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Better be or I'll be pissed šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Me and you both Iā€™ll give up hope .


*Crying in NJ*


My beans are in the fridge ready and waiting for this. Hopefully, homegrow doesn't get cut out of this bill.


It wonā€™t great minds think alike mine are all sealed and in the fridge as well !


what you waiting for. get them in soil ;)


I would not count on it


Itā€™s in the bill !?


Then would we be able to buy clones from dispos?


You can buy clones online right now








Rec will be taxed, Medical won't. As the current bill stands, medical patients would be allowed to grow up to 5 plants. Supply will probably be an issue the first year or so when rec goes live, depending on how they handle allowing additional growers into the state. Overall prices should come down across the board after everything stabilizes.


I like to say look at NJ and how they are doing their prices for recreational. Lol i wouldn't be caught dead paying those rec prices especially for Apothecarium in store brands and brands like Seche & Savvy. I wonder whyin NJ you only get a $5 discount for medical? Instead of 60-65 for recreation its 55-60 for medical and its the same shit in PA which is 3x cheaper


Exactly. Legalization in PA will not improve what we currently have. I hope Iā€™m wrong but the MSOs will do the same thing they do everywhere else.


Legalization in PA means I can grow 5 plants...so it's a huge improvement for me.


Thatā€™s a big IF in that bill. Iā€™ll believe it when I see it. As others have mentioned, the people that will actually grow is a small number. In other states, people realize pretty fast itā€™s not all itā€™s cracked up to be when you add in the time effort & what the quality usually ends up being.


> Thatā€™s a big IF in that bill. It's literally in the bill. >As others have mentioned, the people that will actually grow is a small number. In other states, people realize pretty fast itā€™s not all itā€™s cracked up to be when you add in the time effort & what the quality usually ends up being. Ya, I mentioned that. I've also grown before so I know what I'm getting into. Hell, it will actually be easier since I won't be breaking any laws.


Decriminalization is high up on my list, as is being able to grow my own plants. My cousin grew her own plants last year, and I'm pretty sure she was already wise in the ways of growing for personal use. (From last year's harvest, she's even made some candy for me, and I can't wait to try it as I've never had an edible.) Whenever we can finally grow here in PA, she said she'll help me with her advice and experience. I'm hoping that exprienced people like you will also share your wisdom with the rest of us when we're finally allowed to grow our own. (Oh. And *everything's* an 'if' until it actually happens and becomes history. I'm gonna try to remain positive and hopeful, and why not? The possibility becomes more and more likely with every passing day.)


Just because itā€™s in the current bill does not mean it makes it into the final version that is passed. Itā€™s been in numerous bills before. The MSOs wonā€™t want it. They have clout.


>Just because itā€™s in the current bill does not mean it makes it into the final version that is passed I'm aware, but until that happens all signs are pointing to it being included. No sense being all doom and gloom about it. If you want it, I highly suggest calling your state reps. Especially if they are conservative.


No point in having hope for something that probably isnā€™t going to happen. If you donā€™t expect anything good to happen you canā€™t be disappointed. You, on the other hand, will more than likely be upset with the outcome.


> No point in having hope for something that probably isnā€™t going to happen. Lol. Stop being a doomer man. That shit is bad for you. Go outside and touch some grass. It's not all doom and gloom, I swear.


I agree 100%. The MSOs are 100% against homegrow.


its not just the msos, the state wants tax money and with rec comes crazy taxes. They will 100% remove homegrow from any bill that gets passed


If can be in the bill all day long, if your a renter you won't be able to do home grow, especially in apartments. Local municipal can pass ordinance preventing it, and last and not least is selling this in a way that shows tax revenue.... allowing home grow takes away from the medical side and also removes some people from recreational. Because bullshit your not going to help a homie down the block with an 8th or some shit.... and if prices are as high as jersey you just got a legal market. If anything they'll delay home grow until after recreational has been legal a few years.


