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Assassin's Creed: Red Flag


I see what you did there šŸ‘


So like the crew you pay for it and then it gets shut down eventuallyā€¦ Awesome. /s


Hahahahaha, nice try Ubisoft. I donā€™t pay full price to rent a game. Iā€™m out for this. Edit: For anybody reading this now, the devs have come out and said the game is completely playable offline after the mandatory online installation. Good news!


You shouldn't pay full price for Ubisoft games, period.


Not when they regularly go on sale sometimes even 6 weeks in lmao


Honestly, I would for Assassinā€™s Creed, itā€™s one of my favorite series. Always feel like I get my moneyā€™s worth with them. But if Iā€™m not guaranteed that I can play it in 10 years? I wouldnā€™t pay $5 for that. Stupid practice for single player games. Edit: For anybody reading this now, the devs have come out and said the game is completely playable offline after the mandatory online installation. Good news!


Yeah, just wait for a discount. I got basically all of my Ubi games with a minimum 60% discount


Ubisoft has been signaling for a while that they intend to maintain this on all their new games.


https://preview.redd.it/qdu6qjngat0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0882db926761a4bd8315e0545f691ce89b76bae4 Yā€™all fake outrage alert


Lol yup. Never buy an always online game at full price. Always online games are never worth more than $30. Why pay more for a game that you won't be able to play anymore in a few years.


And, it'll be half off in three to four months after release. An Ubisoft classic.


Yep, I just got AC Mirage, Skull and Bones and Avatar for $110 AUD/$73 USD total in Australia. That's the cost one of those was at launch.


Never buy it period.


Or, ***don't buy it.***


Or like the division where if you live in countries far from ubi servers, enemies die 30seconds after you've already magdumped them. Great šŸ‘ /s


šŸ“ā€ā˜ šŸ“ā€ā˜ šŸ“ā€ā˜ 


It has been said over and over again u do not own any game u buy you are renting until the devs say no welcome to the amzing world of bs of online gaming


*puts on straw hat and starts walking* Dun dun dun. Dundundundun. Dun dun dun duh dun. Dun da dun da da dun da. Da dun da dun dun. Dun dun dun DUH DUN!


Lol Itā€™s a new adventure itā€™s time to find the one piece oh wait wrong world


Zoro is that you? Cā€™mon, we gotta go eat some mea- *burp* meat and go destroy government property, Zoro.


Brother getting downvoted for talking facts


Itā€™s fine when facts are facts.


Yeah, that's pretty bad. When you look up Assassin's Creed Valhalla it says "Online Play Optional" where as this says "online play required."


For reference, here's a list of Ubisoft games on PSN to compare the language of "online play required" and whether it truly is 100% online only The Division 1 and 2: **"Online Play Required"** Correct, Division 1 and 2 require you to be logged in online to play for both single/multiplayer The Crew 2/Motorfest: **"Online Play Required"** Same situation as Division Skull and Bones: **"Online Play Required"** Correct, S&B is an online only game Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora: **"Online Play optional"** Correct, you can play Avatar fully offline though the game does require a one time online check in when it installs, after that you can play offline Assassin's Creed Valhalla: **"Online Play optional"** Correct, you can install the game from disc totally offline and it'll still work with the full game intact. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown: **"Offline play enabled"**. Correct, full game is playable offline Going by past examples, it seems AC Shadows will indeed be online only/or requires players to be connected to a server to play like The Division/The Crew


Ghost Recon Breakpoint is another one.


Yeah they will kill breakpoint eventually. Which sucks. It's quite enjoyable after they patched and fixed it.


The amount of post launch support they gave that game is phenomenal. Itā€™s come a long way since it first released. If they do kill it, I hope itā€™s many, many years down the line. Iā€™m glad I was able to beat it at least.


Arguably even a one time online check is pretty terrible, because let's be honest, the servers aren't going to be up in 20 years and so if someone wants to play the game then for the first time they can't. There's also no way Ubi's going to patch the game to not require even an online check. Good for players who already have the game and have played it by the time servers will be shut down, though.


True. You can't install the DLC for Assassin's Creed 3 on PC anymore because it requires an online check. This will eventually brick the game as well.


