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I just answered and specifically discussed the need for first party support and NEED for cable and controllers to be sold separately.


I did the same. Also asked for PSVR1, specifically Astrobot and Blood and Truth ports.


I asked for Astro, but Blood & Truth is extremely unlikely given that the controls would need to be completely redone and the studio has been dissolved.


Can still ask, lol.


No mans sky did it as many others.


This might be a stupid question, but didn't the controller tracking on PSVR1 just use the camera to track the light emitted from the back of the controller? In theory, PSVR2 should be able to see the DualSense and track it as well since it does the same with the Sense controllers.


Blood & Truth didn’t use the DualShock, it used the Move controllers. The control scheme was pretty convoluted since Move only had a D-pad and the four face buttons. That’s why I said Astro Bot would be an easier remap. It used a normal DualShock.


> PSVR2 should be able to see the DualSense and track it as well since it does the same with the Sense controllers. PSVR2 can see the Sense Controllers as they have a ring of infrared LEDs - the Dualsense doesn't have those. I guess in theory it could track the lights either side of the touchpad but Sony would have to implement it and if they intended to do that I think it would have been supported from the beginning.


They should have kept London Studio open as a VR2 studio and have them work on flat to VR conversions if nothing else.


There is just as much controller reworking needed for astrobot as blood and truth. It would have been easier for them to tie in new controllers to the new astro game then rework the old one and they choose not to do that so probably less likely they would convert the old astro bot.


Same, also re7


It’s been a while since I played Astro but didn’t that just use the DualShock 4 controller? And isn’t the DualSense still tracked in 3D space (and could be tracked by the outer VR2 cameras)? Hell, if nothing else I’m happy to still use a camera and sell me a fucking glowing light bar to stick on my DualSense for the camera to track if that’s what’s needed. WHERE IS RE7 and shit like that though, that has no motion tracking and only uses the controller? I don’t understand why Sony hasn’t given Capcom money to get RE2, RE3, and RE7 brought over to the VR2. Even with no motion controls. Bonus points if they want to use the motion controls from RE8 or RE4 though.


I never understood the argument that its difficult to port astrobot because of the dual shock….. with the psvr 2 sense controls being tracked, it should be a non-issue…… the player could play astrobot simply holding both sense controllers… just like quest users do…


The controls would have to be reworked as Astrobot uses the touch pad quite a bit and that's obviously missing from the sense controllers. It's certainly doable and I'm sure with some thought it would be just as good as on PSVR1 but it's not as simple as just swapping the controllers.


Wouldn’t the Dualsense work just as well, as it has a touchpad too? Again, I haven’t played it in a long time so I don’t remember how much it required the controller *itself* to be tracked around in 3D space but I think the DualSense still tracks for things like movement controls where you tilt and turn your controller to finely tune the aiming? And the VR2 has an external camera that could help to track it too if necessary.


The Dualsense itself would be ideal but it would be quite important for it to be tracked in 3D space. The Dualsense does have LEDs either side of the touchpad so it may be possible to track those but I would have thought if Sony intended to do that it would have been supported from the beginning.


