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I had to go back several times to complete the goals. It was not my favorite one.


I let that one sit for months because I was uninterested in the struggle haha. Finally watched a youtube video yesterday and completed it.


I did the same. I got up to about a little more than half of it on my own but then it felt like I was running circles and completely lost interest for days at a time every time I went back. Thank god for YouTube videos haha!


we all have our strengths and weaknesses. I found the temple to be relaxing and enjoyable, same with the other temples. What gets me is the social aspect of the game 😅 you're not a horrible player.


The social aspect gets me too!!! Don’t get me wrong I understand creating a social game but sometimes I just wanna cut down some trees by myself and not have to search so hard for them 😂


Not even that, just the constant spam and harassment I see from other players. I've been told to hang myself for not calling out a single-hit flow tree, told to drink bleach for snagging the last hit in a proudhorned sernuk, told to anally r*pe myself for...you know, I'm not sure why on that one. It's such a toxic community in-game lately. I wish we could turn off chat 😔


I hope you reported all those players. That has (thankfully) never been my experience with folks in chat, but I also haven't really played much since the last update and Steam release. I suspect that's where many of these new, very aggressive, players come from. You *can* turn off chat btw. I'm on Switch so it may look different for you. But when you open the chat window, there should be a column of colored circles on the left side of the window. Each of them is for a different kind of chat, ie server, friends, community, etc.. You can toggle each one, they should turn gray. That'll turn off the chat.


I will try this once I am off work. I play on the switch myself, so it's good to see the same UI. I report all of them that do this, but it's just a neverending stream of hatred lately. With me being the common denominator here, I wonder if I'm really not fit for this game; drawing all this hate to me. I wouldn't know what I'm doing wrong, though


I mean, unless you're running around actively like, taunting people or something, I think it's more likely that you're just unlucky and keep landing in servers with these hyper aggressive people. Even if you were doing something wrong, and based on the examples you gave earlier, you're not - nothing justifies that kind of stuff being said to another human being. In case turning off chat doesn't work for some reason: As soon as this stuff starts in chat, you can just hop servers. You should still be able to report them after you hop, but you won't keep getting their chats. Hopefully these people will soon get bored of the game, or all get themselves banned, so this crappy behavior will start to taper off.


This persons comment history, they’re evidently frequently being told to kill themselves. I’ve never seen something like that in palia and I have hundreds of hours. Not saying they’re wrong or being dishonest but there’s something fishy there.


Oh my goodness what 😭 I’ve never seen anything even kind of cruel, I’m so sorry you’ve experienced that. The most interesting thing I ever see is constant chat about who’s the hottest (it’s always reth) and everyone seems to bond over that 😂😂


reth? Really? Dang, he's one of my least favorite NPCs, with Hodari and Hassian being tied for my most disliked. The latter two always tell me to f off, basically, and reth is just...really not my cup of tea. ...I think I know partially why I'm getting treated this way 😅


This is horrible!!!!!! I’m so sorry this is the case for you. I play on switch too and I haven’t had this issue thankfully but I’m so sorry people are so brutal about it. We should be able to forage or mine by ourselves without relying on other players cause then the greed like this happens and people are nasty. Ugh. So sorry.


I despise hunting the disco deer with other people 😹 they constantly shoot it from too far away so we loose it. They are always so pressed, it’s like chill, it’s not going to disappear and once you get a hit on it you get its loot.


This is true. Usually I'm so zeroed in on chasing the damn thing to notice the chat, but it has its moments. I've been bringing slowdown arrows to slippery sernuk hunts, making sure someone else hits it with a dispel arrow first. Makes it slightly more bearable


What ? 😱😱 haven’t been on the public areas in a little over a week you make me scared 😱 the thing I loved about this game was the cute community 😭


I’m honestly shocked by this. I have never been around worse than the nicest people ever. This bums me out. I’m sorry you had to go through that!


if I cant smack the flow tree with my axe myself, I call out, and I'll wait. otherwise, I dont want to sit there for 10 minutes for one tree waiting for someone. maybe that makes me mean :(


Not saying this would happen to you, but I did just that earlier today: called out the flow tree and waited for about 7-8 minutes, with a reminder before I started chopping. Someone ran up JUST as I finished chopping it, then told everyone to block me for being a solo-chopper and telling me to "dangle my feet from the ceiling"


Please screenshot next time someone says something like this to you and share it so we can all block toxic players.