Correct and i still find myself playing games from 1997-2009 to this day.... i bet some people might want that nostalgic hit in the future with newer titles


This is exactly why people revolted over the Xbox One's initial reveal


For division 1 single player mode does it mean having an Internet connection on or does it mean you need to pay for PSN as well?


You can play The Division 1 & 2 single player without PS Plus, you just need to be online like a MMORPG The only thing which you can't do is the PvP Dark Zone missions as that requires a PS Plus subscription. 100% of the story missions can be played/completed solo




"Offline play enabled" reads to me like it's an feature that they can disable at will, which in this case would turn the game into online only.


I never thought about it that way, would be really shady if they did that


If I rember right red was supposed to be there first title for AC infinite which was supposed to serve as a hub for there future titles


Yep, I remember it was announced alongside AC Hexe (Salem Witch hunt historical period I think) when Ubi revealed AC Infinity as a concept/service


This is my guess the game was to big and needed two discs but Ubisoft didnā€™t want to pay for that. So they are requiring you to be connected to the internet that way you can download the other half of the game to install. After that everything else is optional.


Thereā€™s a difference between a game needing a Day 1 patch to run and needing a constant Internet connection to play. Both Hogwarts Legacy and Jedi Survivor needed to download files Day 1 to play it but they could be played offline after the fact.


Same situation as Jedi Survivor, you need to download the rest since the blu ray disc couldn't fit the full game


Jedi Survivor has a really stupid setup, though. Because the Xbox Series X still uses 50 GB blu-rays, they only have 50 GB on the PS5 disc as well, making you download the additional 100 GB *even though* they could fit 50 GB more on the PS5 discs. Also I have no goddamn idea what even takes up 150 GB because the textures in Survivor aren't even that high resolution.


It's a science fiction game, of course it takes up more space!


Oh, of course! I forgot you have to fit all that space somewhere! Duh! :P


Oh no




Honestly facts šŸ¤”


Ubisoft and bad decisions, name a more iconic duo.


EA and shitty games


Xbox and pulling the rug out from under their most successful studios


*How to kill your singleplayer franchise*


Yup, any interest I had in this game has been 100% killed.


Well it's incorrect so [https://x.com/assassinscreed/status/1791095143799414951](https://x.com/assassinscreed/status/1791095143799414951)


Hmm. I wonder if they backtracked?


Yep. I think I'm done buying any Ubisoft games at this point.


I wish we as gamers had any kind of power akin to actually voting with our wallet. Ā Unfortunately the most consumers still lack either a brain to understand what's happening if they keep buying into it or actually just don't really care about the enshittification of everything around them


So, I get this sucks for people with poor internet, but for the majority of gamers stuff like this just isnā€™t noticeable. If you donā€™t come across a Reddit thread or whatever, youā€™d probably never know.


Well that totally kills it for me. Iā€™m in a rural area and my internet access fluctuates all throughout the day. Already went through all that bs trying to play Hitman 3.


Pisses me off that there are gamers who goes "well that just your problem. I got good internet so Ubisoft doing this is totally okay and acceptable because I'm not affected!!" Hate those selfish assholes so much. I sympathize for those in your situation who get affected by this.


Such a sad situation for us folks with slow internet . I ainā€™t gonna move just to have faster internet so physical copies serve a huuuge purpose to me(and many others) I wish they just released both versions for all games




dont buy it. let them eat cake.


~~cake~~ ass* FTFY


that's not what that phrase means lol


its a phrase that was used to mock poor people who couldnt afford to buy bread. saying let them eat cake instead, knowing a cake would cost more than bread. used in the same way here. if you dont but the game, then ubisoft ā€œcant afford bread so let them eat cakeā€


Ubisoft last game was Skull and Bones btw


Quad A game remember This gonna be a five star general AAAAA game


"Online play only," yeeeaaaahhhhh nope. Pass.


Always and forever a dealbreaker for me, especially since it often means you cannot pause the game even in single player - but you have to dig through reviews to see if anyone bothers mentioning whether thatā€™s the case or not. Honestly IMO lack of pause should be clearly marked on store pages and cases, itā€™s so infuriating.


iā€™m assuming this is because of the AC infinity platform, since this doesnā€™t seem to be the case for star wars outlaws


Agree, no idea what features AC Infinity will introduce which mandates AC Shadows to be online only SW Outlaws should be playable offline (though it might be like Avatar where a one time check is required upon install, need to double check for that)


They just confirmed in the discord the game can be played offline but thereā€™s still a download https://preview.redd.it/wfyct905ms0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fabfb0e1f53db6effb70ffdbf4fcce460763f9d


Can't wait for it to be free on PS+ šŸ‘


Cant wait to never give it a second look


Aaaand that's a fuck no from me. It's a shame because I was genuinely curious about a new Assassin's Creed that could bridge Mirage and the previous entries+a different setting.


