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Yeah, it the Fandom really seems to be divided based on what your favorite game is. Fans of 1 and 2 get along, but hate the fans for 3, 4, and 5. Fans of 3 and 4 get along, don't have a problem with the fans of 1 and 2, but also hate the fans of 5. Most of the fans of 5 are new and haven't played the older games yet, but hate the older fans for trying to exclude them. And MegaTen fans hate all of us because Persona has become the more popular franchise.


Not to mention the ever raging war between the quiet majority of the Persona fandom who are patient with Atlus and understand their decisions, and the loud minority who harass them on twitter demanding ports of every game on every conceivable platform. Port beggars are the group that all other parts of the fandom collectively hate


I'm glad we all can agree at least that port beggars are the big problem in the community. I wonder sometimes if there are SMT port beggars, like calling for nocture ports to pc or something on some mysterious lost forum post somewhere


I'd actually argue SMT ports would be cool because so many never actually made it out of Japan.


True, but again, saying "a port would be cool" isn't port begging that's just being hopeful


Yeah I know a port begger and it's the most bizarre thing. He actually thought joker in smash bros was a sign of a switch port and he's been wanting it on switch since a few months after it initially released in 2017


Yikes, I'd love to know how he felt about p4 on pc, and which persona games has he played? Also as a metal gear fan I'm legally required to remind people snake is in smash and no metal gear games are on switch.


I figured that snake was grandfathered in because the oldest metal gear games were on the original nes. As far as I'm aware he has never played a persona game besides the first palace of persona 5.


The nes versions were really shitty ports for America, I think the original metal gear came out on Japanese computers. And yeah that sounds about right for a port beggar lol.


That's probably true about metal gear but that was enough for me to accept snake in melee.


Playing SMT IV for the first time right now and would love Nocturne to be released on PC or Just updates to be played on ps4. As someone new to the whole franchise (coming in through P5) I want to play everything... I anticipate being burnt out in a month since I’m playing Golden and SMT right now.


SMT port beggars may be more likely to put the work in to emulating and translating. We've gotten fan translations of SMT1, 2, and If. Meanwhile some people can't even be bothered to run a ps2 emulator if they have the means. Hell that god damn SMT MMO is running on private servers. That right there shows a HUGE disparity between the SMT and Persona fan base. The ironic thing being that you could say Persona would encourage you to do what you can to play the game short of outright stealing. You won't get anywhere sitting at your computer waiting for it to just happen. Hell if you are gonna beg for a port at least do something about it. In P5 Mishima gets off his ass, stops fantasizing, and starts a petition. At least try to do something like that other than hashtag-activism.


Yeah, I set up a PS2 emulator on my pc in an hour and that was my first time. I played p3, didn't get sucked in. These people have never played p3 so beg for a port, and may have the same reaction I did, and yeah smt has a lot more people trying, persona feels like a lot of complaining, shout out to the fan translations by SMT fans as that is awesome.


tbh a petition is basically equivalent to hashtag-activism.


A petition has a clearer message and a proper way to measure support as well as ways to circumvent potential bots. Plus it takes more effort and a longer term thought process. You have to keep up with and monitor a petition, hashtag activism is as passive as you can get short of doing nothing.


Some smt ports to pc woulf be great tho, would love to play smt 4 on pc or ps4


> the quiet majority of the Persona fandom who are patient with Atlus and understand their decisions, You don't "understand" them because they make no sense, their porting policy is genuinely nonsensical. What other company releases spinoffs of games on other main platforms but not the game itself? Why was Persona 4 Arena on Xbox, why is Persona 5 Scramble on Switch? Why did is Persona 4 Golden locked to just the Vita and PC, what sense does that make? I don't hate the port beggars because I think the problem is entirely caused by Atlus, and I think Atlus is a shitty company anyway due to things like the double releases (What other company releases the same game twice to the same platform just to make extra money? Even Pokemon stopped doing that) and the horrible DLC practices and the emulator DMCAing and the copyright nonsense and just a whole bunch of shit.


I'm not going to argue with you since I at least see your point though I haven't really though about it enough to know if I agree, I just want to point out that Pokemon didn't stop releasing two versions of the same game on the same console, they stopped releasing three versions of the same game on the same console. It didn't go from scummy to not scummy, it went from really scummy to less scummy.


yeah instead of 3 versions, they decided to release 4 versions for their last 3ds title.


