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probably the best looking game on ps3


Yeah 👍 everybody jumped on the TLOU bandwagon ("best game on PS3!") but I think U3 and GoW: Ascension are more impressive.


yes tlou is definitely the best game on ps3 but technically uncharted 3 and gran turismo 6 have the highest graphics on the hardware imo the gow ascension is also amazing


I personally think The Last of Us is only the second best game on the PS3 behind Uncharted 2.


I could not disagree more. Uncharted 3 looks fine but the graphics in tlou are way superior. Especially the character models.


Killzone 2 has entered the chat


Best game was MAG.


We’re talking about graphics, so no, absolutely not. MAG looked like a PS2 game. That’s not a knock on the PS2, lots of PS2 games still look very beautiful. But it still looked dated even then. Sacrifices just had to be made in order to hit that player count in lobby’s.


Oh we are? Cause dude above you said best game on PS3 so calm the fuck down.


And the guy above us was specifically talking about graphics, so it’s inferring as such in that context. Also “calm the fuck down”? You’re the one being sarcastic and throwing obscenities in a conversation about a trivial topic about a game we both like. I played the shit out of MAG. You’re the one who needs to “calm down”, bub


Ain't your fuckin bub for one. Definitely a difference between saying best game and best looking game. MAG looks terrible. I agree with that. But tlou isn't top 5 best looking games and maybe not top 10. That's why I assumed they were going with best and not best looking. So calm the fuck down


[I’m not your bub, friend](https://youtu.be/zuQK6t2Esng?si=3bgFR8s7ldHj8obQ) Ah, yes. A Redditor incapable of contextual nuance and civil discussion about minor differences. Iconic.


Looks even better alongside a fresh $5 footlong from your local Subway


Shitpost achievement unlocked đŸ’©


i'm curious, did you... get the reference?


Nope. I know Subway removed that sandwich and/or increased the price. Nothing more.


nice, i thought you didn't know there was a whole ad campaign between em


Uncharted 3 looks amazing


What’s the lore on this? does a modern tv upscale the image or something? My tv is from like 2018 lmao it’s not even 4K


Same year as the Philips TV I got these pics from. Just a regular IPS display with a max res of 1080p. It's got a great upscaler though. Also, I spent MONTHS tweaking every advanced setting in the damn thing. Worth it in the end.


Oh damn for real? I’m gonna have to sit down and try to do the same ! Thanks for the reply :)


Tweaking the settings? You mean turning most of it off and setting the display color to warm?


I wish, it was a lot more work - enabling computer/game mode (to turn off film filters) - finding the right amount of sharpness (for me it's 20) - lowering gamma/contrast to around 50 - increasing backlight to 60+ - disabling dynamic color adjustment - something else I can't remember 😆 And finally putting the console in limited color mode, otherwise blacks become too dark.


I got a new PS3 recently and damn, it looks good on a 4K TV with proper settings Upscale the 9 times upscale from 720p to 2160p look good Arkham Asylum looks better than my PS4 version


Uncharted 3 killed my original fat PS3 while I was playing it in 3D. Sent it in for repair and got a beautiful refurbished fat PS3. Years later, I was playing Uncharted 3 in 3D again. Killed it again. That's when I remembered how it died the first time. My PS3 slim managed to handle it just fine, but Uncharted 3 will always be known to me as a PS3 murderer. Such an awesome game!


Where did you send your PS3 for repair?


I sent it to Sony while they still supported the original PS3. Cost me like $150. Unfortunately, the second time my OG PS3 broke, they weren't supporting it anymore. I remember the guy laughing and saying "Ha ha, we actually stopped accepting repairs for the original PS3 last week." I wasn't laughing. My broken YLOD PS3 is still in my closet. I hope to find someone trustworthy to fix it one day.


I played the remastered version on PS4 and it amazed me! Couldn't believe that was over a decade old game looking like this


Bluepoint really preserved those games and extended their life so gooood


Uncharted 3 is such a funny game, i be looking at that blu-ray disc like, damn, 50 gig game with 10 gigs of multiplayer assets, 10 gigs of cutscenes, 10 gigs of the same cutscenes in 3D, and if i remember correctly 5 gigs of localization/languages, so the "game" i was playing was only 30% of the disc, which is wild, i'm glad games moved on to realtime cutscenes, and sad that the moment we got there, 3D on consoles was dead, U3 is one of those oddball games i really love, gorgeous & focused art design unlike U2, but ultimately hated for it's dedication to the whole desert đŸœïž setting, TLOU was the much much better game but still glad to see some much deserved appreciation for U3.