> If can be in the bill all day long, if your a renter you won't be able to do home grow, Depends on your lease. Also, the fact that it is being rescheduled should play a roll in it as well. But ya, if you don't own the property you live on you are unfortunately limited by what the owner allows. >Local municipal can pass ordinance preventing it Sure. Local municipalities can do whatever they want. They still have dry towns as well. People living in those municipalities could also vote in people that don't ban that shit if they so choose. >and last and not least is selling this in a way that shows tax revenue You will 100% not be allowed to sell without a license. Which is fine. Use some common sense if you need to help someone out. >If anything they'll delay home grow until after recreational has been legal a few years. Home grow won't put a dent in recreational sales. How many people do you know that have gardens in the summer? Do you think the produce industry is worried about them?


Most people locally to me have gardens, even window planters, community gardens, grow tents for the more temperature controlled settings. I also know first hand how hard this sell is, my old man was the head of economic development for Northampton County. The biggest hurdle they had every time comes to tax revenue and the possibility of it getting teens/adolescent to use. Already had the Former DA off record say he was in favor of legalizing while I had him for my constitutional law class at moravain circa 2012. You want home grow get the ass hats out of york county and the middle of the state to leave office. The eastern half and Pittsburgh have given the A okay from behind closed doors up here for a decade. There's a lot behind the scenes you guys need to learn. Basically nothing in this state gets done unless someone profits somewhere either in taxes or stocks.


> Most people locally to me have gardens, even window planters, community gardens, grow tents for the more temperature controlled settings. Ok, so I'll ask my question again. Do you think the agricultural industry gives a shit about those gardens? >There's a lot behind the scenes you guys need to learn. Basically nothing in this state gets done unless someone profits somewhere either in taxes or stocks. Lol, you think that is a uniquely PA problem? 15 states currently allow home grow. The looming rescheduling also changes some things in a positive way regarding this. Recreational will be here within a couple years, if not next year. There is a very good chance that medical home grow comes along with it.


Equipment is coming down in price thankfully......but inputs are expensive. It takes some high quality inputs to get high quality bud. Not to mention the cost to maintain mother plants. It's a lot of effort




Oh yeah, definitely. Good varified genetics are not cheap. Seeds or clones


To be honest, i dont know how trustworthy others gardens are, therefore i dont know if iā€™d 100% be into clones unless they were from a reliable source.


Clones are fine....get to know more people in other states. Tissue culture is a viable way to propagate clones and is being utilized right now in all major Ag industries as well as in cannabis cultivation It's not a big scary boogey man. Just practice good IPM and quarantine protocols and you'll be fine. Honestly I don't want to have to keep growing different plants all the time and never finding things that work for me


The quality is always better than the dispensary unless you really mess it up. It is hard work but if you want to smoke actually good weed then. You have to get good genetics and grow yourself. Itā€™s so rewarding also


Yeah, there's no way you can home-grow as well as these billion dollar companies mass-producing the absolute best product possible in dedicated, state of the art facilities.


"Mass producing the absolute best" nah u gotta rethink that one lol


this statement is pure nonsense


This is grossly understated. People seem to think growing fat nugs is easy. There will be a bunch of frustrated farmers i


Iā€™ve said this for years every time one of these rabid home grow people pipe up that think theyā€™re gonna be the next Ed Rosenthal.


Depends if you are a gardener by nature. If you are able to grow houseplants and or have a vegetable garden that thrives it really is that easy. The environment is the biggest challenge but once you dial that in, the less input you give the better. But Iā€™ve never done hydro, only soil. Hydro is a whole different game that I donā€™t know. The people that flame out were never into gardening or growing plants. I love to grow all kinds of plants from carnivorous to vegetable..


I would not count on that


An even better yet analogy is Prop 215 days in CA. I prefer decriminalization over legalization


Happy Cake Day! Speaking of Cake, I wish our dispensaries could get some Cake strains (vapes and RSO for me, please!) in stock around here again. Hell, I'd be really happy if I could get a hold of Strane's Stardawg Bubblegum vapes, that alone would probably make my year! But cake. I hope you have some Cake for your Cake Day here, whether it's chocolate or with filling, or green and 'frosted', enjoy!


Cake day as in birthday or when my account was created? Cause if its birthday, mine isnt until January.


