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A Muslim saying something remotely similar would have been identified as T. Saying anything against her would be labeled as anti-Semitic, such is a terrible state of world we live in


zionists must have tons of blackmail material on powerful people to get away with things like this.


Nah, they're just white.


It’s both. There’s no way they don’t have a ton of blackmail material on various powerful people


Very possible.


Absolutely 💯. Epstein was an agent for Mossad. HP printers in every office around the globe gobbling up info. They obviously have complete control of the United States too. Its scary


A Dystopia we are in.


Why don’t you just say terrorist?


To avoid ban/ mod warning


But you said the right thing, why would that happen?


Reddit admins ≠ sub mods


Ah ok


Arabic is a Semitic language


But yet they call someone anti-semitic for supporting Palestinians.


U know it


Straight up thieving genocidal psychopaths


We were horrified to become aware of serial killers within our species. This is similar but on a whole another level. Psychologists will be studying them for decades and the public will remain shocked and disgusted for years to come. Monsters and freaks


She wants to go sunbathing on a graveyard


Didn’t they literally build a parking lot for a beach over the Tantura massacre site?


Jesus Christ that’s dark


One dude who participated in the massacre spoke of how he raped and killed a young Palestinian girl and laughed on camera. Think about that.


https://preview.redd.it/8boiaptsjzpc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a72b95d5fe72a268ccedc3ed79a4987d8d52369d Saw this earlier, seems relevant. Per Wikipedia, [the victims were buried in a mass grave, which today serves as a car park for the nearby Tel Dor beach.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre)




The illegal port that the US currently constructing for shitrael in Gaza are build using building ruins and debris CONTAINING REMAINS OF GENOCIDED PALESTINIANS... See Middle East Eye short video on youtube.


She wouldn't last 5 minutes in the middle eastern sun. She's clearly European.


This bitch was probably born in Hoboken and moved to Israel like 5 years ago and now she’s gonna waltz onto some property that’s been owned by a Palestinian family for like 200 years and claim it for herself because it “belongs to us”


that ancestral property was already stolen. now she wants the REFUGEE location too.


Needs a huge hat to handle mild sun but convinced she's from the middle-east. Talk about delusional


And they wonder why the world is out of sympathy for the lying thieves


I'm gonna puke


1 second in, you can really see the madness in her eyes. That right eye especially, you can see that deranged inside person coming out of what would have otherwise been thought of as a "sweet old lady". Someone get the exorcist.


It's too late for an exorcist. The demonic possession has been hard-wired into their psyche for 57yrs.


Longer actually, at least a century


The United States will never live down the shame of its government and its citizens taking part in this absolute HORROR. 


I think it's only a brief matter of time before we distance ourselves from these folks. You're right it's very shameful and its out in the open. I expect a "yeah, uh about our relationship... it's not you it's us" conversation will be held at some point soon behind closed doors, regardless of our govts general immorality and incompetence 


Israel won’t exist in 10 years, but the kids radicalized by the genocide will still be hunting these Zios.


> radicalized by the genocide "Radicalized" isn't the right word IMO — hating zionists for causing a genocide should be normal behavior by all humans.


And it’s not just the Palestinians or the kids/young from other countries helping Palestine. It’s all of us, everywhere. It’s millions in America and Canada, in Europe, Africa, all the countries whose leaders are aiding in the genocide while their civilians watch and remember. We will remember. And we will never, ever forget.


Yep, totally agree. I’m no kid. I’m not Jewish or Muslim and I never met anyone who was until I was an adult—I have no reason to care about this conflict, but I think about it every day, all the time. I will never forget and I will never forgive the flippant, casual way that genocide is just for funsies to these deranged people. It’s a crime against humanity. I will never support Israel, anyone who accepts AIPAC money, and if it were up to me, I would say that by going too far and radicalizing an entire country to support apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and deliberate starvation of 2 million people, you give up the right to self-determination. Go back to New Jersey or wherever your second passport is from.


I’m Australian. I loathe all things Israel now. I used to feel sorry for them. But now seeing the truth about Israel and Zionists, I despise them. I buy nothing with Israeli input.


Man yes it will. I wish it wasn't this way, but in 10 years Palestine will be gone, Israel will be all there is, and the western governments will just dodge any questions or discussion on it. The media of the world will not print anything about it, and if it's ever even mentioned in passing it'll be "such a tragedy Hamas caused this". It'll be 30 or 40 years before history looks back on it as the genocide it is, but in the interests of geopolitics governments still won't actually do anything.


This was always a land grab. How they think of themselves as the victims while senselessly murdering Palestinians is psychotic.


They already stole a couple hundred miles of coastline just north of Gaza. Fuck these zionazis.


Living in a battlefield on top of peoples corpses. What is wrong with these people. This woman is revolting to me


Yes. She is a revolting sociopath. But her attitude is typical of American and Australian Zionists. They all talk like this.


She says it with such pride. I’m baffled how these people think. Their sense of logic. She says it as if it’s only right and like they are doing the world a service. I don’t mean to imply that all Jewish people are like this ethnic cleansing supporter. But if someone said we should wipe out all Jews from Israel and make it a land for Muslims and Christian’s to live that would be antisemitic. I’m ashamed of America for supporting this. And it saddens me to think that American soldiers died in WW2 for this to happen by the hands of the descendants of those they helped free.


A disgusting sense of entitlement. I agree with your comment. Well said.


Having a whole development plan ready to build on top of Palestinian corpses is wild.


I never thought we’d be seeing manifest destiny-style colonialism in the 21st-century…


The selfishness and callousness are actually SICKENING.


"We CAN'T just let ~~their~~ a strip of land lie there, all by itself! We HAVE to ~~steal~~ take it: it's our ~~might~~ right!"


