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Its going to end with half the team stepping through a portal into traverse town just as cid runs out of cigarettes.


If we hear the Traverse Town theme I’m probably down


Honestly i wasnt a fan of what they did with the rebirth ending with all the uncertainty, the whispers, and the multi stage boss but if they wanna bring final fantasy back to kingdom hearts like that i wont be mad. They never should have taken it out. I need cid to yell at his wife about tea, though.


I was very upset with the ending. My boyfriend knew it was bad just because my face was emotionless when >!aerith died!<. There was way too much going on to even process wtf was going on. And he watched me play the OG last year. I teared up during the OG scene


> There was way too much going on to even process wtf was going on. Agreed. >!I wasn't even sure if she was for sure dead until the post-fight scene in the meadow when nobody else could see her. The original was clear, definitive and there was no "What just happened?" Rebirth's ending doesn't really feel like we lost her at all.!<


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They needed to focus less on the irrelevant shit. Idc about rufus/wutai at that point, or the sephiroth multiverse nonsense. I REALLY like that we are seeing a lot from Cloud's point of view and he's completely lost his mind. More insane cloud. More cutting back and forth between the normal party members view and clouds view.


>They needed to focus less on the irrelevant shit. Idc about rufus/wutai at that point, or the sephiroth multiverse nonsense. I'm pretty sure they're setting up for Rufus, Wutai, and the multiverse to tie into the core themes and plot of the game in pretty meaningful ways. We see at the end of Rebirth that >!Rufus was being played by Sephiroth into restarting the war!<. This is very much in line with Sephiroth's apparent goals of >!maximizing anger, conflict, sadness, and grief in the world, which pit the souls of the Lifestream against one another as Jenova started millennia ago with the Cetra. !< And I think the "multiverse" is going to turn out a lot simpler than people think. Not a true multiverse, but much more akin to >!shared dreams or a collective unconscious that perhaps plays an important role in souls returning to the Lifestream after death, but which Sephiroth has corrupted for his own goals -- i.e., to build up as much sorrow and misery as possible in all these "worlds" so he can weaken the Lifestream enough to take control of it. Clearly Aerith calls one of these worlds a "dream," and our characters often enter these worlds upon dying or dreaming. !


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I used the spoiler tagging tool of Reddit itself, lol.


Yeah but there's a way to include that without cutting up such an important scene. Giving me whiplash. Let the scene breathe


Well, I can understand where you’re coming from. I think the scene with Rufus near the end may be very strategically placed to remind us of >!Jenova’s powers of impersonation just moments before Aerith seems to appear before Cloud, to plant the idea that maybe she is a Jenova hallucination.!< And I absolutely loved the >!“dream date” sequence.!< However, I think the game could have concluded with the >!Jenova fight and left out the Zack team-up stuff and like 3 different Sephiroth battles. Zack had already played an important enough role in the story, though it could have been laid out more plainly since a lot of people didn’t get it.!<


FF7 is probably my favorite game of all time, the first RPG of any kind that i ever played as a kid, and i really loved what they have done with the remakes. Because it really isnt a remake, its a kind of sequel in a way. I think it would have been very cool to just see modern versions of all of my favorite FF7 moments, but because of how they are doing these there are mysteries that i am looking forward to solving instead of just waiting to see my favorite moments in HD. I can understand some people being let down by it changing things up, but when you think about how it isnt necessarily changing canon but adding to it, i think thats awesome.


Maybe its just me but the turn based system was a huge draw in for me for ff7 and ffx.tHE Remake has 0 appeal to me sadly I don't want a janky action combat revival


That’s a bummer you should really try it out the combat is the perfect mesh between action and turn based imo. I think they blended it well and if Square is continue to go this route with their games I hope they use this system more than say FF16 combat.


Yeah, I honestly think FF7 Remake/Rebirth have my favorite multi-character combat in any video game from the past 35 years. It is different from the original ATB system, though, so it's natural some people won't take to it.


I should not have pressed that thing you blocked out lol


In fairness, it *may* not be as much of a spoiler as you think... I'll just leave it at that.


My opinion on the >!Aerith death scene!< is that we’re gonna get that in the 3rd game because >!Cloud is an unreliable narrator and either sephiroth is gonna show him what happened to fully break him in the northern crater or we’ll see it in the livestream!< I think that’s a great way to make the iconic scene even better personally.