One thing I’ve proposed elsewhere is to hold up a DualSense and align it over an icon you see through the PSVR2 headset and then hit the calibrate button so the PS5 and PSVR2 both know where the controller is located in 3D space and can then use the DualSense’s internal motion controls as well as the VR2’s external cameras to track the lightbar on the touchpad. I think this could be doe with the VR2 controllers themselves, to hold up over a PS Move icon and calibrate and then rely on the PS5/PSVR2 tracking. You could always recalibrate as necessary. - And if needed, for backwards compatible games like that, we could just plug in a PS camera and perhaps we could just use our DS4 controller so it’s tracked exactly the same way it was on the PSVR. Or get a little light bar peripheral that you plug into the DualSense that adds a lightbar to the front of the controller and track it the same way. It’s all stuff that I think Sony really dropped the ball by not figuring out pre-launch how to get as many PSVR games as possible to be easily playable on the PS5/VR2 — *particularly* ones that just used the DS4 controller like AstroBot and don’t even use motion controls like WipeOut: Omega Collection and RE7. ***** I think Sony should just get a dozen or so developers and give them the resources (they could have done this with the Sony London Studio they shut down) and make them the VR2 team, responsible for doing whatever needs to be done to port over flat to VR2 and PSVR to VR2 games. I can’t imagine that it would take one developer that long to rework a single game like RE7 for example to get it working on the VR2 (honestly, they should throw CAPCOM some money to have them bring over the motion controls they use in RE4 and RE8 to make RE2, 3, and 7 all playable on the VR2). - I was talking with someone elsewhere about porting over all the old PS3 era 3D games as well to the VR2. That doesn’t require any camera or lights or tracking and if they could just let the PS5/PS5Pro put all of it’s horsepower behind it, it should be really easy to get those games running at full 1080p HD resolution and at 60~90fps considering they’re two generations old at this point. And you’d get a much better experience without the darkening/dimming of the plastic glasses we had to wear in the 3D era with the full brightness of the OLED headset. Bonus if they could get an AutoHDR (the way XBOX does it) to further make non-HDR experiences pop with color and contrast and the perfect blacks of OLED. You’d get plenty of perspective and depth, as well as size and scale. If Sony devoted just 10~12 people in a single studio towards bringing flat to VR2 and PSVR to VR2 and 3D to VR2 titles to the market, whether for free or even a $5~$20 fee depending on how much was added (like motion controls, if they reworked the HUD/UI to make it more of a true VR game, etc.) then people would already have potentially dozens of games in their backlog that they’d think “I wonder what that looks like on the VR2”. - It’d breathe new life into older franchises and get people excited for the next installment of Assassin’s Creed for example, if they could play AC3 or Revelations remastered in 3D VR2. I say that as someone who impulse bought the PSVR after playing BattleZone in a GameStop demo kiosk because I knew I had half a dozen “free” PS+ monthly titles in my library and wouldn’t have to spend more than the headset itself to have some stuff to play on it. ***** I feel like Sony just isn’t devoting time/resources into stuff like this to get people interested in VR. I don’t know if they have demo/kiosks going on anywhere, for example. They finally just added something like 5 VR2 games to PS+ Premium. I hate to see it go the way of the VITA and they need to do something as simple as 3D BluRay support (as well as 3D support for apps like [BigScreenVR](https://youtu.be/tydPVeaOeKc?si=ppW_mHn-ZMi9cgsV) that would give us virtual locations with real time lighting bouncing off the screen in a theater, drive-in, home environment, etc.) and the opportunity to rent 3D films or watch our own. - Imagine if Disney put their full catalogue of 3D films on the app the way they did with their IMAX cuts, and you had all the Star Wars and Marvel films that you could watch in HDR and 3D, as well as Sony’s own via Sony Bravia Core’s app and Hulu/Netflix/Prime/etc. I understand why we likely won’t ever get VR Chat (for all the copyright violations) but man, what a missed opportunity that is. PSHome was ahead of its time and giving us a Ready Player One style hangout like The Oasis would be huge, with the VR2’s eye tracking and haptic feedback and motion controls. Bringing it back for flat and VR use would be a great way for them to make a ton of money on microtransactions for our avatar clothing and home locations and furnishings. I always thought it was such a missed opportunity to not give Dreams out with every Playstation sold, get it the support it needed for co-op creation, and then let people sell their creations online and split the profits between the creators and Sony. - People could have become clothing/housing/avatar/emote creators and made money every time someone bought their designs (with any portion of someone else’s creation used within it getting the appropriate split of that cut as well — so if I sell a premade house and you’re the most prominent kitchen table and curtain designer or the head of Big Toilet or whatever, you could get money just by people buying the houses I design and include your content in the bundle). It’s just another case of Sony really dropping the ball when they could have built up both Dreams but the Playstation 5 as a hangout space (something people learned they really wanted during the COVID pandemic) and giving people the opportunity to make money just creating things, when they never even got Dreams working for the PS5 and VR2 (which would have dramatically improved the quality of creations for those using a PS5, with it capable of holding much more detailed information within and encouraging PS4 owners to upgrade to the PS5 and PSVR owners to the VR2 — something that a lot of people still on a PS4 might have decided was the thing that was worth the upgrade despite not having a ton of new AAA exclusive games for the PS5 yet. ….anyhow, that’s my big “Sony is making mistakes” rant for the PS5/VR2 with software and hardware ideas. Whether they pay 10~12 people to make content and upgrade existing games for 3D or VR play or let their players do the work for them in the case of Dreams and PSHome2.0 by giving out free copies of a now-dead game to everyone and making it the universal avatar/location/emote/game/music creation engine that would sell a ton of VR2 headsets and PS5s and make them a ton of money for nothing just by taking a cut of the money we make by being creative on their platform. I swear they need to hire me or just believe in their products more, haha. Sorry for this being so long; I didn’t realize how much I had to say haha.