Lmao Pass


I can imagine that the game itself is not online only but the hub Ā«Ā InfinityĀ Ā» is. We still know very little about it and how itā€™ll work


Yeah, I think this is most likely what's going on here. You'll likely need to be online to access *Infinity*, which is how you launch *Shadows*. Probably you can go offline while playing *Shadows* (I don't see the game kicking you out if you lose connection), but you'll always need to be online for at least a minute to get into the launcher. I really don't see what could be so important in *Infinity* that you aren't able to launch into *Shadows* from the home screen like any other game.


Exactly, but with the rumors going on about the Ā«Ā season passesĀ Ā» inside Infinity, I would imagine Ubisoft requiring Online play for these passes


Bold move considering most people don't trust ubi anymore and even before that stopped caring about assasians creed.


Ahh, there's nothing like Ubisoft giving me a reason NOT to play their games, never change Ubisoft xD


Another reason not to buy.


News from the Assassin's Creed team: It will not require an always online connection, only a connection during installation: https://twitter.com/assassinscreed/status/1791095143799414951 >Hey everyone, >We wanted to share some early information on the upcoming launch of Assassinā€™s Creed Shadows, following some questions weā€™ve noticed in the community. >**Assassinā€™s Creed Shadows will not require a mandatory connection at all times.** >An online connection will be needed to install the game, but you will be able to play the entire journey offline, and explore Japan without any online connection. >We are super excited to bring Assassinā€™s Creed to Feudal Japan on November 15 when the game releases, and cannot wait to show you more along the way! >- The Assassinā€™s Creed Team


Lmao I got 100+ downvotes for saying youā€™re gonna be able to play off line still. They wanted to be mad so bad


People love to be outraged.




If this is true, which wouldn't be surprising since Ubisoft is fucking obsessed with online only games, then this is an instant no buy. I wasn't interested in the game but this seals the deal. Fuck always online pve single player games.


Canā€™t wait to buy it a month later when itā€™s 50% off. lol


F\*ck Ubisoft are their extremely mid games. They won't see another penny from me


This is incorrect [https://x.com/assassinscreed/status/1791095143799414951](https://x.com/assassinscreed/status/1791095143799414951)




Already confirmed is not true


And the hits keep rollingā€¦.


Dead on arrival.Ā 


Doubt it. More than likely sell like hot cakes like every assassin creed


Yea people donā€™t like to admit it but Valhalla is the highest grossing game in the series. Most people donā€™t care about the inclusion of mtx or battle passes. No offline is a different thing entirely and weā€™ll have to wait for a big stink or for them to clarify what that means. I suspect the infinity platform will necessitate the requirement.


I am pretty damn confident this game doesn't make close to the money that Valhalla made. Even without this stupid always online nonsense.


Because of GoT


Iā€™m on the opposite end of the spectrum here. I think Shadows ends up clearing Valhalla in terms of sales. Ninjas are more popular than Vikings.


It's possible but idk even this announcement doesn't seem to have the same impact that Valhalla did. It'll sell well because it's Assassin's Creed but I don't think it's going to make the billion that Valhalla did. The momentum feels off with this title so far but we will see. And I think ninja's were more popular but Vikings just have more of an appeal now.


We will see, but I doubt it.


Unlikely, most mainstream customers won't be bothered by the always online requirement in addition to the historical setting being one of the most highly requested periods is guaranteed to sell well


Game will sell like crazy, AC games always do


Rad. So I will be playing this via rental. Did a month of their plus service, on PC, to play Prince of Persia. Game is great. Experience was dogshit. Frequently couldn't start the single player game due to connection issues. And if I had a nanosecond hiccup in my connection, the game would force quit itself. Insane.


