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On a similar protocol with good results 200mg of npp and 20mg of test. Lots of old school body builders ran nand solo or with dbol. I think my next experiment might just be hcg solo 3000iu a week


How long have you been on this protocol? Did something make you add the 20mg or did you do it as a precaution? Thinking of adding 30mg of Test in a few weeks just to see the effects.


I’m a low aromatizer to begin with but I think blood work is important. You don’t want low e2 for long periods of time. E2 is important for Cogitive health, sexual health, and heart health


Best libido and gains i ever had was on npp only. 


Are you still on it? If not, why’d you stop?


This is a fine protocol, except for your heart. Are u using some ACE inhibitors ? Nandrolone solo is fine in all areas except for your heart.


Not at the moment. Should I? I check my blood pressure daily. It’s about 130/65. Normally it’s 120/60.


130 is not a good resting count year round.. I would advice get heart imaging done now & again do it after 7-8 months to see changes in lvh / ejection fraction if any.. for now check with your doctor and hop on some bp meds, as nandrolone shown in studies to really f up heart. Im planning to do this experiment as well.


Thanks man. I’ll look into it.


I’ve seen people have this experience a lot. How much NPP are you using?


150mg + 1,000iu hCG


The hcg is likely raising e2 vs npp solo solo no hcg. Curious to see where yours is at after you do your bloods


Your post is really helpful. So 150 mg per week? How is you libido ? And water retention? Do you have a puffy face?


That’s the goal. I bet many people are curious but afraid to try because they hear about Deca Dick and Test:Nand ratio broscience. What if some people just don’t react well to exogenous Test and this provides another option? Yup. MWF. Libido is hard to describe…Libido is good. Erections are incredible. But sensitivity/orgasms are very weak. Almost 0. If my girl wants sex I have no trouble giving it to her, but without the sensation that sexual urge isn’t there. If I could somehow fix this one thing I’d be in heaven. I had a 2 week honeymoon where everything was amazing, but that all faded away. I have not noticed any retention or puffiness


Thanks for your reply. Have you checked your prolactine levels?


I’ll have my first NPP bloodwork first week of July. Before starting it was 9.2 (3.9-22.7).


I know that you are not taking Test right now. But Prolactine can also increase estrogen. Maybe the lack of sensation is due to high prolactin , and high estrogen. You fix this . And you are golden.


Thanks for your post .It sounds great. So for my next cruise I'm gonna use only deca and Hcg.


I would start with NPP because it's a shorter ester. It's out of your system faster in case you don't feel well.


Thanks for the advice. I'll do that


I too have this lack of sensation. I’ve had it for three or four years. I’ve ran estrogen up and down, and my prolactin has always been good. I’ve tried high test, low test, NPP, test e, test cyp (which I’m on now). I don’t have any answers, hope someone finds out. Many many people out there with this


The scary thing to me was when it didn’t return 8 months post-TRT. Most other side effects cleared up after a few weeks. I’m coming to the realization that going natural is no longer an option for me.


Remind me! 21 days


RemindMe! 21 days I can’t remember which one works


I was just on 50 test 600 deca. Broke my hand at the 11 week mark so now I’m cruising 🫠 but same my body has never been so clear and libido is amazing.


4 weeks into a deca only cycle 450mg week and will titrate up to 600-700 if sides are minimal. For me this had been much more enjoyable than my previous test only, test + dbol and test + anavar cycles. No AI use, no acne, no moonface, I just have increased vascularity and endurance and muscles look "full" all day. The only negative so far has been decreased sleep quality. If you respond poorly to test based cycles you can absolutely try nandrolome cycles and see how you respond.


Supposedly nandrolone aromatizes at 1/5the rate of test. Your body does need estrogen for normal functions so you should be able to get some estrogen from nandrolone. I saw in a comment that you’re also on HCG. The HCG is likely causing some natural testosterone production and subsequently conversion to estrogen. In theory your current protocol should work fine. I would really love to see some bloodwork. Specifically testosterone, estrogen, SHBG, and progesterone. There’s a decent chance that your feeling better is more from the HCG than the nandrolone. A lot of men get great results from HCG mono therapy in lieu of TRT.


Nandrolone along side Test actually increases the rate of conversion to E2 more than an equivalent dose of just Test. Nand solo aromatizes to E2 at 20-30% the rate of Test. Very strange occurrence.


Maybe. I added the hCG 2 weeks ago after the honeymoon ended and libido and ball size took a nosedive. I’m lucky to get free bloodwork at my company, so you bet I’ll be taking advantage of that. I plan on getting tested the first Monday of July.


Yeah this really makes me think the HCG is doing the heavy lifting. The crashed libido would be from your test being basically zero and your estrogen really low. HCG brought those back up bringing back your libido. I think in order to get nandrolone only to work you might need a higher dose like 300-400mg in order to have enough estrogen. That’s just wild speculation and bro science though. My best cycle so far was test and deca. I do love deca. Made great gains and never had any side effects from it, unless you count insanely high libido as a side effect.


I had the exact same crash back when I started Test, except it was accompanied by a host of other side effects. I felt like shit on Test+hCG and felt even worse on Test-solo. Right now I’d say I feel 8.5/10. I might gradually go up in dose, but my goal is to cruise on this long term. I don’t know if 300-400mg is sustainable.


Again just broscience but if your bloods and BP are good I don’t see why you couldn’t run 150 deca year round. Actually now that I’m thinking about it I’m going to add 120 deca to my cruise. I think I can probably run 100mg of test and 120mg of deca year round if I donate blood every couple months.


Why donate blood? You afraid of HCT and RBC being high?


Yeah it brings those back in range


But only for a week or so. You’ll crash your ferritin if you’re not careful


nandrolone does not aromatize to estrogen AT ALL. Do you think the aromataze has super power and can add a methyl on the 19th carbon ?


Assume the confusion comes from ND supposedly exacerbating test aromatization


There are few people on YouTube that like Deca only and it’s use instead of test for some people. I’ve not tried it, but am considering doing lowish test on my next cycle to try reduce Bacne, more test just gives me androgenic side effects. Im just not decided on compounds as id love to run Primo but would possibly run into low estrogen issues. I could possibly look at running 200mg test and 300 Deca and see how it goes, i’ve done 300/200 in the past and had less acne than 500 test.


How’s your hematocrit on nand vs test?


have you tried test prop?


Seems to be a bad idea for most people, and an incredible idea for some people. You're just in the second group, hoss! Glad you discovered this for yourself. 😎👍🏻


Have you tried….cialis?