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Oh hell yeah, Returnal is finally on sale. Been wanting to play that for awhile


A must buy game šŸ˜Š


I wish i understood why others feel this way. I enjoy roguelites, and i enjoy shooters, and i wanted to love returnal... but i just didn't at all. Ever had the feeling that they made a game just for you but it turns out you don't even fucking know what you like? That's returnal for me. If i could understand why, i'd probably love it.


Thatā€™s really interesting because I love roguelites and playing Returnal, Dead Cells, and Hades basically became the trifecta of best roguelites, ever, for me.


Have you tried the Freelancer mode in Hitman yet? Roguelite but in the Hitman world. Crazy fun and challenging


Never played the Hitman games. Sounds interesting though, I might check it out.


Basically you spawn into a map, youā€™ll have 1-3 targets to take out. You start with nothing, but can gather weapons throughout the map and they carry over if you complete the mission. Rinse and repeat until you get to the ā€œmain targetā€ which adds more elements to make it more challenging. You have to match the details the intel gives you to the target such as hair color, piercings, tattoos, etc. and there are 4 potential main targets; but only one is the real one.


I actually donā€™t like roguelikes all that much but I do love sci-fi shooters, thatā€™s probably why I fell in love with it


I refuse to delete it off my hard drive as I want to beat it one day, I canā€™t get past level 4 and it makes me wanna break the tv


You definitely can. Just keep grinding and upgrade the guns all the way. Pretty much canā€™t lose once theyā€™re fully leveled up


Have they added an fov slider by any chance? I stopped playing it bc it would give me a barf-fest


I donā€™t believe they ever did and the multiplayer is still buggy ass hell, I couldnā€™t even get my teammate to fight the second boss because it wouldnā€™t load them in


If you're into that kind of thing


It's on ps extra also


It was on the PS Plus Extra and I played the hell out of it, definitely a hidden gem for people who like rogue-likes


How is the Lords of the Fallen performance right now? Last time I checked there was a section/zone in the game with lots of problems


Digital foundry did a video on it after a recent update where they claimed large performance improvements. I don't recall fully but I believe their conclusions were that the performance improvements were fairly minimal


Playing right now on PS5, performance is excellent. Game is great now after all the patches.


Itā€™s a LOT better but still kinda iffy during some encounters. Not enough to bother me but itā€™s definitely there. Co-op stability is night and day though and itā€™s great to have a proper souls like you can play start to finish without interruptions.


I played it on game pass recently. Didn't experience any technical or balance problems.


I played it like 3 months ago, or whenever they dropped the last major update that gave performance update. It ran well, had very few issues If you like exploration, youll like this game. If you're in it for boss fights like Dark Souls, you will be disappointed. The game has cool boss concepts but all around kinda weak boss wise. But I liked the exploration and world alone that much that I rank it above Demons Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 2


Yea this game has been on my radar for a long time but was always going to wait a while since I spin off of souls like games almost 100% of the time. In love with FromSoft Soulsborne games but I just canā€™t get into the ā€˜likesā€™. That said, lords of the fallen looks the most like a FromSoft game of all of them in quite some time from the world and build side of things and gameplay looked pretty good too. Just feels like itā€™ll eventually end up on one of the services since itā€™s on Gamepass


I am also thinking about getting it now it's on sale. As I understood it has a couple of great game modifiers like randomized loot, enemies and Ironman mode as well as a boss rush mode. I think this is really cool and adds aot of replayability. Things I would personally actually love to see in Elden Ring for example. Although, I still have to finish Elden Ring dlc so maybe I should get on that first.


Have you tried Lies of P? Itā€™s the best soulsborne-like game I have played. Itā€™s actually more reminiscent of Bloodborne than anything. The combat and ambience is just great


It reminds me more of Dark Souls 1 & 2 with many paths to choose.


Game is stable now, Iā€™m not having any issues, great game


I ended up grabbing this during the sale and Iā€™m very happy with it. Iā€™m glad I finally pulled the trigger. I see myself spending quite a bit of time with it.


System Shock. Highly recommended!