This is totally wrong but when people tell me to hurt myself over a single ft I run around and flare random stuff for a bit. Screw them.


history straight one ad hoc water employ reach cautious birds flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I FINALLY caught a storm ray today after complaining about it on another post. Finally. The war was over. I had my spoils. Ready to complete the bundle. . . . . . . . . . . Then I remembered I needed to clear my inventory and tend my garden. Oh yeah, I need to make more sushi and sashimi for the unicorn fish. Alright, off to complete a bundle. . . . Guys. I cooked with my storm ray 🤮😵😱☠️💀 The one I have seen in the 3 months of playing. I'm going to go cry in a corner now.


You could ask for one, I have extra. Lady Jane McRae 😉


Requested! If you're ever in need hit me up. I owe you one! Hope you don't mind I'll shoot you a friend request too.


No worries! I think we have to be on at about the same time as the requests expire 😁


Okay, I for sure have a stormray now if you still need it. Just need to coordinate when we are in game ;-)


Are you Flash89? I can't seem to chat with you and you are not on my friends list 😞


Yes ma'am, sorry for the confusion. I did not consider my ign being different from my reddit handle. Hit me up next time you're on and we'll go cook or something.


Sounds good! I still have that fish for you 😋


I cooked my thundering eel 😭😭


I did that too 🤣🤣


Omg… that sucks so bad 😭


There’s a freaking bundle?! I’m out




There's 4. But you take slowly to finish them. They also don't lock the story.


I would have cried


If it helps I got a starred storm ray in completing a quest, and I just used that. To save myself the stress. Now I’m on the last 3 items for the bundles myself!


UUUGHH! NOO, that is the WORST, sucks so bad…I’m sorry! 💀.


I have an odd fear of heights and damn if my palms don’t get sweaty as hell while playing dqb2. In this game I haven’t noticed it as much so I’m sorry you are worse than I am. Still, if you power through it you’ll feel like a super hero (I do in dbq2 at least). It’s worth a try again- just look far ahead and not down


My palms got SO sweaty in temple of the gales!


I had such a hard time with this temple because of my fear of heights and vertigo. I got used to it after a while, but it was difficult.


the vertigo was SO bad in temple of gales


Yeah I could only work on it when my vestibular migraine symptoms weren’t too bad, and my palms got SO sweaty! (I have to keep the speed my view rotates pretty slow so I don’t get dizzy which makes some things harder too.)


My son doesn’t play Palia, but the next time he’s here, I’m going to ask him to go up and get Zeki’s key for me. I’ve tried over 50 times and failed. It gives me palpitations! Why did they make it so difficult? Nothing else in the game has been so bad. Some cooking recipes are VERY difficult to complete alone, but this is just way too much. After months of playing, this makes me consider quitting.


I also recently started struggling with cooking alone. I just wanna play the game alone as it’s my relax time! Ugh


The same thing happened to me. Not the heights part. The cooking part. I tried emailing them but for some reason didn't and now I've given up


badge sugar shocking smart glorious encourage silky tap intelligent future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can't. You'll have to email support.


I sent someone one of the fish because I didn’t know they were limited to one per fishing spot so I had to email the support and then while waiting for them to fix it I accidentally cooked them so I had to email them AGAIN and ask for all the fish to be replaced. They were probably so tired of me😂


Everyone in this thread needs to invest in some locked chests, yall stressing me out


Same. Except I made my husband help me finish. I thought I was only person that got that sick feeling over heights in a video game. Sucks for both of us but I’m relieved it’s not just me.


A VERY patient Bestie walked me through it, I'd tried 3-5 times on my own and wanted to pull my hair out, so I ignored it for months until she started playing it. Thank you Krissy ❤️


I think I am one of the only ones who actually enjoyed it, lol. Everything else is way too easy. The only thing I found super annoying was the lack of a map, but after an hour of exploring around I had that place known pretty well, and it started going more smoothly after that. I am used to some pretty stressful games, and quests that make you want to tear your skin off, so that could be why, lol.


