas on the Gaza coastline??


Keep copying and pasting your baseless propaganda; do you have brain and are you able to reply?


So you're a clueless bot, got it. I write my own shit; don't need to regurgitate Hasbara talking points like a no-brain toddler. Keep shilling for Nazis though.


He did reply🙄... But you keep ignoring it in order to ask irrelevant questions in an effort to avoid revealing how low your comprehension level is.


Oh, Irrelevant questions? Haha do you realize of what you are talking? Hamas doesn’t care for Gaza’s people they abandon them and hide in their tunnels and steal the humanitarian help to keep them hungry and show there is famine to pressure Israel. By the way, Hamas will be gone soon, I suggest you to look for alternatives to spend your time.


The TLDR: THE EXISTENCE OF HAMAS DOES NOT NEGATE THE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS OF PALESTINIANS. YES, it's "Irrelevant", because whatever you think of Hamas, it DOES NOT EXCUSE things like not allowing in humanitarian Aid, bombing aid trucks, shooting at innocent unarmed people including women and children, bombing residential building where no Hamas fighters are-subsequently maiming, crushing, and burying alive a multitude of families, IDF soldiers recording THEMSELVES bragging about killing babies... I could go on but you've made it very clear you have a certain line of propaganda-fed thinking that you're unallowed or unable to veer from in the effort to take in literally any conflicting information. But yeah, it's irrelevant because whatever you believe Hamas does, thinks, etc...DOES NOT excuse these inhuman acts. Period. Don't bother yammering on with your repetitive Hasbara talking points, I'm not wasting any more time on you (as you suggested, I'm moving on to more worthy alternative ways of spending my time).


Yeah Hamas doesn't care for Gaza's people but to think that Israel is doing all this bloodshed just to kill Hamas is just dumb belief.. Of course which military wipes out thousands of innocent civilians just to reach a terrorist organization? Israel is using Hamas as an excuse and you are too blind to see it.. Good night..


So much for Gods chosen people. Narcissist and evil af


Yeah it’s too bad Israel denied the recent deal that would release the hostages and is now going to bomb the shit out of the location where the remaining hostages are sheltering 😔 I would have thought they cared more about their citizens.


Well, ask yourself that question. Does Hamas care for people from Gaza? Yeah, that’s what I thought, good night.


Pakistani doing same in balochistan nd waziristan. NEXT!


Lol source trust me bro