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NPP makes me want to walk into oncoming traffic. Primo makes me uncontrollably horny and I beat my dick like it owes me money.


lol so true


There right now


Npp is psychosis in a vial for me


This stuff messed with my head so bad. I got paranoid to the point where I thought everyone hated me. Even randoms in the street.


I’m currently running 300 npp per week and about 5 weeks in have developed severe mental health issues & SEVERE rage/anxiety bursts. I’m using a moderate amount of test-primo alongside the npp ( been b&cing for last 4 years with zero issues & perfect bloodwork) i’m actually shocked how hard npp has effected me mentally because i usually have no issues running any AAS ( besides tren ) outside of just a little agitation and/or slightly elevated BP. If i was completely wreckless and upped the NPP to around 600 i truly believe i would end up in either prison or a mental hospital. This shit is no joke


Beware your mental state may get worse. I ran it 8 weeks and stopped due to going full psycho. By week 5 I felt amazing, a god then it went downhill


I’m entering full psycho territory so i’m dropping today. The results have been amazing, especially for someone my age, this is a true recomp. I’ve put on 7 lbs with daily cardio & low carbs with the NPP & gotten leaner, im a loose cannon but fucking jacked. I smoke probably 99% of my gym right now. Everyone thinks i’m prepping for a show or competing and i’m just a gym rat guy ( sorry, i’m really not trying give myself little compliments or brag like a douche but it’s the truth & making it tough to stop )


Stop now before you become king of the ashes. You’ll feel like a god while your life is destroyed and realize it too late


Can you describe what your sides were from NPP? Just curious to see if this stuff is truly this dangerous


Delusions of grandeur, paranoia, mania, extreme jealousy, anger, impulsivity, violent tendencies


Damn that’s wild but very relatable unfortunately. Don’t think i’ve reached the delusions of grandeur stage yet but all the others i got covered


Just wait until month 8. Dont get me wrong, the feeling is amazing but the damage it does to your life is substantial. I miss the rush every day


I agree, it’s a great compound for building lean mass but can truly turn someone into a complete lunatic within a matter of weeks.


Drop it now bro, it’s only gonna get worse. Don’t wait til the panic attacks set in


Bro same. Have run it 2x and both times I felt the worst id ever felt in my life. Never again.


Jesus you guys got unlucky hey. I don’t get Nand sides.


Must be nice


Does it raise dopamine or something?


I can tell you what it DOESNT rise. Your dick.


So it causes ED aha?


Deca dick baby


Nope, but Prolactin.


So fcking REL!!!


19nors are that wild eh?


not with an AI


Bullshit I took anastrozole


Currently have NPP in my stack (420mg/wk) and have developed a very strong interest in women 10-20 years older than me, which was never a thing before. Has definitely been causing me to consider bending my morals as far as married women being off-limits, as well. As far as other sides, it's been pretty much fine. Haven't tried primo personally.


All my best fetishes come from runs on NPP, can't wait to see what fetish will be brewed up in the next run! 😅


Stick with primo, it’s far safer imo


Deca just gives a fucking awesome swole look that’s hard to explain. I hate the mental effects, but im tempted to do it again.


NPP is pure hard gains with some size and strength. It just makes me fit for a straight jacket


Everyone gets affected different mentally with NPP. It just makes me feel relaxed. No depression or crazy thoughts. Just relaxed like I had half a beer or took a hit off a joint. My problem is that I absolutely can not mix it with testosterone. Every single time I have my nipples are on fire the next day after injection. Even with just a 33mg dose. So I run it without test. And when I do it that way I have zero issues with it. I've run up to 700mg with no test and everything works great. But I don't use it anymore because of that relaxed feeling I get. It makes me lazy. I don't want to get up off the couch. I just want to chill and watch tv


I agree! Is there anything else you have taken PED wise that replicates this?


So far only nandrolone. I haven't tried tren or ment which are also 19-nors and I probably never will. But I've tried anavar, dbol, mast, and primo. None of them affected my mood negatively. Mast is my favorite so far as it just seems to give a little extra drive. Primo feels like nothing at all


Nandrolone changes the way I think. If you collab at your job you'll need to be careful with that. Primo isn't really noticeable, mentally. My base stack is test/mast/primo. I currently have NPP in the mix but I graduated up to mitigate the interference with thought patterns.


I’ve been running test/primo for a few months with very solid steady returns, zero sides. Added 300mg of NPP & around the 5week mark i’ve become a completely different person, impossible for me to continue and not jeopardize my family/career/freedom. I’m getting intense bouts of rage that i no longer can control & it’s a hopeless feeling


The hopelessness is what prompted me to quit npp. I remember thinking “I’m not gonna make it” a lot towards the end


Ahhahahhaha WTF is wrong with u reddit guys


Just make you depressed?