I'm pretty sure this is their motive. They're pushing for people not to own their games, so everytime you feel like playing you'll need to either buy the game in full or subscribe to Ubisoft Plus again which will no doubt increase in price once the Activision library is added. (Edit: repeat word)


idk at this point maybe ubisoft should pay our internet bills if they wanna do this.


Coop main character play? Or it's just there to make sure we don't own anything


The latter, I'm pretty sure


IF this is true, than this is what people should've been more up at arms for instead of it having an HISTORIAL FIGURE being ONE of the two playable characters!šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Then again the cover said it's required for installation which is STILL unnecessary and still worth complaining about far more.


Itā€™s not true https://preview.redd.it/za1cs2p67t0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d340c10f716faf3102ae0bd7c12e8ffec1f0cf


the Ultimate 130$ edition that I can't play offline in single player?


It also says "one player," so I'm confused.


The introduction of online used to be cool in gaming. Now itā€™s filled with negative aspects.


This has been stated for a long, long time. Traces back to the talks of a large HUB for AC games , blah, blah, blah, terrible idea, blah, blah, blah


Iā€™m getting a page not found/404 type error page. Also, I preordered it and the description page on PSN says online play optional. Must have been a typo they fixed thanks to you OP!


Ubisoft execs: "Remember our creed - nothing is free, everything is subscription-based."


Isnā€™t this game supposed to be apart of that new thing theyā€™re doing with all their games? Like didnā€™t they say something about a new online system or something weird like that?


Ā Where does it says online play is require? On my playstation account it says Assassin Creed Shadows is an optional online mode. Can someone post a screenshot?


Not true


You have it all wrong you guys. The game needs an online connection in order for it to be INSTALLED. Once the game is installed it can be played offline. Ubisoft made an announcement regarding this. This is not the first time something like this has happened. Take Star Wars Jedi survivor for instance.


Wasnā€™t buying anyways.


Went from AC: Black Flag to AC: Red Flag real quick šŸš©




Itā€™s not always online, Ubisoft always does a Cinematic trailer then gameplay trailer later in a month. https://preview.redd.it/0p81e4bg7t0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6f0dead5f9aecd394e96e148a54716f1d3e664 Some of yā€™all thrive in negativity




Hmm after looking some more stuff about the game I am kinda excited for it Maybe I will buy it, but I need to see some gameplay first


great i wont be playing




That's not a confirmation. It certainly will be online to download from the disc and offline to play


Ubisoft put out that grand vision of cloud computed gaming. They talked about their plan for AC Infinity as the future of AC around the same time. I donā€™t think itā€™s a stretch that they maybe making the push here to do both. They have plenty of online only games.


Nah Iā€™m out then.


That makes no sense


Iā€™m looking forward to this game so this better not be true or Iā€™m out


Ahahahha goodbye AC, it was a fun ride


Yeah Ubishit is not getting my money.


Let's all just wait for Ghost of Tsushima 2.


Donā€™t get too excited the Internet folks are gonna find something to be pissed off about it even if itā€™s the thing they claim they want, itā€™s never about enjoying things any more.


Ubisoft being Ubisoft.Ā Ā Stop supporting this shitty company.Ā 


I hate the "Well everyone have internet anyways so this is a non-issue" folks defending this shit.


I like AC games and have played every single one. But I canā€™t support this company anymore.


Damn, I am really excited for this. But that really puts me off if true. I just want to play single player. I can understand for the initial install or whatever but not a constant connection. That is stupid.


Itā€™s only for install game can be played offline https://preview.redd.it/u1ikjziz7t0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=066f76c497322602121a5647475db5ec7537b6b7 Reddit post are unreliable sources


When you fumble the ball and do everything to keep it rolling downhill. Somebody at Ubisoft needs a mental health check.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Shellman00: *When you fumble the* *Ball and do everything to* *Keep it rolling downhill* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lmao and some nutters were defending this garbage on the trailer thread. Guys get a grip, Ubisoft will always be shit.


This is disgusting, I wonā€™t be buying a Ubisoft game ever again. Ffs.


Remember how theyā€™re shutting down The Crew and thereā€™s some kind of movement to save it? This will be The Crew in the future. ā€œFeel comfortable not owning gamesā€ - Ubisoft


Get fucked Guillmont


Jesus Christ. It was already going to be $20 within a year. Theyā€™re trying to get down there in a month. Fuck that always online nonsense. Iā€™ve got plenty of better shit to play that doesnā€™t insult my intelligence.


