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I'll believe it when I'm booting up the game


hahahaha only that! I agree


Not even then. When I see the title screen pop up, I'll probably still roll my eyes and say "bait used to be believable" under my breath


r/silksong is probably going mental right now. That place is scary


They have fully disassociated and are refusing to acknowledge the news.


Why should I acknowledge that which will only serve to hurt me The game is gone. It never existed. I’m fine. I don’t care. I never did. What is Hollow Knight? #NEVER HEARD OF IT


I am convinced they are just going to shadow drop the game. It’s all we will accept at this point.


My favourite part was when they acted as if the game was released lmao. This shit was hilarious


I think it’s so funny that the news dropped on April Fools and it may actually be real.


Bunch of neeks


I remember when elden ring was announced...those hollowed tarnished didnt suffer as much as silksong enthusiast


Well it makes sense considering the time frame. The elden ringers had to wait 2 years since the announcement for the release date. Silksongers are past the fifth year, still without a clue when it might drop.


Laughs in Metroid prime


I bought my Switch for Metroid Prime 4. 7 years later and still waiting (I don't regret it, it's a great console, just always find it funny looking back).


Just play Returnal ;)


Not to mention Xbox edging Silksong fans by showing the trailer during the E3 they claimed “all games shown will release within a year”.


Doesn't help that TC has negative communication.


Closest thing I've seen would probably be the pikmin sub waiting 8 years since Miyamoto said that pikmin 4 was in production


Metroid Prime fans are also in a bad state but the remaster gave us hope. Prime 4 is a phantom tho


It's gonna be a Switch 2 launch title. Enjoy it in 2025


Try being my age and preordering Duke Nukem Forever on announcement.




Yeah single-game-gamers are scary




The game is rated F for Fake




I want to believe but I have been burnt so many times.


I’m so jaded and cynical at this point that when I first saw this on the 1st, even though I checked the links and saw the ESRB rating on the storefront myself, I figured it was either an elaborate April Fools joke by Microsoft or someone hacked them.


The longer it takes the more I think it'll be bad, same with Little Devil Inside. I don't believe they're "just working on it". Clearly something going on with development.


This 😭


There are few games I will break my "patient gamer" strategy for, but this is one of them.


That's cause we've already been patient lol


I did my waiting! Twelve years of it, in Azkaban!




Helps that I’ll probably be like $30 max *knocks on wood furiously


I’m gonna guess $40.


It's worth 70 tbh


Yeah I’d actually be totally fine with that, I just always prefer to spend less 😅 but with this game I would just be happy for it to exist


Pro cheap ass gamer tip: you likely can borrow games your local library


You can also do what my cheap ass friend does and return the disc after finishing it in 2-3 days because he gets his brother to tell the folks at the store he’s a quadriplegic now and can’t play. I don’t have the balls to do that though.


That’s over the top. Tell him about the library please. Lol




40+ hour game that stands as a benchmark for its genre? Virtually bug-free at launch? I'm talking about the first game obviously, but shit man give Team Cherry their money. They deserve it more than most developers.


> Bug-free Ha


I did say "virtually." 😉


Although I think we should give Team Cherry that benefit due to their credentials with Hollow Knight, we still have yet to see any modern build of Silksong, we don't know if it will be a benchmark, if there are bugs or if it's even good.


It‘s hollow knight, everyone is some kind of bug obviously xD


Someone has not been listening to TeamCherry interviews where they talked about their philosophy. It will most probably be 15 dollars, 20 at most. It may sound crazy to you now, but mark my words.


I mean.. I'd give them 22 at least


It will outsell Nintendo games if its that cheap. I think Enter the Gungeon did the same thing and was top ten in sales too.


And day one Game Pass (unless that changed).


That's the price of shovelware nowadays I'm afraid.


It’s day 1 on game pass so you can play it for like 10$ or less if you’re a new subscriber


I only buy Remedy and RGG games new. Everything else I wait for a sale.




I should really try Hollow Knight one of these days. But I made the mistake of checking how long to beat. How is a 2D metroidvania 40 hours long?


It's really REALLY big, and it just keeps getting harder.


Each area is so unique though. I don’t think I ever got bored in those 40 hours.


Definitely this. The game is huge but it always feels fresh despite the seemingly simple gameplay loop.


