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Bingo! Money baby!


Eh, more like desperate last grab for money because they fucked up the core business model of console gaming.


Exactly. They’re testing the waters, not only for how well they sell on PS5, but how well their current fan base accept it.


Something like new gears of war and even starfield would sell great on ps5.


Dude those games would sell like hotcakes. MS was just leaving money on the table. Honestly PlayStation could learn a thing or 2… release Bloodborne on Xbox and PC and use the money to make Bloodborne 2.


Lol, we can't even get them to remaster bloodborne for their own system and put it on pc. But you're asking them to port it to xbox lmao never happening. They have the money to make bloodborne 2 and would make a killing remastering it for ps5/pc they just won't do it yet for some reason. The fact that Sony wouldn't even throw Microsoft a bone and put Lego horizon on xbox even though it's going to switch says enough how Sony feels about putting their ips on xbox. Unless they're forced to like the MLB situation. If xbox actually sold more consoles, they would see more incentive to putting games there


The thing is PlayStation wants to still sell consoles and realizes that putting games elsewhere doesn’t help them do that. Xbox is only adopting this strategy cause their console sales are plummeting and with gamepass the games aren’t selling. Also spending billions on these acquisitions certainly hasn’t helped either


Some people were really trying to convince themselves Microsoft was gonna randomly drop 4 games and just stop there.


I 100% believe the rumored Halo 1 remake for Xbox and PS5. In my mind it’ll be a Sony presentation and then the lights go off and fucking warthog driven by Master Chief comes on the stage and offers a hand shake. Would love it! They have to do a big announcement for it. They can’t just casually do it.


Lmao that would be hilarious. It would be even more funny if it’s master chief shaking hands with kratos


They could make a joke about how they're both Spartans


Haha that’s genius


If true, as a ps game..i welcome Mastet Chief to Playstation.


It’s an easy large sum of money for Microsoft. It’s Halo 1. They won’t loose any profits or fans because the game is very old at this point, even if it’s a remake it’s still a very old game. I’m pretty sure tons of people who never owned a Xbox is gonna pick it up.


I haven't had an Xbox since the original one, but I do miss playing Halo. I'd buy it in a heartbeat


...What? Another Halo 1 remake? Why? The Master Chief Collection could just be ported and sold to playstation, and make oodles of money.


I've been wanting a proper remake of CE ever since Anniversary botched it, but I never thought they'd actually do it. I just hope the new 343 leadership is up to the task. That's one thing we have to keep in mind: this current 343 *has not* released a game yet, so I'm willing to give them a chance. As much as Halo fans love to bitch about Infinite still, the new 343 leadership has made massive strides in turning it around and consistently releasing content updates for it. The amount of cosmetics locked to the store sucks, absolutely, but the *game* is in a pretty good place now, especially since they released the networking fix.


> this current 343 *has not* released a game yet, so I'm willing to give them a chance. I think there's no better place to start than a CE remake. The blueprint is there and they know it works. They can cut their teeth knowing it'll be a success if they just put enough effort into it.


They've only ever done Halo remasters -- never a remake.


There hasn’t been a Halo 1 remake. There was a half baked lazy remaster that nobody likes because it ruined the art direction and atmosphere of the game.


It won't be a presentation lol. It would just be a new announcement and mentioned in a blog post or something that it's coming to PlayStation.


Starfield and Indiana Jones are coming as well, likely in 2025.


Starfield is rumored to come with Shattered Space. Obviously they not gonna announce it during the Xbox showcase where even multiplatform 3rd party games are not marked for Playstation release. I always found this annoying with these showcases regardless of PS or Xbox, if it’s not an exclusive, say so. Marking a multiplatform game for only 1 platform in your showcase is misleading af


Actually, the words exclusive were never mentioned once, and the only 'exclusive' game there was World of Warcraft. I totally understand them not mentioning Playstation, I don't agree with it, but you're not going to tout for your biggest competitor, when a part of the presentation is to hopefully push other gamers to your own platform.


Does anyone even want Starfield now? Its mediocre and nothing special


I’d prefer the warthog to run into the any presenter as part of the announcement. But then it turns out it was planned and the presenter is a stunt double. Would be so epic.