I can totally understand this! I am also frustrated with the lack of map. And I guess the back and forth of finding stuff and having to go back to Elouisa and it’s just a lot 😂


There are maps of the temples now since one of the recent updates. It doesn't show you where the clues for Elouisa and Caleri are (I used YouTube to find them all) but it does show you where all the eggs are. https://preview.redd.it/mff72d44623d1.png?width=1021&format=png&auto=webp&s=3defad3aff7e46e2b5dd71e74f723e9f91e147f1


I did this quest about 6 months ago, so no map for me 😭


I didn't even realize it's been that long, damn 😂


There were definitely some annoying aspects to this quest, and I did sigh multiple times while doing it, but I was glad to finally have a challenge in this game. I think it seems way harder because of how easy everything else is, and you get used to playing in a care free style.


I liked it, it actually took some time to complete and I had to explore the whole place a couple times over. The prior temples I was in and out so fast, I barely remember them. Similarly, after Gales, the temple of the roots was so easy it felt underwhelming. I did end up using a guide for the last couple items in gales, after I thoroughly explored the area. There's some items that are just plain tricky, and one I practically stepped on but never noticed because of camera positioning. Also I spent a good 15 to 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get to the fake egg, lol.


I had to watch a YouTube video


Might be in minority here but I LOVED Temple of Gales :D Spend long time just wandering around, exploring, hoping from island to island and I think I only needed YT help with one extra egg at the very end. That's okay though if you don't, I can see how this could be frustraiting for some <3 I was a little bit dissapoited by the Roots Temple after completing Gales though. I reached the end and was like.... is this it...? This could've been so much bigger! *I'll tell you what I've been victimized by - that hole on brigde near Lagoon.*


The Underground fixed that for us!


Well Zeki and Reth did. Can’t say that the *whole* cartel is that nice but those two definitely are


Make sure you are tracking the quests for Zeki and the sisters so the markers show up on your HUD and don't forget to activate the flow gates on the fish and bug islands. Some of the items have weird activation points so just move around a bit if something doesn't want to collect or activate. Most importantly this can be a frustrating area so feel like you have to do it all in one go, take breaks if it gets frustrating and go do something you enjoy for a while, any progress made on collecting items or information will not be lost if you leave the temple.


Get a youtube video, slow it down, and just follow along. Either that or pull your hair out. Whatever floats your boat lol.


Honestly I just stopped trying until they put the new temple maps and trackers in. By some miracle I got it but it was still tough.


Hardest, worst temple in the entire game. They give NO hints.


This quest made me quit the game all together. I’m playing Disney dream light and I’m ok with that


That’s my other go-to game!!! Doing much better in that 😂


It has yellow flag markers on it now so once I just followed those it was a lot easier.


It took me WAY longer than it should have. I fell about 72 times


I got you beat at approximately 172 times 😂😂😂


I rage quit and got my partner to finish it for me 💁🏻‍♀️


nah it's ridiculous, only way I could complete was watching a guide


It's the worst quest, and fairly common for players to do it little by little and not all at once. I hated it because it set off my vertigo and I felt like I was really flying in the sky and falling to a void of nothingness.


It made me so motion sick and disoriented


For me the temples are out of place, gales being the most true. At the same time, I appreciate the “something for everyone” approach. I didn’t even try to do most of the quests myself, just looked up the solutions, because “find specific stuff in a vast world where you can’t expect it” is not my version of cozy. I’m nearly 41, and I told my 9-year-old I might need his help with Gales. He was telling me not to give up. 😂 Anyway, glad I’m done with it! Good riddance.


Awww we love a supportive kiddo!!! Proud of you mom 😂


I was finally able to complete it when they added the flags!! Besides that I let it sit for four months bc with 3 hours of walkthroughs I was missing one :,)


Omg I’ve let it sit so long and now I find out there’s a map and markers and I’m like GOD BLESS


Me too! But then i discover that you can follow the flag on your compass and map, that way you will find all the required things to complete your quests.


Temples of the gales was an ass to accomplish and by the time I finished it, my stress was through the roof 😅😅


Hahahahaha love the descriptive words here 😂


Honestly I was more ‘I am not going on chat and saying ‘I cannot complete the temple of the gales’. No way, no how.’


Honestly the eggs and parkour were fine, what was super annoying to me was actually looking for all the different quest objects for Caleri, Elouisa, and Zekki. I found half of them, thought I was done, turned out I wasn't. I was so tired of that place I resorted to looking up all the locations for the things online...


