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Block and report, don't waste time worrying about what they say


I’ll reinstall dreams just to report these comments with you


I disagree. Answer them and post their response. Check the engagement on this post!


Don’t respond. These kids get off on either in the negative engagement, or just throwing insults out and then running away. Continue making games especially if you find joy in it


Still, I don't know I should continue making games then. I've lost all my brain cells and motivation from reading that assclown who "reviewed" my game


does dreams counts reviews as engagement, and it will push your content more and more to the featured page? if it does, then fan the flame. make them angrier (use polite words like "thank you, your very intelligent review is really insightful, unfortunately you forgot to elaborate how to delete myself. please do tell, i want to learn", and make them bring their friends to give more and more angry reviews. so you get free engagement boost.


I can't do any of those because he blocked me


😅 Btw can you share your dreams link? Now I'm curious what you made lol 




Maybe this is a little harsh but I'm gonna say it. If you can't handle these kind of people you probably shouldn't be making games. No matter how good your game is, no matter how much you polish, no matter how hard you try to perfect it you will always get people like this. If you're not able to block out those reviews and you do end up taking them to heart then it's just gonna kill any drive you have to make games further down the line.


The other reviews say that you’re game is good and has potential to become better, so keep at it and ignore negative comments that add no criticism


Ignore and move on with your life. Why give any energy to this at all? You highlighting it here is just giving him the attention he wants.


This. Always this. I’ve never understood people who waste their time getting bugged my online rudeness. As far as I’m concerned… they are just 1’s and 0’s. You’re not related to them, you’re not dating them, and you will never see them. Responding is the WORST solution. Talk to nice people or atleast ones that give friendly critique




Rectangular chimpanzee? r/rareinsults


Nah idk. Some people tend to stick random adjectives next to random nouns and call it a new insult. Like, I can do it with anything: "shut up you fucking lubricated toilet roll"


For some reason these hit harder than actual insults though. Mostly cause it's unexpected and funny rather than it being an actual insult.


I’m going to use a random adjective/noun generator for all my arguments then. Shut up you delirious month


Kind of works tbh. Although I misread it as delirious moth and that for some reason is really funny to me


I could've told him to shut up, but I can't at all because he blocked me immediately afterwards


i was thrown off by that too, like wtf does that even mean lol


Possible accidental autocorrect of the R word


Here's what I would do at least: 1. Don't do what the commenter says 2. Report 3. If 3 doesn't work all that well, block them


After me saying he shouldn't do that, he blocked me.


Sometimes the trash takes itself out


That's very sad people do this. There's thousands of dreamers if you don't like it then dream elsewhere


Just ignore them. Don't respond. Report them if you must.


Indreams link of the game?. Want to play it


Here, please prove this assclown wrong https://indreams.me/dream/mJqrsuRMTfj/comments


Congrats! You are a real game dev now! The only thing left is to get death threats.


that was the source of today's laugh. I wouldn't take it seriously. I think the person is mentally disturbed. At least you get comments, no one has ever left a comment on my game :( not even a chimpanzee


Getting absolutely nothing is better than getting a demon rosting your game for you


I busted my ass making an about 90 minutes long classic action rpg in 2 weeks for a jam. It was my first game and someone streamed it on twitch. He tried hard to get stuck behind the Christmas tree (it was Christmas themed), didn't even manage to do it but was still like "almost got stuck, this game sucks". He didn't even left the house, just trashtalked alot and at one point it sounded like he was about to vomit and then he pressed skip and trashed the next game. Stuff like that just happens, unfortunately.


I've terrible news for you, strangers will say unpleasant things to others anonymously. It shouldn't affect your day whatsoever.


I get those kind of these things on social media anyways


block and report. don't even interact with them


He (for it is a he) believes in retarded kangaroo (how does that manifest: poorly executed hops?) and rectangular chimpanzees. And a malevolent gamer god. I’d disregard. I mean, really, who’s the bellend here?


I think you have to learn to ignore this kind of thing, or pity them, laugh at them, whatever. Report it if you can, but don't take it seriously. Some people just want to provoke a reaction - it's not an actual commentary on what they think of your game, it's something they're doing to gain a feeling of power and control. Much like school bullies, online trolls are often young and disappointed with their lives.


I once had a shitty comment and just emailed MediaMolecule who deleted it, and it was not as toxic as the comment you got from this guy so they'll defo remove it for you Edit: also this dude was clearly trying to just say something nasty and it's probably because your game was actually good


Block report and move on. They’re often trolls betting on you responding with an unsavoury or angry reply so that they can report you.