It’s a nice story, but in reality, if it ever happens, it’ll be a blog post at the most


This is what I miss about E3. It used to be you'd get something like a shadow of Crash Bandicoot being projected walking on stage to reveal Crash: N'Sane Trilogy, Kojima walking out to an applauding audience as the Mad Max soundtrack plays and he announces his new game, an orchestra playing the new God of War theme to build up the announcement of God of War 2018, there was excitement and fanfare. Everything had it's chance to be treated like a big deal. Now you just get a trailer and a blog post, and maybe one big game gets its own dedicated showcase.


Just like Gabe Newell announced Portal 2 for PS3 after he dissed its complicated hardware for years.


Not me. I knew they were gonna keep adding more games to PlayStation eventually


Every Xbox sub member put all the reporters on blast and vowed never to trust them after just the first 4 games were ported to PS It was like in the Simpsons where they decided to burn down the observatory to avoid a comet ever hitting Springfield again


Let's be real, us folks on the Xbox sub hated (dislikes) Jez Cordon, for putting out so much click baity tweets that only served to Doom and Gloom the Xbox and cause Console War engagement. About porting or releasing xbox games to other consoles, that's another divisive talking point.


I agree that Jez could show restraint


Click baity articles gets the clicks, though. And sadly, that just allows the console war bullshit to run rampant on Reddit/Twitter.






Destin works at IGN, Colt Eastwood you're better off not knowing about


Is he related to Clint though 


Ryan Mcaffrey too, he's an aggressively biased gaming " journalist" and that's being generous like everytime that dweeb tweets about Sony it's so toxic.


Yeah that guy is such a tool




Same dude that destroyed Alien Isolation, right?


A few weeks ago when all those headlines were coming out about Neil druckman's next game he tweeted something like Neil being arrogant... and when it turned out the author of the article took Neil completely out of context he was was like I retract my comment but "WhAT a SoNy L" fuckin clown can't even properly research his sources


That annoying Greg guy was the worst of them all.


greg miller ?


Yeah, that tool.


Destin is absolutely insufferable. Followed IGN since the early PS2 days, never heard of him until he started popping up on my gaming-related socials with his subtle console warring jabs two years ago.


PlayStation is going to support their games more than Xbox users lol. It’s just a guarantee the games would all come to PlayStation.


Hasn't HiFi Rush sold poorly on PS?


I have to believe it sold better on PS5 than on Xbox.


Yeah the Xbox subreddit was hilarious in their denial. “Oh… so all this drama was about *four* games? And they aren’t even big ones! Lol, everyone got panicked for nothing!”


I'd actually prefer if each console had their own exclusives. Theres zero point having 3 console manufacturers all offering the same games and it reduces competition and encourages anticonsumer tactics


Yes and no. If we truly finally ended exclusives forever, it would technically be a battle of hardware and features. An example (not saying its a succesful one) but Xbox would have a step up with the Kinect, PS would have a step up with VR, Microsoft has better Discord integration, and so on. They could also each work on having a better store, better sales.


The term “nothingburger” was thrown around A LOT.


Yeah! Or that they were going to give be up on their console and store


I’m a lifetime Xbox owner (well, last 12 years at least) and I’d be perfectly happy if they abandoned the hardware and just produced games. Maintaining a PS5 and XSX and their separate subscriptions just to play with friends is an unnecessary cost.


Why would you want them to abandon hardware? We need competition and they make great hardware. Hardware has never been the issue.


The problem is, if Microsoft doesn't turn things around, it's not going to be much of a competition regardless. If the recent reports of 5 to 1 sales difference are real and continue at that pace, there isn't really a competition.


We may need competition, but Microsoft doesn't. PS5 is outselling Xbox almost 3:1, they f***ed up pretty bad on selling Xbox One and the brand has yet to recover to 360 era strength. They are gonna need the same miracle Nintendo pulled off with the Switch after the Wii U if they want Xbox to be as relevant as it once was, and it seems they are already wondering if it's worth the effort when they can still make billions with software and services alone. And in the end of the day, Microsoft can not only survive without Xbox, but can make huge profits with gaming without Xbox.


Microsoft was not providing competition in a healthy, beneficial way. If they spent the 75 billion that got them Bethesda and Activision on developing great exclusives that otherwise wouldn't exist, that would be the type of competition that benefits gamers. Buying existing IPs to keep them off other consoles just causes harm, them being a third party is a better outcome than them buying market share in a way that just hurts gamers who have other consoles.


