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It's still a 50 point jump from your resting HR of 65. It doesn't feel good when your heart does that! Don't compare your numbers to other people's, everyone's symptoms are unique and for me, my heart jumping 50bpm feels awful.


This is exactly what I had to learn when I was first diagnosed. On beta blockers I had a RHR between 45-55, and I would start to feel symptomatic whenever my HR went above 100.


same! resting hr on propranolol is 50-60, but still jumps by 50bpm




That’s so real 😭 I keep convincing myself I don’t actually have POTs and my heart rate is normal, meanwhile my heart rate is 140 when I’m brushing my teeth 🙃Also pls don’t invalidate yourself that’s still a HUGE spike in your heart rate.


Djfjfjd same here. 140s from brushing teeth. I somehow burn the same amount of (active) calories in a day while housebound as my bf does at his warehouse job.


Right?!? My fitbit constantly congratulates my on reaching my weekly exercise goal (based on heart rate) 😆 🤣 😂. Meanwhile I average 1500 steps a day on my house.


I'm still in the process of getting diagnosed, but my pmtt burns more in 20 minutes than a half hour stretch/workout laying down :p


fr everytime i have to shower or change my clothes my HR goes 💗💗💗💗EMERGENCY!!! and i feel like i'm gonna pass out 💀


Sameee I had to start sitting on my shower floor when that happens 😭💀


yeah i ended up getting a shower chair. it's nice but the thing has somehow filled with water and idk how it's getting in or how to get it out 😭


Going to the bathroom counts as overexertion for me. I have GI symptoms. This isn’t going well.


Same!  I'm mostly living on/in bed at the moment and on the day's HR data graph in Visible you can see exactly where I went to the toilet by the red spikes 🤣


I got 170 while brushing my teeth the other day 🙃 A very lovely 85bpm jump. (please end me)


Brushing our teeth really do be an Olympic sport for us pots folk.


that’s the best way to describe it 🙂‍↕️




not at all what I was saying thanks pook 😙


Be kind.


I feel this so hard! My PT: More cardio might be good for you. Me: oh, so cross my living room at a leisurely pace once in a while? I used to walk ~25 miles a week, run, do 30 min of yoga pretty much every day. Sometimes I wonder if my heartrate was freaking out then too and that's why exercise always made me feel sick and I never felt better or refreshed afterward like other people apparently do.


Ok isn’t it so weird how at PT they’re all “the goal is to keep your heart rate at xxx bpm for this exercise” and “oh that’s great you hit the target!” When so much of our life is worrying and being uncomfortable because we are at that target just doing *nothing*




I know it is absurd to become tachycardic over something as easy as getting a glass of water! I Always find it kind of entertaining in a macabre way. I got off the couch today and had an 80 point jump- which is unusual as my spikes have been pretty low lately, lot of 28, 29 bpm increases. Not sure what brought this doozie on.


I feel you. Had a 50 pt jump today just walking downstairs to my front door. This sucks so bad. ☹️


i’m super similar. resting heart rate is usually in the 60s but as soon as i stand or even gently walk it’s around 110


My resting heart rate is usually in the 50s so even if my heart rate goes into the 80s or 90s it can be a jump. I usually feel weak and anxious at that level, sometimes it goes into the low hundreds. I am very fit so I know it is not caused by being out of shape or general weaknes. I have an Apple Watch too and that’s how I know.


took my dog outside earlier and went from 65 to 161 within 5 minutes. for sure thought i was gonna be on the ground after that one. i lied down when i got back inside and it went to 69 within seconds


Sometimes mine goes up only 30bpm, other times it can go up by 100+bpm. There is always someone worse off than you, no point comparing. This is your own battle. Don't undermine it.


