• By -


I didn't know how to use flares when I first started. The first few groves I found I would announce in chat the whereabouts and to look for flare. Then load my flare, aim up into the sky and shoot, sending the flare hundreds of yards away. I realized my mistake when somebody else at grove sid in chat: "I guess he has really bad aim?" LOL.


LMAO I definitely did that the first time I shot a flare


I think a lot of us did


I think all of us did.


I still do it lol


Did that an embarrassing number of times with pal nodes before the switch to how they work now and wondered why no one could find me 😂


Oh, you refreshed my memories about learning how to do flares. ~~I blocked it. :)~~ *TO be honest I still sometimes shoot a flare after a sernuk or a chappa when I forget that it was last type of arrow I had used XD For that reason I decided to storage my fireworks untill I actually need them.... :)*


haha yeah I don't know why, but I think accidentally shooting a firework is worse. It's so loud and such a spectacle.


I used a flare for the first time yesterday and did the same exact thing. LOL


Wait…how do they work? Haven’t used one yet…


You use your bow and shoot down at the object. The smoke will billow upwards. It’s also a good idea to call out what color your flare is.


Thank you! This saved me from the same embarrassment because I definitely would’ve tried to shoot it straight up. And thanks, I’ve been trying to pick up all the chat etiquette by observation, but don’t say much since I’m on Switch.


I used the switch chat for the first time over the weekend. I've been playing for roughly 6 months now. God is it tedious. I kept pulling up the emoji keyboard on accident when trying to send. Wish it was a little easier.


Same here. Just shot straight out. Someone standing next to me to aim it at the ground. They were real nice about it.


Lmaoooooo I love this so much and your realness 😂


I did this for a good like 2-3 months before I figured it out lol


I wouldn't have known how to used one if I hadn't happened to find a grove at the same time someone else did and watched them shoot a flare into the ground and honestly shooting into the sky makes SO MUCH more sense 😂


Honestly the most embarrassing thing is telling chat about a medium size ft, flaring it and waiting and then when no one replies or shows up after a while so I'll just cut it by myself and on the last swing someone comes and tries to chop, but they are too late and I feel like a monster for not seeing them earlier lol This happened again earlier today and the dude just sat down on the ground and then replied in the chat "I'm a switch player:(" As a fellow switch player I felt the pain


It would be so cool if palia brought in quick response that are hotkeyed like emotes. That way you can quickly select the message you want to send and not mess around with the keyboard Edit: the idea has been submitted to Palia! Took me a while to find this resource, but you can submit ideas for palia on their website! 🤞


Yes!!! If they did this I hope they give us the option to make our own quick response bubbles and not pre-programmed ones. It would optimize for everyone honestly


Lifehack, you can plug your keyboard to the switch and it will work as you type in chat!


Omg are you serious! Holy cow! I'm doing this right now! You're a life savor


That's a fantastic idea!


The switch keyboard learns the same way your phone keyboard does. If you type "omw" enough times, the auto fill options will start populating it. If you type "med pal flared" enough times, it'll start suggesting "flared" every time you type "pal". Once you train the keyboard, it gets less annoying. Still annoying, but... less, lol


The other day I found a flow tree & called it out. Waited and only 1 person came. Called it out again and nobody said anything in chat, so we chopped. Turned around and there were two other people running up with their axes. I felt like a monster


Best thing to do, if you can cut it yourself. Set a time. If someone shows up, then give a cut time. That way it gives anyone coming an incentive to say something or decide whether they can make it or not.


If you play docked you can hook up a keyboard via the USB port inside the dock! It’s also possible to hook one up directly to the switch using a USB-A to USB-C conversion dongle, but if the switch is in your hands it’s simpler to just use the touch screen.


Haha at least he gets it.


I didn't even know it was possible to chop one solo 😜


You can with an exquisite axe and if the tree is a small or medium. A large tree needs more people to cut


you can with an exquisite ax!


