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Anyone who remembers P4 releases for a whole decade.


We could do without Atlus character assassinating their own beloved personalities through unending spinoffs.


At least they got a decent dancing game, but it still makes me mad that they reversed Kanji's growth because the fanbase was like "ew ugly" when he decided he wanted to drop the tough punk act.


I'm 50/50 on it personally. Yes Kanji's gang tough persona was an exaggerated depiction of masculinity that wasn't really him and should have been phased out after his character arc concluded, but at the same time, the mild-mannered salaryman look they went with really wasn't him either. Feels like it came out of nowhere and was as much of an act as thug Kanji was.


He was never allowed to settle down into that to begin with, so how can anyone be so sure of that? All that people saw was one scene and they didn't like how he looked, so they rejected it immediately. And sure, maybe he could have instead leaned more into his cutesy interests rather than a proper look, but that didn't happen either. For someone whose ultimate conclusion to his inner conflict was that he just wanted to be accepted no matter what, it was just sad to watch. Turns out needing to put a tough face to deal with a world that rejects him was how he would have to continue living.


I thought he was so cute and actually good looking in both sprites. So it really annoys me that he was forced to change back lol


Weirdly I think P5S enhanced the cast for me in a sense I found them bland in the base game


If anyone gets to complain, it's not P4


Reminder that the P4 releases consist of three crossovers with the P3 cast and one dancing game. Meanwhile P5 has had three standalone spin-offs *and* monopolised the focus in PQ2.


Erm akshuly, there’s 4 crossover games 🤓☝️


PQ2 isn’t an equal crossover, it’s a Phantom Thieves-led game that treats the P3 & P4 casts as secondary to the P5 cast. No P3 or P4 story means I’m not counting it as “their” game.


P4G got ported again and P4AU also last year. Hardly Atlus gave up milking P4 content after 2016 like this meme suggests lol


Also p4au also had some modifications, like the motorbike keys, if i remember right.


What does this mean? :0 just curious!!


If i rememver right, the old versionbof the car keys item gave 10 meter to the opponent if they grabbed them. The new version causes the bike in question to pass through once. If the teddy player picks it up, it passes through twice.


I'm nodding along in full understanding *Doesn't get it at all but appreciates it!*


Long story short, eddie can throw a motorbike key. It has different effects depending on who picks it up. And what happens if the enemy picks it up chsnges on version


Yeah ports, no spin offs tho. Even P3 got a dancing game after 16 and that was a decade after the first game came out. P4 got nuffin after dancing all night. Great game just saying nuffin


it got Q2 if you want to be semanatics all about it


do you really want ANOTHER persons 4 game? most studios (pretty much every single studio but atlus) make 1 game per number entry lmao. and as a studio they’ve released what like 6-7 games, if not more, since 2016. feels like most studios take 6-7 years per 1 game now. i much rather have p6 than another persona 3, 4, or 5 spin off. they’ve all been milked way more than enough, and way more than most studios would ever milk anything lmao.


Personally I’d love a new arena game actually


if you’d take a new arena game over p6 that’s really stupid but yeah you’re welcome to that opinion lmao


Fighting games are my main genre, so obviously I'd love another ArcSys made Persona fighting game lmao P6 I can wait on, that just means it gets more time in the oven


That’s fair, honestly I know they probably won’t do it but I’d be fine with a p5 dlc for p4au


Because 4 already has loads of spin offs?


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but would P4AU NOT be considered a spinoff?


p4au is from like 2013


You gotta give up dude. Everyone in this subreddit are persona 3 elitist who genuinely despise persona 4 for some reason lmao.


You do realize P4 is a ps2 game from 2008 right.


Persona 5 is a ps3 game from 2016 with games being released today. Same thing


With the same exact time gap as specified in your post. Calm down. P3, 4, and 5 are all represented in PQ2 and that came out in 2018. This really ain’t the post you think it is, dog.


2008-2016 is 8 years. The most recent P5 game is P5X, which came 8 years after 2016. You're just hating.


