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I’m in Ottawa and so glad our games are at the arena in the city centre. I’m 100% sure if the games were out in the suburbs, where our NHL rink is, attendance would drop like crazy. Traffic is impossible at that time of night, there’s no efficient transit out there, and parking costs $30+ per game. Location makes a massive difference in audience.


Very much agreed. Though in our case there is legit concern regarding the plans to rebuild the whole north end of the complex, including the arena, with the new one only having room for 5000 or so instead of the current 8000+. "PWHL Ottawa averaged 7,496 fans for the 12 home games at TD Place, with the highest attendance of 8,452 fans for the April 27 game against Montreal."


I know! I’m glad I locked in my seasons tickets, but I hope they reconsider. It’s the perfect size for PWHL games right now!


I've been to three Boston home games, two on weekends and one on a weekday. Of those games, the weeknight game had similar attendance to last night, and the two weekend games were pretty packed. It's been said before on this sub, but low attendance at last night's game is 100% because it was at 7pm on a Tuesday. In order to get there on time for puck drop on a weeknight, people who live and work in Boston need to leave work early and have dinner in the car—it can easily take 90 minutes to get up to Lowell during rush hour, and then another hour plus to get to the parking garage, park, and get into the arena. And if you don't have a car (which many people in Boston don't), getting there even for a Saturday game is basically a full day trip. It was a bummer to tune in to the game last night and see so many empty seats, but realistically it's tough to expect great attendance given those obstacles. At all three of the games I've been to the atmosphere in the crowd was totally electric. The fanbase is there, it's just a tough location. I'm planning on getting season tickets next year regardless of where they play, but really hope they can find an arena closer to the city.


100% friend. I really hope they move somewhere that will make it more accessible. People were saying Agannis would be tough. Would Conte be a good option? Anyway, I was just pissed people were equating empty seats with no support for the women’s game.


I read (in this sub) that both have ice that's too big, so the WPHL rules don't allow playing there. To which I say, rules can be changed. Let teams have some wiggle room in the ice dimensions. (I've never played competitive hockey, so maybe that's harder on the players than it sounds — but the NCAA made it work, so that's a data point.)


I don't know much about the rink size regulations, but agree that I think the team would massively benefit from a move closer to Boston and would love to see them play at one of the local university rinks. If it counts for anything, Boston's social media is getting engagement at similar levels to the Canadian teams. I really think the fans are there—the last game I went to on May 4th had 6k people and there was even a Bruins game on later that night.


The point about social media is salient. In my mind putting butts in the seats is clearly correlated to putting skates on the ice, and we do that better than 48 states.


It's 2' wider at Conte than NHL reg size (200'x85') it does make it play slightly different, but not nearly as big of a deal as IIHF spec (196.9'x98.4') The larger issue is schedule conflicts at a lot of the local University rinks - Conte has the womens' and men's ice hockey teams and basketball teams play there along with tons of events. Umass Lowell built a new facility for their basketball teams and they no longer need maint guys to change between basketball and hockey which can take about a day. It a rock and a hard place. BU with Agganis would be very attractive, but I imagine it isn't going to be cheap.


I wonder if it would be viable to rotate around a few arenas? Agganis would be ideal because it's big and local, but maybe it would be most workable and cost-effective to play weekends in Lowell and weeknights at a combination of Agganis and maybe a smaller Boston arena like Walter Brown.


>I wonder if it would be viable to rotate around a few arenas? That's what Montreal does. They play at two different arenas, one of which (the main one I think) is the one used by the Canadien's junior club, the Rocket. I'm guessing when the Rocket needs the ice, then they play at their alternate location. Both are within walking distance of a subway station, so it makes them both very easy to access.


I heard players prefer to keep their gear at one place. It's not a big deal but nice to have your own permanent locker at only one place.


There is a lot of competition for the sheet at Walter Brown - it hosts the men and women's club teams, the women's D1 team, and their figure skating teams. I'd also suspect that BU would be hestistant to have a professional team pay to use the a rink that historically is focused on students. It's also likely it might run afoul of endowment terms on funds associated with Brown. Universities historically did a pretty shitty job of writing gift terms in the 70s/80s


I've played rec league hockey there, so there's at least _some_ ability for a for-profit, 3rd party, non-educational league to use the ice. I don't know if it's different if that league is pro, though. The competition for time is definitely a factor, though.


Same - prolly Stinkysocks? But it's a big difference between amateur players and professionals. The CWHL was registered as a non-profit so they had a bit more flexibility when they were playing at various colleges around Boston.