> they spent the 75 billion that got them Bethesda and Activision PS5's Spiderman 2 cost $315mil to make. Microsoft could've made 238 games that cost $315mil instead with that $75bil they spent for Bethesda and Activision and this would've given Xbox a better game portfolio than they have now.


I mean, they couldn't because such a number of studios and projects are umanangeable. At best, they could have setup 10-12 new studios with their management before things got too big to handle. But then we probably wouldn't have seen any of their games until 2026 or later. Setting up new studios takes fucking ages - a whole console generation before they release anything - and the success rate for them is low. There is no perfect science in doing it, not even for Sony. Keep in mind, Sony didn't get to where they are now with their first-party pipeline overnight. It took them the entire PS3 gen to get it started and then the PS4 gen before it was matured. That's 2 gens. Microsoft made the Bethesda and ABK purchases so they wouldn't have to spend 10+ years betting on new studio startups to deliver something quality and successful. Xbox's problem is the previous management cut their development resources and pipeline to the bone. They had just 6 studios in the Xbox One's early years. That meant in order to become competitive again in output there was no viable way to do it in the timeframe (for next gen) except to buy. If Xbox's resources weren't cut to the bone, and they had expanded from the 360 days (before Kinect fucked up priorities), they could have been in a position like PlayStation is now with studios and their first-party pipeline, and without soending $100b. But they fucked up in the last years of 360 and early years of XBO. Kinect really ruined it for them. The execs learned the wrong lessons from it.


It doesn’t matter if they can’t sell their hardware. MS is very much going to get out of the hardware business if they keep getting massacred in console unit sales by Nintendo and PlayStation. The Xbox Series is trending behind the Xbox One and that is more or less considered a failure. On top of that, the Series S is clearly holding the Xbox Series X back as, consistently, Xbox first party games are launching without performance modes to accommodate the weaker hardware. It caused Xbox to give Sony an accidental timed exclusive in Baldur’s Gate 3 until Larian finally strong armed Xbox into dropping the parity clause. It’s a problem that appears to be happening again with Black Myth Wukong.


> It caused Xbox to give Sony an accidental timed exclusive in Baldur’s Gate 3 until Larian finally strong armed Xbox into dropping the parity clause. That was fucking hilarious. The X/S divide in general seems to be poorly thought out. Has any console generation done this intentionally before? I know there’s frequently a pro version partway through a cycle, but two sets of specs released at the same time?


They won't give up their store front. Store fronts are easy money. 


Yes one console provider would be great you’re right man


I don’t think Nintendo or the PC is going anywhere. There’s way too much overlap between PS and XB imo.


That sounds good in theory but I promise you that is a terrible idea. Competition benefits the consumer. If one company owns the entire share they get lazy, innovation dies, and prices go up


Yes I know I didn’t add /s cause I thought I was laying it on thick


My bad lol I see people say this seriously a good amount


Expected at this point really with the existence of project latitude. More was always going to come.


Seems they're doing what Sony's been doing with staggered PC releases but the opposite way.


Agree. If they were having healthy sales and market saturation, this strategy would seem too detrimental but the general public believes they are in decline and will view this decision as submission and eventual exit from the market.


MS started the same way Sony is doing it now. Eventually Sony will also go day and date with everything. You'll eventually hit the ceiling of money to be made on console alone, and businesses want infinite growth.


Especially as AAA games get more expensive and time consuming to make. Releasing your exclusives on the competitors system starts to sound much better when you’re expected to have unsustainable profits.


I mean there’s only like 4 games I would to see, sunset overdrive, starfield, quantum break (although I heard Control looks similar) and Forza


Forgetting about Banjo-Kazooie, the Halo series, Jet Set Radio Future, the Gears series, and Ninja Gaiden Black.


Would love sunset overdrive and quantum break. Quantum break is a bit simpler than Control with more focus on being a shooter but with some complimentary powers, where I enjoyed the superpowers in Control more. But I would still love to play it again on PS5 where so far I’ve only played on PC.


Weird because I want none of those games lol only game that interests me are Halo and Gears.


I believe the rumor about the Halo 1 remake going to PS5 as well. I want to believe lol.