I agree there is more than meets the eye and we need the third to really complete the picture


Where was my sad music boss so I can keep processing!?


>!I just got the feeling they were trying to trick us by making us think that Cloud saved her, but then pulled a cheap double cross.!< >!I felt more emotion with this death than I did the OG. I was never a big Aerith fan from the OG FF7, but I feel the remake has given her a bit more character and personality to where I cared more about her.!< >!I just didn't like the whole concept of experiencing multiple outcomes at once... it just felt cheap, like, "Here you go FF7 fans, this time Aerith lives..... haha, gotcha, she ded"!<


Yeah i wasnt a fan. I must say though playing through the og after rebirth was awesome. Makes it really easy to picture what everything would actually look like. We'll have to see how the beginning of the next one goes. The silent misery should hit hard, assuming you dont just see what is possibly some sort of interdimensional ghost or whatever the hell theyre trying to get at.


The whole segment felt so disconnected and with cloud’s ‘reaction’ it felt even more muted. I understand what they were going for, it just didn’t land and took all the emotion out of the scene


By the end of the game I wasn't even sure what actually happened. What a mess of an ending.


Which Cid? Can it be both?


All of them. Even the crack headed one from 4. Also, Dr. jan itor approves your username


If Kingdom Hearts’ story didn’t suck ass after Birth By Sleep, this might make me excited.


Kingdom hearts 1 was honestly such a great game. All the expansion to the story have ruined it. If we could get a stand alone remake of KH1 with just the combat being improved and the complete removal of the mermaid level, I'd become a huge kingdom hearts fan again.


I honestly didnt mind atlantica in 1. Atlantica in 2 though.......😐


I have a feeling if each game was numbered, you'd have a different opinion.


Is this really news? I doubt the director would come out and say "the ending to the trilogy will suck ass lmao"


Like Apple having presentation saying. "This is the worst iPhone that we've ever made!"


“We think you are going to hate it!”


"The latest model might have little to no improvement but we gonna increase the price for it lmao"


“We are going to remove the charging port, and force you to use magnetic charging from now on”


"Also, we'll be sending Tim Cook to your house to personally deliver a swift kick to your crotch."


"Good morning"


Its $400 more than all the others.


I mean, I wasn't expecting the director to say anything is bad with the new game.


Well, now the director will start wearing flannel and state things like “Chad is the key to all of this”


I would honestly want to see how bad it was for a director to come right out and say that lol.


My favorite part is that the headline says "director reveals". Like it's some kind of leak that the game will be good.


To be fair, the ending of FFVII is kind of abrupt and not exactly a happy ending either. This makes it sound like it will be more fleshed out basically


An ending to surpass metal gear…


**THE BEST IS YET TO COME intensifies**


It’s just like one of my Japanese animes


Even though I’m completely down with all the batshit crazy story stuff they cram at the end of the first 2 games, I really hope that we get a satisfying conclusion to all of it. I don’t want the ending to be super confusing again where you have to watch a 3 hour essay to understand wth is going on. They can keep some things ambiguous but everything they set up before needs to come full circle. All I hope all I want.


Cough cough Kingdom Hearts 3.


At least I somewhat understand whats going in the story here. I’ve played every single kingdom hearts game and I still have no clue wtf is happening




It REALLY hurts the accessibility of the series for anyone who hasn't played it yet. I've played through the mainline games (well, I didn't finish 3.) but that still leaves out so much of the story, and I'm not about to go watch movies and play GBA games to get the complete story.


They've remade them all for PS4/PS5. Still a ton to play through. I bought 3 since it was my little heart's desire, though I never made it as I felt I outgrew how cheesy it is. Wish I could go back to being a kid as the story, combat, and music blew my little mind.


Hey though, Simple and Clean will always slap. Hearing it in 2001 or 2024, doesn't matter, it's such a killer song.


DJ at a wedding I went to on Daturday was playing the title screen piano music. All of the music is amazing!


My main problem with the Kingdom Hearts story was that the first one was so simple. Guy wants to find friends, heartless bad, power of friendship good.


The game that completely destroyed my love for the franchise. I haven't looked at a piece of KH media since playing KH3 :(


Well... arent things going to that route already? 