As stupid as the spin off issue is there IS a reason for it everybody tends to overlook. The fact is the spin offs are not solely Persona games and are made in part and running off of engines already ported to those consoles. PS3 and 360 had Arcsys fighting games so it was minimal effort to port Arena. Scramble runs off of another engine already ported to the Switch, so it's a case of "why not?". The same with Q and Etryan Odyssey depite Persona not being on a Nintendo console. Is it stupid? Yes. But it's a case of "Why not?" rather than any interest in that console.


Im a fan of Persona 3 and 5, but think persona 4 fans are annoying


this is def also a thing lol


Persona 4 is partially the reason why Persona gets reduced so much. Persona isn't really about "power of friendship" as it is other messages, but it's hard not to think that's ALL it's about with 4. Probably why 5 Royal veers SO HARD into "Move the fuck on" territory.


And I’m over here in my corner playing Persona Q


And then there's people like me who like MegaTen and Persona and don't care for all the gatekeeping in the community :/




Hey man, first of all: welcome to the fandom. Things may be a little rough for you P5 fans, but don't go downvoting memes that make fun of P5, because that just will make you be associated with the annoying part of the fandom: the port beggars/ P5-only. I belive that every fan, that started with any game, should enjoy this series. Just try to keep your head cool, and go playing the games, don't dismiss the old games just because they look old, give Persona 1 & 2 a try too, and hopefully you can see why so many of us are in love with the Persona series and the MegaTen franchise in general.


Context: Joker came out on Smash Bros in 2019, causing an influx of persona players into the smash fandom 2006 was when Persona 3 was released and the rift between the persona fandom and the MegaTen fandom really


As a part of the smash community, i can assure you we really dont care about persona fans and have no beef.


SMT fans are the worst.


Persona is a part of SMT so I agree


People who play video games are the true enemies


People who play games in general deserve to be eradicated


Video games deserve to be burned and gamers need to be executed by firing squad.


Not just video games- ALL games. Do you know how many yugioh players I've met who scream "whAt dOES POt oF gREEd DO?" whenever you mention the damn card? More than 0, which is enough reason for me to completely wipe out the species.


People should die!!!




Well...can't fault you for being a hypocrite.


Not cool.




'I'm only pretending to be awful. :D' Nice.


people who exist need to stop existing


Comrade I believe its the evil adults to be blamed


God damned rotten evil shitie disgusting abusive reprehensible milk drinking adults!!!




Dude, I'm an SMT fan. I just like the SMT games more than Persona games, this doesn't mean I don't have a blast when playing Persona, I just like the others better. Elitism is another thing entirely, you can't judge all SMT fans like they are all bad and hate Persona for no reason. I love all them games :D


How dare you be reasonable and positive!? To the guillotine!


Oh no, please don't fuse me ;-;


Yeah I went to their sub when I started trying SMT games and found mostly toxic hate of Persona, so I left.


>and found mostly toxic hate of Persona, That's almost entirely memes, most people who like SMT like Persona.


Wait for real? I see em helping out even the people who have queries regarding the modern Persona trilogy, and the rare elilists are promptly dealt with, since a good no. of Megaten fans got into the series because of Persona


Oh hell that was forever ago. I went back and rarely encounter elitists anymore. I was just super unlucky with elitists when I first joined. Now I feel like I fit right in.


I'm glad you do. Their subreddit is a big reason why I really dived into the mainline games, I still really like Persona tho.


Same for me. They also got me into playing the older games. EDIT: Accidentally sent without actually finishing my comment.


Yup, quite recently I finished Devil Survivor (the Demon Overlord ending), and gotta say, that game has taken the no.1 spot for my favorite megaten game from Persona 3. I'm also halfway through Nocturne, and will hopefully dive into 4 and 4 apocalypse after that. Also, I hope SMT5 is amazing, switch owners deserve their own atlus GOTY.


I’m almost done with Strange Journey Redux and then I’ll probably go on to Nocturne, DDS, or Soul Hackers. Just finished P3 a couple weeks ago.