Please Sunset Overdrive


Forza Horizon would sell millions.


Starfield is god awful you ain’t missing out


Insomniac Games owns the rights to Sunset Overdrive. The decision to bring it to PlayStation would be Insomniac and Sony's, not Microsoft's.


Not strictly accurate. Sony owns SO IP, yes, but Xbox owns the publishing rights to the first game. There's also (potentially) another issue. With Xbox owning the publishing rights to the original SO, there is the possibility that Xbox also has first right of refusal on any sequel. So, if Insomniac ever wanted to do a SO sequel they might have to approach Xbox first and have them refuse it before they can make it with PlayStation. If that is the case (Xbox having first right of refusal) then anything SO is dead. PS won't even entertain the idea of greenlighting a sequel if they first need Xbox to refuse the sequel.


Yeah, if Insomniac had total right they would have already made the game 60 fps and released it on PS platforms.


The day we see Halo on PlayStation is going to be insane lol


Halo Infinite is a TON of fun! I’d love to see it come to PS5 with crossplay.


Just give me Gears of War 1-3 and I'll be a happy gamer


I want Halo on ps5 DISC, it will be enshrined just like when SEGA games went to nintendo


This is the way 😎💎


Gears 5 is actually quite good except for the open world bits. It starts slow but it gets increasingly better as the game progresses


And then you get the DLC... made me so excited for Gears after being over the series for a while


*"You are going to see more of our games on more platforms, because we're probably going to be an exclusively software company pretty soon..."* - ~~SEGA~~ X-Box


Definitely not next gen but maybe the gen after.




When everyone realizes xbox games are on every console. They definitely won't be selling 30m next gen it'll go even lower. But I don't think they even care atp




After riding high from the 360 era, yeah they managed to con their playerbase into the One which as you say was practically barebones with exclusives. Currently the Series consoles are selling less than the One had in the same timeframe, that’s *with* the cheap af S console which has obviously sold a lot more than the X. If anything the next Xbox console will be around the series X power, all digital of course and it’ll be a gamepass machine.


Idk man they've had gamepass all generation, and it's looking like series will be lucky to reach 40m sold. Now, with announcements of xbox games coming to ps5/switch 2 they're sales are gonna crater hard unless their next system had some unqiue featured to it that are game changing. Also, "reasonably priced" doesn't really mean anything to me anymore when it comes to xbox bc that's what the series s was supposed to be. I remember people in 2020 saying series s was gonna "kill ps5" bc of the price, it all sounded so good on paper. That thing goes on sale dirt cheap, and they're still behind the xbox one in sales. Xbox One, even tho the reveal was terrible, had the direct hype of riding off the 360. It's all been downhill since nintendo and playstation have been gobbling up their market share for the last 10 years. There's no real hype going into the next xbox after over a decade of disappointment, then pivoting to being the next Sega. The way xbox sells tells me the market doesn't care about the system anymore unless you live in the US


And they only sold 30m this gen already looking to ditch hardware altogether. This is very concerning to them especially as gaming is more mainstream than ever before


A couple of my friends bought an Xbox this gen because they prefer the controller apparently. So anything is possible


I'm sure it's more than that, even if it's a driving factor. For me, I'll use my Xbox more than my PS because that's where my game library and achievements are at. I'm sure that's kinda why many people don't jump ship even when Xbox has let down the fans of many occasions.


I have xbox and ps5 and, honestly, I think xbox is the better hardware/OS combination. Quick Resume is a real game changer for me, and I do prefer the controller and its battery length. If the Dual Sense was better used by devs, we could have a discussion, but, as it stands, I can count with one hand the ps5 games that have impressed me with the dual sense


I don't think you'll get much love for the Quick Resume on a PS sub because they never experienced it. Just like you have Xbox players downplaying Haptic Feedbacks. But man, I love Quick Resume. Was playing the Alan Wake DLC, paused it to go to a baseball game, came back that night, and picked up the exact moment I paused it. THAT really feels next gen.