Truly lmao


I think it's still mostly coherent, it's VERY Square though, and honestly I feel like they're borrowing themes from FFXIV since the >!multiple timelines and realities of the new trilogy remind me of the Umbral Calamities in FFXIV, which also involves the splitting and (attempted) rejoining of realities as a key plot point!<


I played maybe 40 minutes of rebirth and was basically pissed off I didn't know what was going on with the story and haven't picked it back up. I wanted to ease into the familiar, not have an "A Feast For Crows" experience where we are visiting a whole new cast. Even though I haven't played, I read your spoiler and, frankly, knowing this makes me less frustrated and more inclined to lean into it.


I really hope they make it clear.


You’re gonna have to watch an OVA, a feature length movie, and play a mobile game that was only released in Japan to fully understand the ending.


They butchered the remake. I liked the gameplay, but they needed to leave the story the fuck alone. Everybody down votes me, but I don’t care. It was one of the best games of all time, it didn’t need any damn adjustments.


Isn't that a FF staple though? An ending that doesn't make a ton of sense?


Every jrpg.


“This new version I made pales in comparison to the original. The OG is waaaaaay better, my version kinda sucks!” - no director ever


Ah thank God, I was getting worried that the devs will come out and say that they're going to make the ending worse as a joke


I think they mean they are continuing the story for longer, in the original the game ends with a cut scene when you beat the last boss. You can’t even explore after you can only load a previous save


That's a bold claim. I can see it as a possibility, but they really need to make the story much more understandable.


They know what they have to do with the Highwind.


I want full Skies of Arcadia airship fights against the Weapons. I don't expect to get it, but I desperately want it.


Ah, so *that's* what Yoshinori Kitase meant by wanting a happier ending...


I'm looking forward to the final battle with Sephirot revealing his true name, Xephirots. Next a magical portal opens, Goofy and Donald come out out; "We got this, buddy!" they tell Cloud. For the surprise of no one, Nomura-kun comes next, carrying in his hands the Beyblade of Chaos. Jenova is the last princess of hearts, during the entire game the player was tricked into believing she's evil, when actually she's a victim of domestic abuse (Xephirots is an abusive son, who forces her to do all work and cook him chocobo nuggets) "Minna-san let's beat this kisama!" Yells Nomura-kun. An epic battle ensues and using the power of hearts (kokoro in Japanese) Cloud unlocks the power of the X-Omnia-Opera-Multislash and finishes Sephirot for good. Barret finally musters the courage to reveal to Cloud that he's a gay man and in love with him. Both walk towards the sunset as Jenova flies towards the Kingdom Hearts, using the power of hearts (the lifestream) to revive the planet and reverse the melting of the polar caps. Nomura-kun smirks to the camera and says "Sore wa FAINARU FANTASHI DA" The credits roll, with an original song by Bruce Springsteen.


No, it won't lmao. It will definitely be much more convoluted, there will be more Anime-style over-the-topness, but that does not mean it will be *better* and I wish Squirt-Enix would finally learn that lesson.


Hopefully one day


Hard doubt. The first jumped the shark with an unearned final showdown with the big bad, Sephiroth, and second muddled >!the most famous death scene in all of gaming!< so forgive me if I take their word for it. That said, Rebirth is great despite its convoluted retelling of its story.


Show, don't tell.


They did a lot of showing rather than telling in Rebirth. So much so that some important aspects of the story seem to have flown over some players’ and journalists’ heads.


Exactly. Which is why I don't understand why you would make statements like this to fuel the fire when people inevitably don't like the ending of the trilogy. I assume the aim is always to be better than the original, so it's a bit of a pointless statement that some unhappy fan is going to use as ammo when they dislike/ don't understand the ending. Just my two cents.


I see, I mistook your comment as one about the storytelling in the game rather than the interview. For me, the most important point in this interview is not that they want to surpass the original ending (of course they do), but that they intend to wrap up the mysteries of Remake/Rebirth in a satisfying way (and that they’re aware not doing so would make many of us unhappy). That part of the interview isn’t reflected in this post’s title unfortunately.


I feel like it's a losing battle unfortunately. Definitely going to be plenty of people who hate it just for the sake of hating it. I wish devs would just say less these days. I feel like too many of them set up rakes, just to walk into them later on at launch. I have faith that this game will deliver but could still do with more show less tell.