Dang forgot to emphasis need for controllers and cables to be sold separately!!!! UGH




Some have said that those links are targeted, for statistical purposes, and if you share it, and multiple people answer, that all responses are thrown-out, including yours


I hope not because I gave them a piece of my mind lol.


Please ask for more hybrid games and the ability to reset the horizon if not completely upright.


I just want a VTOL VR port I’m a simple man.


It’s a good life.


just filled it in, excellent link!


spam them about hybrid modes (even the simplest one like vr injection ue mods on pc)


Yeah I wrote about that quite a bit, including making vanilla ones that use the same Dualsense control scheme as the flat version.


No. Hybrid modes are the worst type of "vr game"


That may be your opinion that they're the worst, but they are VR games nonetheless, and it's a lot less risky to make them than something like CotM. GT7, RE4, RE8, NMS etc are all very well-regarded hybrids.


Yeah, but those are actual vr games alongside a flat version. Not a 3d rendered flat game, with standard gamepad/kbm controls. And the 2d cutscenes in the RE games are super annoying


The cut scenes barely bothered me in RE4. It works perfectly as a VR game and it's way less cumbersome than most VR titles too.


And yet so many people loved RE7 in VR. It’s a half step towards getting enough headsets out there to justify the kinds of budgets required to make fully VR games from the ground up. If someone has dozens of games playable in VR already, they’re more likely to impulse purchase a VR headset. That’s not to say a flat to VR game can’t also have motion controls added and whatnot. And something like Hitman and WipeOut: Omega Collection and others are examples of games not made for VR that I really enjoy playing in VR anyhow.


There are so many things Sony could/should do, asked about PSVR1 ports, Hybrid PS5/PSVR2 game updates, ability to buy controllers separately, Blu-ray 3D / Youtube VR media apps, aand of course Astro Bot support!


I was so mad to find out I sold my PS4 to buy a PS5 and now I can’t play my 20 or so 3D BluRays, and my 3D TV is broken and I don’t own a PC. I don’t know why we don’t have BigScreenVR and the ability to rent 3D films at least. And VR support for apps like Disney, that could put their 3D films on their like they did the IMAX cuts. I haven’t checked but also native Netflix/Hulu/Prime VR apps (I remember there being some for the PSVR but not sure they still exist).


Surprised I haven't seen anyone else mention it yet but I went into why a new home screen when putting on the headset would be beneficial for all included them as they could sell addons, aka "PlayStation Home". It would also be a great place to put your PlayStation Starts collectables, etc... and provide a great social experience. I did also bring up buying spare controllers and a few other minor topics.


PSHome was so ahead of it’s time when Sony could have their own Oasis style Ready Player One experience now. A VR Chat experience that lets you launch right into games, sell microtransactions to deck out your avatar and style up your house, have all the virtual experiences for Summer Game Fest and the Sony/Ubisoft booths etc. And actually be able to walk around and talk to people instead of having to type on a keyboard. Bring it back and make it flat/VR compatible and have people get FOMO for the VR experience.