Honestly if your resting heart rate is low then this is still considered high. My resting heart rate was always close to 90bpm so when my heart rate spikes it's like 160bpm+. It's not about a record it's about the extremity of the change. 60bpm to 110bpm and 90bpm-140bpm is still the same change we just have different "normals" to escalate from. Don't discount your POTS experience because it's not an obscene number. 🩷


Ugh same. I was telling my husband my heart rate was lower than normal today, which is crazy because I’m definitely flaring. Then I stood up to get more water and my heart rate shot up like yours. And I was like “ah. There it is.” 😓


Mine gets to 108 from 65 every time I use the bathroom. If I had to stand to pee, I’d end up just doing it sitting anyway


i’m a dude and sometimes consider sitting


It’s certainly easier clean up. I don’t really get the hype of standing. Is it not a nice little break from standing all the time?


agreed.. specially late at night




Mine goes from 70 up to 135 when I stand up. It's not about how high it goes٫ it's about how much higher it is than it was. :)


Lol having it as high as I do is not exactly an achievement. I’m sure you’re just as uncomfortable as I am. What is the saying on this sub? This isn’t the pain Olympics?


oh i didn’t mean it like that, i struggle with my self esteem and i tend to undermine myself and the things i go through sometimes. i wasn’t implying that it makes me better/worse than anyone else


I know and I was aiming to validate you which I clearly failed based on the down votes.




I think they were trying to validate them. like "your bpm being low compared to others doesn't mean you aren't equally as uncomfortable"


"this isn't the pain Olympics" is condescending as hell and incredibly dismissive


I think they were trying to use it to say that OP shouldn't devalue their pain because someone else may or may not suffer more.


I suppose. Sorry I'm just in an awful mood.


I’m sorry you’re not feeling your best saltykittens. I hope something nice happens to you today. You deserve to feel nice things. ❤️


it's all good! I hope your mood improves though




Based, Idk what his deal is trying to diminish your suffering we're here as a community to support each other, As someone whos hr used to usually spike 160 before my meds I get it and I'm so sorry you're struggling with it. You'll adapt I promise you got this


I was literally trying to validate OP but I clearly failed and I apologize. I was trying to say you don’t need sky high metrics to feel like utter crap.


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this was my resting for yearrrss lmao i do not miss those days at all. beta blockers saved me


my pots NP suggested I do ankle pumps before getting up from a sitter position, it helps manually pump the blood up my body so it won’t be as crazy of a spike— give it a whirl and see if it works for you!


I used to laugh with my friend that i somehow didn’t have POTS and she did. And then i noticed my heart rate jumping to 150 when i stood up and walked a few steps. And now she laughs at me, because guess who also has POTS now?


So true! I’m so tired of walking 10 feet to the bathroom and my heart rate shooting to 160. Everyone is like let’s go do something and I’m struggling to walk into the next room


I heavily suggest The tachymon app it is really great! it tells you how high it jumps on average and tracks it all day it gives you alerts and warnings on when it’s high or really low aswell! if you get premium it shows you graphs for more accuracy. I cannot stress how much i love this app But if anyone reads this please check it out 😊 You will not be disappointed x


Same here I use my Apple watch but still be hitting high 110’s and low 120’s


Same here




this is the exact jump I have when I go get a glass of water after doing homework for 2 hours


Literally me all week the same thing


This is what mine looks like too. I go from 50/60 to 90/100 just getting up to walk to the bathroom. Taking propanolol.


I think that things that are on spectrums like POTS and Autism really exacerbate imposter syndrome. Always wondering “am I POTSy enough?”. “am I autistic enough?”. Everyone’s experience is a bit different. I think especially when medications help and then you question whether you really need it, after all. Terrible rabbit hole.


I should get a heart monitor


Same. Some days I pay no attention to it and other days I get really frustrated because why can’t I just do simple tasks 🥲


I feel this




Mine is 150 getting the water 🫠


Im going to the toilet with a pulse of 163….


What are the names of these watches I see everyone have that shows heart rate?


I got up to do something and it was 111, sat down it was 84. I have a loop monitor in my chest so they record all this stuff


Yup. Sometimes, if I'm reading something interesting or trying to focus on typing something out my hr goes over 120.... such a drama queen! I'm laying down! Today I was watching a race while lounging on the couch and it got pretting exciting towards the end.... my fitbit did the hr warning while at rest.... 125bpm. Is this the adrenaline dumps that people talk about?


It’s so validating to see a jump that is just like mine. Not everyone is so extreme but it still very much sucks!!


these are literally my stats too but i’m waiting on my heart monitor results :/ my doctor didn’t really know about pots when i asked him


Are you taking any medication?


I was going to ask this too. This happened to me after covid, and would be crazy jumps like that all the time. But now I slam heaps of electrolytes and water before I get out of bed, and take metoprolol and crazy jumps have stopped for the most part.