I played a ton of cult classics and overall great games this year, System Shock Remake was a highlight.


Is it like an RPG or just a shooter? Or just like BioShock/sorta mix?


Immersive sim


None of the above, really. It's hard to describe.


Already on sale? Damn I regret buying it on release less than two month agoā€¦


the floaty melee os what ruins this for me


Why does digital still cost so much more than disc if it costs less money to produce? TLOU1 still being $55 digitally is insane


Because Sony is selling it directly and thereā€™s no inventory that they have to move. A retailer selling physical copies incurs some opportunity cost holding on to unsold games so they have more incentive to provide deeper discounts.


I mean there is no good reason other than greed. If companies want to sell digital only we should have better pro-consumer laws. Like not being able to ban your entire digital library youā€™d still have access to if it was physical.


Not to be "that guy", but there is definitely more to it. Physical products serve as a form of advertisement simply by being in stores, because consumers will be confronted with the product while just going about their day. If digital games were cheaper or as cheap as physical games, it would significantly reduce the sales of physical games, which could then result in game stores shutting down and regular stores not shelving (many) games anymore. This then results in less sales overall since again, simply showing consumers a game on store shelves is advertising the game. I'm sure Sony doesn't mind overcharging their games on PSN though, but try to imagine how many less ps5's would be sold if stores like gamestop didn't exist and most console game aisles would disappear for parents to see.


I heard that if the store ordered 1,000 physicals they have to sell all or disposal if can't sell all. There is no way to return to the manufacturer or publisher. That's why physical keep get more sales and sales until they sell all.


Isn't wanting it cheaper just because you think it should be cheaper kind of greedy too though?


No, see, if someone else wants to be paid for their work, that's greed, but if I want a top-quality product at an insanely low price, that's justice.


Can you point me to the comment where that was said in this thread? Or did you create a strawman to argue against?


It should be cheaper because it is cheaper. No manufacturing costs, no retailer cut, no refund option, and I don't get to re-sell, or borrow the game I bought. It should be cheaper than a physical disc


You're missing the "demand" part of supply and demand. You listed all the reasons that supply is infinite, and listed a few reasons why demand may be reduced, but ignored all the reasons why demand might be higher for digital, which drives the price up. Prices stay high because there is still high demand for this product, and if you drill in, no retailer competition for the same product. Demand is largely only crowded out by similar products on the same storefront. If a corporation can make more money by keeping prices high, they will.


Iā€™ve posted this below too, but: Sony doesnā€™t set the cost of any 3rd party game on PSN. The publishers set the price themselves. The cost is also higher on PSN because Sony takes a cut of the sales as a middleman between publisher and consumer. That cut pays for infrastructure (it is not cheap to store 1000s of terabytes of game files across a CDN to be served at a moments notice) and engineering staff to maintain the store and all of the tools that devs/publishers use to work in the PlayStation ecosystem. Sony only sees a very modest profit every time a game is sold. This is just basic economics - digital is not always cheaper. Infrastructure costs are astronomical when you are serving so much content and running an operation like PSN.


>No manufacturing costs, no retailer cut, no refund option Instead there's servers, bandwidth, infrastructure, and personnel costs. You're trading one kind of expense for another. It's not just magically cheaper.




I work for a clearance company. We sometimes buy physical copies of games for cents, if theyā€™re unsold for long enough, especially PS4 games. Basically clearance is the last solution for them, just to clear them out of the inventory, they donā€™t even make a profit on those units.


Iā€™ve been waiting for a decent drop for this, fucking ridiculous that the regular version is still Ā£69.99 and only the deluxe is on sale.


Because they've convinced everyone to go away from physical to kill the used game market. So you have to buy digital. And then they can charge whatever the fuck they want because their biggest competitor is gone.


Because giving more power/leverage to businesses is always a bad thing. Physical disc and the second hand market is what keeps prices lower. Digital only future is not good for consumers.