I'd also recommend reading the Persona 1 manga and playing P2. I forgot to mention p2 lol. I've been playing that in conjunction with Strange Journey for some time now, but I ended up putting the former on pause because the latter is really good, tho it csn be a bit too hard for my tastes at times.




> Persona gets constant spinoff attention. So I take it you want an SMT dancing game?


There are lots of Megaten spinoffs that aren't dancing games or crossovers.


WaIt... you mean I can potentially see Demi-Fiend, Raidou, Kazuya from DeSu and Flynn all having a dance-off? HELL YEAH MAN!


My question to that is why hate Persona fans in that regard when it's actually Atlus' fault? Persona just ended up being overhauled to be more accessible to a wider audience on multiple consoles, while smt got confined to the 3ds for 3 actual mainline games, not counting the spin offs like Devil Survivor. Of course it's gonna do better. But is it the fans fault when clearly it was an Atlus decision? I wouldn't think so. It was a clear decision on their part to push the series that gives them all that yum yum milk money rather than to push the series that originated all of it. Also remember that there were actually more SMT games on the ps2 than Persona games, all of which I've seen to be reviewed fairly well, including spin offs like Digital Devil Saga and Raidou Kuzunoha. I guarantee if there were that many SMT games on the same consoles as Persona games, it'd be just as popular, maybe only a little less since Personas more accessible. This being said, there's plenty of other reasons to hate Persona fans, such as the newer members of the fandom shitting on smt and calling it inferior, which is bullshit cause it's just as thought provoking as Persona, albeit on a more existential level. Or how about we get a bit meta, and shit on the new Persona 5 fans specifically for calling it the best writing in the series? Which is not only objectively wrong as the story literally pulls a 180 at the end with its message and themes that have been established prior and expanded upon throughout most of the game, but thematically it also pales in comparison to 4 in its representation of Jungian philosophy. They consistently bloat this idea that Persona 5 did it best when they've only played one game (which is arguably also the fault of Atlus for not porting anything forward or around. Yeah we finally got P4G on pc, which is exciting to say the least, but not only is that just one additional platform, you're sitting on a new pile of fans with money to spend after your big hit and there's literally some other old products sitting right over there you could easily sell them for guaranteed money rather than putting all you resources to making new spin offs of the thing that did well, of which may not even fucking sell well.) There's many flavors of hatred towards Persona fans that are completely justifiable, but hating them just because their series got more popular when it was the fault of the company in charge is a bit misplaced.


That’s completely fair. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve played so far (only Strange Journey Redux, as of now) and I definitely want to play more and see it get more attention because it’s such a fascinating series EDIT: I haven’t played TMS#FE so cant comment there. It looks interesting but definitely not what I’d expect from a combination of the series. I feel like it should’ve been way more series to appeal to both audiences, but it looks like a decently interesting game


Yeah and that's why everyone hates SMT fans. All of them are elitist and bitter that the better and more popular series gets more attention.


This comment comes off elitist and bitter so you've just become the very thing you swore to destroy my dude


Elitist SMT fans*


I wish SMT fans would get off their high horse about SMT being smarter and deeper. Yeah I read the wiki article about Gnosticism too. I get it, but it's not that deep or as esoteric as you seem to think. In fact not a lot of Gnosticism is even found in SMT, a lot of the religious imagery is shallow. Persona's mechanics are based on Carl Jung and I would bet the SMT people who reduce Persona have never read Jung, or else they wouldn't pull that "SMT has meaning" argument. In fact Persona 5, imho, out-SMT'd some of the SMT games in theme.


I had a sinking feeling in my stomach when a lot of people started LP's of P5 after the Joker announcement. People started with literally NO CLUE it was an RPG, turn based, "anime", etc. People just got into it because Joker is in Smash. Which is fine. How many people would have gotten into Persona without some hook? But it is a sign that Joker was going to become more of a trending idea among people not familiar with Persona. These are the people who are pulled in with promise of waifus and it being a dating sim(which it isn't but go figure why so many s-links from 3-5 are unknown to many fans. People only do s-links based on who they would date).




I try so hard to be the normal fan. But damn is it hard to be a normal fan in the persona community. I can't be a newbie since I've played most spinoffs, played P5R and platinumed P5 (took me 3 playthroughs, took my sweet time. Loved it) and am looking to get a vita so I can play P4G and P3P (watched the animes tho) But the thing is seeing so many elitists makes me feel like unless I've played nocturne and every PS2 atlus game, I'll forever be a newbie. So weird. I hate gatekeepers.