That too. Also paranoid, overthinking and anxious. A lot of insane thoughts that make absolutely no sense once you hop off


I get a general sense of feeling unwell. It’s not 100% all day the feeling comes and goes. It does wreck my sleep. Everything feels subtle at 150mg/week for me, I don’t push it beyond this. When I drop off(NPP) within a week I feel mentally better and sleep starts to return to somewhat normal. For me primo just acts as an excellent AI with test. I don’t have hair so I’m not worried about that part. It never causes any deviation on blood work including PSA. If I’m adding something to test it’s Primo.


The poor sleep just compounds the negative mental sides. When i get a solid nice sleep or even a couple hour nap on the weekends i always feel way better




Can't really compare the two but I really like primo over npp. Npp sent my head west, primo makes me feel good.


Nandrolone does give me mental sides. I think Mast and Proviron helped with the sides. Primo didn’t help with the mental sides. Primo and Test alone I thought was going to be the one. Primo is the only AAS that gave me acne and made my hair fall out.


Primo Test & HGH is my favorite stack, can run it indefinitely with almost zero sides or messes up bloodwork. Primo really lets you push high test doses and not get the soft watered down look


Apples to oranges. Depends on your goals and current state


Can you explain more about the mental changes with npp?


Slowly over time I developed anxiety and depression. The anxiety was bad, causing panic attacks. The depression was worse tho. I remember thinking my life was over and I wasn’t gonna make it. I tossed it in the trash. Still took a couple months to return to normal


Those were the two compounds I was considering for my second cycle as well, both are great compounds imo. If you have the money for primo and aren’t worried about shedding I’d probably run that for my second cycle personally. Nandrolone can be intolerable for some people because of the possible mental sides, and it’d suck to have to come off early and swap out compounds, so I’d probably fiddle a bit with NPP before deciding establish a place for nandrolone in a cycle That being said, I landed on nandrolone over primo for my 2nd blast and ran a 20 week cycle with deca @ 500mg/week so I’m being hypocritical here telling you to dip your toes in to nandrolone lol. Deca was cheap, and imo a little better for bulking than Primo. Water retention is definitely more of a thing with nandrolone in my experience as well if looking shredded is something you care about or if you’re concerned about blood pressure


I’m doing Deca 350 with Primo 400mg (along with 600mg Test E). 10 weeks in no mental sides, dick works…


I’ve had a couple bouts with deca. Mostly in the TRT dosage range (100mg) but I’m on my third go around with 300mg. My advice is to make sure you know how to control your estrogen and you should be fine. I get a little weird on deca for 7-10 days around week 6, but my cns usually adjusts pretty rapidly and then I’m fine for the rest of the duration.


400test/200npp wk, 12.5asin EOD here. Yea, without npp, 400 test just boost me. Stronger, more focused and confident. With NPP after 2-3 weeks you start to be slightly different. Unwell feeling, lack of focus. Anyway sex drive good. Pretty strong in gym, weight go up and joints in perfect condition. If i compare it with tbol. Damn, i miss that shit. Such an ENERGY and possitive attitude. You can use primo as AI and not fuck your head, but whats on it. Its not that potent but more safe "boost my progress" drug.


On my third cycle of Test and Nand and haven't had any sides I'm aware of.


Real Primo is phenomenal and I’ve watched an older man take for over 30 years straight (300-400mg) Highly faked (even if your over the pond) . Deca at 150mg is stronger than 500mg primo , Even 600mg


Been running Deca for two years straight as part of my trt. Feel great💪🏻 Joints feel amazing‼️


deca all dayy


Used NPP, haven’t done primo, NPP gave a lot of strength and size that I’ve held onto, only side effects were mental, some pretty significant anxiety (which I’ve never had issues with before, or after coming off)… still mostly enjoyed the NPP overall worked pretty well for me


I have no issue with NPP or Deca. Both work just as expected. Deca adds water and NPP is dryer but still wet. Never ran primo. I’ve always heard it’s seriously overrated and just run EQ, which I love by the way.


Npp dosed at around 100mg a week can offer great joint lubrication with a very low risk of mental sides. Run high test high primo low npp for a great cycle


Just finished 20 weeks of Test Primo NPP at 400/400/400. Pretty damn legit stack. 26lb gained, and maintained if not improved how ripped I look. Gonna cruise at 150mg Test for a few months then try a different third item, but Test and Primo are my favourites. I started with Deca then moved to NPP for no particular reason. Felt totally fine. Very mild anxiety and jealousy but that’s me anyway so nothing out of the ordinary.


Sorry but what's NPP?


Nandrolone phenyl propionate


Shorter ester nandrolone than deca


Currently on my second cycle. 500 test 250 primo and I’m feeling so amazing. Libido is high, I’m pulling bloods this weekend to see my test to e2 ratio because this is definitely a sweet spot. No wet bloated look, but grainy and sexy. I don’t take this seriously enough to run a 19-nor.


I seem to keep almost all my gains with Deca involved. Never tried npp it's on my list though