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I’m so sorry. I misread the top left note as “the circle is supposed to represent a pothole…” and can’t stop laughing about it


that's the most Massachusetts thing they could do tbh




That being said, I think it’s a cool idea. Decent name, I like the color pallet. The bird looks stern, maybe a touch intimidating, without being scary to children Maybe tweak it to create something with the neck or some negative space? Dunno if it can make a B, but that would be cool Thinking like how the Atlanta Falcons logo makes an F, the Whalers had letters in the spacing, the Vegas helmet cut out makes a V, that kinda thing


>Maybe tweak it to create something with the neck or some negative space? Dunno if it can make a B, but that would be cool Like that space beside the back of the neck could either form a lower-case "b" or be in the shape of the state of Massachusetts


The wings' up-down shapes could make an M for Massachusetts, but that's definitely not something the logo *needs*...


Oh yeah something incorporating the wings could work I agree it’s not necessary, I guess those types of details are things that make it feel more “sports team logo” to me even though I know other companies like those little details too


Hahaha well I thought so too until this comment.


I just did the exact same.


That's how I first read it, too.


I keep rereading this and laughing


>I misread the top left note as “the circle is supposed to represent a pothole…” Saaaame and I was just like "yep, that checks out" lmao


Wildly accurate


Lmao thats how I read it too 😂😂


That’s a great logo!


Thank you!


This is very well made, I like it a lot. Will you make any more for the other teams if you had time ?


Yes I plan on doing all teams


Thats awesome thank you very much :)


"Herons" also sounds like "Heroines" clever name (nice logo too). And it's unique "Herons Hockey" (you could also add two more dots for the 14 counties that make up Massachusetts).


I would wear a sweater with this on it


This is super well done! I, too, had the initial “pothole” misread haha


i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans I’d post that after every goal if this was the logo. Great job with it though


I like how it stays true to this year's jersey :) Nice job, the heron looks awesome. It really makes me think about the Charles and the waterfront which are key parts of the city! Personally I'm really wanting Boston Banshees to be the name so we can screech when there is a goal lol. If we were the herons we could probably do some sort of cawing? Haha


I could be imagining it but it feels like most of the fans have taken to this year's colors (no idea about New York, but Montreal for sure loves their sand-and-red and BOS/MIN/TOR have reasons to embrace their colors) so it'd be a shame to pull the rug out from under them. Personally I like Ottawa's red-and-black/charcoal but I don't know how widespread that sentiment is.


I feel like they purposely used colors that were associated with each city, or at least a team already there. Maybe to help tie into city sports culture? But as a neutral fan (expansion hopeful down the road), I think all the jerseys this year look nice and the color schemes don’t need changed. I am a little partial to Minny’s purple though. Looks hella sharp and is an underused color in sports in general


Yeah I agree the team colors are great across the board. I actually really love the New York teal, I think it looks awesome. They should keep the current palettes. I think part of it is that we don't officially have names for the teams so everyone is now super attached to the colors haha. I was at the Boston game vs Minny, and the MN away jerseys look great. The black numbers with the purple trim makes for a good look and it feels different from the other team's aways which I think in general are pretty basic.


Thank you! The banshees would be pretty awesome aswell


I'd buy this merch in a heartbeat


Disgusting that I love this and it was made by a Toronto fan


Jacques must be the ultimate conundrum


Haha thanks


Dang, this looks great!


Thank you!


I love this




Whoa! I love that!!


Thank you!


This is sick.


Thank you!


Hockey guy and bird guy here. This slaps.


The onnnly small nit I have is that our best-known herons are great blue herons, so it works a bit against our green color. The logo is amazing, though! Are you a professional graphic artist? This looks pro!


Thank you, I do graphic design as a hobby!


This looks great! Fine work!…. However, I’m so in love with the Boston Banshees I can’t look past it! I’m sure you spent a lot of time on this but I’d love to see what you’d do for the banshees?


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I really love your designs, you've got a great style I did think it said the circle was a pothole and didn't even blink an eye at it for a good few seconds which made me laugh


I love the name Idea and this jersey looks great!


Thank you!


Not the Herons, please. Passive, alone, quiet.... Not exactly a rallying point for a franchise or fan base, is it? Great design, but let's think a little more about this - I heard The Wicked a few months back?


Oh this absolutely BANGS. Really hope the league has some people scouring this sub for ideas. Big fan of birds and Boston so I’d dig this big time. Really like the meaning and logo design too!


Looks great but “Boston Wicked” is actually a sick fucking name and I hope they keep it