I know. I've specially been looking at P3P since the type of storytelling in the Arena games when looked from the P3 perspective was so interesting. I don't remember much about P3's story but I know the key details only. Meanwhile I know P4's story and it's drilled into my head. This would definitely make me enjoy P3's storytelling. I just love how well the soundtrack feels. All persona games are good and a lot of people are interested in them. People in this sub are targetting the wrong people. Being a new fan doesn't make you a Twitter persona fan. I've literally played P5 since before that whole smash crap happened. I'll probably just play P3 and P4 while ignoring the community. Loved the spinoffs and people here are so wrong about them. I'll make my own opinions, no reason to have hate for an anime character in a videogame.




It's a shame really. But whatever the games are good


Is nocturne connected to persona besides being SMT?


afaik no but the elitist type really like it for some reason (not trying to make it out to be a bad game tho)


It has really good themes and its world is really interesting in its handling of a post apocalyptic world, where there is quite literally nothing but demons inhabiting it. Has a banging punk ost, which really fits the themes due to its rebellious sound and main character's place in the story. There's also quite alot of interesting interactions with said demons in the story, imagine the personality's of the demons you negotiate with in p5 but as actual full non-one note characters and it makes for a really bizarre yet intriguing world. It's also because a lot of spin offs and supplementary material actually retroactively work to make the main character more badass, as alot of them have the Demi-Fiend as either an obtainable secret character/dlc, or as an optional boss fight (see Digital Devil Saga.) For instance, using DDS as an example, he is an optional boss you can challenge I believe. But the coolest thing about it is when you beat him, his response is not only a reference to the game over quote from Nocturne, but it is him outright *rejecting* it. Games cool, a bit archaic now imo, but there's a bunch of cool and enjoyable reasons to play it.


Johneawesome's voice dub is included with the game, right? Everyone needs to experience Skeletor Daisoujou.


Just enjoy / hate the games you want. I was a newbie in the series, i started with P3 and P1, but over time i moved on to other games like P4 / P4G (My favorite), P2IS, 5 even between P2 and 5 i decided to play games like SMT III: Nocturne, Devil Survivor Series, Catherine and i plan on trying some other old SMT games with fan translation ... Also, i'm **seriously** thinking about playing that Virtual Boy game, obviously emulated, Jack Bros. Just like / deslike something depending on your own opinion without thinking too much about an online fanbase. (Although i would recommend these games, so much fun)


Glad to see non-toxic SMT fans are out there. We need more people like you and thanks for giving me your perspective. Also glad to see that we share the favourite game lol


this reminded me i forgot to stereotype catherine fans ^/s


Wait wasn't Jack Bros the one AVGN played in his VB episode?


Get a pc instead and play fes


I think I am a normal fan. I started thanks to the quarantine free time, and I CAN'T. STOP. PLAYING. IT'S. SO. GOOD. I played P3P on my phone first, then P4, then got P3 FES, I've almost finished IS, Nocturne is challenging as fuck but so much fun and I have SMT4 ready after those games. The world building and atmosphere of SMT, the charming characters and stories of Persona, both of those have their strengths and weaknesses but have in common the same great gameplay. The weakness system makes the games more challenging than any other JRPGs I ever played before (then again, FF6 and 7 were really easy and exploitable, especially the SNES version of 6), because it's simple to understand and use both for you and your foes. The demon designs are awesome. I want some ~~Mara~~ Jack Brothers plushies. So please Atlus, give us both SMT and Persona on pc. SMT5 and Bayo3 are on my immediate buy list, if they ever come out




Play Persona 2:Sinning Tendency / Eternal Battle, it's great and Maya crashes lots of vehicles like Joseph. You also have a cocky best friend with water/bubble powers and daddy issues and the American Lisa Lisa Silverman. And cyborg nazis. And Tatsumi is Dio in Japanese and Speedwagon in English. You can clearly hear it when his Persona talks in the Shadow Tatsuya battle.


> the normal fans - likes all the games Most people have not played all the games; there are still plenty of people who only played the new ones, and that's perfectly fine, I just wish they would try the old ones too; remember, PSP emulation is oddly good for whatever reason.