The SummerGamesFest idea is so good, shame that Sony will probably never do it


I asked for vr videos and YouTube VR.


I wonder if that would become possible when the PC adapter releases?


Yes it will it's not the headset that can't do it now it's the ps5 that dosnt have the codecs needed to run 3d video


I mentioned we need to be able to buy controllers separately


Done. I asked for better VR support from sony overall.


I said that with PC support coming, I'd like to have the option of buying a second set of Sense controllers, so I don't have to re-pair them when switching between PS5 and PC.


Why are the scales not aligned? Some are positive to negative and others are negative to positive.


so they can filter out people who weren't reading


Dammit. I was reading and thinking of the questions carefully but not so much the changing scale. Hmmm Basically I’m happy with games on psvr2 but Sony needs to really push hybrid modes and not be afraid of using dual sense to ease gamers into vr. GoW HZD and other third party action games would be great if just in vr with standard intuitive controls . I get tenant everyone wants players to experience real motion tracked vr, but that can be tiring for daily play when a lot of people want to sit on the sofa and have a jank less gaming experience. They also need to have one big exclusive every year minimum, and not just rely on third party crossplatform games. They need to continue to support third party to ensure they take advantage of the features of psvr2 fully, not just ports from quest (which third parties often can’t afford if the consumer base isn’t there)


They should have let London Studio and open up a few more to make them VR studios devoted to flat to VR2 conversions, and PSVR to VR2.


Oh shit that would be me, I didn’t even notice.


Trying to trick us. “No, you *are* satisfied” /s


Because the hate ADHD people


Sony: "This is gonna be a great PRANK!"


Prank or not, I’m willing to try something here


I don’t like that: The wire for the headset is hard wired in. If it gets twisted or has an issue, you can’t just replace the cable, but have to buy an entirely new unit. It hasn’t happened to me, but I worry about stuff like that and it would have been a reasonably easy fix to make it not hard wired. They still aren’t selling replacement controllers for it. So again, if one goes out then I have to buy an entirely new unit to get another controller? Not having PSVR1 games ported is a disappointment. Otherwise, it’s all positives.


You can remove the wire. I unplugged mine recently to do some repairs. No special tools required. I believe I-Fixit did a video. This is why I asked for a better quality cable, like a branded cable. Like the controller it's something they could sell separately they just don't


I asked for a short extension cable with easy release in case someone trips and drags the PS5 across the room. Better support for sitting mode (looking at The RoomVR and its room mode to start). And obviously PSVR1 headset only mode (psvr2 headset with motion controllers) for legacy VR titles


I think the wire should plug in on both sides only revision I would make on the wire.


Yes, that’s what being hard wired means, it cannot be unplugged or removed unless you take the headset apart (and maybe solder the headset, I don’t know what’s going on inside).


Only problem then is that you'd have no strain relief and a ton of port and connector fatigue due to moving around a lot. Hardwired in is a PITA for replacement, but for the high bandwidth and high stress, it's likely necessary. Sony would also have to deal with customers who get the wrong or shitty USB-C cables as well (As well as USB-C cables with circuitry inside for shoving 24V into the device, with no negotiation.).


Oh man, i forgot to mention psvr1 ports and the wire as well. I mentioned hybrid games, the lack of replacement controllers, the visor needing more freedom in adjusting instead of only having fixed placements and a slight tilt that doesn't allow it to fully align perfectly straight with my eyes.


They should have a ranged option too, for people in the same room as their router. Let us plug in a dongle to the USB-C cable that communicates to our gigabit ethernet wireless connection to make it “wireless” and that would be great for same room experience users.


I wonder why I never get these messages. I'm not stopping them as far as I know.