Yup, Stinksocks :-) We're not technically pro, but I've definitely seen fights between players who thought they were one scout away from making the show. 😂


Walter Brown is undergoing renovations, so Agganis is housing both the men’s and women’s team for a bit, so that’s probably out. Conte, like you said, isn’t regulation size. Matthews isn’t either I think, but Matthews is also slowly sinking in on itself and rumor has it NEU is going to have to demo it very, very soon. So now Matthews is out *and* the men’s and women’s teams there will be displaced to another local arena, which means even less space for PWHL Boston. All in all, not many viable options.


But Lowell is so close to me plz no :'( Only slightly sarcasm. I'd love more excuses to get down to boston


Another great point. Everyone knows the state can support this team. But what about the location?


Even if they changed those rules, conte isn’t really available. Between D1 men’s and women’s hockey and basketball, and club men and women hockey teams, the PWHL would be way too low of a priority.


I know it’s not professional hockey, but club college hockey we’d play on international-sized rinks and NHL-sized rinks all the time. I get you might not want that at a professional level, but futbol allows different size and it’s fine. Just let the PWHL do it


Yeah for sure! Ottawa’s arena is right smack dab in the middle of the city. Accessible by car, bus, bike and walking. This is what makes it really easy to get to. Heck, even transit is free a few hours before and after the games for ticket holders to encourage transit use!


I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of this, but I want to just point out: Playoff tickets are NOT $100 / game. I think what you were talking about for pricing was for the cost of a playoff STRIP. Which is basically season tickets for the playoffs. Same seat, every game, all the games. Individual seats for individual games were available for <$30. Seats in the premium lounge and on the glass were like $69 plus $12 in fees or something. Those were the most expensive seats in the building. Finals may be a bit more, but they'll be WAYYYY under $100 / seat / game


huh, maybe I misunderstood, but when I looked to buy what I thought were single game tickets it was $130 for the cheapest seats available, but I'm not a season ticket holder so I don't get extra discounts. I'll have another look at buying tickets to a finals game, hope you're right!


You were looking at a 5-game playoff pack, where they'd refund any game(s) that didn't happen.


Yea, I bought those by accident lol. At least I already have tickets for the finals now!


I was able to buy a single ticket for last night's game for $25. Hopefully should be similar prices for the finals!


that's great news! I'll definitely plan on making it to at least one finals game then


Whatever the reason for the low attendance, if they can't sell seats, they won't survive. It doesn't matter how big the fan base is if none of them show up for the games, and it's just not possible for every game to be on a weekend. They need to solve this problem ASAP.


yeah, that's why everyone in this thread is saying they should play at least some of their games in Boston, not that they should only play on weekends


Last nights game also coincided with a Bruins elimination game. So there’s a choice to be made between hockey games on the same day where people have been fans of one team for generations and the other is new. I’m sure there are many who only care about PWHL, but that number is gonna be smaller than hockey fans who also care about pwhl in the first year.


On top of all this the bruins were also playing at the same time


>and then another hour plus to get to the parking garage, park, and get into the arena. People will go toe to toe with us that Lowell isn't the right spot, but it just isn't. It *has* to be in the city. Take advantage of having a top5 transit system in America and put it where the rest of the big sporting events are (except the Pats, obviously).


Not 100%, it was a Tuesday, there was a bruins game, an In town sox game, and it's 20 miles north west of the city, during rush hour. Location is hard for proper city folks to make. It's great for me, 30 minutes away, but I live in the sticks. Tickets were available for under 30.


I am super happy with where it is. I leave my house, take a left, and then a right and just stay on that road and I am at the arena. I love it! Of course I know it can’t, and shouldn’t (!) stay at Tsongas center (spelling), but I am currently enjoying how easily accessible it is to me. Also big complaint I have is that Tsongas doesn’t sell all the seats! My wife is obsessed with PWHL (I am not complaining in the slightest) and gets tickets as soon as they go on sale. We’ve been to a bunch of games, and one thing we notice is that they just don’t even open for sale the side of the arena the teams sit on until the day of. It almost seems they are making it difficult to sell out because they don’t want to. Not sure if it’s a staffing issue or what.


They do this so the crowd looks better on TV. When the seats in front of the cameras sell, then they open the others. They do this in MN and at all the NY rinks too. This is a league decision, not a team or Tsongas decision (friends called the box office and asked). This also goes to show that the league isn't worried about attendance as the number one issue right now, even though some people in this thread and other places would try to make you think otherwise. The league needs to secure a good broadcast rights deal in the states. As convienent as having it on YouTube is, that doesn't pay the bills. This has been solved in Canada by having games on Sportsnet, CBC, TSN, etc. These are NATIONWIDE deals. In the US, it's currently a patchwork of local / regional sports networks (NESN, MSGSN, Bally Sports North, and SportsNet Pittsburgh). Most big time leagues in the US make a large portion of their revenues from broadcast rights deals, NOT ticket sales. (Which is not to say ticket sales are not important, they are.) Getting better broadcast deals will also help: reach a larger audience, sell more seats, raise the statue of the league in the overall sports landscape in the US, create a market for the franchises to be sold to independent operators. This is a LONG TERM project from the Walter group. Not a short term one. Also: are we neighbors? I'm on Market Street and walk to the games.