Digital always sells at MSRP (usually starting at $70, sometimes lower for certain games). So then when it goes on sale for, say 30% off, then it is only down to $50. After the game has been on the market for a few years sometimes publishers will give it a permanent price cut and then the following sale price will be even lower. Physical on the other hand works more like every other good sold in a retail store. A retail chain will buy thousands of copies wholesale for much less than $70/unit. The MSRP is still the same price but they are also free to sell their stock at a lower price if they feel like it. A big retailer might sell for full MSRP $70 on day one and then in a few months when sales slow they drop the price permanently. They paid for all that stock of the game and they'd rather sell it at less of a profit and make their money back than not sell any at all. I never saw this in the US, but where I live now physical games are always cheaper on release day than digital editions. The standard digital edition is usually the equivalent of $100 and will stay that way for a few years. But if you go into a shop and buy a physical disc it'll be $70 on the release date. I expect later we'll probably see the Last of Us and other first party games get a permanent price cut when Sony starts their "greatest hits" series for the PS5 as they've done with all their previous consoles.


Digital was never about reducing the cost to the consumer; it was about cutting out the middle man to increase direct profit from the product


Canā€™t wait until everyone switches over to digital and companies truly have us by the short hairs. Theyā€™ll just remove games entirely and then bring them back years later for full price. Canā€™t wait.


Given how Iā€™ve watched people go from vilifying horse armor to younger generations saying we owe it to these companies to buy every single piece of DLC in order to support them, youā€™ll absolutely have people eventually defending these moves and will act like these megacorps are so generous and kind for allowing us to purchase them again


I remember when all the digital advocates were preaching how the cost savings of digital distribution would be passed to the consumer and reflect lower prices. It was never going to happen like that.


Because the moment everyone just agreed to bend over for all digital, companies decided there was no reason to ever again lower prices. And that's going to keep happening as physical media is phased out. You own less and pay more.


Iā€™ll pay what I want. If that means waiting for 5 years, so be it.


I still find it amazing there was no monopoly lawsuit when Sony cut out bestbuy / GameStop from selling digital codes where they could list their own prices etc seperate from the Sony store


because they are passing the savings onto their real customers, the shareholders


Market share. The business model is to price the digital console significantly cheaper, lowering the barrier to entry and gain new customers, then corner the market by giving consumers no option but to buy digital keys. All whilst using the facade of protecting retailers from a complete loss of income from physical sales. In reality, Sony doesn't give a shit. Sony is playing the long game, the PS6 will not have a disc version, they will have 100% market share. Sony will say something along the lines of "due to a drastic decline in physical copy sales the PS6 will only be available as a digital version".


Cost of disc production is one small part of calculating aĀ price. Labor is likely a significant factor, and that's only gone up recently.Ā  They're also going to want to set a price that's as high as consumers are willing to pay. Sony realistically is going charge as much as they believe they can, and it seems like people are willing to meet these higher game prices.Ā 


Also, and I hate defending high prices, but inflation has jacked up everything other than video games by *a lot*, but they're basically the same price or within 10 dollars of what they cost 20 years ago. According to the first results on Google, the original Super Mario was released at 25 dollars retail, which in 1985 dollars is equivalent in purchasing power to about $72.97. Games today are much more expensive to produce as well. Bg3 had a dev budget of around 100M, which is equal to about 30M in 1985 dollars. I can't find much about the dev costs of the original Super mario, but most of what I can find show dev budgets in that era to be well under 50K. Average ps1 games cost under 2M to make. So we should be glad games are still under 100 dollars. Of course, no one would have bought BG3 for 600 dollars, so there's obviously market forces stopping the prices from moving up as much as it seems they could. Hence why deluxe editions, dlc, battlepasses, and microtransactions are everywhere, and publishers take every opportunity to try to push live service games even though almost all of them fail.


Because they can. Just because $ony can control the prices. If there was an open store the history would be different. If you want digital you have no chance other than pass through the hoop. And some people still wonder why some guys still pref physical. You can sell the game, pass to friends, collect them, and paying 100$ more for a console that saves you that in 3-4 games.


>Why does digital still cost so much more than disc if it costs less money to produce? TLOU1 still being $55 digitally is insane Because they can. It started off as a convenience charge but now it's it's as simple as "people pay it".


