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I've noticed in the chat that in time for the chapaa chase event, the game automatically sends me to a different server. My guess is that S6 wants us to suffer, and by sending players to the same servers, chapaa chase will be more populated and competitive. Rewarding the players for team effort would have been more fun.


I was actually hoping for more games. I was picturing more of a festival or fair with competitive mini games and prizes.


yeah I'm shocked at how little content was in the Majii market. I guess it was just a desperation to get people to log back in




The new event is a market where you can buy stuff mostly exclusive to the event. Inside of that market is a small event where Chapaa’s in a petting zoo get free and run around while everyone races to pick them up and bring them back to the pen. You get spendable tickets for every Chapaa you bring back. I think the event is fine, I was just expecting more games is all.


Something that was supposed to be fun and cute, turned out to be such a competitive unfun grind, idk if i just had different expectations or yall expected it to be this way and are enjoying?... I just don't think "competitive" stuff should be added into this game... am i alone in this? this is not what i had in mind when i saw "cozy" genre. I had my first rage quit moment, didn't expect to have that in this game of all games (cozy?)... when not being able to catch a single chapaa since everyone is spawn camping and sweating, this is not fun at all... anyone else feel this way?


This event sounded like it was going to be in a large open field. If it actually had been, it would have probably worked better. But in it's current set up, yeah it is way too competitive.




This would be way better. Cooking together shares rewards and xp, gathering the same tree and ore does too…


now that I've done it a second time, once you realized what spots they appear most often, just ran around spamming F and you can get a decent amount. But still...not as great as I way hoping


It really was such a bummer because the market itself is pretty cute. If the volume was like, 3x more of them and there were more spawn spots, even that would make it nicer. There's no reason to create such a bottleneck by having the spawn rate be so small. It's a 5 min event and I'm only able to get like, 4 Chapaa - running in circles getting fewer than 1 a minute is such bad design. It's genuinely silly. I don't even care that the number of tickets needed to get every single item is super high (I like the idea of needing to choose and dedicate to the couple that you want, they're just different skins of the same item and they come back next event) but it's so stupid that I'd need to grind like hell to even get one or two and be competing to do it.


The first time playing it I saw the number of chapaa's being collected at the top and I thought "oh cool! We are all working together to get these!" Then when it ended it said I got 3...I like my way better.


I'm less stressed playing Dead by Daylight than the Chapaa event... this should be telling.


I am so glad I skipped this! Just gonna play other stuff and keep an eye on Palia updates until it becomes something I want to play again.


No no, I have to kind of agree with you. While I still manage to have fun, I have noticed just how fucking sweaty people are getting with the chaapa chase game, it's kind of...too much. I've been to the event area several times but now I just don't really care to try anymore. I'm trusting that this is a learning experience for the devs because the chaapa game would be way fun (if, like I saw someone mention in another comment, there was a bit open field or something), not right in the middle of the festival area.


The prizes don't really feel worth it either, imo. I was hoping for at least one little costume item. A silly hat, or goofy novelty glasses, anything. I'm not going to complain TOO much, seeing as it's literally the very first event, but it's still kind of disappointing.


Biggest reason I don't really give a care is that I only wanted 1 prize, kinda...the wallpaper. I don't care for toys in my aesthetic so the majority of objects are useless to me. Once I get the 1500 ticket item, I unlock the thing I actually want (the shoji screen) And frankly, the fact the Shoji screen is a 1-off reward I can't get multiple of DEEPLY infuriates me.


It’s not fun when I’m about to catch one and some rando a mile away snatches it. I stopped going and now use that time to server hop for the purple ore. Worked out pry well.


> now use that time to server hop for the purple ore Huh?


Palium ore. Idk how ur confused. I often forget it’s name so and it’s purple-ish so purple ore


For a second I thought I had missed some special type of ore in the maji market zone!


Everything is too expensive. I was about to buy the skateboard for $5k but I guess it's just a decoration?? Then the game glitched and didn't acknowledge Kenyetta getting the food she requested so I had to go back and do it again but after spending all my money she wasn't interested in any of the food from Reth's stand. They made her too stuck up. Didn't catch a single chapaa. Hit the drum once, caught a fish, and the event was over.


You have to get it from his event store, not his regular stuff.


The only part I dislike is accidentally trying to talk to the npcs instead of picking up the Chapaa.