Well this was all very helpful! Thank you, I appreciate you. I had no idea about most of the points you made here. And yeah we are pretty close to being neighbors. I am in the next town over though. Only a couple miles from the Tsongas center


It is 100% hard to get to if you are in the city, I thankfully live north of the city and work from home so easy for me to leave around 5:30 to get there on time. There were also some other major Boston games on Tuesday night, including a game at Fenway.


Great points in this thread. Massachusetts is the #1 hockey state in USA not Minnesota. The potential fans are there. The location is bad on weeknights. Weeknight games are tough to draw fans to that location. Maybe people will come out for the championship? I'm not sure how doable that is for youth hockey players needing to go to school the next day with long drive times.


Why are people not considering TD Garden?


Not to mention Lowell does not have the best reputation, where the arena is located is very nice but it definitely has some bad areas and sadly I think that's enough to dissuade some fans for wanting to go to an evening week night game especially compounded with all of the other draw backs that have been mentioned already. I could see that especially impacting a fan base that is largely women. People just don't want to go to Lowell.


Do you think 8pm puck drop for weeknight games would be better or worse for attendance? I would rather drive later than sit in rush hour traffic but for people who bring kids, I realize that’s a pretty late night. Something I was thinking about for next year since it seems pretty set that they will be back in Lowell 😔


personally I'd rather 8pm but I'm a grown adult with no kids! there are a lot of youth teams that come and I imagine their parents would prefer an earlier game, plus the games should end before the last commuter rail train back to Boston leaves


It needs to be said that despite the "low" attendance last night, the crowd was *loud*. You would have thought it was packed from just listening to the broadcast. Wish I had been there myself, but, as you said, weeknights are tough!


I’ve said this on other places, but I’ve been to 7 games now and I *still* don’t know what Boston’s goal song is!


Our goal song is just "SCREAM YOUR HEADS OFF AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE" I think. It works.


Pretty sure it was Here Comes the Boom (why would anyone think that's a good idea for a goal song?) but I think they changed it to The Time Is Now (why not just go with a better goal song like Out of Our Heads?)


It was mostly screaming Frankel’s name, tbh. But I think it worked!


Hey, they don't score many, but when they do it counts


As someone who was at the genuinely low attendance MN game on Monday (less than half of some of our regular season attendance), the timing is truly such a killer. Monday and Tuesday nights are brutal, even for 7pm games when arena food prices are so high. I'm glad people are still rallying, and hopefully making it to the 2nd round will really spark something!


Came here to say the same thing! Watching the game on tv and crowd sounded great.


I think us Canadians are just so desperate for hockey we are shocked when we see empty seats. I am happily driving over an hour into shit Toronto traffic to see a game. Even flew to Ottawa to watch a game when I couldn’t get my hands on Toronto tickets. NHL tickets aren’t even close to being an option here, there are just so many options in the US for sports fans.


I am in London, Ontario. Absolutely have not been able to get tickets in Toronto. I went to Detroit and took a whole entourage from up this way. I don't think people knew about the game in Detroit and that the tickets were only $25US. Have had zero luck getting Toronto tickets even with presales. Trips to Ottawa or Montreal would be a full weekend, not doable on a weeknight for sure.


Absolutely, we got the Ottawa tickets for $25! Made it into the weekend away, I managed to make friends with a season ticket holder in Toronto and they give me tickets when they can’t make a game. They also get the first presale codes and get to buy 8 extra tickets for playoff games! It’s been the best friendship I have ever made


I think it's hard to understate the location. I know my wife and I were interested — I even had the game going on YT at the same time as the Bruins game, which was an elimination game — but we just couldn't do 7pm in Lowell.


As a Boston fan that lives 30 minutes south of the city, it's damn near impossible to go on a week night.


Boston absolutely deserves a team. I don't think anywhere outside of Canada and Minnesota is as enthusiastic about hockey


Boston has pretty much been a constant in elite women’s hockey. Boston Blades of CWHL, Boston Pride of NWHL.