I was tipsy and had never upgraded a title before- While buying Unpacking, I stupidly threw TLOU2 upgrade into my cart thinking the fact that it was on my purchase history would be enough for the 10$ upgrade. I didn't notice that I had been charged $55 until going through my credit card statement 15 days later. Despite being able to see that I had already owned the game, Sony customer support told me to fuck off with a $10 voucher when I contacted them. Part of why they want people to move to digital is because it's a lot easier to fuck up and make an accidental purchase. Especially with how the store cart works.


Maybe itā€™s easy to fuck up if you are drunk, but the PSN store always shows you how much you are being charged clearly and asks you like twice if you are sure before making any charges.


They def show you the charge.Was definitely drunk. It's also extremely easy to leave stuff in your cart because just clicking it adds it and then if you back out-- it leaves it forever. So if you think you are just buying one game and not looking closely, it's easy to purchase an extra game. Which happened to me once sober when I first started buying digitally. And either way, it shouldn't be a big deal to get a price adjustment when they can see you already own the game.


Digital has the same price as physical due to physical store reasons I believe (stores would be pissed if disc prices were not competitive. It is probably also a reason for publishers to earn more due to reduced costs) The reason I see disc versions have higher discounts is due to stock management. If a store buys a lot of copies and people donā€™t buy them, they keep stuck in the store and no financial return is obtained. Selling for a lower price will make them more attractive to buyers. Digital does not have stock and does not need to sell for lower prices to get rid of stock


The cost difference is pretty minimal. The discs are super cheap to make, as is the packaging, and they ship them in enough bulk that thatā€™s cheap too.Ā  Ā The much bigger difference is the cut the retailer gets. Ā  I can say that Sony (and its competitors) tell retailers they wonā€™t undercut them on MSRP for certain amount of time after release, though they may have sales on a particular game. Under US law, a product must be sold at its full price a majority of the time or itā€™s false advertising (like you canā€™t have something at 50% off for the whole year).


They did a PS5 remaster last year so in their eyes it's a new game. Not saying I agree, but it's a newer SKU than the OG release or the 2015 remaster




If it's like anything else, a distributor doesn't really want to undercut the price of it's own retail customers. And by that I mean the stores which stock the product are the customers, not the end individual consumer. I work in Wine distribution and whenever we offer retail sales direct from us, we make extra sure we're not undercutting the actual stores that are buying big quantities from us throughout the year, otherwise they'll expect deeper discounts from us so they can keep their margins high and we'd completely lose ours... which means there's no point selling that item anymore.


I donā€™t know which sale itā€™s part of, but Kingdom Come Deliverance Royal Edition is $3.99.


That's a fuckin ridiculous price for how good of a game that is


I've been waiting for this. Took extra care not to buy the base game when it was 2,99ā‚¬ during the previous sale because getting all DLCs for 1ā‚¬ more is pretty nice. For those who bought the base game and want the DLCs, it's still 50% cheaper (4ā‚¬) to get the Royal Edition instead of buying the DLCs one by one, even though they're 75% off (8ā‚¬ when buying the DLCs)


F1 24 going -40% after a month is rough. EA/Codemasters really need to pull their heads out of their asses if they want to save the franchise. F1 23 was already 50% down in sales compared to F1 22. And now F1 24 is further 35% down compared to F1 23. Not looking good sales wise.


After the lackluster reviews, I decided not to pick it up this year. Eventually it'll probably end up as a PS Plus monthly game.


i'm saving off this year to wait for next year's so i can play Hamilton on Ferrari!


Itā€™s only the Champions Edition thats 40% off. You know, the overpriced one with a ton of extras that should be in the standard edition of the game. The standard edition is only 10% off. Granted the game probably is truggling to sell given the huge negative reception on release.


Iā€™d have bought it had it VR support. Ad it stands I will never care about the franchise until that happens.


We really need more psvr2 racing games. GT7 is amazing, but come on..