You spitting gang 🫶🏾


bro thought he was making a point


“Jokerboom” kinda ironic since this joke blew up in your face


Zing 😜




No it’s not?


p4 got plenty of spin offs lmao hello??


It's heartwarming that they did a short video of Persona 4 cast saying goodbye on the day Persona 5 comes out. Can't wait for P5's turn, gonna cry buttloads likely.


You got a link on that? Cuz that's the first I'm hearing of it


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/WoDUtaPMy1w?si=Szyf1rn17i6uoBaO)


Just finished watching it and damn I’m sad now


Why did you have to do me like that man now i'm crying :(


Ha, welcome to the club. Cried like a baby too when I first watched it.


It's kind of insane to me persona 4 is so aggressive wholesome you can't help yourself but love it's characters atlus cooked with that cast ngl


> atlus cooked with that cast ngl It's because the P4 cast are about the closest any of the Persona protags come to being normal teenagers. (except for Rise and Naoto) They weren't out to save or change the world but just trying to stop a single killer in their neighborhood. They're reluctant heroes. They were writing from experience and it resulted in some very relatable but also very authentic character interactions. I hope to god P6 isn't about more extremely fashionable and successful/talented for their age teenagers living in or just outside Tokyo.


…it’s only the rain


this made me cry 😭


>It's heartwarming that they did a short video of Persona 4 cast saying goodbye on the day Persona 5 comes out. Prior to Persona 5, Persona 4 Dancing All Night is the final chapter and grand finale for Persona 4 arc to give the Investigation Team a send-off. In addition, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is also served as the final chapter and grand finale for Persona 3 arc to give the adult SEES a send-off. The farewell video is a passing the torch moment.


And I still want a P5 Arena game


Will see if Arc System is not busy if they want to work with P-Studio again.


We’re not getting it. It’s been 8 years since Persona 5 came out, and we’ve had 2 spin-offs for the game ever since. P4A came out 4 years after the original P4, and I feel like we would’ve gotten P5A by now if there were any plans for making it.


P3 Dancing came out 12 years after the original.


Yeah, that happened along with P5D and P4D happening as well. Which means that if games from the past were to get a spin-off, the other games would have to get one as well.


P4D came out first and actually had effort put into it. After P4D did well then they decided to do P3D/P5D.


Yeah and P5 and P3 Dancing came out 3 years after P4D. If they were planning to make a P5A, they would’ve made it much sooner than now. Plus, from what it seemed like, P5 Tactica didn’t do that well compared to P5S and P4A, and given that P4 had 2 unique spin-offs while P5 also had 2 unique ones (Not counting Dancing because it was made just because of P4 D), I think it’s safe to say that Atlus is done with P5 spin-offs and are finally ready to move on to P6. And I honestly hope they finally do it, because it has been way too long since P5 came out.


They are working releasing Metaphor soon, and supposedly working on P6. But they want to make persona a yearly series with new games coming out constantly. They also probably wanna remake 1, 2IS, 2EP, and 4 as well. We are going to be getting a ton of spinoffs in the future probably more than any before.


>We are going to be getting a ton of spinoffs in the future probably more than any before. If that’s really the case, then it’s not really a change I’m going to be excited about. If a Persona spin-off or remake were to come out every 3 or 4 years, then I’d be fine with that, but having them be released constantly with nothing original coming out in a while will get stale very soon. Especially since I’m not into the idea of given every game a remake or spin-off in general. I was fine with P5 getting a spin-off game like Strikers because it was it was the only (original) spin-off it had at the time, but when they released Tactica, that was when I was starting to roll my eyes because it had been 7 years since the original P5 came out and we’re still getting spin-offs that regardless of quality, we really don’t need. Not to mention that Persona spin-offs tend to be a mixed bag anyways, with some of them being good while others being either mediocre or just a straight up cash grab. As for the remakes, while I can understand creating a remake for P1 and P2 since they are very difficult to play nowadays without emulating and how apparently their gameplay has aged a bit, I really do not get the need for a P4 remake. We already have Golden which while not being perfect, is still a great re-release of the original game that adds some quality of life features into the game, and still includes the great cast and story that we love about P4. People have said that they want P4 to get a remake because of P3 and 5 having beautiful looking graphics, while 4’s stuck with the outdated PS2 models, but not every game needs to look beautiful for it to be good when the story and gameplay more than make up for it. It’s better to play a game that while looking poorly, has great gameplay, than to play a game that while looking beautiful, plays terribly. Substance should always be focused on first over style. Plus, it would make me question why they added P4G and P3P to modern consoles when they’re just gonna be releasing remakes of the original game afterwards anyway.


