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Probably mostly water. Just get better first, then get back to training.


Most of the time they say to end the cycle and pct if you are that sick. If you are feeling well and can continue without further incident, do so. If you cannot. Pct or lower to maintenance and take a short respite. When you are 100 again, continue. While you lost weight, it was most likely water and not much muscle. The cycle helps preserve that, though to an extent. Prioritize your health first.


Thanks for the advice guys, I definitely don't want to come off, as a 42 year old man I had planned to "stay on". As mentioned above, I will put my health first. I'm trying to get better but I just can't keep anything down and its disheartening especially seeing most of what I've worked for just disappear.


Hydration and carbs are a key to muscle fullness. If you aren’t getting those, you will be flat. Not necessarily smaller though. It will take some weight off as well. The fact that you had to go to the hospital says a lot about the state you were in. Don’t get discouraged. With proper planning you’ll be back soon.


At 3 weeks in, your levels would hardly have even raised yet. You were just entering the anabolic phase of your cycle, thus any 'gains' you had were glycogen, aside from whatever you would have normally gained on your cruise. This is all a pretty neutral experience. If you want, you could just call now the 'start of your cycle' since you are actually entering the period of proper saturation which will really take hold at 5 weeks.


Just drop to TRT until you feel well enough to train and eat properly. Loss will be water, but feeling like garbage is the main issue when sick.


This is how life works. I am recovering from a concussion and car accident. As you age you will get surgeries, injuries, sicknesses, time off, etc. Just have to be able to come back and get back to it once you’re better. Don’t come back too soon that could keep you off longer than just taking time off to begin with.


You really lost a lot less than you think. Most of that is just water and glycogen and you are incredibly “flat” now. You’re muscles look smaller due to less water and glycogen in them, and you have less definition because the muscle is flattened out and not pushing against the skin, we well as some inflammation from the sickness blurring definition as well. That’ll all come back with a bit of time refeeding and getting back to the gym when you feel better. For now, just get healthy because only a healthy body can fill back out like you want to


These things happen to literally everyone. It is discouraging but we’re all harder on ourselves than what the reality is. You likely mainly lost water. Don’t worry so much, get healthy and get back to it.


Weight you lose when sick is all water due to body temperature


You better triple your dose to get your gains back