What a hateful piece of subhuman detritus.


Scum of the Earth.




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Saw Zone of Interest the other day.. the tragic irony is not lost on me here


Just so... ironic in the worst way ever imagined.


Glazer is basically modern day Jesus at this point. Sacrificed his career for that acceptance speech


This is the face of a terrorist.


so if Gaza is part of the state of Israel, and the people forced to live there couldn't vote on the Israeli government because of their ethnicity, she's admitting that Israel isn't and wasn't a democracy, right?


Yes but no, because she doesn't think Palestinians are people.


Fck this genocidal white lady.


![gif](giphy|eQYE2toD7Pnpu) meet the new nazis, the Israelis


I have a feeling they were Nazis then they disguised themselves.


\*shaking my head\* -- USA -Isreeli settlers never seem to have enough ...


Jordan and Lebanon should be worried. As soon as they have gobbled up Palestine they'll be looking for more. They have already stolen land from Syria.


Videos like these will circulate forever damming these people for eternity


Looks like America never stopped with manifest destiny


Maybe instead of taking it over they could've just used Gaza as a vacation spot as a tourist like normal people do. And if you really want to move there just do it but call it Palestine and be nice to the Palestinians. Pay Palestinian taxes, obey Palestinian laws and respect their cultures. It's easier to live and let live. But of course you'd rather be a colonizer.


Sick demented fucks.


Another enemy to humanity, i hope non of her deranged dreams come true ✌️🍉


Disgusting human being.


So now it’s too important to leave it to the Palestinians, but weren’t they denying this was a land grab in the beginning? 🤔  And it’s wild people can move onto land that would be on top of people’s graves and destroyed homes, let alone talk about it like it’s happened already and it’s normal. Eww.  *N her voice makes me not wanna watch certain Arthur episodes anymore. She sounds like Francine’s grandma. 


The whole of “israel” is built on top of a graveyard So yeah its normal for them to


Yeah ik, but the gaslighting on such a large scale is maddening. This same society full of people like this can turn around and act like progressives and civilized people and the world buys it (bc they hide behind identity politics and being useful by way of capitalism). This t****rist base disguised as a country has been able to continue their colonization and genocide without consequence (yet. May Allah seize the zionists with a grip that won’t let go. May He grant the Palestinian people and land freedom from the zionists and their accomplices. And may the freedom of the Palestinians be means of freedom for all the oppressed. Ameen). 


It has always been a land grab.


That question wasn’t stemming from confusion, it was to call out the hypocrisy and lies of the people denying it was a land grab way earlier when people were calling it out. These same folks called Palestine an empty, useless piece of land that they turned into something…yet they stole it under the guise of it being important to their religion and them being indigenous to it. 




Evil with a smile and grandma vibes... chilling.


mindless indoctrinated robots.


Support BDS and isolate Israel. These people (Zionists not Jews to be very clear) don‘t belong within the global community.


now they want the open air concentration camp


Loathesome human garbage.


Zionists are simply evil. I can’t even pretend any longer that they aren’t irredeemably terrible.


The hypocrisy is unreal I’m fuming


She doesn’t look even the tiniest bit Arabic.


Zionist trash


May they meet the resistance when they arrive 🔻


Disgusting subhumans


Nowonder why trees will speak their presence in end times


Give them all beachfront property in Lebanon.


These people in the Biden Administration and European governments really need to stop covering their eyes. These people are in the Israeli Government. They're extremists, sure, but they're not on the fringe. You can't support Israel without empowering these people, and it doesn't matter what you think, they want the Palestinians removed from the whole territory and their history erased. Which we all know is genocide.


with all the bombs that have been dropped in mind, i ask: move into what?




Psychopaths… all of these settlers are psychopaths


This is demonic.


The Nazis called it living space when they marched into Poland and Russia. What Israel is doing is exactly the same thing and with any luck it will end the same way.


Can I say on here the c word!?


Get rid of Israel, defund ALL ZIONISTS, Destroy and jail IDF/ISRAEL's Government and Muslims, Jews & Christians will live in peace for centuries  No U.S BRITISH INVOLVEMENT. Leave it in Russia's leadership and there will be peace 


The Zionazis need Lebensraum.


They also need Kollektivschuld.


Tough, that only comes with defeat, and denazification. Here's hoping.


This is the whole reason behind everything, this why he let the attack go through on israel.


Find the hat. Find the hate.


Wow her people are the real terrorists.. what an egoistic woman


Does she have a house in the US? Squat it




That ignorant psychopathic smile as she explains how wonderful it will be when Gaza will get taken over and how it’s all planned out… Absolutely vile.


Typical American with the attitude of entitlement. She and her peers already have a home in USA, so supporting genocide in Gaza is necessary for her and her peers to have a vacation home. Truly, pure evil.


"can't just take a piece of land, it's our sovereign state". you can say that again.




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"Yes we have no problem building our new townships on the bones of those we've murdered, we've done it before."


Ilse Koch vibes.


I’m confused, lacking brain cells. Did the OP actually communicate with this lady?!?


The illegal port that the US currently constructing for shitrael in Gaza are build using building ruins and debris CONTAINING REMAINS OF GENOCIDED PALESTINIANS... See Middle East Eye short video on youtube.


She just said "We TOOK a piece of land" they know it's not theirs, the dehumanisation and condescending these people treat the Palestinians with make me wanna puke fr.


She just says this so matter of fact like … it’s truly disgusting, but that is the plan


Sad thing is, they will succeed and this will happen.


They are truly sick in the head.


This is proof positive that anal sex can end in pregnancy. The result is you get a zionist.