This is hockey too, nhl 23 was first time I stopped buying a yearly hockey game going back to the beginning of ea and now nhl 24 is on ps plus anyways


Loads of AAA games and DLCs for sale. Not a bad sale as far PSN sales. Quantum Error and Daymare are also on sale, though I can't recommend it unless you're a hardcore survival horror fan given the games' bugs and issues. They are available for cheap, so if you ever wanted to try them both, they are on sale now. For those who add in more recommendations in the comments, I will add it in the full list here. :) RECOMMENDATIONS: * Ark Survival Ascended (-20%, $35.99) - Still heavily supported after its transfer from PS4 to PS5. Just released The Center new free content, and there's more in the horizon. Huge community for it as well. * Dragon's Dogma 2 (-20%, $55.99) - Fairly new, and after Capcom's updates, is in a much better state overall. Might not be for everyone and I suggest checking gameplay clips to see if it's your kind of RPG. * Persona 3 Reload (-30%, $48.99) - Remake of Persona 3, If you're not a fan of the RPG franchise, this won't convert you. For those who are, this is worth a pick up. Post-launch support continuing with September's DLC. * Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection (-20%, $27.99) - Aspyr has rolled out a few patches to sort out the multitude of bugs. Not sure if everything got fixed, but for nostalgia's sake, worth a shot. * Gran Turismo 7 (-40%, $53.99) - Premiere racing franchise on PlayStation. GT7 still rocks, and is still getting monthly updates with new cars, liveries and more. * The Last of Us Part I Digital Deluxe (-38%, $49.59) - In case you haven't played this, it's definitely worth a buy. Worth the purchase? Depends on who you ask given the price. * Resident Evil 7 Gold Edition and RE Village Gold Edition (-63%, $29.59) - Both games are solid entries in the RE franchise, and without going into spoilers, these two games are part of a single story arc. Also includes DLC stuff, and is worth a pick up if you're in the fence for both RE games before. * Batman: Akrham Collection (-90%, $5.99) -Includes Arkham Knight, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City. Easily the best value for money in the entire sale. Best superhero video game trilogy of all-time (yes, even better than Spider-Man games). * Lies of P (-30%, $48.99) - Repeating what a friend said, "this is the most FromSoftware game made that's not made by FromSoftware," which is a compliment I've seen other people here agree with. * Monster Hunter World Iceborne (-50%, $14.99) - Dislcaimer: support for the game has ended BUT it's still worth it at that price. If you can get 1-2 players to play this with you, it's definitely an instant pickup. Super fun weapons and tactics. My fave Monster Hunter game. * The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (-67%, $16.49) - It's Skyrim. Just in case you want it on PS5 or haven't played it or own it yet, here's your chance to buy it cheap. * The Last of Us Remastered (-50%, $9.99) - Adding to the list since it's a good buy, but seriously, who owns a PlayStation that hasn't played this yet? * Dead Space Remake (-65%, $27.99) - One of the best remakes of all-time. This easily surpasses the original with more side missions, more scares, and a super polished feel. Get this now if you like horror. * Lords of the Fallen (-50%, $34.99) - Loads of post-launch stuff released for free, and tons of updates for this. Souls fans, this is an easy buy to tide the time. Will be getting a sequel confirmed too. * LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Deluxe Edition (-75%, $17.49) - Good to play with kids and even adults. Star Wars in LEGO, so expect it to not be so serious, and lots of stuff to pick up. * Resident Evil Raccoon City Edition (-75%, $14.99) - Get this for RE2, and treat RE3 as a bonus. RE2 is at par (for me) with RE4 as the best RE remake. RE3 is the black sheep, and you can beat it in under five hours. Get this for RE2, and treat RE3 as a bonus. * Hazelight Bundle (-67%, $R9.79) - Includes It Takes Two and A Way Out. You need to have a co-op player with this to play it. If you do, go pick it up. * Octopath Traveler 2 (-40%, $35.99) - For fans of old school RPGs, this one has a solid story, loads of characters and will last you a long time (I still haven't even finished it yet). * Little Nightmares (-75%, $4.99) - Charming semi-horror adventure game. Has a lowkey good story, amazing atmosphere. Puzzles aren't that hard, and this is something you can play with your kids though there are occasional scares. * Gotham Knights Deluxe (-80%, $17.99) - Flopped for sure, but as an action game, it's not bad. No Batman but at least you can play as Red Hood and shoot people up in Gotham. * Outlast Trinity (-90%, $5.89) - Includes Outlast 1, DLC and Outlast 2. Well worth the purchase for someone looking for a horror game that's not survival horror. Panic inducing though. * Back 4 Blood (-90 %, $8.99) - Online is probably dead but if you can get someone to play this with, it's good fun. It's like Left 4 Dead but with more modern mechanics. * Outriders (-50%, $9.99) - Not a live service game but a looter shooter. Lots of stuff to do even after the campaign. If you can find someone to play this with, do it. Super fun. Loads of classes, combinations, armors etc. * Deathloop (-80%, $15.99) - Arkane's finest work, I think. FPS with a time looping gimmick that actually works. * Cult of the Lamb: Cultist Edition (-40%, $17.99) - Cute game but deep cult sim. Combat might not be as deep, but the overall package is. Loads of fun to nurture and grow your cult. * Limbo and Inside Bundle (-75%, $6.74 - This game has been given out for free multiple times on different platforms. If you still haven't played it, please do. One of the best indie games I've played ever. Inside ain't shabby either. Definitely worth the price. FEEDBACK: Would people want the text version like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/1dqq8jo/psn_store_weekend_offer_games_list_and/ Or a straight link like this one with the recommendations as the first comment? Thanks! :)