I don’t know why, but I for some reason have the number 5,000 stuck in my head - from some interview or article. As in, 5,000 average fans in an arena was the metric by which the PWHL was planning on gauging whether the season/team was successful or not. Boston is not hitting that, BUT they seem to be in the 3-4k and if your goal is 5k, I don’t think you give up on that. Especially not after a rushed shortened season without a lot of lead-up advertisement. You definitely want to reexamine the situation but I don’t think getting 3-4k in your first attempt at getting 5k is completely devoid of promise.  NYC is the real yikes one. And people keep saying “oh it’s the venue” but like… it ultimately doesn’t matter. If there isn’t a magical little 7k seat arena five minutes from a major transit hub then… for a league like PWHL it IS a consideration. Not saying they need to give up on NYC immediately since they already committed to it, but up here in Canada, the cities with the biggest attendances in the smaller leagues aren’t hubs like Toronto and Vancouver. It’s the mid-sizers who ONLY have their smaller league teams they’re passionate about. The big city sports fans thumb their nose at the smaller leagues because they seem them as amateur small fry compared to their marquee sport teams.


I’m not seeing a lot of comments about it but there’s a ton of overlap between NHL and PWHL fans, I think the attendance last night can be explained by the Bruins playing the Panthers at the same time. It’s not a lack of fans, it’s fans with too many good series’ to watch at once


This is basically it lol. It's a combination of everything above. I had plans to go to the game tomorrow night but Bos won it last night, the same night as the Bruins were in an elimination game. You'd have to pry my cold dead hands from my dual monitors before I'd go anywhere. A series clinching game on one, and an elimination game on the other. With both teams winning less than a minute apart from each other.




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If it wasn't for Warroad, hockeytown USA would be Boston. You guys do it right out east


You might be giving us a bit too much credit but I appreciate it! For big cities my ranking would be: 1. Twin Cities 2. Boston 3. Detroit 4. Buffalo 5. Chicago?? Pittsburgh??


> Saying that Boston can’t support a team shows a deep lack of understanding of the history of girls and women’s hockey in the state. And deep lack of understanding of hockey in the state, in general


I’m a NY fan but my first PWHL game happened to be an away game for NY in Lowell because we were traveling up there that weekend. It’s a nice arena and there were no issues for us getting there, but it was also a Saturday. Attendance was great (January game). I think some teams will just suffer with attendance more on weeknights because…life.


I've noticed the disappointing attendance at both the Boston and New York games and have heard from fans that the venues are to blame. I'm not knowledgeable enough about this issue to form a solid opinion. All I know is that attendance at the Boston and New York games has been pretty low. If the venues are indeed the problem, as people have suggested, I hope the PWHL can find better ones for next season.


As far as Boston there’s not much better options. Weekend attendance is fine, week nights seem to be the issue


"week nights seem to be the issue" I do not fully agree. Weeknights, scheduled very close to other weeknight games are the issue. Opening night had 4,012 (that was a Wednesday). 4/18 (a Thursday) had 4,084. There was a four game stretch over 8 days in February. Wed 2/14, Sat 2/17, Mon 2/19, Wed 2/21. Those four games had: The three lowest weekday attendances, and the lowest weekend attendance of the season. This was also MA School Vacation week, which doesn't help because many families travel during this week. Ottawa had a similar stretch with three games in 7 days. No shock, those were their three worst attended games too. No other team had a similar stretch all season. That stretch happened for Boston (in part) due to the Ottawa game that was originally scheduled for 1/8 being moved because Ottawa's flights got messed up. Last night's game only had tickets go on general sale last Thursday, and there was another potential game tomorrow. Many people could only make one game and chose to go for Thursday. I suspect there are similar dynamics for the MN games that were Monday and Tonight. The league is still finding its feet and growing. Give it time.


If they continue to struggle selling tickets and getting people to show it doesn’t matter what the excuse is. Either you make enough to cover costs or you fold, so it’s figuring out how to get people there (Lowell also isn’t going to work long term). NY has a similar problem and that’s another tough one. Maybe the league doesn’t mind losing money for 5-10 years till they can justify the big arenas in the cities, but that’s what it’s gonna take.


Attendance would be better if games were actually in Boston and accessible to Bostonians.


The fans were crazy loud last night! Hopefully they can build on that base wherever they play.


I was shocked when I saw the attendance last night. I'm a Montreal fan, but I thought that was heartbreaking. First because all teams deserve to get support from their fans, but second, and most importantly, the league needs all teams to do well to survive. In the NHL, with 32 teams, if a few teams struggle, the league will be fine. With only 6 teams though, if one struggles, that 16.6% of the league that's in trouble. If two struggle, that's a full third. And I can love my team all I want, if they don't have anybody to play because the teams can sustain themselves, then I don't have a team, do I? I'm glad to read your post, and u/acs14's comment. I really hope they manage to find a better, more accessible venue for you guys. I'm not a fan of the two arenas our team plays at, but at least they're super easy to get to by transit, so that definitely helps!