That's fair. Personally, I love hearing anything and everything from devs about my most anticipated games -- the anticipation and hype is half the fun of being a gamer IMO. I constantly get the impression that the FF7 Remake trilogy project is very important to the developers -- that they really give a shit about it and are excited about the story they have to tell -- and that makes me excited. It's the exact opposite of a lazy cash-grab remake. The flipside is that, as a gamer, you have to understand that no game is going to be perfect, and you have to avoid walking into a game with expectations that are too specific. That's especially difficult with a remake of a beloved IP. I've never really had a big issue with overhype, but maybe I'm also more flexible in my expectations than the typical gamer. Hell, I thought people were too hard on Sean Murray back in 2016 when NMS first released, despite being a bit disappointed myself in the launch game.


I must admit I enjoy hearing from developers aswell. The issue is that not everyone else on the internet feels the same and tends to ruin it. It can be a very negative place so these days I'd rather people just stay quiet to save us from the inevitable drama it brings lol


Maybe... but I feel like such people will bitch whether the developers tried to build hype or not. So people like me might as well enjoy ourselves and ignore the bitter masses!


A fair point. I usually ignore comments and commenting as it's always met with some half wit looking for an argument. Nice to know conversation can still be had in the comments. I hope we're pleasantly surprised when this game finally rolls around.


Hear, hear! Part 3 could be a train wreck but I’m cautiously optimistic. I’m not keen on waiting 3 years for the conclusion but the older I get the faster those years fly by.


They did that with Rebirth Lol. So idt this applies


This wasn't a comment on the quality of the game. More on devs constantly setting themselves up for failure by making statements they don't need to be making. The assumption would be that they intend for it to be better than the original, otherwise why bother? Making that statement just gives someone ammunition to use against the devs when it doesn't meet their personal expectations.


Yes show us the ending 3 years before the game comes out please.


This is so annoying to hear him claim lol Knowing we’re headed the kingdom hearts route is sad


Did anybody else struggle with the pacing of both the remake games? It took me two tries to beat part 1, and I bought part 2 at launch but also never made it to the end. The way side content isn’t really optional, and I try to do everything, so the pacing was sooooo weird.


The side content is extremely optional. You can play through the story in like 40 hours if that's what you are looking for. The very nature of side content in a story driven game is that it is a step away from the main narrative. A break for people that enjoy and want those breaks. So as I am one of those people, I did not struggle with that at all as that is the exact thing I want from a JRPG.


The way people lobby criticism at open world games legit makes me think they don’t know how to play one. Maybe they feel like they HAVE to do every piece of content put in front of them, even if they themselves aren’t enjoying it? It’s literally called side content, as you pointed out, you do as much of it or as little of it as you want. People complain about pacing in rebirth when you literally control the pacing yourself


If the side content is half assed and stretched out that's not on the player. That's on the developers for padding the game to make themselves look better. It's like the shitty Hobbit movies, there is absolutely no reason there needed to be three in the first place. Why would someone pay money for content that they'll only get to half enjoy?


Please explain how the side content in rebirth is half assed? What about it feels lazy or phoned in? Each side quest ties in a party member to help you learn more about them while improving your relationship meter leading to the gold saucer date and I found most of them to be well written, oftentimes roping in characters from remake or much earlier locations in the game. I don’t even like card games and I found queens blood to be downright addicting, and it comes with a game spanning quest line that involves everyone from party members to reoccurring npcs. The world intel activities aren’t groundbreaking but the rewards you get for doing them are almost always worth it, and the proto relic quest line is genuinely hilarious throughout and leads to a boss rush with a Uber boss of sorts at the end. Open world games are my jam, and rebirths side content stands with the best of them in my opinion. There’s nothing half assed about it, which is what makes me think folks like you just don’t like ANY optional content in their games or just don’t like open world games in general, which is fine, but then your criticisms are gonna fall on deaf ears for me


Honesty the first game felt like a walking simulator too much of the time. It had terrible pacing even if you ignore the side content. Clearly everything was padded out. The ending was some of the worst writing I've seen. I have no interest in Rebirth because it sounds they doubled down with the padding and added a by the numbers mediocre open world. If people are trying to slog through it for the locked content and failing then it's lazily designed from the get-go, probably for padding. You are just all over this thread telling people they don't know how to play games lol. Breath of Wild did this right, the seeds and mini-temples are cool but nobody feels like they are missing out by not completing them.