They most likely aren’t releasing a p4 remake immediately. P6 will definitely come out first. Personally I enjoy the spinoffs particularly the Arena games, P4Dancing, Strikers, and Tactica


I guess I’ll accept a P4 remake coming out after Persona 6, since by that point, the game would be like 20 years old, and there’s no way a PS3 game (Technically PSVita but that came out after the PS3 so I’m technically still right) would age decently for more than 20 years. Just please don’t make a P5 remake when that game eventually gets old. It feels like the type of game like Mario Bros 3 that would age greatly for a while. For me though, I’m not a fan of the Persona spin-offs, at least from what I’ve played of them. Not only do they just flanderize the cast and just have them forget everything at the end of some of the games, but some of them like I said, just feel like cash grabs like P3 and 5 dancing, where they didn’t even wait for Royal or Strikers to come out before making P5 dancing, even though P4 dancing came out after all other re-releases and spin-offs of P4 did, which made P5D feel incomplete.


Hey, what I want and what I will get is two different thing. Quoting Yosuke “But that’s just how it goes! There’s always a gap between a man’s dream and cold, hard reality!”


“I don’t want to play with Yu anymore” was there for the picking


Isn’t it the best selling one? It’s hardly surprising


I mean they are all the best selling upon release. Persona as a series almost always Doubles its sales,from what I understand P3 kicked persona off on being a successful series, p4 doubled 3, and 5 doubled off of p4, and now persona 3R is the fastest selling persona game to hit a million.


I thought P5 was


I think he’s talking about P5


Of course the game with the most memes and with it's Protagonist in Smash Bros is gonna be the most popular.


I thought it was best selling/popular even before then


It definitely was the best selling in the series prior to smash. Smash certainly made it even more popular, but it was massive before that too.


I’d argue the main reason it was popular and sold well was due to its marketing, and P4’s steadily growing popularity. People praised the original as a swan song for the ps2. It got a well received anime adaptation, a ton of spin offs. A rerelease with new content that was on a dead system but was still praised by people calling it a must own. Then the marketing for 5 kicks into high gear and it’s got these stylish trailers that gets everyone talking. “What’s this?” “It’s the new Persona!” “What’s that?” “You never played them? I put 60 hours into the fourth one it’s amazing!” Thanks to all that and some glowing reviews it became a huge hit basically became mainstream overnight.


People clown the Vita, but it did wonders for 4's popularity. It was literally unavoidable on any video about Vita games to buy. Golden was one of the games to carry Vita sales for a good second


I enjoyed my vita but I’m not gonna lie and say for a bit it wasn’t much more than a P4G machine.


Same. I just hear a lot of people who initially only bought the Vita for P4G and Danganronpa pre-ports. It's a behemoth for classic games (PS1,PSP) and JRPGs and is an extremely underrated handheld.


Persona fans when Atlus uses the characters from the game that drew the most attention to the Persona franchise


If we get any more P4 stuff i want Labrys to return.


A P5 version of this meme would be "Atlus after 2025" and the image of Yu is replaced with Joker.


"But, sir, we already have too many Jokers in P2". "Add another one it's not like anyone in the fandom played that game".


I really want some P3 milking after Reload.


Man, this takes me back. Feels like just yesterday that the fandom was bellyaching about how Atlus was all P4 all the time.