I was trying to break a stone at the same time as someone for the achievement and I kept accidentally getting out the wrong tool (I’m on switch) first I got out my axe, then my bow. It was too late by the time I got out my pick axe, I just left lol


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally grabbed my axe and swung at another player when I was trying to pick a rock or throw a bug catcher, omg! And when the chat isn’t working on top of that?? 🫠 I just know there are players out there who are convinced I’m a sociopath 😫


Or me trying to fish a Sernuk. Lol


The number of times I've accidentally hoed bugs because I don't bug catch often and forget what I Hot keyed my belt to XD 


Ugh that happens to me all the time!!! It's hard being a switch player


Haha yes! I was carrying my fishing pole when I thought I was carrying my bow tonight.


I tried to shoot disco deer and Muujin in front of other people but cast the fishing rod instead 😭


I’ve come running up on a group at a flow tree trying to hit the tree with my pickaxe🤦🏼‍♀️


Casting out the fishing rod instead of literally anything else is so embarrassing 😅


Omg yes it's so embarrassing when I keep chopping pal with an axe lol


Accidentally watering the trees at the grove…


Definitely pulled my watering can out by accident at a grove once or twice... a day.


Just lean into it and water each one. It will probably give everyone a laugh!


We had a sernuk glitch and someone was hacking it with an axe while I was watering it. Probably my favorite moment in the game so far.


😂 that's a good one


Well just tonight I didn't notice someone was on my plot until I turned to run out of a room and there was someone standing there. I jumped so violently in real life that I startled my cats and husband. Sooo that was cool.


lmaooo i got surprised by someone watering my plants, i was was working on the plot too pulling/replanting and I guess they were following on behind me watering?? i never saw them was just wondering why i heard watering sounds 😂 finally turned around and saw them and was so flabbergasted i just stood there and watched them as they trotted off around the corner and disappeared 😂 thank you random stranger, i didnt even notice your name


Also had a random water-er at my plot. Kinda messed up my cotton and so now everything is harvesting uneven, but I appreciate the effort.


Every time! I've been thinking about closing my plot because it's so unsettling. Why doesn't something come across the screen to let you know someone else is there?! Like in animal crossing.


This would make sense! Enough of the jump scares.


I had that happen today. I was cooking. Missed the chop, but she decided to help so it was all good.


Haha I love this. I didn't know people could come to my plot!! My housing plot is not suitable for any visitors. Not even close. I was cooking when I saw someone behind me. I immediately froze.


I accidentally shot a flare at a disco doggy in front of like five people…..almost wanted to just log off then and there and not play for like a week


If it helps, the only thing I think when that happens is 'oh this is a nice person who uses flares'+'happy I'm not the only one who forgets to switch arrows'.


Seriously. I enjoy when it happens to other people, but me? How could I be so careless and inattentive?! This is how I think we should think about single FTs too. I feel bad if someone misses the FT by a few seconds, but the most we get from a single tree isn't worth the invisible pressure we put on ourselves. Even if we miss it or they miss it - many, many more will come. Idk someone missed the grove last night and they were really upset in chat. People were being nice, but also pointing out that it wasn't anyone's fault that they missed the grove. I was like, "I'll give you wood if you request" I kinda figured they had something else going on in their life and that grove was just the straw that broke the camel's back. This game shouldn't be stressful. If something happens, it's okay! We can ask each other for help and there will more than likely be someone willing and if not, try the next server. I want people to be able to relax while playing and not give in to added stressors when this should be a stress-reliever.


I'm dying haha


So am I on the inside I still haven’t recovered from doing that 😭😭


Hahaha and then you wonder if you would say something in the chat or just run away


Literally thankfully they didn’t say anything and we just went after the disco doggy


I mean, it's legit to flare it in case someone else wants to join the hunt xD but I usually just write in chat to ignore the flare and that i was trying to hunt something, usually people will have a good laugh about it because everyone has done it at some point haha


When I first started, I didn’t realise chappas were for hunting. So I ran past them ALL the time- to think of how many meat and pelts I could have had. Also I didn’t realise I needed the smoke bombs for bugs and kept throw thin air at the things and kept wondering why I couldn’t catch any 🤣


the bugs sitting there like "is this psychological warfare?"