That’s where I left off a while back. I got Zeki’s eggs and stuff and now I have to talk to Caleri and Louisa and I’m like ok but I haven’t found a drop of info on these damn birds 😂


My hand is raised, very high


I lift mine with you sis 🙋🏼‍♀️😂


Hated the Gales. Especially those stupid decorations that weren’t real eggs


*Sits here while watching a walkthrough on YouTube* haha


It took me a couple of (irl) days to finish it


I raged, I cried, I almost quit.


The proof of magic looking at me 👀


I gave up on it


Do I really need to finish these quests to unlock Roots???


This is my question as well! I just want the little dudes to let me in!


I had to follow a video on youtube


I paused a quest for a few months since I couldn’t even play, now i forgot where the temple is😭


Bottom SSW of Bahari. Go all the way down the map as far south as you can go on the western most border of the map. You’ll find it 


Soooo difficult for me too! I would strongly suggest just watching one full YouTube walkthrough to spare yourself going back through everything 10+ times like I did. So many components and I could not get the map down.


✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼 Temple of the Gales is horrid beyond reason. I want out of there already. Almost makes me want to quit Palia because I enjoy completing things.


I have no shame in saying I ended up using YT videos and a written guide with pictures. The guide was what helped me realize I needed to do additional stuff for the sisters. If I had to try to do this temple without any additional help I probably would have left it unfinished at some point. I actually did that for awhile because I had the issue of the air not coming out to push me to the final location to finish things. I still need to go collect the last few extra eggs for the Zeki bonus to get that quest out of the list of ones that need to be finished. Tired of seeing it there.


i hated it tbh. i have the proof of magic and special donations for over a month now. i just couldnt bring myself to finish it. i cant remember the times i fell


I just used a walkthrough at some point...


It took me several attempts over months with several guides playing at once. I actually just finished it this week. It really is an awful quest line.


Yeah same. After the last major update I had the quest items returned to me. (I assume I have to redo it) I dont have the courage to go through that lot again so i have just left it for now.


I had a hard time with this temple, but thankfully I figured out 3/4 through that the best way to find the quest items was to follow the flags on the compass. It was nice of the devs to add a map with the eggs marked but that didn’t help me much. Plus by the time they added it, I had most of the eggs. The thing that took me the longest was figuring out how to get the last item for Zeki in a floating rock. I finally figured out that I couldn’t get high enough to jump down to it but I could fly out to it and climb up. And I hate slide puzzles, too. I managed to get through everything without a guide until that. I had to watch a YouTube video lol. Glad to be done with it.


I hated it very much. Definitely follow the guides on YouTube


Oh don’t even worry, I used YouTube tutorials and had to split it into multiple sessions because of how frustrated I was. It took HOURS.


I am still trying to complete the first bundle. I might have catch every type of ray except the void ray. I can’t seem to get a marlin or long nose unicorn. I have spent hours trying to catch them. I don’t know what I am doing wrong.


As long as you're fishing in the right time/place and using the correct bait, you're doing nothing wrong. The drop rate for those fish just sucks big time. I finally got them after I gave up and decided to try for something else. It felt like it helped having someone fishing nearby.


Yeah. I googled to find out what I needed to catch them and it never worked. I even convinced my self that having the highest level of fishing rod and drinking fisherman’s brew would increase my chances. Funny enough I found the green pearl when I was randomly picking up unopened oysters while heading to the bay to fish for the long nose unicorn. Maybe the key is not to focus on what you’re looking for. 😆


I think it does help. At least mentally. If you aren't so focused on one thing then it isn't as disappointing when it takes a while to get it. I wish you all the rng luck.


Thank you 🙏


I always use walkthroughs to be honest


I just finished it. And I used a walkthrough this time because I was so mad and I wanted to be done. And the new map they added isn't very helpful.


It is seriously the worst designed of all the temples. The layout is just way too spaced out and there's no indication of where things are/should be outside of the main questline. Spent a week on it before giving in and finding a guide for all the evidence papers and treasures and even THAT took an hour since everything was in such bizarre hard-to-reach and out-of-the-way locations.


I watched multiple videos, some of them several times. Usually I can watch just a snippet and figure out the rest on my own lol.


it took me almost 6 hours to complete it lmao split into 2 days. i was getting frustrated so I just looked up a youtube video.


I had to google it and watch a YouTube video 😬 I was about to rage quit lol


That was by far the hardest most annoying temple. I had to watch multiple videos and get help from a friend. Somehow though, it still ended up being my favorite. After that the following temples felt like they were lacking any sort of challenge.


