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>I just saw a clip of kyle saying how funny it was that wings got random stuff sent to his house and yet he cursed out woody for jokingly suggesting that the fans do the same to him. GOATED show moment. Top 3 all-time moment for sure. Kyle got arrested for the things mailed to him, and he's out here encouraging the behavior. Woody checked his ass like an alpha male. Beta Kyle whimpered in frustration.


Woody why the fuck you stream that shit?


yea honestly it was great seeing him get all butthurt getting a taste of his own medicine after encouraging what was happening to wings.


Gigachad Woody


Yes I remember that and thought he was a total hypocrite


Which show and time stamp?


around 4 mins into this clip https://youtu.be/ezX6D-g17Gc?si=4lKCJQrKr0IbnQFS


"You're the only one who thinks that was a cool thing to do" lol kyle holding onto a grudge waiting for the right time to spring it on him. Funny part is the guy that send woody the thing for taylor came out and said it he lied about the thing woody burning being expensive or something like that, not that woody was in the wrong anyway. Would be annoying to become some middle man for gifts and he put an end to it instantly.


What did Woody burn? I’m still confused on that


Someone said they sent Taylor a really expensive replica helmet from one of the lotr movies except they sent it to woody who was then supposed to send it to taylor, woody said he burned it with the rest of his trash because he doesn't wanna be some middle man courier boy. People thought it was shitty of woody to burn an expensive gift that wasn't even meant for him. Later on the guy who sent it said he lied about sending anything expensive and didn't expect people to shit on woody so hard for it.


Gamma male moment when you had to listen to it because you weren’t there like an epsilon theta


When I was a kid I thought Kyle was easily the coolest and funniest host but now that I’m an adult he just comes off like a middle-aged manchild most of the time 😬


I think he changed a lot after being arrested. He became introverted and lived on reddit.


Personally, Kyle isn’t edgy enough for how edgy the podcast is in general. Dude needs to step it up.


No, it’s that Kyle isn’t funny. He’s edgy, he (self-admittedly) doesn’t know how to formulate a joke around the edginess. I’ve always thought he’s the shell of a nick mullen. Nick Mullen without the comedian, just a husk of a hateful person lol


Kyle seems pretty self-absorbed and it's hard to imagine he has any true friends. It also seems like he has the maturity of a teenage boy. But to be fair, he can be pretty funny sometimes and he also strikes me as a fairly intelligent person. I don't dislike the guy but he has some traits that are off-putting.


He strikes you as intelligent because of the confidence in which he has when he lies and makes shit up, he’s by far the dumbest host.


i really dont mind him sure he is smug sometimes but jesus christ i can know nothing about a topic and ill still know he has no clue what he is talking about sometimes.


Yo bet whenever a topic comes up he goes quite for a min reads about shit on said topic then spews out the info like he knew it all along.


His only "Friends" are the $50 patrons who he can lead around like a dog on a leash. He couldn't handle hanging out with someone who doesn't want to talk about/do anything he doesn't want to.




"Fairly intelligent" is hilarious. Maybe for Georgia.


Taylor and dudes that pay $50 to be his friend are his only real friends. And Taylor is legitimately a right wing chud who's brain is broken so it's JUST people that pay $50 to be his friends. Still love Kyle, even though he lies, is an egomaniac, I sitll think he's an okay person and genuinely doesn't want people to be hurt by his actions.


In the recent episode he wasn’t willing to see Taylor’s point about the military even in a hypothetical situation, just laughing and pretending like he knows exactly what would happen in any world war scenario.


Is this when they were arguing if America could defeat the world? If so, they I agree with you. He was just talking down to Taylor acting like he’s just wrong and stupid.


Yeah like Taylor is just trying to do a hypothetical and he wouldn’t even let that happen 😂


Taylor isn’t better. He often times shutdowns hypotheticals when it comes to the war in Ukraine and of a similar were to happen in the US.


When Taylor is the only one who seemingly understands what “war” actually is, thus why we shouldn’t be involved in anyone else’s.