I love souls likes and Metroidvanias, but i got burned out around the 25 hours mark. Probably will continue it someday. But if you know that's an issue for you, get it in Gamepass if possible. I had a good time for those 25 hours, The music and world design is great, but it really got tedious to me at a certain point. Can't even tell exactly why, it just kept getting on and on.


I agree. If a game like this is over 10-15, definitely not spending the time on it. Just finding spots I can't get to, moving on, forgetting where it's at from redundancy, pain of navigating. I beat the first, but sheesh. Not hyped at all since it'll just be the same


I had the exact same thing happen to me. I must have completed 70% of the game and I just couldn't continue. I thought it would get better as everyone always raved about it but I too got burnt out and just wasn't really enjoying it. But maybe these type of games just aren't for me. It was incredibly tedious but I can appreciate the beauty of it and the music etc.


I definitely did. Still beat it and it was a pretty good time, but I genuinely don't see how people shoot rope over it






I found it easier after beating the soul master. Once you get used to the controls and gain more health and better charms


We're still talking about Hollow Knight... right?


It's still a pretty large map with a good number of required bosses and upgrades to get through. Many more challenging things are optional but you can definitely get lost in time exploring new areas. Wiki says 13 required bosses. That's the same as Dark Souls 3


40? It's easily double that now with the extra content. In a lot of ways it is a 2D soulsbourne game. lots of exploration, very challenging, and bosses that require lots and lots of attempts to beat. Upgrades and unique items tucked away in every nook and cranny so you have to painstakingly explore, which is almost always rewarded.


> In a lot of ways it is a 2D soulsbourne game. Unpopular opinion, but I'd say the opposite: Souls games are 3d metroidvanias.


3D Metroidvania with a touch of Roguelike features


I got 120 hours and never got bored


I played it without knowing how long it would take. Had I looked it up and saw 40 hours I might not have played it, but I'm so glad that I did play it. It's an amazing game, the best metroidvania ever made by a long shot. It's truly special. I'd say I did the minimum to get through, but because I'm pretty bad at 2d games, it took me 38 hours. Got the bad ending, but that's fine with me. I was so tapped out. The last couple bosses took me 2-3 hours each. 10/10 game.


40 hours wasn’t enough for that soundtrack, what an absolute beauty it is.


- "Ok, goal is to find 3 thingies, got it" - "New biome, nice!" - "Hmm, can't go there, let's check the map and go in another direction" - "Oh, multiple viable paths! Let's go here first" - "Huh, blocked again, but I have a new ability, let's see if this unblocks some of the previous paths" - "Wait, how much map is there beyond this block? Game already feels big" - "Oh, got 1 thingie! Still two more" - "Wait wait wait, the world _changes_?" - "This boss is impossible to beat" - "Wait no, I just had to pick the attack clues, I'm an idiot" - "Actually, using this ability I never use makes the fight a lot easier" - "Hmm, I got this ability, what would happen if I try to break the game and do this?" - "Game expected me to attempt this? _There's more game here_?" - "Oh, second thingie! Let's go for the third! Wait no, all paths are blocked again" - "Uh, got lost" - "Lost count of how many different biomes I encountered. Oh, there's one more. And another" - "And now the world map is about 3 times the size I expected it to be" - "Ah, key ability hidden in this dark corner" - "And that's the third thingie!" - "So, I can beat the final boss now I guess? But there are still all these unexplored paths..." - "Ok, no, enough for a first playthrough, let's beat the game" - "Beat it! Oh, it's been 40 hours" The second playthrough can be much quicker, as you already have a rough idea of the world map, the skills you get, and the overall goals. But you will explore things more in depth, so you will probably hit the 40 hour mark again as you try to do more things, or attempt to get a different ending.


It’s really great, would recommend. I had the same thought as you but now have ~100 hours played and the platinum. I loved it so much (although I will admit it took a bit for me to feel that way)


You'll be wishing it was longer.


It's actually way, way longer than that. Personally, I stopped after the first ending and I'm okay with that, but it goes on and on.


> But I made the mistake of checking how long to beat. How is a 2D metroidvania 40 hours long? "Ah shit, lots of content for a good price, what do I do now?"


I had the opposite problem. Hollow Knight was my first big metroidvania, so I was really confused when I 100%ed Metroid Dread in ~10 hours. Felt like such a waste of money by comparison.


Yeah HK has almost ruined other Metroidvanias for me


Yeah i've never played it. The only metroidvania's i've played are SOTN and Bloodstaind.