Itā€™s so fucking crazy to me to see things like ā€œ40% off - $53.99ā€


It's the digital deluxe edition that is 40% off from $89.


Yeah x\_x. My boomer self will look at the 53.99 and immediately go "nope". If it's not $20 or under, 99% of the time now I won't even think about whether or not I should buy it.




On the other hand, it makes it easier to resist buying stuff when your backlog is already glaring at you disapprovingly.


These are like *literally* the exact same prices as the Steam Summer sale for 90% of the list, what are you even complaining about lol.


Don't let facts get in the way of someone's emotionally driven narrative.


Insanity tbh


>Helldivers 2 Super-Earth Ultimate Edition (-60%, 15.99) - Not sure, but might be the first time this game is on sale on PSN. Definitely worth a buy especially if you have someone to play this with. Still heavily supported and still has a lot of players online everyday. FYI it's actually the original Helldivers, not the recent sequel, that's on sale https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-CUSA02945_00-HELLDIVERSSCEA00


The first game is also very cool, has a lot more guns and toys to use at the moment, and there are still a decent amount of active players. Itā€™s just a top-down stick shooter instead of third person shooter.


Lol thatā€™s why. Amending.


Calling Deathloop Arkanes greatest work is certainly an opinion


Text. That website is an eyesore.


Just a heads up. Outside of shooting zombie-like creatures and safe rooms, Back 4 Blood is nothing like Left 4 Dead. Do not get your hopes up


DEATHLOOP IS ARKANES FINEST WORK!? I will not stand for this slander of Prey


Does anyone know why I only see Batman Return to Arkham (2 titles included) for $4.99 instead of Batman Arkham Collection for $5.99 on my PS store?


Here's the link: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP1018-CUSA00133_00-ARKHAMBUNDLE0000 I see the Collection there...


Thank you for this


Thanks for the appreciation. Really means a lot. :)




The more expensive one is the PS5 version. Cheaper one is PS4. :D


Persona 3 Reload doesnā€™t have the post-launch content rollout completed.


Ugh. Sorry about that. I thought the patch in May was the last one. Fixing. Really sorry.


I feel this is not enough and you should do some act of penance. Like self flagellating or something. Hahaha, but seriously: I only know because Iā€™m waiting for it to be complete (the Answer).


Lol! I can try. I will force myself to play Gollum for an hour as repayment.


Fate worse than death with that one I think just loading up the game is enough of a punishment


What did you mean by you need to play the first one? I thought this is the first one? Just wanted to clarify b/c I'm going to buy it and have never played the series. * The Last of Us Part I Digital Deluxe (-38%, $49.59) - In case you haven't played this, it's definitely worth a buy. You will need to play the first one in order to get the full effect of the story, etc. Worth the purchase for sure.


