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Intermittent Fasting works a treat for me!


I second this! Intermittent fasting and lowering my carb intake. I have below 100g a day and switched to whole grain bread, pasta & rice.


Was super helpful for me as well I really felt less enflamed and puffy that way at least for most of the time (I swell worse when I eat unless my eating window is over 20 hrs which isn’t always possible)


Me too! That’s actually what shocked me most, is that not only did I look lighter, I *felt* lighter! I had more energy, got better sleep, and overall just felt healthier, rather than sluggish. Still can’t get rid of the moon face no matter what I do though 🙈😂


Exactly! & Ah the moon face - eliminating dairy & 90% of added salt helps me with that tho I still get it around my period — it’s like I get a whole other face for a week or 1,5 week 😅


Can you say more? Like miss a meal or keeping gaps between next meal


Sure! So I do the 16:8 plan (fast for 16 hours, pack all my meals into 8 hours). I don’t start eating until 12 so I’ll have what’s essentially brunch then, have lunch around 3, and dinner at 5/6 depending on my own schedule. I’ll have a snack between brunch & lunch, and another snack after dinner, right before my window ends. While I’m fasting, I don’t eat anything, but as most of it is overnight, I’m sleeping, so it’s not like I notice any hunger pangs 😂 And your mileage may vary, but I personally “dirty fast”, in that instead of just sticking to plain water, black coffee, etc, I will add some zero sugar cordial to my water for taste. I’ll only drink that or plain water until it’s time to start eating, then I’ll normally have a coffee with brunch, and a glass of coke or wine with dinner. It’s the *only* way I’ve lost weight in a sustainable manner tbh


Ohhh and the 16 hr fast works because the body uses the stored energy? (Sorry if I'm oversimplifying this) I've heard that missing the king size breakfast can cos weight gain. But I'm personally someone who doesn't prefer having breakfast and rather have brunch and have been looking for reasons to just do that.


Yeah, IF makes the body tap into the fat stores in your body for energy, instead of sugar, carbs, etc that you might eat if you weren’t fasting


I used to do that, but I stopped after seeing the recent report of the [potential link to CVD](https://newsroom.heart.org/news/8-hour-time-restricted-eating-linked-to-a-91-higher-risk-of-cardiovascular-death). I talked to my doctor and they told me they don’t recommend it anymore until there is evidence proving otherwise. Just wanted to share in case you didn’t know!


It’s a good article, but I believe the impact is only harmful for those who a) already have cardiovascular issues and b) are doing it long term (IF is *normally* used to achieve ideal size, then swapped with regular diet & exercise). Also this article has not been officially published or peer reviewed, and has been widely criticized and dismissed by experts. The initial study & the actual press release of it featured differing statistics, damaging the reputation of accuracy. The participants of the study were only asked about what they ate over the course of 2 days, which is not enough data to a) accurately predict a result and b) the data given was not strictly monitored, only given by word of mouth and taken with no proof other than general trust. People lie, and with no proof otherwise, it skews the data. They also didn’t take into account the people’s ethnicity, work life, personal life, etc which could also add to risk. Plus, all members of the study had a higher BMI than average, which is in itself a higher risk of CVD. All in all, the evidence of the link is weak at best. Source 1: https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/behind-the-headlines/intermittent-fasting Source 2: https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/features/is-intermittent-fasting-bad-for-heart-health


So good to know!! Do you also count calories when you’re doing this?


Nope! I tend to get hung up on numbers so I don’t bother calorie counting with this. The joy of intermittent fasting is there’s no restriction. Of course that doesn’t mean McDonald’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but it *does* mean I can eat Mcdonald’s for one of those meals without feeling unnecessarily guilty!


I’ve done this before, and it worked very well without any struggle on my part. But now I’m on Metformin and must take it morning and night after a meal. I'm unsure if anyone else here is fasting while taking Metformin. I’d appreciate any input/ideas on incorporating fasting in this case.


Me also!!!


What time do you go to sleep and wake up?


I sleep from 11pm - 8am usually


IF also worked the best for me but then I had a stomach inflammation due to drinking coffee on an empty stomach :(


Ouch! I only drink coffee with a meal, or just before one, because I could not drink plain coffee - I need milk & sugar 😂😂


High fiber/moderate carb, moderate healthy fats, & high protein work super well for me


I just started this w my nutritionist, I hope it helps!!


Ditto! Also working with a calorie deficit. Even just being aware of how much, what, and when I eat throughout the day has helped me lose 20lbs over the past month.


I don't say diet because I feel like it's too restricting. I prefer to say eating healthier. I changed the way I eat. I drink a lot of water. I haven't had any pop for 2 weeks. I drink Ice. It has zero sugar. Cutting out the sugar is hard but after a while, I got used to it, and I don't crave it. BUT if I ever get something that's fast food, I would snack healthier for 24 hour afterwards. I don't count carbs or anything like that. I actually write down in a little notebook what I ate and if I did any cheat days. It does help me a lot.