During the week it's a 1.5 to 2 hour drive from Boston to Lowell. It's so dumb that they play in Lowell, I had a blast last night but it can't be a consistent trip


Bring it within 95 and I will most likely go to a lot more games next year. Bring it within 93 and I would go to nearly all the games next year 👀


gone to 4 games and counting in current location. for me if it's within 95, I go to a few games a year. if it's within 93, I probably get to one game a year. trade offs.


I want to support them but I don’t live anywhere near Lowell so can only watch from afar. The league does a terrible job marketing their game. Want highlights for a game? Good fucking luck. Even the playoff games all I can find are recaps and then as soon as the OT goal is scored they end the highlight. No replays of the goal or the celebration. Completely ridiculous and amateur, they need to hire new content creators for normal game highlights. They aren’t going to grow if people can’t go to YouTube and find highlights of the games. Watching the playoff games has been awesome but it’s way to early to bash any fanbase for not filling stadiums when the league is 6 months old and doing a very poor job at basic things (highlights). I fully expect next year to be better with actual team names, hopefully an arena closer to Boston, and the coverage of games and highlights, but the league has a lot of work to do if they want to attract fans. Expecting people to just show up because it’s a women’s hockey league isn’t going to cut it. Show people why to show up. The play is awesome and most casual fans of sports don’t even realize the women’s game allows hitting now (as it never used to).




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I'm hoping Boston, and other teams playing in a very small venue, get better locations to play next season. Venues book events far in advance and the league only had a short time to get things set up for a season. Now that they have more time, hopefully they are able to get scheduled at a more preferable arena for home games.


I was going to buy season tickets to Boston until I found out all the games were in Lowell. I want weeknight games. Impossible to get there in time. I went to weekend games, still useless going to Lowell. I live on the train line that goes to Lowell and I would never consider taking the train and risk getting stranded. They need to move. At least go to other arenas


Did anybody say they couldn’t support a team though? I will say, they gotta move closer to downtown. I get the rink situation is never gonna be perfect but my god they play in such a bad spot


As someone who doesn't live in Boston, how is it that the arena in Lowell is the only regulation size rink with decent seating capacity (Not counting the Garden, of course)? Seems like a population center should have more options


Ironic because the Boston area and suburbs are littered with rinks (as in community rinks).




The Americans aren't going to want to hear this but I call it as I see it. This isn't a Boston problem, it's all three USA teams. When I tuned into Game 3 of the Toronto Minnesota series I was shocked. The entire short side of the arena (under the camera) was deliberately empty, to put as many fans as possible into the frame. Even then, attendance was clearly under 40%. All this while running promos calling Wisconsin the "hockey state". The Boston turnout wasn't much better. I have nothing but respect for those fans that turned up and turned out, but damn that was hard to see. Meanwhile PWHL Toronto sold out both their games at CCC in under 15 minutes, and at 3x the cost for a ticket. If they get back into Scotiabank Arena (where the Leafs play) for the finals, as has been rumored, I have no doubt they sell that out too. I don't wanna hear it about how the locations are inconvenient; CCC is only accessible via a highway that is under major reconstruction and has average travel times of 45+ minutes through what's supposed to be an 8 minute stretch. We are making it work. I want this league to work, but it only happens if both markets succeed. I dunno what it's going to take but y'all have GOT to get people out to these games




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That’s not true, CCC is also easily accessible by two methods of public transport: the Go Train and the street car loop at Exhibition, making it suuuper easy for both people in the core of the city & people coming from the suburbs to access! I do think that Canada has a much bigger appetite for hockey though, and Canadians are probably more likely to go out of their way to attend games.


Despite being transit accessible, it does still take a long time. I live downtown less than 4km from CCC and it still takes 45 mins to get there on transit. I selfishly wish that they’d stay at MAC next season, but with how high demand is, it probably doesn’t make sense. But CCC is pretty inconvenient. First game took me over an hour to get to on public transit. That’s not to say that accessibility/location isn’t Boston’s issue. But I think what the person above said is true. People in Toronto, especially the GTA, are hungry for hockey and people are driving in hours or commuting in horrible traffic to get there. Getting to a Leafs game isn’t financially feasible for most people, so it’s nice to have financially accessible hockey that’s entertaining. I have concerns about Toronto, as people are calling for the team to move out of the city to the old OHL team’s arena. That would make it completely inaccessible for city dwellers and would probably put them in a similar situation to the American teams. So really hoping they don’t do that.