Bro haven't even played the game 💀


So you haven’t even played it?😂😂😂 thanks for wasting my time


I'm just glad rebirth isn't wasting mine lol


It’s funny you should mention Breath of the Wild; to me, Rebirth succeeded where BotW failed by tying almost all of the major side content to meaningful character development and story. I loved BotW in general, and it did exploration well, but very few of its side quests resulted in meaningful contributions to the story or to characters I cared about. And the lack of a linear progression hurt what story there was. Rebirth builds its open world around a mostly linear, dramatic character-driven narrative and its better for it IMO. (Also, I agree most of the side content in Remake kinda sucked but I think Rebirth’s is leagues better. I hope you give it a try someday.)


Thanks for the though out reply! I agree BOTW was not perfect. I might try it in a couple of years.


I fizzled out for awhile on the first and only bothered beating it to try Rebirth. Fizzled out on Rebirth because of the generally unrewarding open world content and still not enjoying the story changes.


Yeah. That's why I just started to run through Rebirth. When I did the side content, I started to forget about the story. So I just said screw it and ran through the story. I'll do the exploration when I replay the game in 4 years.. I definitely enjoyed remake more than rebirth. I still enjoyed rebirth though.


Have y’all like, never played an open world game in your life? I don’t think theres a right or wrong way to play video games, but some of y’all say things that make me think you just don’t know how to play an open world game.You started to forget about the story while doing side content? Does that happen to you every time you do side content in a open world game or are you saying there’s something about rebirth specifically that made you forget? Like that’s such a weird criticism


I loved part 1, it was my favorite game I’d played in years. I couldn’t wait for part 2 I got part 2 and like 10 hours in…I was so bored I just gave up. Ill probably go back to it eventually, maybe


Part 2 blows remake out of the water in just about every way. If you don’t like open world games just say that, I swear if more would just admit that it would save so much time in general discourse


Not in terms of sales lol try again.


I love open world, so I can’t pinpoint it to that. I think it just hit me at the wrong time. I’m not saying it’s a bad game at all.


The amount of mini games and the combat being slightly more complex, makes rebirth less fun. I hated how limit break levels were tied to synergy abilities.


Wild, I loved Part 2 even more than Part 1. Just finished it with about 110 hours of gameplay.


I thought remake was fine, but the side content (especially the minigames) in rebirth were an absolute slog. There were several times I almost put the game down entirely between chapters 5-9. After that it gets better, though, and the last couple chapters make up for the grueling middle of the game. That said, I don't know if I could ever bring myself to replay Rebirth.


Only played the first one but I got incredibly bored near the end. The last four hours was just a boss rush and I kept getting more and more frustrated with each one. The first 5 hours of the game was so excellent but stuff really started to sag in as it went on. Still haven't picked up Rebirth but I'll check it out when it's inevitably on PS+ in a few years.


I didn't like remake because the story wasn't going to go anywhere and a lot of the fillers in it made me impatient.  I loved rebirth at first, it was a 9/10 game for me. But the more I played the more I realized it has the same issue as remake. A lot of the content isn't focused or meaningful. It's just there to pile on hours of gameplay time but a lack of quality. In the end it was a 6/10 because you have to play through remake to get to this one and the reward is a story that didn't really make it much of anywhere. It's 2 complete games now and a serious lack of motivation to keep the player motivated. The original FF7 has issues, however story and adventure wise is excellent because in 40 hours you get a full and exciting story and adventure full of mystery and revelations. It's also easy to follow. The combat is better on the newer ones but it isn't worth the 120 hours vs the 40.


You don’t need to do everything, the side content is very optional. That’s on you. I’m not a completionist, I do what I enjoy and don’t force myself to endure every side activity that doesn’t appeal to me. Love both games.


I think Cloud and Zack will team up to fight Sephiroth. Also Cloud might learn new moves.


So....we can bang Aeris?


After the endings of part 1 and 2 and the way they... "surpass..." the original...  X to Doubt


If the first two game endings are anything to go by, it'll be a convoluted mess of an ending. I love the story of the characters and learning more about them. But God the crap about the shadows and all the time lines is some of the worst story and dumbest crap I have ever seen.