My diet is no diet. I figured if it was going to be a lifetime thing, it needs to be sustainable. The exception is I fast on weekdays. I eat everything in moderation, e.g. if I crave cake I’ll have it but just a few bites. I count calories and track what I eat; not as restriction but to be more aware of what and how much I’m putting in my body. Helps me make better decisions on what to eat, e.g. cottage cheese with fruits vs. two small pastries for breakfast. The former is less in calories and keeps me full longer. I increase my activity level by walking a lot (used to lift but my job made it impossible) and running when the weather is better. Overall I did see progress, albeit slowly. But I’d rather have that than be miserable. I love carbs :’)


Totally get that and love it for you!


Plant based high fiber. Helps manage insulin, research that it can reverse insulin resistance.


I’m so sad cause this doesn’t work for me, I’ve tried 😭


Same here. Maybe I could but I feel like it is too east for me to grab the processed plant alternatives for meat rather than proper unprocessed stuff. I was vegetarian for 3years, but then I tried to raise my protein intake... I already eat legumes or tofu on most of lunches, so I wanted dairy based stuff for breakfast/dinner. Well I never had this horrible itchy, scabby skin before - I guess lactose or sth else in dairy in overdose cause it, but eventually it made me turn back to eating fish, since it seemed like an easier way to get the protein, b12 and omega 3s without going insane from discomfort and scratching or just eating legumes every meal. I know it is not ideal, but I figured it is better to choose 1 group of meats I will eat, and still prioritize non meat produce, than to just be "oh well I guess I have to eat meat or be miserable" and go back to "normal" diet.


This is sort of where I’m at right now!! Lots of fish, but also SO many supplements At least no meds 🤞🏻


This has been great for me too


I've been plant based for just over 20 years now, and I crave fibre rich foods above anything else all the time. I've found that this has helped prevent insulin resistance for me. When I pair it with Intermittent Fasting, i see noticeable changes in my weight and mental clarity.


No diet. I have a little bit of everything, I just enjoy and eat lots of Mediterranean styled food. But I work out a lot (swimming four days a week, an hour a time), I drink lots of water, include lots of spinach in my meals alongside other veggies, I snack on/drink fruit regularly. Its what works for me. I've tried every diet, all I did was think and obsess over food constantly, and I never saw success or felt good. That isn't the life for me. Now I feel strong, powerful, hydrated, eating lots of the nutritious stuff but my beloved chocolate and caffeine is still a regular tenant in my life alongside it, and I've got my periods and my life back. I think finding what works for you, listening to your body, and not being cruel is the way forward. We all need different things. 💕


finding what works for you and listening to your body 💯💯💯💯


That sounds so healthy and honestly peaceful lol


This is the hack!!!


Thank you everyone! Don't get me wrong, I'm still chubby so I may not look like a success. But I'm feeling physically stronger and healthier than I have in years. Having regular periods, no heart/cholesterol issues, healthy blood sugars, so I feel pretty comfortable. Wishing everyone the best with their journey! 💕


I cut soda out completely and i’ve reduced my sugar intake (I would say about 75%) and I do high protein, lower carbs


I transitioned to sugar free soda and then just lost interest in it entirely after a while after buying drink mixes. I wish I could learn how to make those powders myself though. Crystal light is my fav drink mix. I’ll still drink C4 energy drinks though but I’m working on phasing those out too




This is so real 💀


Intermittent fasting (full transparency, I can't do 16:8, I do 14:10) , high protein/low carb breakfast (<30g carbs and at least 30g protein).


I def feel like I should start with 14:10!


It's a great place to start! It might take a couple of weeks to start seeing results but you will!


About me: - PCOS - On metformin - Insulin resistance - Hypothyroidism - Was tested no dairy or gluten allergy - Also on inositol Low carb works best for me. I upped my fat, not just focusing on protein and it keeps me fuller longer. I also do a mix of high intensity, strength training and walks for my movement because I enjoy it so it keeps me consistent. I hated doing only low impact.


Can I ask how much you’ve lost with adding metformin? I was just prescribed and feeling skeptical.


It didn't do anything on its own, and I don't think it really is supposed to help you lose weight. It could have aided low carb it is hard for me to know for sure. It only helps my blood sugar a tiny bit. I was actually thinking of asking if I could switch to a different one later this year.


One meal a day worked for me. Lol


Keto and IF did not work for me :( I’ve been doing calorie counting per my dietician but have only been maintaining. I do dairy free.


Diary free was so key for me really helped with acne & a ton of other issues that probably aren’t pcos related (the biggest effect was significantly less migranes & huge drop in pain level with endometriosis)


Yes honestly I would recommend dairy free to anyone :p at least to try it and see if it makes you feel better you know


when you were doing those various diets how often were you eating? and what did/does your exercise routine look like?


I was eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I had someone else on here tell me I am not eating enough as well so maybe I need to start tracking my calories to see what works and be on a deficit. I did that for so long when I was younger I got in such a negative mindset around it but maybe it actually does something


calores in vs calories out works down to the last calories im on metformin so no sugar cravings and i try to watch the carbs but ill have them every now and then. -40 pounds. for exercise i swim 


Wow amazing! Are you working on a calorie deficit?


yes its the most flexible for me i just cant kick out whole food groups.