Change the team name from Boston to New England and put them in the DCU center in Worcester. Capacity of almost 15K and easier to get to than Lowell IMO


Yes please! I’d buy season tickets in a heartbeat. There’d probably be a fair number of scheduling conflicts since the DCU hosts other events (concerts, monster trucks, bull riding etc) when the Railers are playing out of town, but I’d love to see them try to make it work


Even the commuter rail to Worcester would be way more convenient to DCU than Lowell to Tsongas... I don't hate this, and that's as someone who can bike to Bruins games.


Can they buy the Whalers name?


I doubt they would. Carolina owns Whalers branding and the league has shown they want to completely distance themselves from the PHF which had the CT Whale franchise


It's too bad, I miss those colours.


I really missed my chance to see PWHL Boston play, back when I had a car and lived in the ‘burbs. Hell, Lowell was actually on my way back from my old job in New Hampshire. Moving towns is definitely tough for wanting to watch and represent Mass hockey (huge Bruins fan). Just gotta hope the PWHL expands to DC at some point


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Chicago needs a team.


Rhode Islander here- I went to the opening home game which was a weekday, took me 2-1/2 hours to get up there because I have to get through Providence rush hour and Boston rush hour. It’s just not possible for a normal game on a weekday. I also went on may4th and that was more reasonable at an hour and change of commute but still, they can’t expect a sold out arena when you have to take a connector to the arena, it’s not even off the main highways 😑. Also want to note, I was a depositor, I had full intention of buying season tickets but there’s no point for me with it being so far away. I really really really hope they reconsider location for the future. I hope these comments are seen by the pwhl deciders.




It's worth noting: Prior to 10AM today, there were ZERO seats for sale on the bench side of the arena for tomorrow's game. At 10:00AM, there were a grand total of FOURTEEN tickets available for purchase in the entire arena. There was only one group of four tickets, every other spot was 3 or less tickets. They added more tickets shortly after that, but there was a period of time where they definitely lost some sales from people looking to buy tickets, there not being any available, and then going away and doing something else. It's hard to blame the fans for not buying tickets if they aren't consistently available for sale.


Can they? Yes! Are they? No is too harsh, but, unlike the players, the fans did not rise to the occasion. I am from MA, and every sports fan I know travels - vacations planned based on away games, new englanders to Fenway for a meaningless Sox game, out to Foxboro to get stuck in terrible traffic, getting a hotel for a Bruins/Celtics game. EDIT: I retract this next part, it is irrelevant anyways. My argument still stands, NE fans travel to see live sports. ~I mean, there were more Bruins fans in Centre Bell for a meaningless regular season game than PWHL Boston fans ever saw in Lowell.~ Once Boston has a better location I have no doubt it will improve, but at the end of the day, 45 mins outside the city for playoff hockey? Leave early, pack a sandwich and get your asses out there. Coordinate buses, post on social media, contact hockey leagues, or we can keep discussing why you are all in the right to let those badasses play in front of an empty crowd.


"More Bruins fans in Centre Bell for meaningless regular season game than PWHL Boston fans ever saw in Lowell." There were ~6,000 fans at Tsongas for the regular season finale (5/4). I doubt that Centre Bell has ever been almost 30% Bruins fans, even when the Habs are terrible and the Bruins aren't. Weekend games have had over 4,000 people every game. Two weeknight games (as tough as they are) were over 4,000. Weekend games have shown positive growth all throughout the season. I expect that will continue. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely... Just keep in mind that up until last year, the home rink for professional women's hockey in Boston was a 700 seat practice rink. This is a new era, and it takes time to grow. Scheduling, Marketing and TV Coverage are all things that need to be improved and all three will have a direct impact on the number of people that go to the games. Comparing this team / league to Red Sox, Celtics, Patriots is folly. The Patriots are the newest of the bunch and they were founded in 1959. You're comparing a team that played their first game 4 1/2 months ago to teams that have been around for 65, 78, 100 and 123 years. The crowd there last night was passionate, loud and engaged. They were FANS. Not people who came because there was something to do. Season ticket holders (myself as well as others I've talked to) have brought friends to these games who have had a great time, and have either come back, or are planning to come back. Things are growing. It doesn't happen overnight.


I was at those games at the Bell, but whatever. It isn't exactly a point of pride as a Habs fan to admit that! Nov 11 they came for the long weekend, it was absolutely swamped (tho there are Bruins fans from QC as well). I have bought family members PWHL Boston jerseys and tickets, I have been pushing anyone I know to at least check it out on youtube/NESN. I want it to succeed. The fans there seem amazing, and I never said otherwise. I am talking about the fans who make excuses instead of showing up. If y'all are fine with that attendance, it is no longer any of my business.