Because he’s played enough first person shooter war games he thinks he would make the best commander in chief in the world. He has no real life experience outside of a job selling cars for a short stint until his girlfriend broke up with him and he never got back into the workforce again because he was too sad. Hes always been taken care of by daddy, has no real worries in life other than what butt plug he’s using tonight. Him being so pro war is insanely silly, he has no clue. But he’s alright otherwise. I don’t hate him or anything, just don’t take most of what he says seriously because he doesn’t have the maturity to speak with authority on many things.


Prison can change a man. Also, abusing gas station fake weed and steroids for half a decade.


The nonstop lying and arrogance get really out of hand. Like when he was on roids and said that without ever bench pressing he went over to a guy benching like 360, asked to work in, and then effortlessly did 5 reps without breaking a sweat and had way more in him. Just casually has world record bench press strength even compared to lifelong roiders without any bench press training. Or when they talked about Sly Stallone's famous fake weight 45 pound plate lift video that numerous roided out YouTubers couldn't come close to replicating and Kyle's like "yeah I could do that easily."


If the RSK prank call happened today people would be in this sub getting mad about how rude it was


Idk man, there’s a difference between edgy humor that’s actually funny vs being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole and calling it comedy


The fact people were calling it "the incident" when Kyle let Chris know that his tech issues were frustrating shows that this sub doesn't know the difference.


I still don’t understand what people were mad about. I listened to the whole thing before I ever checked the subreddit and had no idea there was even an issue. People in this sub tend to make mountains out of molehills.


Yeah I saw people freaking out about it before I got to that part in the show and when I finally got there I was surprised people had such strong reactions to it


Yeah, as a teenage it was funny. We've grown up.


“we’ve grown up” it’s a sense of humor having a certain kind doesn’t make you anymore or less of an adult. Thinking it does just takes yourself down a peg.


I don't know what any of that means. Nice avatar though, do you play cricket?




Times change


Time is a circle


Bears are human


Pandas are dogs


Not to be a dick but the Georgia native who had the biggest gun channel at one point only to go to prison for a short period, shouldn’t be looked up to for his ethics. It’s a podcast about whatever bs they want its entertainment he’s not our dad so what does it matter.


Changes the topic immediately if he can’t relate to sports, power tools, working, going out to eat in restaurants without panic attacks


>Just look at the way he talks about dagestani fighters The various ethnic groups that populate Dagestan are white. They're literally Caucasian. Kyle isn't being a racist here, he's being an islamophobe. There are plenty of white Muslims.


I’ve always assumed Kyle was one of those people who knows very little about most things but assumes he knows everything and projects that attitude onto others. I don’t think he does it to intentionally be smug but I’ve never met the guy either, I think it’s just a personality type because I’ve met multiple people like that before, the guy who has to let everyone know he’s the smartest guy in the room and I say that because of how he reacts when someone proves him wrong, especially if it’s a guest rather than Woody or Taylor. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a bad person or anything, but I have noticed how he reacts very negatively when someone contradicts what Kyle has to say especially if he’s passionate about that subject. Also: kudos to the commenter who pointed out that Kyle thought it was hilarious that people send wings unwanted food deliveries and other troll shit but flipped shit on woody talking about doing the same to Kyle. That’s a good example of the kind of person I’m trying to describe.


Kyle has that Redditor intelligence where he always has an opinion or knowledge about the topic, but it’s just regurgitated anecdotes or things he has seen on Reddit. Then he talks about the topic as if he is an expert from the smallest amount of information he learned from the Post. Like you say it’s 100% a personality type thing, I have been guilty of it myself and have tried to stop doing it but I really recognize it in him as well.


We grew up we were forced to by living in the real world kyle didn’t he was lucky enough to make enough money that can support his trash lifestyle he’s content with so now he’s an out of touch hermit that does the minimum to keep his lights on. If he inherits his dad’s farm he will probably sell it off to continue his style of living.


He's right about the Dagestani fighter. Fuck them


fr they are legitimately bad people. Anyone who defend them have 0 understanding of how these people act.


You guys just hate them because they beat your favorite fighters lol


Charisma can be a quite good cloak for unintelligent people.