For me, intermittent fasting worked like a charm for me. Tho, I don't see it as 'diet' because it's more like a dietary change/change in eating habit, which I have to do lifelong. It doesn't feel like a 'diet' at all to me. Because I still can eat whatever I want, and it still works. But of course it's not like I eat bread, pasta and rice every day. So, there's a bit of awareness of carbs and going for more healthy options. Like, I eat overnight oats with chia every day. And that are good carbs. Generally, I already had some healthy habits. Like, I only drink water and tea. No alcohol (I was never a fan of that). Lemonades, fast food and so on are the exception. Like every few months, I eat something like that. But before intermittent fasting, I was unable to lose weight with that. It's sometimes strange how the body works with PCOS. It's never explainable why this works and the other didn't.


IF showed me results for a few months but I don't know why I have hit a plateau with my weight so soon... I'm going to keep on continuing with it though!


Yeah, I would say plateaus are pretty normal. I had them too. Generally, I don't stress about my weight or do weight myself every day. I do it every then and there. But when I see there is a plateau, I don't panic. Just continuing and see what happens. But don't stress yourself when nothing happens for a few weeks. I had that too. One plateau of mine lasted around 3 months until suddenly it did go down.


Oh! My plateau has been going on for 3 months too! Just going to trust the process and keep at it... I have seen other improvements and that's what keeps me going!


Low carb (50 carbs or less per day) brought my cycles from 70 days to 45 days the very first month I tried it! I am currently pregnant, which was my goal, so it 100% worked for me.


I wasn’t very active in college and started going back to the gym, intermittent fasting, reducing portion sizes, and metformin. I love drinking coke, so I switched to Mexican cokes since they are made with real sugar and not high fructose corn syrup. Mostly cut high fructose corn syrup. I think it took 6 months for me to start losing weight and eventually lost about 7 pounds. Got on Zepbound (still keeping up with the other changes I had made) and lost about 25 pounds in two months. Unfortunately going to have to get off of Zepbound soon because my insurance decided to take it off my formulary right after I started it 🤡


I was curious with zepbound just to help but I’ve tried Ozempic and mounjaro and I didn’t lose on either of them ugh


Probably not since they’re pretty similar :( if it’s covered it might be worth a shot but hopefully you find something that works for you


I'm vegan but cutting down on carbs, higher on protein and having a cheat meal once a week helps me a lot. I also calorie count to around 1500 cals daily. I also workout 4 days a week with weight lifting and cardio like walking or elliptical. 


I wanted to maintain a mostly plant based/veggie lifestyle but after years of it, it just wasn’t working for me 😭 What does a typical “what I eat in a day” look like for you? If you don’t mind me asking


Totally understand that mindset! Breakfast: Iced coffee with a splash of plant milk, sometimes just veggie sausage or protein overnight oats with some fruit Snacks: Lower cal fruit like berries, nuts, protein bars, edamame  Lunch: I meal prep a lot of my lunches it just depends on what I'm in the mood for Dinner: Also will meal prep a lot of these, but I like easy bean/lentil tacos with keto tortillas, veggie meatballs with pasta sauce and side of sautéed greens like spinach, veggie chicken tenders also with a side of sautéed greens. I also usually have a chocolate protein shake with dinner since I come home straight from exercising It's not perfect but I try my best, I try to get around 100g of protein daily.


Yeah I’m working w a nutritionist now since I just wasn’t losing weight at all regardless of counting calories and working out borderline obsessively, and she wants me to hit 170 grams A DAY and I just wasn’t even close and I was heavily focused on making sure I ate protein at every meal and before/ after working out but it still wasn’t enough so now I just choose as ethically as possible and try to be okay with it for the sake of my health


I think realistically for me it was exercise that really set my weight loss going. Started off aiming for 5k steps, then 10k, now 12k. But food wise I eat low carb and swap it out for a large portion of veggies. I still eat carby vegetables, just not rice, pasta, bread etc. Like a lot of us I try and work on protein. I wouldn't say I'm high protein but definitely try and increase it in my diet. And for me fasting worked. I bored eat and so the fasting helped be rationalise that I didn't need to eat. It's helped me take control of my eating (most of the time, stress and illness has stopped that recently). I eat between about 12-6pm and fast the rest of the day. I have tried to cut out sugar unless it's from natural sources (e.g. fruit). I used to love sugary coffee but had to ditch it. And I think most importantly I had to count calories. According to all the calorie calculators I should be losong weight on 1600 calories... I've only really seen weight loss at 1300 calories.