Ends like the original Evangelion https://preview.redd.it/57xwz6ubqb7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfb03434799be53c6111839b879d1678e051320d


After Remake and Rebirth ending… i don‘t know if i can trust them. Then we have LR:FFXIII and KH3 ending… The ending will decide if their „creative“ choices was good or one of the worst decision in video game history


Both re this claim and a certain death scene at the end of rebirth, maybe they should try "show don't tell"


I'm looking forward to it.


Please do


Cloud and Sephiroth tumble chaotically through different dimensions during the final battle, including Kingdom Hearts and Super Smash Bros.


Lmao the Higurashi Sotsu of video game remakes 


I loved the ending to Remake. I thought the end to Rebirth was stupid and kind of cowardly. So I’m not sure if they will surpass the original.


The ending to Remake blew my mind and then Rebirth kind of brushed it all to the side. I got the impression that they killed Fate. Therefore, everything onwards would be new. But Rebirth just continued following the events of the original and somehow Fate is still there? Don’t get me wrong, I still *loved* Rebirth, but I wish they had gone in a completely new direction. Especially since they named it “Rebirth”


Are you in my head? That’s exactly my complaint. Instead of the story moving forward in this fresh way, they stayed incredibly beholden to canon…even though they killed fate. The return of the whispers actually had me legitimately angry. I couldn’t believe they went right back there again and just did the same “Now things are different” ending. There was so little story momentum in rebirth and so much filler that it was really unsatisfying. I also thought most scenes were worse. Like the Dyne encounter felt more cartoon than serious had it did in the OG. Bugehagen was just a condescending jerk rather than interesting. Meh.


Did you not understand what the Rebirth was in the game?


It’s just that’s also what happened at the end of remake


I already hate the remake being a cash grab in multiple parts, Way to ruin a gem FF7 was one of my first great games to play, This remake saddens me and feels cheapo with a janky combat system


It’s not a cash grab though? They could not cram Remake and Rebirth into one game, never mind all 3 parts. If you can’t see the love and passion that very clearly went into these games then that’s on you. Combat is fantastic, get good.


“Cash grab” lol. A cash grab would be to have done a straight up 1:1 remake/remaster of og FFVII. Instead they took a huge ass risk doing something completely different, spending multiple years on development (which in the end will be over a decade). This is extremely far from being a cash grab lol.


Splitting a 10 year old game into 3 releases over what 3-4 years? It's interesting if you don't consider that a cash grab....Let alone making them console specific for set amount of time, (This is done to generate EXTRA PROFIT from Sony/Microsoft etc) if 3X folding the profit and making people wait isn't a marketing ploy then I'm not sure this discussion is going anywhere.


I and many ive spoken to aren't interested in a janky action combat revival of a Good turn based system, I understand some people will just play anything and some play just for the story, the remake was something I regret buying chapter 1


X amount of sequels / parts doesn’t necessarily equal to a cash grab. A cash grab grab imo, is less work & quantity over quality, and this sure as hell ain’t that. You don’t do the mayor risks they’ve done to FFVII, you don’t spend more than a decade on development to have a cash grab lol. It would be a hell a lot more “cash grab” to remake OG 1:1 and call it the day. It’s not the old game. It’s **extremely** expanded in comparison to the old game. Midgar was literally a a few hours in the og, now it’s a 35-50+hour mainline entry. And rebirth is twice that. Everything is expanded upon so so much more. We’ve never had this much characterization, this much world lore, story, gameplay.


They aren’t sequels though ?! I get your defending the game it’s not terrible I just don’t agree with the way they released it in parts and the combat system. You’re telling me it’s all Worth it for some extra lore ? That’s wild to me


FF7 is probably my favorite game of all time, the first RPG of any kind that i ever played as a kid, and i really loved what they have done with the remakes. Because it really isnt a remake, its a kind of sequel in a way. I think it would have been very cool to just see modern versions of all of my favorite FF7 moments, but because of how they are doing these there are mysteries that i am looking forward to solving instead of just waiting to see my favorite moments in HD. I can understand some people being let down by it changing things up, but when you think about how it isnt necessarily changing canon but adding to it, i think thats awesome. And as someone who was sort of let down with how sudden the ending to the OG game was i look forward to seeing how this one wraps up.


director *hopes*


Oh no. No. Please.