Xbox division was like a side hustle for Microsoft until they started dropping billions on other companies, now Xbox have their executives attention and they want their money back. They’ll pull the plug on Xbox hardware like they did with Zune, Nokia, Mixer etc. and not bat an eye


That’s exactly it- actual ms execs are taking an interest, and they don’t care about ego contests with other companies and want the software to be across as much as they can. Gamers assume ms bought actibliz to support xbox but ms bought them to sell software. Gamepass would be on ps and switch in a moment if they could negotiate store fees.


Thanks for the great showcase looking forward to buying a few on my PS5.


Expedition 33 looks super interesting, and the combat system has me reminiscing of Lost Odyssey, which was fantastic and definitely an IP I would like to be revived.


Really was a good showcase. I’m interested in a bunch of those games.


It was! At least one of the showcases was decent


I like Xbox going in the summer. PlayStation in the fall with their showcase. The Game Awards in December. Those are the 3 big showcases. State of Play and SGF are not where the big titles are announced.


Im hoping Xbox stays as a platform. Shutting xbox down will lead to PS3 levels of arrogance for sony. Remember when they released a 600$ console in 2006. LoL


Xbox will stay a platform, just like Windows laptops, tablets, and phones are still a platform despite Windows not being exclusive to them. Microsoft's success came from software you can use anywhere.


I sincerely hope the new Nintendo console is a legitimate gaming threat to Sony just for competition’s sake.


Funny Xbox is releasing a 600 console this year


$600 now is nothing like $600 in 2006


There is a reason why PS3 was such a magnificent blunder at launch. That price on 2006 economy was wild.


But Kaz Hirai said you could just get a second job to be able to afford it. What’s the problem?!


None. Flawless plan from Hirai-san. Make people work more to buy things they won't have time nor the will to use.


But youre not forced to buy the $600 version, are you?


Mark Cerny just did an interview talking about the crazy growth of PC. And most gaming execs agree that the main thing they are competing with is our time. There is a reason consoles are not selling aswell as the PS2 even though gaming is more popular than ever before. This whole 'Arrogant Sony' bullshit makes it seem like every single company in our lives isn't becoming more expensive and shitty to use.


I expect day 1 PC releases from PlayStation starting next-gen. It's inevitable.


Sony sold a console for 600$ in 2006 when their main competitor was selling them for 300-400 $. It was absolutely an arrogant move to price the PS3 that way


God please let Indiana jones come out for PS5 like a year late 🙏


Microsoft Gaming?




Microsoft has been and always will be, at its core, a software company.


Xbox going the Sega route was inevitable after all of their major fuck ups since the Xbox launch in 2014.


Only sega never spent seventy billion after


Sega also wasn't backed by one of the top 5 companies on the planet.


The top company.


> Franchises That's a bit of the core problem with modern big studios. They are not interested in making games but franchises. You don't even start developing a game without a full plan for how to develop sequels and spin-offs. Not only does that not leave much room for experimentation, it also removes features from a game to become part of the next iteration making the game itself empty and failing.


Notice how they didn’t mention ONE game as being exclusive. In past showcases they would be sure to spam that wording with every first party title. I wouldn’t even be shocked if Gears and Perfect Dark end up on PS5 after a year on Xbox


Yeah I was wondering this myself. What games in the showcase are actually going to only Xbox/PC? 🤔


really phil after all this years saying we will have best exclusive games…..


"I promise you, the games are coming" - Phil Spencer 2014-2023 "...on PS5." - Phil Spencer 2024


It's a curious situation. Microsoft finally has an extremely strong lineup of first party games after spending a lot to have it, but precisely because of it they are pretty much forced to release them on more platforms.


I can imagine the conversation: "Hey, we've got a hold of all of these great IPs. Look at this one, the last game in the series sold 25 million units!" "Wow, that's incredible! On Xbox!?" "Errrrrrr..."


Well said. If it was only up to Phil, I don't think he would've done it, but papa Microsoft invested way too much money and started calling the shots. The proof is in the purchase. How much did Phil have to fight Jim Ryan on this? With promises that cod would still be multiplatform. If he would've said day 1 that not only current multiplatform games will remain so, but that Xbox original ips will also become multiplatform, I think Jim Ryan would've been like: let this man do his purchase!


I just want franchises that were previously multi platform like they’re doing with the new doom.


So is this the official statement that there is no more reason to buy an xbox? Its between pc/ps and switch only


So you're saying there's a chance that Halo: The Master Chief Collection might come to PlayStation? Which means I have to replay Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3 ODST and Halo Reach all over again, damn.... What a shame.... Give me it now Microsoft.