Low carb, high protein and fiber before sugar


So I played around with several diets actually! I heard of how good keto was for PCOS and tried it - I didn’t last a week. So I figured if I’m gonna have to live with this, and I LOVE food, what do I do? I cut out any and all bread. No sodas, no juices (unless made at home), no chips or candy, and switched that out for fruits. When I want chips I’ll usually snack on some dried fruit. Or if I want something sweet I prep some fruit, add granola and stevia. I also counted my calories, and gave myself a limit. I also limit my sugar intake mainly. And I do HIIT maybe 3 times a week for 30 minutes a day and I helps! I have a very sedentary lifestyle, so it took a lot of diets to try first before I settled on this form of eating. I also do make a lot of smoothies and throw in some spinach, no regular sugar, replace it with stevia instead. I found that eating soups actually help a lot during periods as I typically have extreme nausea when I’m on my period due to cramping. So it helps the stomach keep food in. Soups are also low in calories, high in nutrients (I normally make some chicken soup, toss some chicken drumsticks in there, zucchini, potato, yucca and some tomatoes? Oof and season it? Delicious. Also another substitute I did is I eat brown rice, I swapped out white jasmine rice for brown grain rice. And I also only eat wheat pasta. I stopped using flat plates and use a bowl instead, more so to trick myself into thinking I ate more than I actually did. Water became my best friend! And I no longer eat or drink any dairy products. That helped keep down the facial and stomach hair, cutting out dairy. I do eat like probably half a cup of yogurt max, but I found that as I ate healthier, my appetite decreased and I stopped missing periods. I have annovulatory PCOS (idk how to spell that), but I went undiagnosed for so long as I was used to having regular periods, missed for a year, then went to gyno and that’s when they told me ab it. So I regulated my food mainly and have been able to menstruate monthly again. Also switch out regular milk chocolate for dark chocolate, helped with sugar cravings and controlling the portions, because yo uh…who ACTUALLY likes dark chocolate? I don’t really fast, but I do calorie count, and my appetite slowly fell the more I watched what I ate. So for example, breakfast for me is the same. Strawberry banana smoothie with two scrambled eggs mixed with tomato, and spinach. And bam that typically covers me for the whole day until dinner, and my dinner dishes are legit like, 1/4 cup of rice, meat of choice (always baked or boiled, never fried), and some salad on the side. I normally like to snack after dinner, so what I do is like, eat some fruits or granola bar, or peanuts! Mannnnn peanuts are healthy AND you can eat a lot of them, so I love snacking on peanuts. But anyways, I hope these tips helped!


High protein, high (like 2/3x the normal amount) fiber, low carb. Low sugar. Currently on a smoothie for dinner kick thanks to metformin. But, if I want something that I know won’t make me incredibly tired I’m going to eat it. I’m currently obsessed with Lindt chocolate.


I have lost 30 pounds by eating a sausage egg wrap when i wake up i just use a spinach wrap then make two eggs and put a pinch of cheese put spinach on the wrap and add the eggs. Then for lunch i drink a protein shake. Sometimes skip dinner, but sometimes eat broccoli and chicken on lettuce/ rice. I have replaced a lot of sweets with dried fruit and just watch overall how much my intake is. When i go out to eat or anything i usually get a salad now and man i didnt know i was sleeping on some really good salads.


I’m hesitant to say keto as I don’t eat a true keto diet, so I’ll say a low-ish carb high protein diet. I’ve noticed that helps a lot for me. Granted, I am on wegovy, but I’m seeing it as a tool to help me rather than a savior (because let’s be honest…if lifestyle changes don’t happen, the weight comes back). I do my best to maintain a calorie deficit as well as grant myself days to eat more calories (so my body doesn’t adjust and I stay “stuck”). I started buying icon meals to have as food after work, and I’ve been noticing more progress with it. I just have to learn how to stop sabotaging my weightloss progress (hence why I continue to see a therapist as it helps even if it’s just to vent about stuff stressing me out). When I log my meals, ideally, I like to see a minimum of 20% protein consumed as it helps me stay satiated. I kinda rambled here 😅


I just avoid ultra processed foods and sugar. I am a healthy weight


Low carbs are the best for me, couple it with walking everyday and intermittent fasting.


Intermittent fasting + keto on most days with 1-2 days where I eat a small portion of something carby 


Healthy keto and intermittent fasting have been working for me for over 8 years now. I also exercise and keep my stress levels low.


Keto was best. I lost 88 lbs in a year. My daughter lost 40 and my son lost 26. And a lot of our symptoms went away like periods were regulated and we had no belly bloat and our skin was amazing. But you have to do it forever. It isn't enough to just lose the weight. It will come back if you don't do this forever. That's what sucks. :( But if you are just losing for a wedding...I loved the keto diet where you count net carbs so fiber was filling. I got it from green salads or spinach egg cups. I feel like I had an adequately varied diet but I'm not picky and I cook everything pretty much that I eat so I enjoyed experimenting with different flours and meals. I think after the first 10 days of going 20g (net!) after that we did 50 and we had lots of fruits and vegetables with those carbs. I didn't eat breads at all other than the kind of meh fake breads I'd make with spinach and egg and almond flour. It was edible, it was okay, but it wasn't bread lol but these days there are more options. My roommate eats keto bread every day, the kind that comes pre-made at the store. It's not exactly Wonder bread but it's not bad. The best part is I didn't worry about calories. Eating like this meant it didn't matter. I could eat 2x as many calories in my food and still lose weight because I also had incredible energy with no sugar cravings. In fact I did reach a point where I had a calorie deficit because I'd forget to eat, which is something I have never experienced at any time before or after.


Keto / Intermittent Fasting


Reducing dairy and gluten (bread and pasta mostly, i still eat it but not as much since i do feel better when i dont). Really low sugar/fake sugars or diet soda when drinking anything that isnt water. More protein in every meal, and increasing probiotics (from drinks or foods like miso, kimchi etc). However no real diet because I wouldn’t follow it lol, i just try to pick a better choice when i can


A balanced diet works best for me it’s the most realistic for me to sustain for life since I’m satisfied, full and not cranky 🤣 I always make sure I have a healthy protein, carb and lots of veggies. Sometimes the carbs is a complex carb sometimes it’s not, I love fruits for breakfast or a snack and I do still have a dessert whenever I want. My favorite lately with the heat has been this really good vanilla bean icecream with homemade berry compote drizzled over it. Id say I eat 90/10, 90% healthy and 10% treat foods. A balanced diet keeps me happy and healthy and portion control helps me lose weight and not gain when I treat myself which also helps me be mentally happy as well. The only thing I would say I cut out completely is soda, I’ll drink a zero verison if I want something other then water.


