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You get more reward by playing solo than alliance events. Its fun sometimes. Depending on the mood.


Ok thank you


I feel it's a nice change of pace. I'm not always down for it but my alliance wants to be active in it so I'll contribute my part. But I still feel you on this one.


Tbh though this last mz event I did come up on a total of 7 drakkon leader shards, 3 Gia leader, and 1 of dino black, psycho red, and the dog guy can't remember his name.


Doggie crugger🙂


I'm not really a fan of megas either tbh but rewards are rewards


Ok because my alliance is UA quantum power and they told me that to improve my roster I should start doing megazords😅


Fight mechanics in MZ battles are the worst and need to be re-vamped. I actually hated playing the MZ events as I'd just get wrecked every time they came up. It wasn't until someone suggested that I not play my higher powered MZ any longer and just play with my lower powered ones. That actually helped me to enjoy it more as I no longer have to deal with the whales who've powered up their MZs.


Ok thanks


I'd recommend doing Solo for the better final rewards than Alliance, but mostly it's kind of a self-fulfilling event since it pretty much only feeds Megazord resources and coins.


Do you believe that it can help me improve my roster?


Not particularly, but my experience in the game long term is that gradual accumulation of little bits of all the other resources do matter, which is why the final rewards have more value. Otherwise the main rewards are entirely focused on furthering Megazords and not Warriors.