I asked for: ▪️3D bluray playback on a virtual screen ▪️Remastered PS3/PS4 3D games on a virtual screen (motorstorm/sonic generations/superstardust/shadow of the colossus PS3) ▪️more classic racing games to be converted for full immersion ▪️incentivising developers to include seamless hybrid mode ▪️AstroBot Rescue Mission remaster/control remapping ▪️AstroBot Rescue Mission 2 ▪️AstroBot to be hybrid going forward ▪️Games like Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West/GTA V, etc. to get VR modes like the PC mods (albeit Rockstar famously killed the VR mod for GTAV so that’ll never happen) ▪️Where games can’t be made to run in VR natively, encourage developers to have a VR showroom/showcase. Like the character viewer from Arkham VR. Imagine a Final Fantasy VII Rebirth/XVI bestiary viewer in VR seeing the games monsters to 1:1 scale cycling a few animations. Basically get developers to sprinkle in a little VR magic to allow minimal immersion into the world’s they’ve built, even if the game itself can never be fully VR. ▪️oh almost forgot, I mentioned PlayStation Home VR too


I loved the 3D era of the PS3. Those would be fantastic to play on a VR2 headset with a smooth frame rate and a bright OLED screen.


Exactly, there were some great experiences there that were slightly less than they could have been because of the PS3 being pushed to its limit. I can play super stardust ultra on my PS4 Pro in 3D on my projector at a respectable frame rate compared to its PS3 counterpart however it’s prone to ghosting. I also have an old 3D gaming monitor for my PC which I can play the steam version of Sonic Generations in 3D at a decent frame rate but if I’m not looking at the monitor at a very specific height/angle then the image ghosts and falls apart. It’d be great to play those in full 3D and at a good frame rate. They’re re-releasing Sonic X Shadow Generations on PS5 soon, it would be great if they could reactivate the OG’s 3D mode on a virtual screen on PSVR2. I’d love to play the PS3 Shadow of the Colossus in 3D again, but at a decent frame rate. Even better if the PS4 Remaster could run in 3D. The colossi are even more impressive when you have a sense of depth and scale and can fully appreciate just how ‘colossal’ they actually are. Oddly, I was kind of ok with the choppy frame rate of PS3 SOTC in 720P 3D as I played the original 14fps game on PS2. That game was ahead of its time in terms of ambition and really pushed the PS2 to its limits.


I have fond memories of playing all sorts of 3D games on my 360/PS3/PC including: - James Cameron’s Avatar - Uncharted 3 - Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Assassin’s Creed 3 & Revelations - Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City - ICO & Shadow of the Colossus (Bluepoint remakes) - Killzone 3 - MotorStorm Apocalypse - WipeOut HD - SOCOM 4 - Super Stardust HD - Test Drive Unlimited 2 - Silent Hill: Downpour - Max Payne 3 - Crysis 1-3 - Battlefield 3 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Sleeping Dogs - Tomb Raider trilogy (including the reboot, Rise & Shadow of the Tomb Raider) - Hitman: Absolution - Trine 1+2 - CoD: Black Ops 1+2 - Sonic Generations - Gears of War 3 - Halo Anniversary - DOOM 3 BFG …and I’m sure there were probably more than that. I really liked how it added the sense of depth and perspective to games (especially ones like Trine that had a separation between the fore and background) as well as size and scale. Sure, they’re not VR games, but I still really enjoyed them on my 3D TV and didn’t feel like it was just a gimmick in a lot of the titles. Some definitely made better use of it than others. But in a PSVR2 headset with OLED screens and a PS5 powering it, they’d be capable of running at a crisp and smooth frame rate and if there was anything that caused them to support HDR as well (the way the XBOX consoles have a “autoHDR” function now) that would further make the colors pop. ***** 3D games in VR would be a great way to add more games to the VR2 library and allow Sony to feel like they have a larger lineup of titles while also helping to refresh the IP by breathing new life into older titles. Some of them really did a great job of that… Enslaved, for example, really made navigating around while platforming in 3D a lot more fun. Same with the open cities of AC3 and Revelations and the Tomb Raider trilogy. I loved the WipeOut: Omega Collection in 3D and again on the PSVR and think that would be a simple game to remaster for the PS5/VR2 as it just used the DualShock 4 controller so there’s no reason to not just plug in the DualSense (same with games like RE7 and AstroBot imo). - No, they’re not “true” VR games, before anyone jumps in saying otherwise. I totally get that. But I do think that playing them on a large virtual screen with that depth and perspective and perspective really makes them all pop and it could be done without the loss in graphical fidelity that we had when playing them on the PS3/360 at the time. They’d have a proper resolution and a smooth frame rate thanks to the power of the PS5 or PS5Pro and it would get us excited for new titles in anticipation of new entries in those franchises coming out. I think the flat to 3D conversion should be relatively easy to do (so both flat and “3D” versions of games could release simultaneously , in addition to a hopeful VR mode) and there could be quite a lot added to PS+ Extra/Premium that would give VR2 owners plenty to play and encourage someone to impulse buy a headset knowing that many of their favorite games would have a unique experience waiting at home. In fact, having half a dozen PSVR games in my library thanks to the monthly free titles from PS+ that I’d added to my library is what caused me to impulse buy a PSVR after playing BattleZone in a GameStop PSVR demo kiosk.