I tend to eat low-ish carb* low-glycemic anti-inflammatory high protein high fiber meals, basically a low-glycemic Mediterranean pattern of eating. I wouldn’t say I’m strict, yesterday I had a big margarita and a pupusa for the 4th of July and I didn’t come close to hitting my protein goal. But while I don’t feel great, I don’t feel too awful either. A bit more tired and bloated than usual but that will pass. I just try to stick to this pattern of eating often enough that I typically feel good in my body and energetic throughout the day! I do track my calories, fiber and protein intake to make sure I’m not going too low or too high, because I’m working on maintaining my weight after a 90lb weight loss and also need to make sure I’m adequately fueled for my fitness activities. .* I just wrapped up half-marathon training so on days I do more than a 10k run I stay low glycemic but don’t really do low carb, more like 80-200 net carbs depending on how many miles I did and how my body feels.


I just try to mainly eat whole foods. Keeps me full longer. I’ve also cut processed sugars pretty much completely out of my day to day life, which in turn helps with the food noise I used to have constantly. I try to stay in a calorie deficit week to week. And allow myself to not be completely full after every meal, simply satiated. Listening to hunger cues is something i’ve never been able to so i’m so proud lately. Allowing myself slight hunger before sleep is okay, I realized, If i wanna lose weight. If i feel too hungry when it’s about to be bed time(it’s very rare) I eat either fruits or a hard boiled egg with some sriracha haha


i have been taking an “eat what you want, add what you need” approach & trying to use the plate method (1/2 plate nonstarchy veg, 1/4 protein, 1/4 plate carbs). so if i reallyyy want some pasta, i let myself have pasta. but i’ll make sure i add some protein & eat a big salad or something to follow the plate method. i’m down about 30 lbs this year.


Simply counting calories. It's the best. No matter what diet you do it comes down to calories in calories out. So IMO it's best to get right to the point.


I’m going to start doing this again tomorrow in another post someone actually said I wasn’t eating enough because I was eating for what I want my goal weight to be instead of a deficit. Obviously have some learning to do lol


I do high protein, high fiber, and low card and had good success! I also cut out gluten and noticed a big change.


GLp1 partnered with high protein


Weight loss surgery


The Livy Method :) this is the longest I’ve stuck to anything and the best results I’ve seen. And the best I’ve felt!


Tbh I’m not using any specific diet bc I knew I would not be able to stick with it if I felt too restricted. I just prioritize veggies and protein, and added some lowcal/nutritious snacks for when I’m craving something but not actually hungry (popcorn, nuts, fruit etc). I cut down on carbs— my main “issue” was that i was eating a lot of rice everyday (I’m Asian) so I decreased my portions and filled my plate with more veggies and white meat. I can’t cut out rice completely bc it’s just a necessity for me lol. I cut down on sugars but not completely, I still have ice cream every now and then. So far this has only been working when paired with my meds… I would not have lost weight on this diet if it weren’t for my meds. So basically low carb, low sugar, more veggies and protein 🤷 it’s been working so far so I hope it continues to work in the long run.


For me: high carb-high vegetables low fat (and vegan). So lots of potatoes, oats, rice with non-starchy veggies, and a side of protein like tofu, lentils, beans. I'll add low-sugar fruits to my oats (mixed berries, cherries, apples) or have citrus fruit as dessert It's a lifestyle, more than a diet, but it's helped me a lot with maintaining a healthy weight. I follow Lean With Plants (see youtube or podcast), and I've lost over 20 pounds, and I've been maintaining it rather easily. It's been 3 years


Does this way of eating help your PCOS symptoms (if you have them) ?


It has helped with keeping lean and feeling confident. I do feel that eating whole unprocessed foods helps with my energy vs. I used to crash at times after eating, needing a nap, and yawning uncontrollably. The biggest thing that has helped the rest of my symptoms, meaning what increased my moods /reduce anxiety/getting a regular cycle/ reduced my flow from heavy to med-light/ reduced body inflammation, has been hormonal therapy (bio-identical progesterone from a compound pharmacy, prescribed to me by my naturopath). Nothing, for me, can compare with how this has been a game-changer.


no refined sugar. if i want something sweet, i eat whole fruit to make sure i have fiber as well which will slow down my body's digestion of glucose. no processed food, or any pro-inflammatory foods, like fried stuff, heavily-processed bread, etc. if i'm gonna eat bread the ingredients have to be really bare bones, and it has to have a lot of grains and seeds in it. portion control is a huge thing too. i also definitely notice better results when i cut out alcohol, but i like to party so that's a little harder for me.


Hi! Fasting doesn't work for me. I get stressed and dizzy many times. I tend to compensate after fasting and I end up eating more. It has worked for me to count calories. Nothing crazy, something that you can keep up for some weeks and it allows you to be flexible with what you are eating. I am gluten and milk intolerant. I try to avoid those products and It has helped me with inflammation.