OML THE BUG ONE IS SO REAL, I didn't realise you needed the bombs and I thought you were meant to have a like wooden bug catcher or something, so I thought my game was mega glitched. I played for like a week and a half before i realised 😭


LOL I ran out of bombs during a flow grove bug lure once and didn't realize it because everyone else was throwing them. Hopefully no one noticed in all the chaos 😅


That has happened to me more times than I care to admit! I always forget to check my ammo pouch when leaving my plot and end up woefully unprepared for bug/sernuk battle.


I got stuck on a FLAT rock and was vigorously dry humping said rock....while a person was patiently waiting for me to hit ore (back before it was forage like). I was so embarrassed that my brain forgot the unstuck trick. I humped my way off the rock FINALLY got to the person and the ore. I have no clue what it looked like on her end, but we both just continued on clearing out that area. Kicker is, I go across that rock all the time and never had the issue again.


Hahaha this one made me cry laughing


I was laugh/crying. It was too ridiculous NOT to.


Did you take the rock to dinner first?


It was an impromptu fling. It never called.


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


😂 this one had me looking like I was crying. The rock remembers the love you show to it 😂


Meaning to clap after a ft is cut or a glambi downed with others and accidentally choosing my watering can


Maybe they thought you were pouring one out for Glambi


🥲😂rip to the homies


Good one! We should all start doing this


Not something I did, but two nights ago I was afk on my phone and was sitting near the dragon shrines, and I'm wearing the firewalker outfit so I have a flame swirling around me when I'm idle. Someone CREPT up to me with a smoke bomb and actually hit me then ran once they realized. Nothing was said in chat but I was dying.




Hunt with a flare 🤪


I wish they'd give a separate weapon like a flare gun!


That would be nice!!


Oh lawd can you imagine everyone hitting flares up multiple times? What a shit show!


Hahahaha hilarious 🤣 I once saw a girl Pull her fishing pole out to hit some pal


That could be me 😂


Lol it’s all good


I embarrass myself *constantly* because that’s just how I roll lol but I think my finest moment was one time when I was playing on my crappy laptop with an out of date graphics card, I excitedly flared what I thought was my first dari clove and called it out in chat, running around it in circles waiting for the peeps in the flow tree farm party I was in to pick it. A crowd forms, someone picks it… and it’s a frickin’ sweet leaf 😂😅 I felt like such a fool lmao Bonus story: a couple nights ago, someone watched me lose a starred ancient fish. I ran off the pier afterwards, ported home and logged out for the night lol


LOL at the sweet leaf 🤣 Also I have definitely lost 2 ancient fish. Fishing is not that easy!!!


I actually had a nice interaction where they saw me lose an epic fish, but then catch it later! I think their chat wasn’t working but they jumped up and down with me ❤️


That’s so sweet! I get so anxious fishing in front of others these days because lately I’ve had a weird amount of folks pointing and laughing at me while I fish? But I love little interactions like this where players show each other support, even if it isn’t through chat. It literally puts a stupid grin on my face for the next five mins when it happens for me lol


Hahaha I got spice sprouts and heat root mixed up for a bit and was flaring it and calling it out in chat like I was some sort of hero.


Omg lmao, I love this. Your heart was in the right place 😂 I’ve also been known to hunt spice sprouts because I’ve mistaken them for chapaa lol


I've run up to many a chapaa thinking I was restocking my spice sprouts.


Accident laughed at someone when they didn’t catch their ancient fish :/ - I ran far away


Ey u/isntthisneat ! Think I found them! Lol




Entered a hotpot party without knowing there was a strategy they used. I just played to win.


What's a hotpot party? Does it involve car keys in a bowl?


During the lunar new year, there was a festival event in Palia, and the festival area has its own map (which you’d enter on the northeast end of Kilima). There were activities like chapaa catching, making wishes, prize wheels, and a game called hotpot in which 2-4 players gather around a hotpot table and you draw cards that list ingredients and the goal is to have 3 combos of 3 of the same ingredient in order to earn a lot of points. If I recall correctly, I think there will be 3 festivals a year. I can’t wait for the next one! Some of the villagers also set up stalls and they sell things you won’t get outside of the festival. Like the maji plushie. ♥️ EDIT: changed northwest to northeast


Aw that sounds great! Looking forward to it!