Cake day is your Reddit birthday: the day you joined Reddit. Have a happy one!


The only Dispo i like that is an Mso is Shango.


I really dont understand new jerseys prices being someone from oregon lol. Like WHY are they still so high? And the flower isnt even good enough for them to be charging that high, its definitely not a quality thing


why is not the right wordage with Jersey! They canā€™t even make left hand turns there!


If you're from oregon, then you may have heard of Nectar, Echo, Grape God, Eugreen, Luvli, Cultivated and Shango! Alllllll FIRE. For shango, Diamond batches only. Man that Dirty Buntz, Modified Banana, Horchata and Alien Banana Candy! How could I forget Evans Creek too!


Evans creek crushes archives gear heavy


Love me some archive


yeah NJ at least in Lambertville took at least a year after it went rec to get dispensaryā€™s up and running and then i saw what a friend has bought it looked similar to something you could find at a gas station. no specs was the worst part. they were not a medical patient. for ppl who are and consume rso we need safety measures even if it goes rec i personally must stay medical and possibly avoid higher taxes or no tax


Supply shouldnā€™t be a problem if they give Med patients a head start on growing. At least 6 months ahead of rec legalization.


Home grow would go into effect as soon as the bill is signed into law. I think you are overestimating not only the amount that will grow, but of those the amount that would do it well enough to eliminate the need to go to the dispo. There will be a sharp increase in demand whenever rec goes into effect. It will ultimately create a bubble where prices are super high because of the demand. In the long run prices should come down as the market gets saturated with more dispensaries and more growers as well as that initial demand spike subsiding.


Iā€™m sure in dense urban areas that will be the case. But in the middle state it shouldnā€™t be a problem. Eventually they will group and share. Then city folks will stroll to the countryside.


What is the name of the bill that would allow patients to grow 5 plants? The last homegrow bill never even made it to the senate floor to be voted on.


It's in the current recreational bill. https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billInfo/billInfo.cfm?sYear=2023&body=S&type=B&bn=0846




Senate Bill 846 never made it to the senate floor to get voted on. It was shot down.


Sorry. It's pretty much the same thing as that bill that was stalled. https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/CSM/showMemoPublic.cfm?chamber=H&SPick=20230&cosponId=42873


I just reviewed the link you link with the 220 page Act. I saw no mention of homegrow at all. I may have missed it. What page does it talk about homegrow?


Ctrl+F Search for "cultivate" or "plants"


you will have a much much much harder time parking at any dispensary you go to, and check in times will skyrocket


My guess is at first the Med patients will still get priority at the dispensaries. The State wonā€™t want to look bad initially. But inevitably over time that will cease. But hopefully by then Med patients are growing their own.


when places are required to have one door for exit and one for entrance, how do you separate med vs rec? esp when you can only check in 1 person at a time. rec will be a shitshow for med patients, and once the money starts rolling in most MSOs will prefer to cater to rec


Think amusement park and med patients have a quik pass. Thatā€™s how it worked in Mass. when they got recreational. Everyone had to stand in a long line while med card holders skipped the line.


That's how the dispensary I visited in Maryland was also med patients got priority access.


This is what I'm worried about. I can't grow bc of my kids so it seems like it's going to be a pain in the ass


Look up grow with abby


It an automatic grow box it pretty dope honestly for you're situation


Why would your children stop you from growing?


Eh I'm not ready to introduce them to all that yet. I also wouldn't take them into a dispensary either. Nothing against anyone else just a personal preference.


Fair enough. Thanks for the reaponse


If itā€™s anything like Illinois, be ready for them to start completely prioritizing recreational. The medical market here completely stopped growing after legalization


Your prices are beyond amazing. Got 10 1 gram containers of strane concentrate for 50 bucks šŸ˜‚


Howā€™d it affect the medical market? Just curious.