Hi! Sometimes the dizziness during fasting period is because of low electrolytes...you can try taking that if you wanna try fasting! That's what helped me maintain the overnight fast.


Hi! Thank you!! When do you take them? I usually finish eating at 19:00-19:30 and I don't eat until 11:30-12:00h. That's totally fine for me and I have almost always the same schedule. I would start feeling dizzy around 15:30h if I don't eat anything until that time. I also have low bood pressure, maybe that affects too!


I usually take it around 23:00 if I feel a little woozy...just some rock salt and lemon juice in water. It can be taken at any time of the day. I take breakfast at 10 am and I guess trying to increase the fast would make me dizzy too! Try not to wait till 15:30 to eat if it isn't suiting you!


Thanks :)


I'm enjoying structured meals and only eating 3x a day with no snacking. I think the no snacking is great at lowering insulin levels. Pcos has made me a habitual grazer for 3 decades.


Mostly refined sugar free, if I want something sweet I buy diabetic snacks/sugar free , don't drink calories, and a balanced diet of protein, complex carbs and veggies/fruit. Watching my portions, moderation, and learning to ignore false hunger cues by sticking to scheduled eating. Its the only diet I don't feel tortured by and have been able to stick to for 6 years now. I have lost 150+lbs slowly over time. I tried fad diets too and they did more harm than good for me, mentally and physically.


"What I love to eat" diet with accountability from myself. No crazy restrictions. Whenever I crave something , I have a small portion of it and don't feel bad about it. And if I crave the same thing same week, or another calorie dense food the same week, I just tell myself the progress I have made in the gym and look myself in the mirror and give myself a pat on the back and distract myself from the craving. All the best OP!


I don’t know that’s it’s a diet per se, but I’ve cut out almost all sugar and focus on eating foods that are low glycemic and anti inflammatory. I also try to not drink my calories and just stick to water. I’ve done it about 2 weeks and lost 8lbs!


I have adhd so when I find a new food I like I will eat LOTS of it until I get bored of it and through this I have found some cheat codes for myself with pcos. I went through an asparagus and Brussel sprouts phase where I was eating both with my dinner every day for a little over a week and I lost 5 lbs! I'm in an Asian cucumber salad phase and yogurt phase now and I've lost 10 lbs in about a month. I do not usually lose weight so this was shocking for me. Also lots of protein and water! The number one thing that I have seen improve my symptoms and could possibly be part of the weight loss is eating CONSISTENTLY. Pcos messes up your insulin which messes up your sleep which both cause symptom flare ups. Eating consistently all day not skipping breakfast or lunch or dinner keeps our sugar levels balanced and helps bring down that inflammation. So even if you can't stick to any specific diet at least make sure you are eating at least 3 times a day. ❤️ you got this!! Also caffeine raises cortisol which contributes to stress and pcos causes high cortisol already so I cut out drinking coffee and tea except maybe once a week and I have noticed a difference there too!


- Pilates 3x week - low carb, and when I do eat carb, they’re complex carbs - pretty strict on weekdays but very loose on weekends - berberine before meals!


South beach diet + running 2 miles a day.


All of this sounds great and super overwhelming😭 I was recently diagnosed within the last month. My doctor originally told me about the lifestyle change and the need for a plant based diet and stuff ya know…. But I’ve struggled with my weight ENTIRE life. I’ve done ever diet you could think of — intermittent fasting, calorie counting, low carb, no carb, vegetarian, pescatarian, 75 hard/soft, 21 day diet, atkins, keto ..,, literally you name it. I did keto about 5-6 years ago in college and lost 30ish pounds in about 3 months and it was the most in love I’ve been with my body but the worst experience ever. I would literally give myself a 20g limit of carbs a day, 1250 calorie limit, gym 45 mins a day/ 5-6 days a week, all for me to just cry because I wanted a bagel so bad lmao. I can go on and on BUT In hindsight, after suffering with (what i now know is) disordered eating habits, I am very intentional with my dieting to prevent bingeing and restricting. SO, basically I do what is realistic for me. I’m a foodie. I LOVE food. So the no sugar, low carb, no dairy etc… (at this moment) simply won’t work for me. I can’t do intermittent fasting anymore ( my window used to be 3-6pm ). I know I get obsessive when I think of changing my “diet” so I literally have to take baby steps for the long game, if that makes sense. I got married a month ago (congrats for your upcoming nuptials)!!! I understand the stress and anxiety about wedding dress shopping. I didn’t hit my goal. I was actually the heaviest I’ve ever been. But right now if the happiest and the most at peace with my body that I’ve been. I’ve been in like intense therapy with a nutritionist since January and literally THANK GOD. My relationship with food has changed so much. I had to get to the root of my issues. As a result of being in a better place mentally, I subconsciously cut back on drinking — I may have a glass of wine a week or every other week. I stopped eating out so much. I used to CRAVE fast food. Now, I’m very intentional with my hunger and if I’m out and need to get something quick than maybe I get a hot dog and a bag of chips from Wawa, I’ll also grab a bag of apple slices with it. I’ve learned to nuetralize food so it’s not “good” vs. “bad.” Either way, im fueling myself and I just look at moderation and how I feel afterwards. So now, the weight is slowly creeping off without any “set diet.” I personally do not restrict myself from something that I really want… I’ll eat it in moderation to satisfy myself and I don’t punish myself. I try to focus on home cooked meals. I’m really not a big snacker any way do you won’t catch me sitting around eating chips or cookies or pretzels or anything. I mainly do complete meals. I try to drink ONLY water, but im also not perfect like I had sprite all day today lmao and im gonna reset with water tomorrow because I feel my body’s dehydration. Anyway sorry for the ramble. Feel free to message me any time. I understand the journey and the struggle and tbh it’s been my whole life. It helps that PCOS kinda brings a meaning or justification to these struggles but im glad you shared because it’s reassuring to see the similarities we all may share. Good luck in finding what works best for you!! :)