And the same thing will happen with P5 (maybe P3 if they make more spinoff for it after Reload's success) when P6 releases


Yeah. To be honest I think P4 could have done with more follow ups. I didn’t get Persona 4 until a few years after Golden released. I think it was 2016 when I got my Vita and Golden. Anyway I say that to say, I missed the period of time when people were complaining about 4 getting a bunch of spin-offs, and honestly… I think it could have done with more even after the release of 5. I’m a fan of interconnected works, so I’d eat up a game that had P3, P4, and P5 characters meet without them forgetting each other by the end. Have a game where we get to see P5 gang meet the original Detective Prince, and Naoto assures them that while there are bad police, not all cops are bad (I know they already met Zenkichi but still…). Have Mitsuru talk to Haru as someone who understands losing a father and someone who can give advice on running a business. Heck Mitsuru would be the perfect mentor to Haru since they can also talk about Personas. Have Fuuka meet Futaba and become a big sisterly figure to her. Have Naoto meet Makoto (Niijima that is) so they can fix the rift between hired detectives and the police, and discuss what would be the best way to go about things. Have Rise and Yukari meet Ann to explain what it takes to get into the entertainment world. Have Teddie meet Morgana so… actually that one might not end well… anyway, you get my point. So many possible ways to move forward with their characters and seeking out other Persona users. I don’t think any of this will actually happen, and maybe I don’t want it all to happen at the same time, but it’d be cool to see these groups slowly become closer. Especially to see them share their experiences and work through things together.


Acting like the Steam port of Golden wasn't the biggest thing that happened to Atlus since base P5 came out


It wasn’t though as P3R swept past that pretty handily and due to being released on 3 platforms all at once it outdid OG p5 as well


Obviously but he was pointing out that P4G hasn’t been forgotten


I still love P4 😔


At least they acknowledge their existence. Poor Trinity Soul and the old Playstation games.


> Trinity Soul man, i wish i can rewatch that anime again. i only read the synopsis from magazine and drop the anime after few episodes because of bad fansub translation


God I miss Persona 4


So we didn't just get a P3 remake?


That a P3 related, not P4


Wait, who here didn't knew we would be stuck with P5 for years? Specially after how much it sold and after years of P4 content


This is so sad, but true. I am glad we got the P5, but man I miss the P4 stuff


Christ, I'm sick of P4 at this point. It had it's time in the sun. Move on.


I mean, P4 is weaker than 3 or 5. There I said it




lets not forget that p4 series were the first ported persona to steam and switch and xbox.


He had his 10 year reign in the spotlight, let bro rest


The same thing happened with p3 when p4 came out. People complained about 8 years of p4. P5 fans will do the same for the 10 years after P6 comes out. Really, who cares what Atlus is focusing on? Just play the games and engage with the content you want to. If you like the P4 cast then just play p4 again. Or one of the many p4 adjacent spin offs, there are a lot of them.


3 barely has any spin off content it was crammed into 4 in all honesty I think all 3s content mentions 4 except dancing in the moonlight which was a direct result of 4s dancing game


3 wasn’t that popular in the west, I remember working in a video game store at the time, it was not a big seller. Good game, decent reviews, low sales, it was a time when JRPGs in general were not well received.


Yea ik it sucks because 3 is my favorite but I was just a saying you said the same for 3 to 4 but in all honesty due to 3 not being as popular yet it was like they took 3 out the box played with it for a day then just put it back in the box 😂 whereas 4 had some good hours logged to the point ppl got sick of it being milked . Tbh 5 is probably when it comes to spin-offs tactica and scrambled are really nice spin offs that are unique idk about the mobile game though gacha games rub me the wrong way


3 is a lot? And what if i dont like P5 cast?


If you don’t like the 5 cast then don’t play 5, play the games you like.


And if i already played them already?


Play them again? I’m not sure what you’re expecting me to say, do you want a game to come out with your preferred cast every 90-200 hours so you always have a new one to play?