>the "game" i was playing was only 30% of the disc News flash: almost all dual layer PS3 games do that, from MGS4 to Killzone 3. Majority of available space is taken by highres cutscenes, with the game rarely going over 10gigs. It was Sony's policy of making "playable movies" through fancy non interactive extras. >TLOU was the much much better game Nah. TLOU is overrated thanks to its fantastic story but gameplay wise it's just same old, same old. You can see that with the sequel, its weaker story brought the entire game down. Also, I don't think U3 is better than U2, quite the opposite. It's shorter, runs worse and with a plot that rarely makes sense. Uncharted 2 will always be the perfect PS3 game for me. But if we're talking graphics, U3 is still a showstopper.


Yeah TLOU is carried by its story but it really is just an average cover shooter/stealth game. Between those set pieces you’re basically opening drawers all day and doing puzzles designed for babies.


Near the end puzzles get a little more clever because the boxes to move are hidden 😄 but yeah, there's nothing we didn't see before. Also, the buddy AI is broken and stayed like that even in the sequel/remakes. Enemies never see your teammates even if they bump into them, until you start shooting. If any other game did that, it would be covered in đŸ’©


Nah the ai thing is intentional because it’d be annoying having the entire game be an escort mission. Bioshock Infinite works the same way


But Bioshock infinite is not a stealth game. Watching buddies walk around at random, while you're trying to be quiet, feels strange and looks really bad.


It’d be annoying regardless to have your cover blown because of something that’s out of your control.


so your 2nd & 3rd points are subjective and it's cool we have different opinions, but as for the first one, MGS4 has only 4 gigabytes of video on disc, only for the live-action TV stations in the intro, the rest are in-engine.


Nope. A couple cutscenes (maybe more) are prerendered and you can verify that by trying to use the zoom feature. If it doesn't work, the console is just playing a video.


That original trilogy was something else


Never played 4, how's the game overall compared to the PS3 chapters?


It's quite the grand experience, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I played it through in one sitting (15 hours) with a friend of mine. Got it at one of the last midnight releases at GameStop and trucked through the whole thing. It's solid as hell in terms of gameplay and story! Even Lost Legacy after it was surprisingly amazing. Actually, Lost Legacy had one of the better ending sequence out of all of them. Shit was bonkers.


Sounds great, so what's the problem with it not being as good as the OGs?


I wouldn't say it's not as good, it's just different. It has a darker, serious, tone than all the other ones. It kinda plays on the " addiction " that Nate has with being a dangerous treasure hunter and what that means with his relationship with Elena (3 did this too, a little). It's definitely the biggest adventure out of all of them, though. I highly recommend playing it!


Even launch titles and early titles release look good on modern tvs, I am currently playing motorstorm and it looks great o na LG 55'' 4k C1


55" is too big for 720p, everything looks blurry unless that TV has a magic upscaler or some special filter that really cleans up low res.


that's why those LG C series are awesome


Obviously UC3 is on the cutting edge of that generation but I still think people don’t give that generation in general enough credit graphically as it pertains to their longevity. Games have advanced a lot but, personally I can go back on original hardware and play these games no problem.


I don't think games have advanced a lot, not in content for sure. I came back to the PS3/Xbox 360 after selling my gaming PC and didn't miss anything. Graphics will always come second to gameplay, at least for me. Beyond great images, I rarely found much in the latest titles.


I try to remain objective towards current Gen as I’m biased towards that PS360 era as it was my peak gaming years but I agree with you. Very few games I’ve played since that generation I feel like couldn’t have been done on that hardware from a content perspective. RDR2 being the main one but we even had RDR1 & GTA 5 there lol. Most games we have now are sequels to games that started in that generation and just graphical improvements.


I always went hard towards new tech and gave PC max priority until they became an useless hardware showcase. The latest consoles made the same mistake, putting resolution and frame rate above all. Proof is how indies like Firewatch often sell more than triple As. Most gamers are tired of tech demos.


This is art. 


A true modern classic. Love so many things about Uncharted 3.


A thief’s end was goated


Behind two souls looks really good


Would look better with subway


FF13 was pretty impressive for PS3. Especially as it ran natively at 1080p.


Nope it's 720p, just because it can be upscaled by the console doesn't mean it runs natively in FullHD. Proof [in this detailed analysis](https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-final-fantasy-xiii-face-off) from 2010.