Told them to make more sit down games that use the regular controller.


Also not everything needs to be first person.




Good point. I thoroughly enjoyed Moss and now playing Demeo.


Thanks OP, sent in my discontent. Doubt it will change much but here's to hoping




Thank you so much for sharing!


Can I ask for vr porn?


Not a problem if you have Japanese account 🤷‍♂️


Watching the ESRB have to watch a bunch of 'weird' porn just to rate the app would be hilarious!!! Guessing that the ESRB thing and the prude culture of the USA is why we don't have a porn app.


Yes ….. WE THE PEOPLE…. ……of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA….. ….,HOME OF ONLY FANS MODELS….. ….AND ONLY FANS FOOLS. WE have this stupid ass governmental program….. ….and others…. …that we have been fighting for years! Of course, that is the LEAST of our problems right now.


But, the ESRB isn't a part of the government. They're a nonprofit organization. They were formed due to the government threatening to rate the games themselves, however.




I live in VA where we can’t even have Pornhub lol.


I know!!!! And they try and regulate us outside of it since some Maryland servers run through your state….for NOW! 🔥🔥🔥😈🔥🔥🔥


i asked them for PSVR1 games like skyrim. furthermore, the lack of RPG genre on PSVR2 is a pain for me.


Oh, looking around BG3 would be sweet 😋 like Demeo!


You should try legendary tales, its like a mix between diablo and dark souls in a open world with 4player coop or solo and new game+. Absolutely my favorite VR game with fun physics ( the trailer is pretty acurate and they added lots of new stuff since release and also almost everything players requested)


Hmmmm I wonder why they are even asking


Yeah honestly. All of a sudden they're going to go "Ooh you wanted games to play on this thing?? Why didn't you all tell us sooner?"


I wonder if anyone there looks at reddit or anywhere or they are in their own world circle jerking lol. Sony doesn't care about psvr 2 but what's feedback haha. Like what


The recent sale probably created a new wave of PSVR2 users, enough to start a conversation in-house.


Things don’t usually happen that fast in business the size of Sony


They got 2 new CEO so who knows, when new bosses show up, productivity tend to go up at least temporarily.


I am pretty sure these links are recipient specific so by posting the link you got in the email here if anyone uses it, your responses will be overridden. My work had a problem with this in a recent survey they sent out.


They are not I have clicked on it and it says I already answered it. Someone else clicks on it and it gives the questions


That's just superficial mechanics, and local cookies. What happens in the data repository, and what they do with the data, is a whole different thing


I said that they should work on trying to bring Microsoft Flight Simulator over to PSVR2 and make EA Sports PGA Tour compatible with PSVR2 as well


I want more games that use the standard ps5 controller as i find them the most immersive. I'd love to see them convert some more triple AAA games like they did with Hitman on psvr1. I also think they should sell the psvr2 sense controllers separately.