No, thats not what i'm inplying, i'm saying i want another Strikers and Tactica with a different cast this time. (Like P3 Strikers or P4 Tactica)


OP is 🐶💔


Now After P6 releases P4 Remake will be next, only a few years (copium)


Few years. After persona 5 strikers royal. And dancing in starlight +


I mean atlus did the same thing with P4. That shit was their golden child for such a long time… got a really good anime too


I tried to warn you all!!!


Twitter persona saying there's a remake of P2 FFS PLS NO MORE REMAKES


I watched a hour video explaining the P2 plot and I got confused like 15 mins in. I don’t remember much but the aliens/blimps totally lost me. I prob won’t get it unless it’s a total story revamp. But lookin at reload it prob won’t be much different


I haven't started P2 myself, just love the 90s vibe it gives off with the characters and all. The reason they’re saying this is because P2: innocent sin got the highest number in a poll (not sure if it was an official poll from Atlus). I know it won't hinder the development of P6 since there are separate devs working on it. I’m thinking maybe they could combine innocent sin and eternal punishment into one game and port it, fix the gameplay a notch. Knowing atlus, they’d rather go for a remake route lol.


I totally get its popularity, I just couldn’t rap my head around the story. I see why it’s usually 3.4. And 5 together because the sense of self and so forth. 2s story is just so wierd. And I didn’t grow up with the game so maybe it’s just me. Even 3s story was kinda confusing compared to 4 and 5


P1 💀


Atlas after half assing those Persona 2 PSP ports.


We got reload now to wait for 4's next remake


Except for the fact P4 got ported to Steam and then again for all platforms AND then P4U got ported to Ps and Switch Yeah, far from done with it


I love the P5 games but I want P6 more


Lmao P4G was released on Steam in 2020 and we also got 4AU 2 years later what are you talking about


Wasn't p4 released in like 2009? We waited for 8 years for persona to finally drop in 2017. We've got another few years before p6.


At least I'm glad they didn't milk p4 for another decade


Persona 5 is basically the Final Fantasy VII of ATLUS.


It took a decade after P4 for P5


*cough cough* BBTAG *cough cough*




A team within Atlus. Same thing


Even then I would use that logo as symbol of the dev team than Atlus like I would use that for Team Maniax IPs cause they don't have a logo or if it is Metaphor or Catherine Full Body it will be Studio Zero.


P4 remake is definitely coming after P6. Don’t worry.


P4 remake is going to be worse than Golden.


Easier, sure. But I doubt it’ll be worse.


P4 golden is already easy, and thats not what i meant, when i said worse


I'm gonna feel nostalgic asf when something else eclipses Persona 5 in terms of being milked


Me thinking about Poor Skyrim once elder scrolls 6 comes out


literally everyone knew that. focusing on the last major ip release is how franchises work


Someone is always working on the next installment. Persona 3 Reload was its own development team, and the same goes for the ports. The chances are high that a part of Atlus has been working on P6 since P5 came out, and it has taken so long because they feel they need to top P5. I expect great things from Persona 6, whenever Atlus chooses to reveal it. I have every faith in their unique ideas.


The team that did P5R used the expanded content to learn how to properly code in the new engine. The director for Royal is the Director for P6, so expect that to be a thing. They've been working on P6 since Royal went gold, laying out the framework and writing the story out in full.


That'll basically be me with P3R when SMT5V comes out next month.


They did the exact same thing with P4 It was almost a 10 year wait for p5 after 4


They were in Q2


Why don't they care about the old Persona games?


It's almost as though they did the same thing with P4.


Dang it's like games take several years to a decade to make.


Takes a while to make good games. 8 year gap between 4 and 5




Strikers was a Musou game that still managed to capture the feel of five. Tactica was an Isometric strategy game Ala Final Fantasy Tactis or Fire Emblem. How on gods green earth are they covering genres done by P4 and playing it SAFE? They went two whole new genres rather than just making a fighting game and a dancing game. Sure they made the rhythm game, but they DID try new things. Tactica is a middling offering, but Strikers is an amazing new game that continues the story of the Phantom Thieves, just like Arena continued the story for 4.