I think we'd all love a full house every night of passionate fans and a line out the door. I just don't think that's a reasonable expectation for the first year of the league that if they don't meet it, it's a failure. I think the league can get there in time, but I'm not blaming fans who show up to games (even if they didn't show up to this one), for the fact that we aren't there yet. If you're Canadian, I don't think you can possibly understand how little exposure the PWHL has had to the general public. None of the games have been on a nation wide TV channel (like an ESPN, or an ABC or an NBC), unlike Canada. My understanding is that Canada has had many games on one of the flavours of TSN, and games on CBC and Sportsnet. That hasn't happened yet in the states. Boston, NY and MIN have all had their games covered by regional sports networks that are only accessible (for the most part) in those markets, usually for extra pay on a TV subscription. At least in Boston, we've had many games, including last night's that are streaming only because other games / programming takes up NESN's primary and Secondary channels. The league needs to figure out how to get some games out to a larger TV audience in the states. YouTube streaming is great, but you have to know its there and go looking for it. Most Americans probably don't even know that the PWHL exists yet.


I am American, I lived in MA for 37 years, which is clear in my original statement, as my point was I am very familiar with the amount of time, effort and money NE fans will spend on live sports. Love the passion, but I don't think this is a very productive conversation.


Go Boston. Go PWHL. Enjoy the hockey.




FYI the majority of those Bruins fans in Centre Bell would be Canadians.


It was Nov 11, long weekend, we were flooded with tourist Boston fans, but absolutely there are many Canadian Boston Bruins fans.


edited to retract


I am from Western MA and have been following the PWHL team closely. I have not yet been to a PWHL game because of the location. As someone who does not live in eastern MA around the city, the travel to Lowell is just too inconvenient. One thing that has prevented me from considering going to a Lowell game is that I am not as familiar with the area and the drive. I have been to Boston many times to watch the professional teams there and I honestly find it much more accessible than Lowell. Compared to people who live in the Boston area, going to sports games takes much more planning. I can’t on a whim decide to go to a game the day of or even the night before it happens. Also, when I do go my family and friends usually have to make a day trip out of it and we do other things in the area. For many fans, I don’t think it’s a lack of effort preventing new englanders from going. It just takes more to go to Lowell compared to Boston. I would absolutely love to see the PWHL Boston team move closer to the city. I think the interest in the team and women’s hockey is there it just needs time to grow. Just a few months ago the Women’s Beanpot championship was played at TD Garden for the first time which had the largest women’s hockey crowd turnout in New England history and that was just at the collegiate level.


Fair enough, 413 represent btw. I empathize with you, I am very familiar with those challenges. I'll just want to see a sold out crowd when the cup is handed to whatever team wins. This league, this season, these women, the young girls watching, for the future of the sport (and shut up detractors)... it deserves butts in seats for the finals. Hopefully the fans can figure out a way to be there for the finals.


You do you and lash out at people wondering why attendance is so low compared to Canadian cities, but your response criticizing people is completely unfair. If people are interested, they will attend; if they don't attend, they aren't interested. You can make all the excuses you want but less than 3K for a playoff game has to be a disappointment in anyone's books.


Minnesota had 3k for their playoff game. Must not care about hockey either! /s


I never said people don't care. I'm getting downvoted because I said if people are interested, they will show up; if they aren't, they won't. These results aren't speculative. They are based on self-reported attendance numbers. As a fan of Toronto who has to log in to Ticketmaster the moment tickets go on sale to have a shot at attending, I'm extremely proud of the attendance results in Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa. Early results suggested Minnesota had similar ticket demand, which is questionable when only 3,600 people attend an elimination game. If it were my league, I'd be expanding into Canadian cities before I even consider another US city; I say keep adding in Canada until a US team can fill a building.


So for Minnesota only that one game counts? The rest are just “early results”? Next time, skip writing a whole paragraph and just admit that this is about anti-Americanism and Canadian cultural gatekeeping.


I think like you pointed out the main issue in New York and Boston has been with finding a suitable venue for the teams there, and while Boston and New York are undoubtedly markets the league really wants to be in for obvious reasons maybe the timing just isn’t right. Maybe the league needs to grow a little bit to the point where say Barclays or UBS are viable for a New York team and TD Garden is viable in Boston. I realize this will be unpopular and I’m not really advocating for anyone to lose their teams but the league (and all of us) might just have to accept that those markets are going to be more of a slow burn.