Sims would work on a controller well


Some have said that those links are targeted, for statistical purposes, and if you share it, and multiple people answer, that all responses are thrown-out, including yours


Give us 3D BluRay support. I’m so pissed that I can no longer watch my collection like I could on my PS4/PSVR. You don’t wanna pay the licensing, fine, pass it on to me, but let me do it. Give us BigScreenVR or something as well. Let us watch Netflix and Hulu and Prime and Disney and other apps in VR. Get 3D movies from those services playable in VR as well. Let us rent movies from them or some service so we can watch them too. What’s a VR headset if not a really expensive pair of 3D glasses without the cheap plastic dimming effect?? It’s such a waste of those nice OLED screens to not let us watch 3D films, especially as a media company that has made some of their own. For PSVR games, let us hold up our DualSense controller or the PSVR2 controllers to align over an icon on screen and calibrate so it matches where the Moves would be tracked. BOOM, done. You still turn/tilt your neck and head the same so no change there. That should be a relatively easy top down fix to get PSVR games working. And there’s **NO EXCUSE** for games with no motion tracking that just used the DS4 like RE7VR and AstroBot and WipeOut: Omega Collection to work on the VR2. Also, give out games for “Free” as part of PS+ each month. I bought the PSVR bc I had half a dozen games already at home that allowed me to impulse purchase the headset knowing I wouldn’t have to spend more on games. Having some on PS+ Extra is a great start, they should put PSVR games on there too though. And if they worked on flat to VR2 experiences and people had dozens or hundreds of games playable in VR like PC users have with the Unreal Injector mod to bring flat to VR games that way, just a simple top down solution with remappable controls, people would be far more likely to buy a headset which in turn would create a larger user base which in turn would make it more likely a studio would spend the budget to make a VR2 exclusive title.


Done! Thanks for sharing


Maybe. But it seems many are giving similar answers


Site name please?


Site name please


I said most of the things other comments are saying like 3D movie support, separate controllers, etc. but the main thing I would love to see is games that take advantage of mod support and the ability to put mods in them. I know Sony hates mods for some reason, but I truly think it would drastically increase sales.


Sony aren't the ones who need to port these games, the devs are.


I think they meant the Sony exclusives published by Sony


I asked for psvr1 game support, even if it needs the camera, so many good games that could be upscaled.


Would have to be ports and I would love warzone ported but the Dev never will a game left in the past


Do we all get one? I clicked on the link here it says its not active and i dont see it in my email 🥲


I think the survey has finished now. I think it depends how you got your psvr2 and buying them on the store no idea how people got it. But many answered and I hope Sony listens


Ohh that would make sense. I didnt buy through playstation direct, i got mines from Gamestop


“Sorry, this survey is not currently active” is what I got.


Sony got their answers and finished the survey yesterday


Ok, thanks!


I’m kinda hoping for “the playroom VR 2” or something because I really enjoyed the first one and It’s still one of my favorite couch coop games to this day


Yeah I made a chat with a Dev if Max mustard does good PSN sales they will look at making a maxes playroom lol 🤣


Definitely psvr 1 games, brought iron man vr and realised I couldn’t play it, refunded it, got re8 and 4, need to be able to play 7, so weird


Whipout! More first party support, even if they put the games on other headsets (have the definitive version with all the PSVR2 haptics only on PSVR2 so it can drive system sales, or have 6-12 month exclusive windows.


They've been doing these surveys for years and nothing ever comes from them.


Did nothing come from them or did what you wanted specifically not come from them? They're anonymous questions to try to gauge what a variety of people want.


Well considering nothing has "come" then we can assume they haven't listened to anyone's survey answers.


They listened to feedback that the PSVR1 squeezed the sides of people's heads too tightly and designed the new headset to not do that. They clearly listen to feedback, even if you might not like the results of it. Here is the headset teardown video where they mention it at 9:13: https://youtu.be/NYhngu66Ccc


Damn... missed it. Hope someone asked Sony to help developers make a vr option in as many games as possible...I mean if a relatively small studio like hello games can do it for nms then others should be able to as well. Also, did someone all about VR peripherals (like the aim controller) to be used on vr2? Thanks.