Isn’t it Southeast? Northeast takes you to Bahari.


Uhhh wasn't that what we were supposed to do xD i also just played to win


Accidental flares are a big one from me! I feel you on that one lol


im always like IGNORE THAT LAST FLARE in chat lmfao


Yes!! I swear I still accidentally do that once a week. Then run away to a different area away from the scene of the crime in embarrassment


"no nearby people? thank God." ![gif](giphy|L3KnjbC5LMQHkCOK7k)


I play on switch and whenever I try to get my pick, I accidentally end up with my fishing rod. Many a times I’ve shown up to a pallium call and accidentally cast a line 🫠 Even worse when I accidentally grab my axe and swing at someone when I was trying to get, like, the bug catcher or something. It’s always mortifying trying to type out a “Sorry, that was an accident!!!” fast enough lol


Honestly anything I do interacting with another live player. I waited 5 + minutes in real life waving and jumping by a random flow tree before.


I really reckon there should be certain chat abilities to click especially while playing on the switch


I think we all agree chatting on the switch is the WORST


- Hitting a tree with my pickaxe. - Trying to mine an ore with my axe. - Trying to catch a bug with my watering can. - Hunting with a flare. - Using normal arrows to flare for location. - Trying to climb on something, just to get stuck & someone is watching me struggle. - My glider having a mind of it's own & won't stop opening and closing... I mean- me spamming on my spacebar to open my glider because I thought it wasn't working. I was lagging. - Removing the wrong seed when gardening and I have to replant the same seed I just removed. - Using the wrong emotions when wanting to greet someone. I'm sorry person. I wasn't pointing at your nose boogers. I promise. That's all I got.


Hang on, how do you remove seeds??


There have been a few times when I’ve stumbled upon a large pal, but when I check the server, it says 0 players nearby, so I just chop it instead of calling it out, and as soon as I finish, another player will come running past 😭


With the update, it's ok to mine it on your own. It's still visible to other players, so you can still call it out so others can mine it. It disappears 3mins after the first mine.


When I'm too tired to type on the switch at night, I just flare it and then hit it. That way close-by people can at least come get it! That's my theory, stickin to it. lol




Bruhhh. I wish I had seen this.


I accidentally type in the server chat instead of whisper ALL THE TIME. It's awful.


the worst time i did that was when i meant to whisper my cousin and like i don't even remember what i said but it was mortifying saying something out of context to a bunch of strangers instead of privately to someone you've known for thirty years ya know 🤣


I accidentally called out a flow tree to nearby players (there were none) without realizing. Then I waited a minute and said "anyone free to help" and everyone was like "help with what?"


Try whispering to a person you just explained something to (so you don't really know them) instead of typing in the server chat. That's some fun


My favorite is when I accidentally type in chat because I didn't realize I had it open to type. Then, I hit enter to send it before I erase and end up saying "w" or "m" or something like that to the server.


Forgetting to double click enter after calling out something then actually sending a long line of w to everyone on the server


I did this SO many TIMES!


Besides often missing my tool and trying to choo a node, or whip a sernuk with my fishing rod... Which happens often. Well lemme tell ya then. -The other day I was out of corals, and went on my merry way to get said corals. Upon arriving T the beach i Bahari, i started gathering shells and oysters, aswell as searching for corals. But there were no corals to see/gather. -So while searching I started hunting bugs and crabs. After hunting bugs and crabs for awhile I finally came upon a coral, and got real excited. So I threw a smoke bomb after it, because I really wanted that coral. But I did not react to my bomb, which I took as the game bugging out on me. So to make sure I got that coral, I just three bomb after bomb.. after bomb after bomb after that GD coral.... I must have thrown bombs after that thing for close to a full minute without it reacting.... And then it dawned on me....