Damn they just wanna shoot themselves in the foot. The game sounded good too.. Iā€™ll just buy it used


Butā€¦ why?


Yeah, okay, next.


At this point it's just masochism. What do you keep doing this to yourself Ubisoft ?


This bullshit again. I was kind of down to come back to AC to be a ninja, but man ubi sucks


Haven't missed a single AC game, so this will be the first. At least I kept all the dlc of Valhalla to play.


Huh.. I guess this'll be the first mainline assassin's I don't buy


Take what you can..


Itā€™s a pass from me


Itā€™s a pass from me


Wow, I'm down to saving money skipping this one too :D


please do not buy into this crap. that's all i've got to say.


Can the online only games be pirated like this one ??


Ubisoft did this to stop piracy of their games




I've been feeling neutral about the game, after I've seen the cinematic trailer, considering the lore dictates assassins should be stealthy and avoid any conflict as much as they can, and what we've seen was mostly "Bring it on!" kinda scenes but this news is definitely a deal breaker for me. Always online in single player games makes no sense at all. In Germany our internet infrastructure is pretty infamous not for its speed but the quality, and package loses happen way too often, definitely more than one can imagine, and I avoid multiplayer games most of the time because of that. I had stopped buying Ubi games a long time ago due to they not delivering in any department except for beautifully crafted worlds, but I was kinda looking forward to see if they were making any improvements.


Well, it was good while it last. Fuck the game. They are gonna do the same that happen with The Crew. Im not paying 70$ for renting 1 game.


RIP Ubisoft


Fuck Ubisoft I'm not renting their 70 dollar slop anymore after The Crew 1 shut down


Well itā€™s a good thing Ubisoft has a track record of maintaining these games indefinitely! >!/s!<


Just sub for a month play the game unsub, boom only cost ya 16$


Cant wait to buy the complete platinum ultra Gold plus Edition (featuring Dante from the Devil may cry series and Knuckles) for 90% off next year.


Ah, the most recent assassin's creed game I was interested in getting into since origins. Guess not.


Playing the ac franchise is like doing a boring homework over and over again, with boring mechanics and lazy gameplay, now its the same but you'll pay for a single player game that in some years you wont be able to even pass beyond the press the start button, ill totally be buying the gold edition day one for sure.


It could be something similar to Dark Souls... But I guess they want to be original or something...


And Iā€™m never gonna play it again. Sad since this setting is the cool one everyoneā€™s been waiting for ā€¦. While Sekiro, ghosts of Tsushima, ISHIN and Rise of the ronin all recognized this early and capitalized


First AC game I was interested in since Brotherhood. Itā€™s a ā€œfuck noā€ from me now. Pass


Its Ubisoft so i wont buy it until its $30 or under. Not a fan of always online so will buy on sale or used and then resell once i beat it.


And just like that's its a pass. I'll try your game out when it's $8 on sale a couple years from now. Bravo devs.


Once it gets enough backlash, it'll get reversed. I hope...


Unless these games are boycotted they'll keep doing it. I myself will not be buying or playing it if that's the case. The story is probably gonna be rubbish anyway given their track record




Ew no thx


Ubisoft needs a boycott. Stat.


I love when you want to play a single player game and you can't beacause the servers are down or under whatever maintenance for hours for a multiplayer mode I don't care about. I'm so psyched ! Wouh !


No thanks. Ubisoft are always busy shooting themselves on the foot. They did not learn anything from Skulls and Bones šŸ˜….


As pointed out by other posters, PSN has updated it's page which says online play optional now instead of mandatory. Wonder if it was a typo on PSN's part or whether Ubisoft quickly clarified it which caused the change in language. Regardless, at least we have confirmation as what the online DRM will be for Shadows. https://preview.redd.it/9mmxehct0u0d1.png?width=1088&format=png&auto=webp&s=716a97e7b793fcf0b5a2daab179f040a477719d8


A whole day on and not a comment about how this isn't true. It will only be required during install for copy protection. You could go into a hole underground (as long as you have power for the console and display) and play Shadows after it's installed.


Wait, main character is black? A black samuraiā€¦. Wow


[He's a real life historical figure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke)


Yasuke wasn't a Samurai.