Havenā€™t been a medical patient for very long but from what Iā€™ve seen so far, once the recreational market opened in Illinois, the already established medical companies pretty much monopolized the medical market and started lobbying against the expansion of medical access. It doesnā€™t really seem like opening a medical dispensary is worth it to any of these companies because since then we have seen countless rec dispensaries being built with zero new medical ones. Just as an example of the fuckery, the biggest medical company in Illinois, Green Thumb Industries, was just exposed for lobbying against medical patients being able to use their tax exemption anywhere. The town I live in only allowed two dispensaries to be built and neither of them are medical, so I have to drive two towns over to get to a medical dispensary


It's going to make everything more expensive


No it wonā€™t.


I was allowed to use my med card in illinois and got much better deals, products and discounts


Same way it was in Massachusetts. It drove the cost up of both rec and medical, it's all supply and demand. Demand was heavy and people were willing to pay anything so it got ridiculous...not to mention quality really fell off for a good long while


I would like medical and rec stores to be separate. I don't want that mess


In CO, they have separate spaces for medical ans recreational within the same store. Medical basically walk right in and had to wait for recreational


That would be nice. Isn't there a limit on rec thc percentages also?


I believe so. Not sure exactly how it works but medical is definitely stronger out there


Even if theyā€™re the same store, thereā€™s different entrances and ordering processes.


What about access and shortages? I have a fear about losing very necessary pain medication, and I donā€™t smoke so processing plants I grow to try to figure out how to make what I need myself seems overwhelming given my current physical abilities.


they use completely different menus! so as a med patient, thereā€™s very rarely ever shortages from what I understand from my friend in the suburbs of Chicago. thatā€™s who I have gone to visit and have been able to use my card multiple places, I have also used in new jersey as well and same thing. New Jersey has less options and a cap on more things, recreational being the most.


Years ago, I was completly self sufficient. Was harvesting an oz every 3 weeks. One area was for mothers and seedlings the other was for flowering. Would love a legal home grow!




Recreational will cost a lot more than medical for the same product due to taxes. Medical patients might be allowed home grow as well. I see no reason to not renew my medical card if we go recreational.


I think the medical dispensaries will serve both medical patients and recreational folks. I'm thinking they will get even busier. The tax rate for cannabis for rec folks will probably be 20% (like Connecticut). New dispensaries that open will most likely be recreational only. The MSOs (multi-state operators) don't want to pay pharmacists to be involved in the dispensing of cannabis. PA is 1 of 5 states in the nation that requires a pharmacist to be involved in the dispensing of medical cannabis. There's a good chance that the lobbyists for the MSOs might convince politicians to change the law and not require a pharmacist to be involved in the dispensing of cannabis. It would be good for business but bad for patients. There are many drug interactions with cannabinoids. Homegrow ain't happening anytime soon in PA. It's sad but true. It's idiotic. PA is the only state in the nation with a medical marijuana program that does not allow for homegrow. The state can't get tax revenue from you growing your own medicine and neither will the MSOs. The MSOs will do whatever they can to try to stop homegrow. Maybe in 5 years homegrow might happen but I doubt it. As of now if a person gets caught growing even 1 cannabis plant it's an automatic felony. It's no friggen joke. If someone decides to homegrow now they need to remember 2 things: 1) Rule #1 of fight club is don't talk about fight club. 2) Loose lips sink ships. Lastly the Commonwealth might decide to have Cannabis State Stores like Liquor State Stores.


This one is of concern. I really hope they donā€™t go this way. Also, why would any dispo owners, MSOā€™s or otherwise, willingly pay a lease or mortgage on separate rec and med locations? The implementation of this bill may require this, but theyā€™re gonna fight it. Last, Iā€™m happy for anyone who can grow, but Iā€™ve researched a bit, and it does not look so easy. Iā€™m all for HG, but some of us have black thumbs šŸ˜‚


I was texting a guy from another state who grew 6 plants in medium sized indoor grow tent using soil and LED lights. The cost of equipment was around $600. His yield after drying and curing the cannabis was just under 2.5 pounds. I was kind of shocked at that. I was like 2.5 pounds? Holy crap. He took a picture as well. Then I felt upset that I can't do that in PA. In NY you can possess up to 5 pounds of cannabis. Yes, you read that right. 5 POUNDS! .


homegrow, less taxes, and the saturation and competition in the market will drive prices down considerably


You can possibly expect longer lines when picking up products


I lowkey kinda hope we get delivery lol. My friend in DC has it and it sounds pretty nice tbh


Do you expect there to be flower shortages if the state goes recreational?