For the longest time I thought “flared” was used as meaning “infected”, so basically when someone typed “grove at this location flared” i thought it was just a game terminology, that grove is in itself flared (I hope I made any sense lol) So I have announced grove locations couple of times as “grove here and here flared” without actually using a flare. Someone out there thinks I’m a big fat liar.


😂 I didn't know was pal meant at the beginning, and kept seeing people say it in the chat with coordinates, and I legitimately thought they were telling their pals where they were so that could find them.


That's me! codename: Large Pal 😂


I was trying to say thank you or compliment someone and I accidentally did the laughing and pointing emote


When we’re playing together I call out palium to my husband when it’s a just a rock all the time, along with a ton of other miss-calls like rare bugs. He probably hates it lol


The regular rocks get me all the time!


First flare I ever shot, didn’t know I had to shoot at the object thought I had to shoot to the sky above the object. Shot off like 3 before I figured it out. One girl used the clapping emote.


So this isn’t really so much embarrassing on my part, but I wear the Soothsayer outfit and I get shot at at least once a day lol


I was wearing the azure chapaa onesie and my friend kept shooting at me. LoL


I have come close to shooting at other players so many times.


The emotes are my enemy… I accidentally shake my head or aggressively point when I meant to switch tools. Happens sooo often at groves 🥲


I think I’ve posted this here before, but when I was playing on my switch lite when I first started, I had set it down to go do something. And when I came back, my cat had laid against it and I was standing face first into a cliff, waving. And from how long I know my cat was there, I was waving for… a while. 🤣🫠




When you used to have to type “/unstuck” in chat to unstick yourself, I accidentally typed “ /unstuck” to the whole server 🤦🏼‍♀️


Last week I flared something and forgot to switch back and did the same exact thing. It took me 5 freaking flares to realize what I was doing! People started running towards me! I was so embarrassed! I wear hearing aids but not when I game (because overstimulation) so I can’t hear the difference in sounds. 🤣


I have to switch my arrow back immediately after I flare or I'll forget. I don't even get my ax or pick for the tree or ore I just called out first. 😂


Sometimes i go to fast in the game and whenever i try to take out my axe i always accidentally take out my fishing rod instead so here i am fishing in the middle of a field


The first few times I tried using the flare, I thought people were using fireworks? So I used fireworks and proudly announced the med pal was flared ... it was not...


When you're trying to explain something or saying sorry in the chat but your on switch so it takes forever and by the time you finish they have left the server already


I was struggling to catch fish next to somebody for a while, when I finally caught one it was a boot They proceeded to do the laughing motion in my direction


I was running around in Bahari mining when a guy started to mine with me and follow me around. So we ran around a bit together when I saw a ft. I called it out, waited with the guy there. No one came so I said "chop at x time" time came. I started to chop and...my axe was too low for the tree. I wasn't able to chop it. While that guy kust waited for me so we could chop it together. I just logged out


ive done that lol


I got to level 80 or so while not knowing I can increase focus. I saw on YouTube that it's something you need to do so I communed with the dragon statue behind waterfall and in that other garden in kilimia but I thought it was a one time thing. I bought out all home plot and when my renown started piling up I went and bought all the wallpapers for renown. It was too late when I realized I needed to bring my focus to 100%. Still recovering from this, now I am at 78% focus and didn't even increase my focus cap once yet.


Lmao I’ve caught someone pointing at my face once when they was hunting😂 But my embarrassing thing is me getting stuck on a cliff or glitching into the windy ruins right by the nest with my body inside the ground and my head sticking out of the ground lol


😂 if people could see me trying to get up cliffs sometimes when it's glitchy and I'm accidentally pulling out my glider a bunch of times


When I flare a pal node and as soon as someone comes, it spawns out 😖


I didn’t know that the renown maxed out at 1000. I played through almost the entire main story line, and about a month of playing 2-4 hours everyday before I found out 🙃 I still get sad about how much of that I was wasted 😔🥲


Panic logged off because I didn’t know people could come to your plot and there was a guy waving at my mailbox. He removed me as a friend after that. My guy of you’re out there my bad


It's so unsettling! I said this somewhere else on this thread, but a simple "so and so has arrived at you plot" across the screen would be so appreciated.