I mean, it's fun in a basic way, it's just poorly designed structurally. The idea of catching Chapaa is fine. They just don't tell you there are 5 locations they can spawn that get camped and anyone running around trying to have fun will get last place and maybe 3 Chapaas if they are lucky. ​ I have no issue with competitive play. There just aren't enough Chapaas per event. (Group goal is 60? That's literally impossible with 5 people). There are too few spawns so you are better off standing still and spamming F on a spawner...and so it isn't as fun as it SHOULD be...because of the design. The bonus tickets are incredibly difficult to get so you just have to grind it. I think it's poorly designed....the goals are too high for the bonuses and the prices are too high for what you are getting (2 plushies and some recolors). Imo, they need to just double or triple the number, and more than double the areas they can spawn so nobody can just stand and spam unless they have a disability and that's all they can do. ​ I don't like the ticket rewards, so this isn't my problem. I just spent enough for the shoji screen and will just be taking up space in the market during events and ignoring it while fishing. What I do want is the market purchases like the Veggie decor/Basket, the starred food (the ones that don't have ugly plates) and the vase/plant lantern. Those are lovely. The unlocks are also really nice. The arch and the shoji screen are very cool. Very mad I can't make more or buy more.


Chapaa event is ultra competitive with people fighting over spawn points. Firework badges are ultra competitive with people fighting over drums. The market itself is so overpriced that it requires people to grind money for dozens of hours to get anything. Overall, this game has instantly dropped several spots on my interest list after trying the Maji market only twice (two in-game days). I'm not sure if I'll even play again this week.


Firework badges?


Go to the in-game event page and scroll down. You have to trigger the special fireworks from the drums 3 times. It's shared with everyone in the server though so there's multiple people running around trying to finish the drums and you just need to be lucky to be the one person that triggers the final drum.


Oh! I had no idea. Honestly thought it was just to set off fireworks and that's it. Thank you for the clarification!


I haven’t even been on for the last week and was considering getting on today. Seeing that this is an event like that just threw up so much anxiety.


Lol wait at gate / spawn point pick up and walk to cage.. Until others noticed what I was doing 😂 4 people waiting at same point.. And the other 500 million people running around.. To crowded to do again.. But hey played the game for a week and ran out of content already 😆


Well i don't know, but for me Is fun, i don't know why the people are complaining, maybe it's because i like farming games and for me the fact that you need to be more quick than the other, it's the essence of the fun For me this evento it's a 7 The other thing Is that this Is a beta and everyone wants the perfect stardew valley mmo when it's bot This Is just a recent game...


OMG you guys will find ANYTHING to put this game down!! Go play something else


Sorry to say this but that is a brainless take on an obviously badly executed mini game for the event.


But "badly executed mini game" is YOUR opinion. And apparently it's the cool thing lately to bash a game that's clearly in beta and the devs are doing what they think is the right thing. It's not perfect I agree. But if they are continually letting you down, why are you playing it? I watched a YouTuber play the mini game, complain about it, complain more about the game, and his next video was him playing the game!! Give them a chance. Again, no not everything is perfect, but for God's sake, stop beating a dead horse and move on. If the games not for you, then go!! But stop playing it while you're complaining about it ffs


They aren't continually letting me down though. I am enjoying the game, I play it practically every day for the past few weeks. Made friends and some really cool connections. Which is what the game is about. A friendly cozy relaxing game. But I can still complain, anyone can still complain about something they don't like. If I like eating food at a restaurant I always go to but then they serve me something cold I'm not just going to sit there and deal with it. I'll make a complaint in a constructive manner. This opinion I have is also apparently one that the vast majority share. After any Chappa Chase mini game, you can ask if everyone agrees that it's the only let down of the entire event and 9/10 times you'll get everyone agrees. The other 10th time it's someone who just says it's fun (which it is very cool concept) just. "Badly executed"


Also, even they agree they need to take a look at it. https://preview.redd.it/3sklxcttarlb1.png?width=1348&format=png&auto=webp&s=209fc14b6b89d783f2396f36dfffe183337732bc


The event lasts for an entire month, if none of yall can't get enough tickets for what you want, it's not the dev team behind Palia that's at fault here


I dont get how to start the chapaa hunt event? There nothing ingame to indicate that. Do I have to do all the quests first?


It starts a little after midnight in game, after the fireworks go off.




hate it.... defying the whole cozy aspect...


Haven’t been able to login due to a busy schedule but I was excited about the market event. Sounds like I should probably not bother. I don’t want to compete. If I wanted a competitive game I’d play one. This doesn’t sound like a very cozy event.


100% agree with this, I have managed to get 3 chappas. That was because I got up really early in my day and there wasn't the normal amount of players or groups there. I don't even try anymore. There is no way I would ever be able to get 500 chappas. I guess I could attempt to join a group that camps the spawn points, but then I would be as rude as they are. I would rather just kill chappas out in the wild so that I can actually gain something for it