But I think if the game were to grow to the point that a PWHL team could sell out TD Garden, it would happen because there is an existing team in Boston that has built up a fanbase. To be honest I doubt that regular games at TD Garden will ever be viable though, since they'd be competing for time with the Bruins and the Celtics along with whatever one-off concerts happen. There are a number of college arenas in the 4-8k seats range in Boston proper that I think the team would be able to sell out now if they played there. I don't know what factors led to the decision to play in Lowell but I think if they can work something out at an arena in Boston, or even a few arenas that they rotate around, attendance would skyrocket next season. The fans exist, and if they can get to games without leaving work early and spending $$$ on gas and parking they'll buy tickets instead of watching on youtube.


Lowell has the availability, the facilities (the only newer arena of reasonable size in the state is Agganis), and it isn't as inaccessible as many people like to make it out to be. Playing at the Garden would be amazing. As you mentioned, that is not likely to happen for a while for many reasons. "A number of college arenas in the 4-8k seats range" That's basically: Agganis - cap. 7,200 Conte - cap. 7,884 Matthews Arena - cap. 4,666 Throw in Walter Brown if you want, it's close at cap. 3,806 Those are basically your candidates if you wanted to move the games, unless I'm missing something... Let's go one by one: Walter Brown - You've proven you can draw more than that consistently in Lowell. Why pay more to be in Boston and have a smaller capacity? Also, BU is actively renovating the dressing rooms, so it's likely unavailable until after next season. Matthews - The building is falling apart and will probably be knocked down in less than five years. You also have to compete with Northeastern's Men's & Women's Hockey teams and Wentworth's hockey team. 4,666 is probably also significantly smaller than you'd want at this point where you've demonstrated you can clearly fill more than that. The team benches are on separate sides of the ice which creates a competitive advantage for the team whose bench is on the same side of the ice. I suspect the league would find this objectionable. Conte - BC Men's Hockey, BC Women's Hockey, BC Men's Basketball, BC Women's Basketball all call this venue home during the winter season. You're fifth in line for scheduling. The team benches are on opposite sides of the ice again. Ice is not regulation size. Agganis - BU Men's Hockey home ice, BU Women's hockey will be calling it home this year due to the work at Walter Brown. Once again, non regulation ice size, and the team benches are on opposite sides of the ice. That said, after the Walter Brown work is complete, it might be the "best" answer out there. In an ideal world, Boston gets a WNBA franchise, and that ownership group buys the PWHL team from the Walter group, and then builds a 10,000 - 12,000 seat arena that the two teams share. In REALITY, who knows what happens.


for the reasons you said I think it's likely they'll be playing at least some of their games in Lowell next season. In particular I think Tsongas makes sense for weekend games, since there is less of a problem filling seats. but the max attendance for a weeknight game in Lowell was maybe 4k? personally I think it would be worth it to play some weeknight games at an arena in Boston that's the same size or smaller—if they can't sell 3.8k tickets in Lowell on a weeknight, maybe they could sell that many at Walter Brown, though I wasn't aware that Walter Brown was being renovated. there's obviously not a perfect solution but I think at least one piece of the answer has to be playing some games in Boston, and while I agree it's unlikely that they'll find a perfect home arena closer to the city, I can totally imagine a world where they play maybe 1/3 of their regular season home games at Agganis.


I can tell you as a season ticket holder, we've gotten renewal information, and it all says Tsongas. It also references "15 Games". Everything I have seen for regular season for next year has said 32-36 games. That means there's an opportunity to have more games elsewhere. Whether that's a neutral site game like this year's in Detroit, or something in Boston somewhere, who knows. Of course, they can change things up to, they may move games out of the Tsongas like they did for Toronto's game at Scotiabank, or Montreal's game at Bell Centre, who knows. The max attendance for this year for a weeknight game was 4,084 on 4/18. However, I don't think that's the max attendance possible. Given time to market the games more and build more interest, I would not be surprised to see that number get significantly higher next year.


good to know, I'm still hopeful that they will play some games in the city but I guess we'll have to wait and see. speaking from firsthand experience, getting to a 7pm weeknight game in time for puck drop from Boston is extremely tough, but they gotta work with what they have and if Tsongas is the best option then it is what it is. I'm planning on getting season tickets this year in any case, and definitely agree that this year's attendance isn't the maximum possible attendance. growing the fanbase will take some time.




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I’d say Boston has one more year to get their act together and get a permanent home rink and some fans in the seats.


Im shocked they don’t play at Warrior Ice Arena. The Pride used to play there often, not sure why PWHL can’t take residence there. It would greatly increase the appeal, far more than Lowell ever could


Warrior's capacity is 700, so they'd fill the building but would only have a quarter of the crowd they had last night. It would look better on TV, but I don't see how it helps with revenue or growing the fan base.


I’ve only watched games remotely that were at Warrior, didn’t know it was that small.




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I think Warrior is ruled out because of size. I think it only seats <1000 people


I didn’t know it was that small, only that it was where the Pride played