By the end of this generation, they should just go full third party. At this point, the console is just holding them back.


Given their dismal sales, I wouldn’t be shocked if this is the route. Right now, they literally have a shit ton of games launching with a console that has a fraction of the marketshare. No investor is gonna like that after spending so much money on 3rd party studios, their actual revenues and profits will go down all because Xbox didn’t sell enough units. That is why we’re seeing more and more games go multiplatform.


> At this point, the console is just holding them back. I disagree. The console keeps Sony in check, and also serves as a great entry point for those that want consoles.


Given how badly Sony fucked up with the PS3, and how the fierce competition from Xbox 360 ensured the PlayStation 4 would be a much better console at launch, (only for Xbox to make the same exact mistakes for the Xbox One, and then fix them accordingly with the Xbox series X), hell no I don't want Sony to have a monopoly. We know what complacency looks like, and it sucks -- we need competition.


This would be the case with a monopoly with anyone but I feel like gaming now is very different from 2005. PC gaming is massive, mobile is its own industry and several vultures are flying around waiting to grab consumers attention.


Personally if they do release a handheld and a smaller streaming box both used for Gamepass I think that could be thr best outcome but I still don't believe that Gamepass makes enough money for them to just have a Gamepass machine as they would need a load more subs than they do now.


They have no choice. They have waaaaay too many studios for the amount of users they have. They need to double or triple GamePass subs in the next couple of years to have a chance.


Watch this not get any traction on a Xbox sub reddit. People want to live in bubbles and when you mention this, itll be the first time they hear it


There's no more Xbox sub for real. They closed most subs such as r/xboxseriesx because too many people complained. Now the only one left is r/Xbox which is pretty much just an rss feed. It's like the Chinese government is running that community.


It’s crazy they shut down a subreddit with 3.5 million members. Since the shutdown, the Xbox sub has only increased by like 100k members. So that’s roughly 3 million users MIA


Yea I definitely think mistakes were made there. I got my issues with /r/xboxseriesx (they banned me for saying Redfall will be DOA) but that was still very much the obvious main Xbox sub. They just needed better mods.


> (they banned me for saying Redfall will be DOA) That seems extreme. I highly doubt that that was the only reason you were banned.


I'm not going to name drop the exact mod who said it but, in short I rock the boat the too much and was told I'd fit in better on /r/games


Nah I'm not surprised. I got banned for saying MS is revealing games way too early. What's funny is I made the comment in 2023, but got banned for it in 2024 (which means the mod went back and looked for something to ban me for).


I've had a similar experience a few years ago. F0REM4N is a textbook example of an insecure power hungry reddit mod. I thought people were exaggerating when they made fun of how mods can be the worst.


I mean….they banned me for telling the honest truth about shit and being forward. Yea, I admit I was a dick or an asshole a time or two. But, most of my comments were upvoted even in the sub itself and a lot people agreed with what I said. He’s right. That sub takes Microsoft’s and Phil Spencer’s word like it was from the lord himself. I have a PS5, PC, and Switch. I will 100% say I’m slightly biased towards PS5 and PC. They’ve never done me super dirty or wrong like Microsoft has to their fan base. I can honestly say their subs are hands down the most toxic and in denial gaming subs on Reddit. Microsoft could sell them a gaming console that would have them open their mouths while the console shoveled shit in them and they would buy it in masses with the promise of, “this year will be XBOXs year.” At what point does Phil Spencer’s famous meme sentence ever resonate or convince XBOX users that they’re being had?


Fuck that place. Got banned too for always saying the Activision merger was fucked up. lol. Glad they shut it down.


They closed the, down because am ex-Microsoft corpo (Major Nelson) suggested that all of the subs be consolidated into one.


Y'all are weird af lol


https://preview.redd.it/t0wq4vxeuq5d1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130cc8d6d3e9318a317f1d3864d268ed84425990 Ryan in shambles. Prayers for Ryan. 🙏


Pls Phil, give us Fable, it’s been so long.. 🥲


Nothing in the showcase had that dramatic deep voice saying “Exclusive”.


