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Hi there! I'm no longer working in Dreams, but wanted to provide some words of wisdom! There have been hundreds of requests just like this in the past, so here are some tips to set your project apart from the rest: - what are you bringing to the table? Do you sculpt, animate, design, or are you fluent in logic? Tell us what you do or people will likely not be interested. - what is your story? Lovecraft has dozens of stories, so your title is too broad. If you're wanting to pull this idea together, you need to have a complete and solid base to build off. - what kind of people do you need? Sculpters, animators, etc. Think of this kind of advertisement like a job listing, so don't be vague. Hope this can help!


Thank you very much for your help and recommendations. I examined them in detail. I'll add a few details of my own. At the moment I have 3 versions of interesting stories that could be the basis for an excellent future plot. 1) Antarctic expedition 2) A mad artist and his living paintings 3) The story of a sailor who visited Point Nemo These stories are without specific details yet... At the moment I don’t want to detail them... because I assume that I can meet people who can also offer interesting thoughts and ideas in this direction ... . View in the game will most likely be from a third person or with the ability to switch between 1st and 3rd view. Regarding my expertise... I can make simple sculptures of the environment and some architecture... create animations for the environment... and adjust the lighting. Come up with stories for videos. Plus, there are some skills for working with cameras and simple cut scenes. Who I would like to find: 1) Character designer (It is advisable that he also be an animator for the created characters) 2) Programmer (Game mechanics + dialogue system and UI) and programmer for game AI 3) Sound designer (effects...dialogues... music) 3) A person for planning locations and their implementation. Game designer. I think this is enough for a start.