3 words; slow, carb, diet. At first followed it to a T, but then as the weight came off, tweaked it into my own sustainable version. The weight came off easily, without exercise, although I did exercise, and I have been able to maintain my goal weight for more than a year. For me, it wasn't about losing weight as much as it was about getting healthy. When I say healthy, I'm talking about my relationship with food and how I allowed it to control me. I'm no longer constantly thinking about food, I feel like a million bucks, and it's pretty simple to follow. You just need to have an action plan; come up with recipes and things beforehand so you enjoy the process and it doesn't feel like a death sentence. This all being said, honestly, our bodies each need something different. What works for me may not work for you, but for me, this lifestyle was Godsent because it changed my life and relationship with food. Some days it was challenging, not gonna lie, but I got through it by focusing on how good I felt at my highs. I don't feel lethargic, haven't had an I feel disgusting moment, and I am not constantly thinking about food. Then I think why I am finding it hard and more often than not, for me at least, it's because I want to feel the high I get from certain foods. We have to choose our hard. It's hard to be overweight, lethargic, and all these other things, but this process will also be hard. The latter will not take me anywhere, but the former is getting me everywhere. My period even became regular! Not saying this is the way you should go, but you need to experiment and see what works for you and what doesn't. Although I love carbs like bread, for instance, my body just didn't react well when digested. It's a fact, for me, and I had to face the hard truth. Bread spikes my insulin and turns into sugar quickly causing the myriad of reactions in my body moat notoriously stalling any kind of weight loss progress. Weight loss happens in the kitchen. The gym is important for cardiovascular health etc. My final advice, it's not going to be easy, and nothing is for us cycters, but I thought I would offer my 2 cents because it may work for you. Good luck!


Essentially I live by 'you manage what you measure'. So I measure my portions and I may not always write them down or track them on MFP but the act of weighing it out makes me aware of what I'm eating. As a general rule I try to go for high protein and high fiber so my plate might look like 40% salmon, 40% green beans and 20% brown rice or mashed pumpkin. And my final tip: SAUCESSS. They will make even a boring meal ✨ delicious ✨


I reversed my insulin resistance through focusing on getting a lot of plant fiber and protein and daily activity (8,000-10,000 steps a day on average). An average day looks like Greek yogurt and berries for breakfast, decaf coffee with almond milk, heavy protein lunch and a very plant heavy dinner with some more protein. Think steak tacos with lots of veggies and salsa, egg salad with fresh herbs, grilled chicken with a Greek salad, fit in chickpeas, beans, cottage cheese, LOTS of soup. I eat carbs but they’re a small accompaniment. i make sure to eat these meals 70-80% of the week then i almost always do 10 minutes of walking or an activity burst right after eating. If I have sugar, I shoot for no more than 10 grams of sugar and balance it with fat or protein and a walk afterwards.


So, back in the day, I actually worked with a body builder who designed plans for me based on macros. We changed up my macros every week until I figured out how to eat for my body. I categorized proteins (type 1, lean. Type 2 fatty.) carbs were a category, fruits type 1 were low sugar fruits. Type 2 were high sugar fruits. Dairy type 1 is low fat dairy, type 2 is fattier dairy. Veggie type 1 are low starch. Veggie type 2 is higher starch. Fats were their own category. Anyway, type 1 proteins(lean) can pair with any other category. Type 2 proteins can only pair with type 2 dairy, type 1 veggies, or fats. Carbohydrates and fats do not go together What ended up working for me was meal 1: type 1 protein, carbohydrate, dairy type 1 Meal 2: protein type 1, veggie type 1, carbohydrate Meal 3: fruit type 1 Meal 4: protein type 1, veggie type 1, carbohydrate Meal 5: protein type 1 with fat or protein type 2 …basically lean protein, low starch vegetables, low sugar fruit, low fat dairy, strategically placed carbs. More fat/protein before bed.