I'd like a starfield redux version, where the base game & expansion are bundled together, and I'd love the fable franchise to come across too :) and If I'm not being too greedy Forza Horizon 4, 5 & the inevitable 6 :)


I really hope that new Fable game comes to PS5. That's the one I'm excited for.


Bring Fable and Gears of War and I can finally sell my Xbox...


I guess their motto is if you ain’t bringing the Xbox into your home we’ll bring the Xbox to you whether you like it or not.


This is probably the best path for them. They have made huge mistakes in their attempt to dictate the trajectory of the gaming industry and I think we are better off that they aren’t leading, but they do have some great teams and IPs. I have a Series X but I would buy some of their stuff on PS5 because that’s my main console and where the vast majority of my library is. If PlayStation users get to play State of Decay and Gears, that would be great. I doubt we see the opposite though (TLoU etc) on Xbox though as Sony relies on their hardware whereas Xbox has had to adjust to low install base.


Sooooo.. what's the point of having an Xbox again???


*muh quick resume*


“We like money. Thank you”


Fable to PlayStation plz 🥹




It worked for Tango


Didn't he say this 20x already?


I wanted too see all games on all plataforms! “You may say l’m dreamer, but I’m not the only one”.


Gears of War on ps5 would be fantastic….even though I’m the worse gears player ever lol


I want Avowed, Starfield and Fable to come to PlayStation so bad...


I literally got into an argument about this on this sub and was downvoted. Gawd I love being right.


What Phil said: “more games will come” What the PS5 sub heard: “everything is coming day and date and all the old games too”! Ya’ll need to chill. Doom is an Xbox game and that is coming to PS5. This in no way says Halo, Gears, etc are coming. There is a distinction that hasn’t been made


Yeah, Phil was pretty clear about Doom specifically in a followup interview with IGN. He just said DOOM is such a touchstone franchise in the history of gaming that it just doesn't feel good to lock down to a particular platform. DOOM is known for running on literally everything, like getting your dishwasher to run DOOM, and the idea of locking that down just doesn't feel right. They still feel Xbox is the best place to play DOOM, given that it launches on Game Pass day 1, the purchase is cross-entitlement across Xbox console and PC, etc. I just feel like all of that... makes perfect sense? And it feels very specifically tied to DOOM as a franchise, and ties into the idea that there isn't some kind of holistic rubric on what game is going to be multi plat and what games are going to be exclusive. They will judge each game individually on a case-by-case basis.


Phil's message changes all the time. before was : - there are only 4 games - now more games have arrived - tomorrow several games arrived - later we will announce a game that will arrive - next month, here are more games


Yeah seriously. While people here are talking about Xbox fans in denial, some others are also taking it to the opposite extreme. It reminds me of the Nintendo Switch sub when Nintendo and MS got friendly with cross play, and put Ori on there along with lending them Banjo for smash, etc. That sub went off the deep end as well expecting everything from Halo to Rare replay to come to switch, with Xbox Live becoming their new online service. Obviously there was a lot of wishful thinking there. Putting games on PlayStation does not mean shutting down their console business and migrating their entire catalog to PlayStation. They have 10’s of millions of console customers with libraries tied to the consoles, which also fuels Gamepass/subscriptions and other sales. It’s a massive source of revenue for them regardless of the console sales being lower than PS which isn’t a core metric for profitability to start with. Their goal is to EXPAND their revenue sources…not trade Xbox hardware/sales for PlayStation.


Give us Forza Horizon, please :)


Phil Spencer: "Xbox is in debt to our daddy MS for like a hundred Billion $$$ trying to bail us out and Gamepass is stagnating and isn't making any money and our consoles aren't selling soooo games for everyone!"


Always makes me chuckle to see how this sub's narrative went from Xbox not having any games to Xbox not having good games to people more excited about playing all the Xbox games more than Sony's first party lineup LOL


Well 90% of these games were supposed to be multiplat to begin with


Plastic boxes wars and all that.




Just bring Gears series to playstation and I'm all good.


Really sucks about the franchises/studios you shut down, though.


I figure a good amount of Xbox games will come to PS5, maybe same day, maybe late. Either way, it let's them sell games/game pass subscriptions to their base and sell full priced games on PS.


State of Decay 3 plz 🙏


Microsoft gaming division is BROKE. they need to do this or else Xbox will die