It’s a big game, I never finished it. I see the appeal but I found navigating the world/backtracking excruciatingly tedious. 


It’s a truly amazing game. Each area is different


Alot of good fun biomes, bosses and dlc content. It's a Metroid prime game with a couple of fun gags and a collectatho. Audio soundscape is great too!


Its twice as big as it should have been. Ori games are much better paced. More fun too.


Agree 100%. I really loved the mood and aesthetics of HK, it's really engrossing, BUT I ended up giving up at one point because it was just way too big, and I'd get lost trying to find anything to move the game forward at one point, it's never really clear what my next step will be. I'm not asking to be held by the hand with a quest pointer up all the time, but at least give me HINTS as to what I should do next! Ori was perfectly executed. I think I might replay HK before Silksong comes out but follow a guide or something...


I spent about 20 minutes on it a year ago but just started it up again a few days ago. Pretty challenging, definitely already looking stuff up.


It's been a long time, but doesn't HK give you the end goal just after the start of the game? You enter the temple, and you are given 3 objectives along their location in the world. So, you try to roughly move in that direction as you progress through the game.


I can't believe the made three fast travel systems and none of them are any good. It makes an already slow game so much more tedious.


I have my clown makeup at the ready.


Dont do it, dont get my hopes up


Been waiting for this game for 5 years …


Now watch it come out at the same time as the Elden Ring DLC


Ye missed April first by 2 days


This is a day one game and physical game as well. I remember watching the 2019 gameplay video and it’s now 2024.


George R. R. Martin and Tool fans: "Wow, you've been waiting 5 whole years..."


Couldn’t finish hollow knight still haunts me to this day 😂


The question is, who gets to showcase it this summer?


Crazy to believe this started out as DLC. So are backers getting this for free when it comes out?


It's just a retro styled 2D metroid-vania.. There's literally 10 of these released a week. I get that the quality of Hollow Knight was phenomenal - but still, why on Earth is this sequel taking this long?


>suitable for players aged 12 and over Saved you a click.


Rated N for Never


10 years later


I'd rates in Korea games release with in 4 months in most cases no?


My heart stop a bit before I read "rated".


Ok I am going to slowly get my clown make up out... juuuuust in case.


Why are they rushing this release


Is it finally happening!


I should probably get around to beating the first one


Is it real I just felt something twitch downstairs


If Hollow Knight wasn’t a good metroidvania to you then what is?


I have doubts


At the very least we know the game will como out eventually. For bloodborne lovers its even more excruciating


Rated V for Vapourware.


I'm sure it's been discussed tons of times in this sub, but does anyone have a quick re-cap about what happened? Why was this delayed for so long?


Late April fools?


Guys convince me to play Hollow Knight again. I played like 10 hours in the first time but just kept getting lost and confused by the map.


I've tried this game prob 3 or 4 times, and got bored to death each time. I just don't get it. Conversely, I really liked Prince of Persia, so I can get down with a solid Metroidvania, just not this one






Did you make it far enough to get any abilities aside from jump and swing your sword? Or to see any areas that aren’t dark blue? The gameplay and environments are simple at first but get waaay more complex as you progress. And the environments and lore are satisfying to discover. And I’m a huge fan of metroidvanias. It takes longer to get out of the gate than Super Metroid or Castlevania SOTN, for example, but then it becomes a colossus of a game.


Anyone else not get into the original hollow night at all? I’m just not a fan of 2D games. Almost glad Cus if I enjoyed it I’d probably be dying right now waiting for silksong


It didn't appeal to me at all, even though I dug souls games, the 2D killed it for me. Didn't take at all when I tried it. Eventually, gave it another go on a rainy day and I guess I was just in the right mood. It ended up being a top 10 game for me. Grateful I didn't have to feel this wait like the long time fans.


I feel like a rainy day would be the right vibe for a game like Hollow Knight


Ya, i played that during lockdowns. It was just the right vibe to try all these amazing games that i otherwise wouldn't have.


Let's go...


Don't do this. Don't give me hope


Probably seeing this in the rumoured May State of Play


Wonder why they didn't release it as EA on steam, the entire console community would probably go ape shit.


I dont get why this game is so hyped. The first one was a generic sidescroller game with boring gameplay and game mechanics Played it for 2 hours max and deleted it because i was bored


Incoming nintendo direct shadow drop lol