After what bs they pulled during Aeriths scene. I have almost zero confidence that I’m going to enjoy how this story ends. Remake was so good. Rebirth was so mid.


well, they fucked up the story 2 times in the row, but somehow ending will surpass


I don't trust them at all


No, it won't. At this point, the FF7 remake should be called something else instead of FF7.


No it shouldn’t.


Given the fact that the remake series has multiversal shenanigans, while the original doesn't, that's obvious lol


The multiverse makes the story worse. So not sure what’s obvious about that.


Well here to waiting another 2-4 years for that last one


A omega weapon to surpass metal gear?


Promises, promises...


I can see it now. Cloud and Sephiroth have their climactic fight but Cloud starts to lose. Zack jumps down and cleaves Sephiroth in two, saying "*this is your final fantasy"* and the credits roll.


With all the changes in Rebirth, especially the ending....I take this as more of a threat lmao. I have zero faith in this game after all the OG stuff they butchered.


They'll probably make a happy ending, considering how bubbly the remake has been


Is there a full bundle in sight?


This is more like hyping the game, and I don't see it as news.


Let me guess, the dimensions converge and the cid highwinds from every final fantasy game are summoned like knights of the round to defeat giga ultra seperioth


The ending of part 3 will lead to the OG FF7 opening, bringing things full circle.


Shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. It would be news if it didn't after all these years & technical advances.


Doubt it


Yeah.. i don’t trust these writers after the confusing Rebirth ending. Expecting the worst to be honest here.


I hate these posts/"news". Yesterday's was "developer says 3rd part will be the hardest" You mean to tell me the endgame will be harder than the beginning of the game? Well colour me fucking surprised.


Well so far from what I've seen in remake and rebirth they would have a monumental task of elevating the previous installments before surpassing the original. All I felt at the end of rebirth was sad for the wrong reasons. It's so odd to have a moment from a thirty year old game carry more emotional weight with rigid polygon characters than realistic depictions in a modern game. After reading the director's comments all I think is that they care more about what would be 'cool' vs 'compelling'. For anyone that is a diehard fan of the extended universe of ff7 and all its spinoffs including kingdom hearts, this is made for you. I might be in the minority on this but I never thought ff7 needed sequels, or spinoffs, or retcons, and definitely not a multiverse. I liked it when it wasn't afraid of unceremonious deaths that could happen to anyone, including characters that might upset you for dying so mundanely. Rebirth just felt toned down realism and hyped up action while replaying all the hits from Remake. I like the original ending and I don't feel like it needs surpassing without taking away.


Is this supposed to excite me enough to want to play Rebirth? Sorry for the negativity, however I just didn’t enjoy Rebirth one iota. To add to it my demo save didn’t transfer over and I lost enthusiasm to replay the demo content stuff…


Director believes*


You're never going to get everybody but I hope, at THIS point, people clinging on to hope they'll circle back and give you the 100 percent faithful FFVII story remade in modern fidelity have either given up or are taking the story for what it is and treating this like a new Final Fantasy game. Because if that ship hadn't set sail with Remake already that bitch is under water after Rebirth. On the same token it can't "surpass the originals" ending becsuse its not the original. Its not the game you played when you were young, it never can be, and at this point its crazed to compare the two.


I'm wondering if they're gonna scale down and go back to a linear game in part 3. Sales expectations are likely to be forecast lower since 2 didn't do so well, and they could justify it by saying that it's to focus on the narrative.