Yea. My bad. I thought it was Part 2 at first given the price but didnā€™t change in time. Haha!šŸ¤£


Back4blood is crossplay which helps with the community population. I usually donā€™t have trouble finding other people on quickplay


I see such mixed things about Deathloop so Iā€™ve never pulled the trigger on it, even when it was on sale for $10. And I LOVED all the Dishonored games


Any local/couch co-op?


LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga


Og hell divers


I believe I saw a combi sale for It takes two and a way out for a pretty good price. Might want to check those out.


Unravel 2 is excellent. I think I saw a combo of the first & second games.


Theyā€™ve raised the prices so much that this sale prices just seem so crazy to me except for a handful of them


Yeah, I don't see any great deals here. Physical editions are cheaper than half of these.


Thatā€™s why I got the disc version




P3R and System Shock seem to be the ones for me


Symphony of the night and rondo of blood for 4 is good. Im gonna grab that. Have about 20 Castlevania files have finished .


How is the Battlefront Classic Collection now? I know it had myriad issues at launch, and itā€™s beyond dead on PC (only hackers remain, which Aspyr has no reason to even try to deal with), so playing it some on PS5 could be nice if everything is ironed out. Are there full servers?


GoW Ragnarok ā€¦ no sale. Ugh. $70 still too steep for me.


I made a promise to never buy anything over 59ā‚¬. Often those games drop to PS+ or fall to around 30ā‚¬ and later have -40% discounts. Works quite well for me.


Physical edition will be half the price.


PS5 version goes on sale for 40$ pretty often. Was just on sale last month


Gonna pick up daredevil edition of Guilty Gear Strive. Pretty great value for all of that content, Iā€™m excited to get into this fighting scene


Is there good single player content?


Not from what I hear


Still no Baldurs gate 3 sale :(




Both games are on discounted in the Steam sale, so high chances they also get discounted during the PSN Summer Sale. Hold on, brother!


Megaton Musashi is supposed to be a pretty good mech game. Guess no one bought it because itā€™s already half off but Iā€™m going to check it out.


Lords of the Fallen or Lies of P?Ā I can only choose one.Ā 


Lies of P for sure


Looks like I'll be starting Lies of P in the next few hours then. Thanks!


Happy for you) I spent like 4 days of my depression just playing this game and I gotta tell you.. it was perfect. Down to the last minute detail. Turned my days of sorrow into happiness)


That's great, games can be a very good tool to combat sadness and depression, I hope you're doing well.


Sure, I guess everybody gets depressed from time to time. Regular thing now)


Unfortunately, depression is now common in society.


Lies of P is much much better IMO


Right! It seems that in other places on the Internet like YouTube it is also unanimous that this is the best choice. Thanks!


I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m a huge horror fan but loved Resident Evil 4 and love thrillers, would I like Dead Space or is that more pure horror?


Generally more jumpscares than RE4 but still a surivivor horror.


It depends on who you ask, but imo itā€™s survival horror at its core


System shock, yes please!


Still waiting on DD2 to come down further lol


If it gets down to 40 I'd say it's well worth it


Anyone have thoughts on Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales (for $3.99) in 2024? I know it didnā€™t sell well.Ā 


Absolute steal. Great writing and characters, with an amazing art style to boot. Bonus if you like card games but 100% worth it without being a fan of the genre.


Thanks! Sold lol.Ā 


Very fun! I donā€™t regret my purchase of the game a while back. If you like qwent itā€™s just a better version with puzzle side quests, and some main line Witcher characters do make appearances. Itā€™s also got a bit of a branching storyline


It's great, I bought it at full price a d got my money's worth.


fantastic game


Solid sale. I'll grab Re Village/VII gold editions and maybe Dragons Dogma II


W sale. Just finished up stellar blade, and looking for a new game to play. Some games Iā€™ve been waiting for a sale to buy are here.


How was Stellar Blade? I'm a huge NieR Automata fan and I know people were instantly making comparisons. I downloaded the demo but haven't touched it yet.