Not me over here shooting a disco deer a million times with flares and wondering why it wasn't working...At least everyone knew where it was, right?


This thread has made me feel so much better about accidental flares. We all do it! Haha


I have shot at palcats thinking they are mujiin and thrown smoke bombs at people wearing outfits with glowy floaty bits.


Calling out ore drops, then being told it didn’t matter in chat. She was nice though 😭😂


Out of the corner of my eye I keep thinking my log chopper thing is someone on my lot . Makes me jump everytime


I didn’t know how to catch bugs so I kept trying to use the bombs from my inventory instead of the bag (the tutorial doesn’t trigger until you equip the bag so if you never equip the bag you don’t know). Was playing for weeks before a friend taught me.


I've shot at fence posts thinking they were critters.


Does nobody else shoot at fence posts accidentally thinking they're sernuks?!....just me 😳


I haven't shot at one yet, but I have definitely snuck up on one 😂


Take out my watering can to cut down flow trees or my pick to hunt the Disco Deer...send help lol


This isn't embarrassing but does anybody else like to sit in the bathtub in Zeki's underground shop and see how long somebody notices lol


When I was hunting DD I started watering the grass


Every time I launch flare for grove etc, the first animal I shoot afterwards, always gets a flare


The amount of times I have shot flares at random animals


Instead of sitting waiting for the groove to be cut, I knelt...and everybody started saying on the chat I was proposing for wedding 🤣🤣🤣


😂 I see people kneel all the time!


This is in the privacy of my own home but I didn’t realize the altars given at the end of the temple quests had daily gifts until finishing the most recent Gardener quest line and people were talking about getting flow tree seeds 🫠 months of missing the Silverwing and Kitsuu gifts


I didn't know this either!


I'm a Switch player, so almost everytime I need get my bow out quickly I end up clicking my fishing rod and immediately cast my line in in the middle of the field. Not sure if it's a input delay or my joycon acting up but very lucky it happens when no one is around.


when everybody cut down flow trees, I didn't know drops was separate so about 3 months I left my flow trees on the ground


omg lol hate when that happens, the most i’ve done is accidentally waving at random times even when i’m alone. passing people and accidentally waving is the worst lmfao, and i’ve also accidentally shot flares instead of arrows, however ill type and in chat “ignore flare, forgot to switch arrows” and then continue on my business


When I first started playing back during closed beta I didn't realize multiple people could hit the same stone. Another player was following me and hitting the same stones as me, I thought they were trying to steal my loot so I ran away! LOL


Shooting a flare at an animal when I thought I had an arrow loaded instead… wish I could say it only happened once but oh my it’s so embarrassing every time


Okay I actually feel bad about this one and that is why it was so embarrassing to me. I was waiting at a FT grove with a bunch of people for awhile, we hadn't chopped yet. We'll I ended up getting distracted because my toddler woke up from his nap and I figured once we chopped the FT then I could quit the game since he was awake now. Well between talking to/comforting my son and checking to see if the trees were being chopped, I noticed a pile of loot on the ground and a someone chopping another one of the FT. So I was like okay cool we're chopping now. We chopped maybe 2 trees and then I noticed in the chat people saying to stop and that not everyone was there yet. I felt SO bad and was embarrassed about it but I literally was just distracted by my son and didn't realize it wasn't actually time to chop yet.😭


I was hunting chapaa outside Kilima village, just shooting every one that I saw. I shot at one from a distance and I missed it, so I stood there and shot at it at least 10 times, nothing. I got frustrated and ran up to it and realized it was another player wearing a chapaa hat sitting down in the grass 😅


😂 you wear a chappa hat, you gotta expect some arrows coming your direction.