To play devils advocate, Kyle assumes the character of a contrarian "Nuh uh" type and the reason for this is PRIMARILY to invoke discussion on topics, rather than creating a roundtable of 3 idiots who all agree that their farts smell terrible Now, I think that 2 things can be true at once. I think Kyle plays this character because he can take the negativity well (he doesn't seem to care as much as, for example, woody would), he ENJOYS being contrarian, and it's easy for him because SOME of those views are views he actually personally holds. So in conclusion, yeah Kyle doesn't seem like a person I would want to be friends with, so I'm glad we aren't friends! He also plays a heel on the show to fulfill a need for some pushback and it doesn't help my ability to see him in a positive light. I still enjoy the show, RSK for life. Kyle is type 3 fun


Y’all hated Lefty for playing devils advocate lmao


Lefty was the most boring MFer ever born. He somehow found ways to make his bland takes extend from a 3 sentence statement into a 30 page dissertation.


No I hated Lefty because he was crippled




That wasn't me I wasn't even around during those days. In fact I was like 15 or 16 I think lol I never knew lefty




He’s also sexist, homophobic, transphobic, lgbtq+ ally, and a fascist.


This is so sad, Alexa play despacito


lol he literally goes on and on about how he hates certain fighters because of where there from and says they’re all inbred scum. then goes on to say that the ufc needs a white american champion. it’s not the same as taylor doing an indian accent as a joke. idk what your definition of racism is, but id say kyle fits into it well.


Yes and so are majority fans of this show he isn’t disagreeing with you he is mocking you for caring, how could you have spent anytime around pka and its fans and not notice this


I see nothing wrong with his comment


the Dagis are white. What are you talking about? and they are undeniably inbred Khabib married his own cousin


Kyle once asked what would happen if one of the hosts cheated on their sibling with a coworker so I don't think he minds keeping it in the family.


the difference is that kyle was joking and Khabib legitimately married his cousin. In fact Dagistan ranks on one of the most inbred regions on the planet.


maybe Kyle hates Dagis because Khabib justified the Charlie Hebdo attack, and has literal terrorists in his training camp. Dagis preach this hollier than thou philosophy, while also sucking up to degenerate dictators and committing assults on random civilians. But you can just claim racism even though they are white. But if you wanna talk racism ask these guys how they feel about Jews.


I'll never forget how irritated I was when kyle kept saying "milky way is all floof, there's no caramel or anything in there" brotha what🤣🤣🤣 that's 3 musketeers, listen to taylor he's right 😂


So smug


I like him, aside from the stories he tells that are completely fabricated. I feel bad for Woody and Taylor for having to sell them, it's embarrassing sometimes. 


He's the sole reason I quit watching the show about a year ago. If it were the Taylor and Woody show, I'd go back to watching every episode. 


Fuck Kyle


As a farmer everytime kyle says a farm related experience i can smell the chicken shit, otherwise its a podcast and its better than listening to the same 4 songs on the radio


I definitely had to learn to take the show with a grain of salt. I couldn't stand it at face value. Except Woody's Cisco stories, those are actually entertaining to me.


He never went to college and thinks he's smart


I still like Kyle on the show. I don't like his personality, but I do think he's entertaining.


Maybe it's just because ive been watching so long, but I like the dynamic between these weirdos and wouldn't want any of the hosts replaced. At this point it's hard to defend any of them as a decent human being, but it's still quite entertaining to laugh AT them🤷‍♂️


I wouldn’t want to have Kyle as a friend in real life but he makes a very entertaining podcast host, just not a good person


He once said on a pod that the Kyle on pka is not the real him and it's part of him that hyperbolic, and shit he said are just got entertament and he's playing a character, but I really having hard time believing that sometimes even Taylor start become like Kyle but worst sometimes


It's pretty obvious he just says that to cover his ass. The other two don't need to "play a character" to be entertaining


Maybe but Taylor does since he seem to have a corporate job


Ya, that's just a cope he uses to try and pretend that he's not actually a giant asshole. Spoiler alert: He is.


The show needs Kyle for balance. Woody has always been my favorite host but I feel like Taylor and Kyle have a really interesting dynamic together.


oh man the farmers son from georgia is slightly racist? who could’ve ever imagined ?


yall are all caught on the racism thing but tbh i just kind of threw it in there because it was something i noticed. the main thing that annoys me is his smug holier than thou attitude


About 7 months ago I remembered FPS Russia then eventually seen a PKA video and started watching it. I went into a binge of the old ones and new ones and now I'm more of a woody and Taylor fan.