Where do DDS fans fall into this?


haven’t played DDS but they fall under salty smt fans (i know not all smt fans are salty but i want to do the funny haha on reddit so)


The only Persona Fans i hate are those trying to gatekeep for any reason Don't like \[Game\]? Leave Never played the older games? Leave Never played the games but made extensive research because you're heavily interested in the game and would like to play the game? leave the list goes on and on


Am i the only one who has no idea what your talking about? i never once saw someone writing leave except in the context of not being spoiled about the older games, and port beggars


I guess the esperience is different for different people As i scroll through comments i just see people wanting new and old fans alike to leave the fandom for weird reasons, some being what i said especialy the last one, alot of Persona fans i encountered seem to dislike those who never played the game but still enjoy it plenty


well the last one people probably generalize them with port beggers, i would ask if are you sure its not a loud minority but it seems like more than a few agree that the community has some toxic people


I just hate fandoms. 90% of them suck.


I liked the fans when I joined up. I was introduced with p4g, and everyone was so nice. The fanart was cool, there wasn't that bad of waifu wars, and no one was that mean to me since I started with only youtube because of the vita exclusivity. The worst was the kanji or naoto disk course and it wasn't as nasty. I guess it's because it was before I was on reddit? Then p5 and port beggars and...sigh....


the worst part of anything is the people who like it


Some of this community makes me feel ashamed to like Persona 5


The only thing I hate are the gatekeepers because I started with p5 and the only reason I don't play the other games is because I lack the money if I were ever to get the chance to play them I would in a heartbeat


honestly my dude in some ways better to start with P5. P5 is like all the good stuff about the older games and super refined. Only flaw is that a lot of the story beats are familiar since it's the third time around for some of them. For me, P5 wasn't "special" in the way P3 and P4 were and I think that's specifically because for a lot of the stuff I had seen it all before. P5 is a great one to be your first experience with this series.


I feel like this is true of a lot of online fandoms. When people hear opinions that contrast with their own they feel the need to speak up about it. Also, a lot of times people want to separate themselves into the most specific groups possible so you get things like "gen wunners" in Pokemon or "Elitists" in Fire Emblem. Even within the individual releases for Persona, people like to cluster by whoever their favorite girl is and while a lot of people do probably just joke around about it some people take it way too seriously. The irony is if you ran into somebody with a shared interest like this in person you'd probably just be happy to have that as a jumping off point even if they have different takes than you. I think that we could stand to be more like that online. That being said, I think P3 is a good game that's overrated by the fandom. Do what you must.


This fandom has not handled its growing pains very well; frankly, I put the blame for every one of its problems on either normal human group problems, normal fandom problems, or Atlus doing weird things that make no sense like putting the spin-off/sequel to Persona 5 on the Switch while not putting Persona 5 there. It's entirely their fault that the portbegging exists, there's a reason you've never heard of something like this with other franchises, and it's because they don't go platform-exclusive but put spinoffs on other consoles just for fun because that makes no sense. This doesn't justify harassing the guy who runs the Atlus Twitter account, he most likely had nothing to do with it, but the whole situation could have very easily been avoided if Atlus acted in a more sane way. Even now what they're doing makes little sense to me; why is Golden on PC but not any other consoles? In general, hating fandoms for the behavior of a small group in them is dumb; it's hating a big group for the few idiots/assholes in it. Persona got more of these because it became a bigger fandom, plain and simple.


I honestly hate how toxic the fans are now, I got introduced through P5 and have genuinely tried to play other games and get into the SMT franchise as a whole, but I can't share that enjoyment without getting laughed at for being someone who entered thanks to the newer stuff.


Hey, just chill and go playing the games. Good to see someone who is trying them out. And don't worry about getting laughed at by starting with 5, I started with Q and am doing just fine.


oh man I love SMT but some in that community it's like "the fuck dude?" Fortunately I don't need the approval of people on the internet to enjoy the games. I just ignore the dumb stuff and engage with people who post content I like.


> but I can't share that enjoyment without getting laughed at for being someone who entered thanks to the newer stuff. That sounds much more like the faults of the assholes laughing than anyone else.