I do. I remember when anxiety was added to the approved conditions, and it was incredibly difficult to purchase flower for like 6 months. At least, all of eastern PA. Don't get me wrong, I think that cannabis should be fully legal. But I'm using it to treat neuropathy and spasticity, so that was a very painful stretch of time for me and I'm sure many others. I wish they'd prepared better.


As things currently are? Yes. But a lot could be alleviated by giving Med patients a head start on growing.


It will be accepted more. You wonā€™t be looked at as a criminal by most people. It will just be another thing that regular people do. Of course there will be those who still hate cannabis and those who partake. But overall it will eventually evolve socially. And thatā€™s a win for people like us.


here in Ohio they said med patients get a discount


I would love to see a farmer to customer type thing with it still being regulated. My gripe with homegrown weed is, the cost of electricity if you're growing indoors. Sure, you may be able to control most aspects of the growing environment but also the way electric bills are nowadays I dont know how much it could skyrocket. With the lighting, you can expect to have them on for 18 hours a day and it will get HOT. If you generally have people over, it'll really smell like weed everywhere in the house unless you get a carbon air filter to neutralize some of the smell. Also, Growing is a bitch. Seriously. It takes dedication and time. To me growing is a form of art. Show your craft in the garden.


PA has a Micro-Grow Application page online, but itā€™s not active. This is a great idea, like craft beer brewing, there could be some serious ā›½ļø& šŸ”„, bc a full grow cycle and proper curing makes a difference. Expect the MSOā€™s to fight this too. Micro-grow would cost more and be worth every cent. But theyā€™re not going to allow any real competition šŸ˜ž


More of the trash will be pushed out to the recreation customers, quality will improve prices wonā€™t change much. Lab results will suddenly show tons of options at the 15% threshold. The main benefit will be home cultivation


Is this something thatā€™s trending to actually happen? I know this has been talked about for years now but is this something that could be happening soon (by 2025)?


They have until September to vote on the current bill. If it passes, recreational will most likely go into effect around this time next year.


I say, why fix something thatā€™s working well?


I agree, but bc the majority of GPā€™s/MSOā€™s are only here for rec. MMJ is their toe hold in the door. They have been impatiently waiting for this, but only to be implemented in a way that doesnā€™t threaten their profits. They donā€™t care about us, just $$$. So it will change.


Was sampling the rec program last month in Oregon. It's like night and day compared to our medical program. Like comparing a fine Farmers Market to a CVS. Of course this is Pa not Oregon, so we'll see.


There going to be a huge supply and demand issue at first causing most of deals weā€™ve come accustomed to. like a constant 30% off will disappear.


What will this mean for concentrate. Will I be able to pick up an ounce of concentrate at the store. At least 8ths for the low


House Bill 2500 includes possession limits of 30 grams of cannabis flower, 1,000 milligrams of THC products and five grams of cannabis concentrate. Confused? Me too! The flower part is straight forward, 1K mg THC probably means carts, but 5g trates is easily 4,000 mg. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You get better prices


much better edible & even drink options based on Illinois dispensaryā€™s!


I want drink options so bad.


verilife had an article on this very topic


still no homegrow, reduced conditions/harder to get a med card, increase in prices with taxesā€¦. nothing good comes from rec


Pa will never see homegrown


You are 100% correct. It ain't happening anytime soon if ever.


Why do you both think that?


1) MSOs are anti homegrow. They banded together and sent Gov Cuomo in NY a letter in 2019 warning him of the dangers of home grow. MSOs don't want to loose a single penny to homegrow. 2) Government gets no taxes from homegrow. 3) The MSO lobbyists are "in bed with" the politicians and ask the politicians to do stuff & then contribute generously to the politicians campaign. I'm not trying to be "negative Nancy" it's just reality. Cannabis is all about $$$. All the social equity stuff is a joke as well. The PA cannabis market is controlled by large companies.