Rebirth turned me off so hard to this remake trilogy that I won't be picking up the third game. I'll no doubt watch a plot synopsis or something just to see, but I cannot possibly see the third game recovering from the insanity free fall in quality that Rebirth was. I know here on Reddit that Rebirth gets SO much praise, and you know what if you loved it my comment shouldn't bother you, but I gave it a fair shake until it's conclusion and WANTED to like it so many times, but just couldn't... After the initial hype wore down lots of people started to wake up to the fact that it wasn't a good game. It was padded as all hell, fluffed up with so many mini games it drove people insane, the actual plot barely existed, the characters were the stupidest iteration we've ever seen of them and what REALLY sucks is that the CORE game was really fun. The combat was great and when it stuck to JUST the interesting parts set up in Remake (mixing of worlds, the real sense of possibility and wonder) I legit wanted to continue... But my god, after so many un-fun side quests, mini games upon mini games.... mini-mini games INSIDE of mini games, Gongaga as a whole, the ending that literally has no urgency once multiple worlds are revealed.... I have zero hope in a third game. I am checked out and have moved on. I can only imagine over and Creative Business Unit I it's just filled with middle management and aging developers going, "well what made the original great was the mini games, not the enthralling story or great characters, no it was the mini games.... so team your assignment is to come up with a new mini game every single week under threat of termination if you do not." --- All while they kept high-fiving themselves as awkwardly as Tifa and Aerith do in game truly thinking they've made the Final Fantasy to end all Final Fantasies. Sure the third entry COULD redeem how bad Rebirth was, but even Square has deeply admitted their sales numbers for Rebirth were not good... I have no idea if they'll risk dumping an insane amount of money into the third part of this game only to appeal to an already niché audience.


Considering what they did to the story so far, imma go ahead and respectfully disagree. They totally butchered the most important emotional plot point in the game and turned it into a convoluted dream multiverse shit sequence.


That's not even slightly hard. The original is "humanity dies off and some dogs are left over, the end"


People have absolutely mythologized the original game beyond all reason. It is not some holy relic of storytelling perfection…it is actually kind of a mess, and the only reason anyone can complain that the remakes are convoluted while the OG’s story is perfect is because we’ve all had 25 years to process, replay, discuss, and break down the original story. Not to mention all of the expansions it’s already seen in other spin off games and movies.  All final fantasy stories are convoluted. It’s absolutely laughable to claim otherwise. And the ending to FFVII is incredibly disappointing given that we learn basically nothing about what happens to any of the characters we just spent 40 hours playing with. 


Exactly. It was so unsatisfying even kitase was left unhappy with the ending lol


tbh the last game had way to much filler useless questing lines.


It's going to end with an Avengers assemble, all female, girl power scene. Tifa, Chairith, Kyrie, Fem-chadley, yuffie, Jessie, Elmyra, Elena, Cussnei and somehow, Yuna.


And in no way is the director biased, whatsoever.


Tbf the ending ending of that OG game was a little unclear on wtf even happened lol so I actually think of all the things to claim this is a fairly reasonable one


That's a pretty tall order, considering what theyv've done so far in relation to the original has been pretty mediocre. 


Why would you say this? Now you're open for ridicule given the series is already going off the rails.


Honestly the ending of the OG was pretty disappointing at the time. It won't be hard to surpass it.




Well with how rebirth ended, I don't believe that. And don't get me wrong I loved Rebirth. But the ending left a sour taste in my mouth.


They can both be good in their own way


You can't improve on perfection. And as good as the two remake games are they don't hold a candle to it. Bigger and more isn't always a solution to improve upon a game. People say "yeah but it fleshes out so many characters" We loved the characters already based on the phenomenal original game. The characters who "needed fleshing out" weren't pivotal to the story in the first place, sure it's nice but it's not a requirement. To do all of that and completely fumble what made the original game so great after so many years is just disappointing. Judging Rebirth by the single game alone is just a game that looks unbelievably good, has great combat but just really falls apart with it's excess and muddled ideas of what it wants to be. It's one of the most confusing feelings I've ever had with a game


I couldn't agree more. I really wish Nomura cared about the original game more than the compilation of it.


With everything they’ve set up in Rebirth, I could see the story of the Remake trilogy ultimately being better than the original. We’ll see.


Sora radios on the distance "on your left" all protag keyblade wielders show up on portals.


Hopefully all that side shit doesn't surpass Rebirth.


To be fair, the original ending of FFVII sucked ass, so it will be refreshing to get an actual conclusion.


Original's runtime, for sure. Especially if he's counting on the 1,000 youtubers necessary to piece together all the ambiguous multiverse nonsense into a coherent whole that kind of explains what they were going for, but the moment is passed and in the end you just feel hollow... Or if they even let a moment sit before introducing new threads like the Seto scene. I wanted to like it, but I'm still salty.


Really looking forward to it. FF VII three chapters is really a fantastic journey for me.


Enough remaking this series, jeez, get original.