That’s how I feel abt the oblivious/hardcore p5 fans that refuse to even look at the other games lol


Pretty sure those fans are only on twitter. Never meet a guy in this subreddit who isn't interested in other perisona games.


Oh ya definitely lol r/persona and r/persona5 are day and night lol


They're more like night with a flashlight and night, they're way more similar than they are different.


r/persona5 is not as bad as you guys make it out to be


Yeah honestly people on here trash that subreddit but it’s really not bad. I’ve been on both of these subreddits for the same length and I’ve definitely seen more toxicity and stubbornness on r/persona than r/persona5. I will say though, the r/persona5 memes are kinda repetitive, that’s the only thing people say about r/persona5 that I do agree with.


You can only make so many memes about a single game before you begin to run out of ideas.


Maybe if those games were on more accessible platforms than the fucking PSP and PS Vita; lots of people want to play them but can't, as shown by the absurdly good sales figures of Persona 4 on Steam. I do wish they'd just figure out an emulator though, PSP emulation is great.


There definitely exists a group of obnoxious P5 fans. But there's also the obnoxious older fans that when newer fans (like myself) show interest in the older titles, they just reply with "buy a PS2, PSP and/or Vita second hand online", and dismiss any criticism towards that statement with "nonono, it really doesn't cost THAT much". And yes, that actually happened to me on more than one occasion. Doesn't really help motivate, you know? Luckily P4G was released to Steam, so now that stupid discussion can be stored away. Hope Atlus follows that up with the rest of their catalog.


That also happened to me recently. Specifically on r/persona5. Weeks before the p4g steam reveal dropped, I was explaining to people why I can understand people begging for ports of the previous games, because they're all locked up on old consoles. They somehow couldn't get past me saying its unreasonable to pay more than $20 to download a game that should by all means be ported to current gen consoles instead of spending $100+ on a new console I'm never gonna use again once I'm done with the game and why that's an issue, insisting on justifying it with "sometimes you have to buy old consoles for old games."


unironically just emulate, atlus doesnt care and neither should you, dont buy a psp on ebay solely to play p3p


Don't plan on it. I don't think I'll ever touch p3p again regardless lol


Gotta say, those Persona fans really ruined Persona. It was so good before they came along.


Hey! That's our (FE) thing!!!


Etrian Odyssey fans: Hi.


Pretty sure this meme would fit in *sooo* much better with Fire Emblem fans.


The Fire Emblem community can relate


I feel like the Fandom at this point is divided in between Squealers (people basically holding Atlus at gunpoint for Persona 5 on Switch) and the non-Squealers. At this point I don’t care what Persona game gets on Switch but if it’s 1 or 2, I would like to see a remake so that way they fit the style of P3 or P4. I also believe that P3 and P4 would be good starting titles on Switch and I assume we might get something on Persona on Switch when SMTV is nearing completion.


Only part of the fandom I really don't like is the waifu side.


Don’t mind me. I’m just waiting for Persona 3 remaster.


Well, you've gotten your wish.


I know! I’m so excited!


I like all the Persona games. I played SMT Nocturne first. And I recommend the series to anybody who I think will enjoy it. ​ Is that weird or something? Gatekeeping sucks and I want more games for SMT and Persona.


Pff yeah right the persona fans are the real amateurs. I dont even need a persona game to hate myself!


True 100% JUICER Mega-CHADS (like me) play all MegaTen games and enjoy everything and disregard all sects of the online community entirely.


I thought the hatred with megaten fans started with 4


It’s just like the Fire Emblem community


I love persona and smt games but I got excluded from a community because of my liking and honestly I didn't care, I dislike aspects of p3 and people hate me but eh I'd rather be excluded than say with toxic people. Them saying "you disgust me". Why should I give two shits about I don't even care or know you enough to give a shit.


Ugh so true, whenever I see Rise fans.


Lol what


Oh it's just me being dramatic, I don't like Rise so I question any fan who does.


Well I like Rise but I have the same problem with Futaba, so I understand you.


Funny you say that, I was playing P5D and I legit said out loud "Fuutaba can you turn down your autism?"


> Rise [Why does her Persona have a shuttlecock for a head?](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/d/d5/P4-Himiko.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090126220442)


Because she runs a "racket" On being the worst girl.