Depending on the week, I fluctuate on whether I like the hosts or not, but never write a whole essay about it. Sheesh, some of you are cringe.




Y’all catching on finally


The bloke needs to leave his own country nevermind his house. So small minded its unreal


He wants white fighters to win, so what? You mean like black people do during Black History month with those three fighters from Africa? He is allowed to love his people despite your whining!


Bro his talk about climate change is borderline infuriating man. Or his talk about Florida and Florida politics. He's always like "Whenever the rich stop buying beach property I'll believe in climate change! Whenever insurance stops insuring beach houses I'll believe it!". I wish I could just show him directly he's wrong. It's so obvious he doesn't pay attention to anything to do with this and just spouts bullshit. There's literally entire neighborhoods on the beach that ate buying tens of thousands of dollars worth of sand in order to create artificial dunes in front of their homes to protect from the rising coast. Which obviously don't help and get washed away in literally 2 days. Homes are being flooded and insurances refuse to pay out. You can see videos of Miami getting flooded constantly now. There's been several videos of houses *falling into the sea*. Or he'll straight up say it's not getting hotter. Like, what, you mean in your *air conditioned home*?? It's breaking records *so often* in Florida. It used to be a few unusual days were close. Then a bit more. Now we have entire weeks in a row of days that break records, one, two, maybe 3 days in a row, and then the rest are like 1 degree off from matching a record that's been around for 80 years+. It's insane and our winters are straight up disappearing after already being borderline non-existent. I've come across EMTs working on people passed out on sidewalks during really hot days. Heat stroke cases have risen by like 80-90%... With how terminally online and how much he brags about seeing *everything* online I believe he's seen these videos and articles discussing this stuff but he's so up his own ass about his own biases and can't listen to evidence.


Chill and friendly Kyle died on that red couch


1: You can be into a lot of things just not in great detail 2: He’s a pretty deadpan guy like sam hyde when he says shit because he just says shit. 3: Kyle probably cussed out Woody because if you say that shit live they could be blamed and or liable if someone sends some dangerous shit. 4: He’s smug because frankly he does have a little of extensive knowledge about numerous topics. Also he’s used to doing super good in life ect. 5: “straight up lying” honestly I wouldn’t put it past him but he’s probably just overconfident he’s just some guy listen to him or not. 6: I like Tarkov talk and hockey too. 7: If you don’t like edgy humor just don’t watch ig.


Honestly I’m one more “PKA can suck a fuck” post from leaving this sub and just enjoying the show each week then forgetting about it until the next one. Don’t get me wrong, the hosts have their issues but I’m four years into this now and I’ve gotta see how it ends 😂


Womp womp call the wambulence or stop bitching lol. Nobody’s perfect, let’s look into your life and see how much we hypocrisy we would find. Most people say one thing and do another, just saying. Don’t take everything so close to heart bro


You really think these are your friends that can't hear you then huh?


#1 Dagestani Defender. Want a trophy for writing all of that about a guy you don’t even like lmao


number 1 kyle dick rider. want a trophy for defending a guy who doesn’t give a shit about you? toss him $50 on patreon maybe he’ll talk to you lol


Keep writing essays about your boyfriend lol I don’t care for him either


You realize Kyle is putting on somewhat of a character? Right? He's hamming up a lot of stuff for the show.


Was he playing a "character" when he couldn't stop laughing at Nate from 60 days in suicide note


Just stop listening man. You talk about this like it's an abusive relationship that you refuse to get out of. There's MUCH better podcasts out there. Jump ship today and stop listening


He is a contrarian for the show and has done so for years, is this his personality I think a bit yes, but he also hamms it up massively for the show, if you don’t like it then don’t watch it (but I bet you will).


Kyle doesn’t play tarkoff anymore. Rant irrelevant.


As a causal watcher Kyle seems like the type of dude who it would be cool to have a few drinks with but not much more. I think alot of you guys over analysis stuff cos he's pretty much a standard dude who just embellishes the odd story for entertainment sake


then sit for him


God I hate the south


A master of all is a master of none