The other day I was playing on switch and there must have been some connectivity issues because the chat log wouldn't connect or load. But of course I stumble on the Grove stupid early and thankfully while someone else tagged it, I had no way of knowing if anyone was talking to me/waiting on me/anything. It got to a point where I wasn't sure if the people there thought I tagged it, but it was eventually left up to me to say when to chop it seems. Which I obviously couldn't do or even know for sure. So I ended up just leaping around wildly trying to charades my way through with the few emotes and tools we have and somehow we got there. Sorry to anyone who had to deal with an utterly silent Hatsuje the other night 😭😭😭


Tried to call grove in chat on B6 yesterday. For some reason I typed something like 2F... They were very happy about it...


Oh and I often leftclick to close the chat cause I don't trust myself and have posted random letters in the chat when closing it with enter. This does of course result in a lot of chopping in the air while waiting at a ft




More embarrassing in hindsight, but the first time I encountered a flow tree, someone was waiting around for help and started waving at me and making chopping motions. I didn't know how they worked yet and assumed my axe wasn't good enough, so I just awkwardly ran away lol


While streaming, I was in one of the instanced ruins, activated a button, heard a door open, then spent the next 15 minutes trying to figure out where it was... only to realize the door was right next to the button.


Setting a honey lure at a Grove, and having the game crash on me.


I accidentally picked a rarer flower someone had called out and was waiting for people to get there. So rude


literally every time I accidentally hit an emote (which is often)


It took me an EMBARRASSINGLY long time to figure out that the smoke bombs were a tool you had to select from the wheel and not just like... a thing you put down on the ground in front of you from your inventory. I still hate bug hunting and I think it's because of that 😂


When I was a week into the game, I thought I would be able to help a new player take down a regular surnuk, and only realized later that the last shot gets the loot. I felt terrible for stealing their kill, I thought I was helping 😭


I will occasionally leave the server if I accidentally send a flare or fireworks. Only bc once I *kept* doing it. It was three or four times until someone finally called out in chat, "TAKE IT EASY WITH THE FLARES GUYS." It makes me giggle when other people do it tho cause I feel less like a dweeb. But it's great that the flares don't scare away any creatures! I hate when I don't have enough stamina to climb a cliff. That feels embarrassing.


Reading through the comments here, I think I've done nearly all of these things. Honestly I think almost everyone has lol. I don't think most people even think twice about the weirdness they see during gameplay because: One, it's incredibly easy to make mistakes or run into a glitch, and everyone has done *something* by accident, probably way more than once. Two, I don't know how it is on PC or Steam. But on Switch, there are so many crazy looking glitches, invisible players, and just general weirdness with the game itself. Any weird behavior I see, I just write off as a glitchy goof unless it's extremely obvious that they're doing it intentionally lol. Moral of the story, don't be embarrassed by goof ups! Because chances are nobody noticed. And if they did, chances are they didn't care. And if they did, chances are they just found it funny and you made their day a little brighter 😂


you know the telescope you get from Chayne? every time I see it in my plot I think it's a person and it scares me for some insane reason. I had to move it out of my normal line of sight so it would stop freaking me out lol


I STILL accidentally chop at peoples faces when I’m trying to wave hahahaha


I hit Sernuk for a solid 10.mintues with bombs wondering why they weren't dying. There were a few ppl there. I'm sure someone saw me. I also accidentally shot someone's pet/cat/companion animal. He called me stupid, and I couldn't argue that. Lol I'm sure there are more embarrassing times to come!


⟟ keep accidentally shooting fireworks at players when trying to use an emote lol


I do a lot of embarrassing stuff tbh. I regularly fall from the sky and scare the shit out of a player I didn't see before jumping off a cliff. I've almost brained a few players with smoke bombs when I knock the switch joystick and my shot goes wide, sails over the edge of the cliff and there's someone passing by below. I manage to shoot disco deer or some other mob with flares only when there is a group nearby or the server is full and I have to explain why they should ignore the flare. I think the funniest one is when you run to the first tree of a Grove, where everyone is waiting on you to arrive, stop by the trunk and find yourself watering the damn thing instead of chopping at it 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


i accidentally shot the phoenix firework at a sernuk 😵‍💫