Low fodmap anti-inflammatory keto worked wonders for me before my glucose kept spiking up out of fucking thin air and I had my gastric bypass


For me the main thing is just limiting portions and composting meals in good proportions. So I went to a dietician, we talked about what I eat normally and what I like, and then incorporated that into a diet. There is no restriction other than quantities or frequencies of eating sth. I have a "meal plan" that I can mix pretty freely or substitute with different stuff from same category, and all of this is things I like, make often etc, just maybe tweaked a bit to be better for me. And with all that - I only do it to have someone help me switch for better managing my food intake, like someone else monitoring me without judgement. Because as other ppl said - it is to be for life. I don't want to completely resign from stuff I like or flip the hours of meals or cooking style upside down since it doesn't seem sustainable at all. I don't really like when people claim 1 specific type of diet is a cure all for all PCOS/IR, or even better "for everyone". Since all of us have different lifestyle and opportunities (shopping, gardening, work conditions, sports etc etc)


With that said - I don't live in US, and looking at comments I suppose the "whole foods" (aka normal food I guess?) are more available in PL. I said stuff tweaked for me - in the sense of making it more protein rich, so I am more satiated after meals and including lots of veggies and fruits. I already regularly drink tea/water without and sugar, if sodas then Zero sugar ones if only available and I limited my alcohol intake due to meds and health (also hangover is a biatch and I'm too old for that). Some of the new habits are work of last few years even. Sometimes changes needed are more dramatic if your food habits are bad from home or environment, but I believe in small steps and changes that we can keep for life rather than diets that flip our lives upside down.


For me low carb works best. I was eating bread and pasta almost daily so I decided to stop that all together some months back. I still eat bread from time to time in moderation but I'm glad to say I feel a lot more healthy. My weight is a work in progress but I have dropped 16 pounds so far.


I already feel better switching to the Ezekiel bread, and making sure I have a good portion of protein for lunch. Intermittent fasting makes me feel great too and even more mental clarity


Intermitten Fasting (about 20 hours between). Low to no sugar, Low to no dairy, Low to no gluten. I'm planning to do the carnivore diet soon! I'm working on increasing my protein and fiber and remain low carb currently.


I’ve learned to eat the “bad stuff” in moderation. I eat some type of protein with every meal with the exception of red meat which I found flared up my PCOS symptoms and made me feel foggy. I eat at least one salad a day as a meal and drinks a ton of water. I don’t drink alcohol or sugary drinks but that’s more of a taste preference than a diet restriction. I do however LOVE flavored seltzer or seltzer with lime. The Hal’s vanilla crème tastes just like crème soda to me. I am pretty active but even on days I’m not I try and get out for a 30 minutes walk with my dog after dinner/before bed. I don’t restrict myself from foods I like because then I ALWAYS wind up binging too much of them. I just eat smaller portions of them and only have 1 serving instead of the whole thing lol I’ve tried all the diets and the only thing that worked for me was exercise and eating what I want in moderation.


Counting calories and staying within my deficit. I'm not a huge sweets person, I prefer to save my Cals for actual food! I love food lol also incorporating protein in every meal. Helps keep me full. My biggest issue was sweet coffee. That's probably where I got my unnecessary calories from. It took about 3-4 weeks for me to start craving just black coffee again. I'll add sugar-free vanilla sometimes. Now there's days when I won't even eat that many calories but will make myself eat something to hit my recommended Cals. I'm in this for the long run! I've learned that keeping yourself from eating enough will only make cravings worse in the future. Expect to lose .5-1lbs per week. It's slow but it adds up overtime. Understand that our body's retain so much "weight" thats not fat that can discourage many from losing weight. But if you're consistent, it will eventually show. Honestly, I noticed how my clothes fit better before it showed on the scale. Sorry for the long post! Hope this helps. I'm down 12lbs and hope to lose another 15lbs.


I’m going to start doing this again tomorrow in another post someone actually said I wasn’t eating enough because I was eating for what I want my goal weight to be instead of a deficit. Obviously have some learning to do lol


Advice from Glucose Goddess has really helped me, as well as intermittent fasting, heaps of protein and weight lifting! My last three cycles have been normal which hasn’t happened in decades


I eat salads everyday and drink water. Lost 16 lbs in 2 weeks.


fueling my body with balanced meals and not restricting any food group. all foods allowed.


No specific diet, just basic CICO via careful tracking - plus aiming to boost protein & fibre and moderate carbs and fat. To stick to my calorie deficit, tracking makes it easy to see where I was blowing my "budget" - and kind of easy to cut down or replace those foods with better options. This has led to diet changes - I drink a lot of coffee sometimes, and they didn't fit my goals with milk, so I slowly reduced to black coffee. I did add protein powders to my diet for snacks/summer breakfast/add to porridge etc, and instead of buttery white toast I now have high fibre toast with cottage cheese and vegemite or jam. And obviously I'm not snacking (read: binging) on chocolates and biscuits and snacks like I used to - 6 months in I've developed a sense of whether I really want the treat and will enjoy it enough to justify fitting the calories into my week. By not just restricting everything, it's been much more sustainable and I'm down 15kg in 6 months so far 🤞🏻


I eat vegan, but I have found that eating a big breakfast, a small snack-y lunch, and a small dinner has worked really well for me


Eating super low calorie and exercising a ton. That’s it.


Calorie deficit has been the best. I ate whatever I wanted without any restrictions and 1500-1700 calories works best for weight loss


Just eating less over time and letting my stomach shrink. I don’t find any elimination diets to work longterm.


Vegan! This is my 14th year vegan and I’m as healthy as can be.


no gluten, dairy, or added sugar low carb ish cause I don’t count complex carbohydrates low cal 2 hour workouts 6 days a week