That guy’s an ass. Ignore him.


Hey, don’t be disheartened. Your game looks cool. I’m going to try it. That guy is a rectangular dickhead.


Ignore. Report. Block. Create.


Unbelievable. Dreams is not about this.😡


I spent 2 frigging years on this game. Don't forget


To my experience, dreams is a bit more toxic than you think


"I'm going to fuck your mom and give her a child she actually loves" could work


Can't, he blocked me immediately afterwards


Idk why you’re upset, the comments is honestly hilarious.


He literally called my game shit


And why do you give him any credit? He’s just some random kid with sorta creative insults.


Why do you care so much to deal with it?


W guy


It’s easy to let the one negative review be the one that sticks, don’t let it get you down. Making a game is always going to be something you should be proud of, especially when it’s made for free on Dreams, because it’s purely passion driven. Chin up, onward and upward!


I bet those are the people who haven’t even made a single game themselves, and If they did it’s probably not as good as yours. It’s hard to believe that somebody that knows how much effort it takes to create something on dreams, would leave such comments on a fellow creator’s work. Like all the other comments say: don’t feed the trolls and keep on dreaming.


The person who commented aready have 2 games


Then that makes them an even bigger asshole if they know the process and still discredit other people’s games.


I cannot remember where this quote is from, but the words are "Do not take criticism from someone you would not take advice from" To make something, actually really any creative work of art is in a way an extension of who we are. And anything that has taken this much time is sure to be a beautiful thing. Even if art is firstly for ourselves, and that you did not Have to share this with anyone else. I think that sharing something which you have poured so much time into is one of the few and rare ways in this world where we can make something truly Good. <3<3<3 I can promise you right now, even without yet having seen a single glimpse of your dreams creation, there is no bad words or mean phrases about your creation which can at all be justified, and if anyone tries to anyway, they are really only showing an ugly side of themselves.


Well here it is if you want to see https://indreams.me/dream/mJqrsuRMTfj


These comments say more about them and the misery they're going through than it says anything about you or your game. I know it can be hard to be attacked like that but try not to get hung up on it.


“Skill issue :)”


Who gets this pressed about dreams games? This mf needs some attention. Or some fresh air.


ignore them


That "review" is pretty tame, all things considered. You're blowing it out of proportion. This must be your first taste of what happens when you share anything you've made with the world. Most people learn as children that people are generally assholes. You'll never be able to stop assholes from being assholes so strap on some armor and stop being so fragile.


Stop bro, it's dreams not an art installation at the Louvre, nobody should have to take straight up insults like this over a bloody Dreams creation, it's just a toxic kid being nasty and there is no "life lesson" to learn here


Yeah, I can't imagine someone calling me a kangaroo or chimpanzee. That feeling must be terrible


Very selective part of his comment to highlight but ok


Those are the "straight up insults"


Forgetting or just ignoring the part he told him to delete himself? 


Look at his profile guys just a troll who make shitty creations. Don't sweat it and keep going


Report, I would suppose. Dreams is no place for insults and/or harassment.


If it was really about your game he would’ve just said it sucks and listed reasons why. But instead he spewed a bunch of crazy insults about you, which means it wasn’t about the game it was about trying to make you upset for whatever reason. It’s not your game’s fault that he’s an unhinged weirdo


No matter what you do, someone wont like it. Thats the price of creativity. Dont let these assholes make you quit what you love. If you think you made a great game, then you made a great game!


This is not feedback, this is not criticism, this is someone being incredibly mean, in hopes of making you upset. Ignore them.


They’re just mad that you used your creativity and skills to make a cool experience and all they can do is make a mean comment.


Well as cave Johnson once said in a short summary, "when life gives you lemons, tell life to suck it, and make a makeshift bomb out of the lemon to blow up life's house" In other words use these insults as fuel to make a better game and throw it at his face


Feel proud! Not only did someone care enough about your game to get mad at it, you’ve leveraged that anger into what is one of the more popular posts on this sub as of late. Haters are good for business man


Wow I’m not religious but I’m pretty sure god would consider that comment an insult.


Also OP if you're still here, i like to kill these type of comments with kindness, hit them with a "sorry you didn't enjoy it but thanks for playing anyway" and they'll just look like the bigger asshole, don't engage back ever