Ended up getting Dragon Crown Pro and Castle Crashers for super cheap. Have played neither and they look like fun co op experiences.


I had shenmue 1 and 2 and ffxv on my wishlist and my wishes came true :)


I was going through the alphabetical list and was like :D when I started reading "Metal Gear Solid" and then :( when I saw it was only MGS V. Why isn't the MGS collection ever on sale?


Two fun shooters that are on their cheapest ever digital price. Crysis Trilogy is only $10 = killer deal for a three game bundle. Also , Warhammer Hired Gun is at it itā€™s lowest sale price at $8. Itā€™s a fun but janky AA shooter that has lots of verticality & jumping like Doom Eternal.Ā 


Anyone know if the remnant 2 dlc pack is worth $20? How big are the dlcs?


Well don't I feel slightly foolish for spending ~$40 for PGA Tour several months ago and seeing it for only [10 bucks here](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0006-PPSA02227_00-PGATOURDIGITAL23). It's also consistently $20 physical brand new at Target or Walmart.


RE3 was such a missed opportunity. Its a blast to play but lord it is too short and they killed the replayability.


Are we not getting a Summer Sale?


Last year it started on July 19th, currently there is a sale that runs until July 16th, the summer sale will probably start on the 17th.


I always love these sales man


Deathloop is one of the worst games I've ever played


Ridiculous exaggerationĀ 


Canā€™t say heā€™s far off in my opinion. Great graphics. Great concept idea. Andā€¦ thatā€™s it. The enemy AI is terrible. The gameplay is janky. The level design is confusingly awful. The difficulty is horrendous. I can see it having its fans from people who would enjoy the challenge. However after two hours of playing it, I just could not get into it. They use the death gimmick as a crutch to cover up for a really bland protagonist.


You guys think dragons dogma 2 is worth $56?


Got it at release and I think it's a great game where you can put in a lot of hours. However, while it is very much a medieval action rpg that people might be compared to others in the genre, it is really a game that does its own thing. The world is huge and while there is fast travel it's deliberately limited. No hand holding and a lot of freedom to adventure or get lost. A battle system with its own pace and with 3 AI team mates. If I would reference other games to describe it I would say a bit of Skyrim with the open world exploration and freedom combined with a monster hunter combat system. Still I think the dragons dogma games both have their own identity.


It is a matter of taste I think. I loved the beginning of the game when exploring new areas and the game was a bit challenging at times. Running into your first big monster was exhilarating. However after a while, the game got far too easy with no difficulty options and the fast travel restrictions got irritating to me. Constantly having to walk everywhere might have been better if there were more than 5 enemy types, more interesting things to find and there was a bit of a challenge but I ultimately dropped the game after a while. I really liked the pawn system though, that was a real highlight of the game. The story wasn't great early on but maybe that got better as the game progressed. But there are people who love it so you might as well.


I'd say wait honestly, not just for a better discount but also performance.


Burning Shores and FF16 DLC never go on sale eh


Who is paying that price for gt7? You can get a used disc for 15 dollars


When is it live? Not seeing it on the PS store at the moment. In California for reference.


I'm also in California and it's up. I'm literally looking at it right now on console.


I love Elden ring but cannot get into Bloodborne. Would I like lords of the fallen?


Setting wise Lords of the Fallen is closer to Elden Ring's medieval dark fantasy. However, level wise it is closer to Bloodborne in that it's not open world and more stages with winding and looping pathways with shortcuts and occasional paths to levels you've explored before. Gameplay wise, Id also put it as closer to Elden Ring in that it's more dodge roll based and the ability to find dropped loot and weapons rather than just set weapons/armor found in chests. Anecdotally, I had fun with Lords of the Fallen and would recommend.


Was hoping to see FFX of FFVI on there.


I guess itā€™s time to finally play Skyrim


I love monster hunter world, but with rise free with PS+ itā€™s a hard sell for the DLC.


Is anyone actually still playing Battlefront rereleases?


I bought Sniper Elite 5 yesterday at the end of the previous sale.


This should read "Here's a link to the Full List"..


Still no discount for god of war ragnarok