I've decided to take a break and focus on something else. I love the game, I know I'll get it eventually but DAMN it was frustrating me 😭😅🫠🫠🫠


The absolute worst. It took months and a YouTube guide to finish it and I don't regret looking. I never would have figured it out.


Check out pixelcave on utube


I got a burst of motivation to do the Temple of Gales, spent all day trying to find everything and failing, burned myself out and haven't gone back in months Waiting for another burst of motivation to follow a walkthrough for it lol


Glitches in those quests left me unable to continue the main story of the game for two months before the last update fixed it for me 💀


OMG I feel you! I can't find the last 2 blue eggs, not even sure where I should be looking or how to get there. This is a cozy game, why are you making me do platforming??!???!!!


That was easy compared to all the bundles


Well frick me sideways 😭


I absolutely used the internet to complete that quest


I used a you tube walk through for some of it because it wasn’t fun anymore - that helped a lot!


I went so fast in leveling that I got the Temple of Gales quest and boy this is my Everest. Motion sickness galore and the trigger of my fear of heights... I don't know if I will able to finish that guest! So maybe I'm a horrible player too, and not because I can't find the eggs and/or other items!


I went on Youtube in the end. It was infuriating and it helped me a lot event for like, the last two


Took me several months to get the energy to finish that temple. I wanted to get rid of it and move on. It's painful


Go into the quest option, change whatever the default selected quests are to find whatever info or treasure you're missing. Don't feel bad, even with the quest markers on it took me like an hour to find everything.


I had to get my partner to help me and watch a YouTube video. 😂


It pissed me off so bad I 1. Googled everything for the answers/locations & 2. Got my boyfriend to jump/glide to places 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s not you. The flight mechanism is s***t and makes it unnecessarily difficult to complete. I’m really hoping they will reevaluate some of the game physics wrt gliders


Nah, I've washed my hands of it. It is too hard for me to track where I've been and where I'm going without at least a mini map.


Is this the one where you gotta fly off of the stones? If so I found that flying INTO the just rather than jumping off the rock and hoping it catches you works best.




It was hard at first. But once I figured out that I was looking for tablets. It was easier. And with the map telling you 81M ^ or 16 down. I got better at finding them.


I don’t think I’ve entered it since they added a map and markers so I’m hoping the next go at it I will have an easier time


I mainly just don’t wanna feel like I’m “cheating” if I just look it up all online but I’m definitely gonna get some help with guides


I get it. I did leave the temple for a long time until the quest pinned itself again and all I saw were yellow everywhere when I was in bahari


Gales was hard and bugged for a long time


I had to cheat. I went on YouTube and watched 3 different videos that walked me through it all. That meant I had to go through the same sequences 3 times, but I finally got through it. That would make me the horrible player. We all play a little different from each other. You do what you need to. It's just a game, a way to entertain ourselves. Have fun and don't worry about the small stuff.


That was the bane of my existence because I Accidently cooked a couple of the fish. I ignored it and waiting for updates and watched a YouTube video to finish it quickly! I spent too many hours trying to do it myself.


Yes. I cooked or sold all the fish and had to wait for it to reset with the last update. That was pain


I've been trying to complete it since they opened it. I don't know how long it has been but it feels like years.


Yeah can't find flametonge ray and unicorn. And I accidentally sold my blue marlin.


the temples are my worst nightmare! i hate parkcore. i’ve done all of them once to unlock the bundles, and have not looked at any temple quests since


I have one more item to get and it’s beyond me to reach it 😫


My ass used a guide after leaving and coming back to try again a few times over a couple days and was ready to lose my damn mind


I went in 7 times and one of the treasure items was not there until the final time. I checked online the areas and looked there every single time but they simply were not there.


You are not alone! I had the worst time just finishing. I had to go ahead and look up the last stuff for zeki and elouisa. I still haven't found all the eggs. The stuff for the bundles was epically (pun intended) hard. I have several of them now, I'll never be caught off guard again.


Also request anything you can, any of us will give for those bundles!


I still can’t get the flow activated to go to the third island and I have checked everything several time and I’ve watched videos and I still can’t make it work


Im stuck with the fishing bundle cause I can’t catch a giant goldfish I’ve tried for months now and it’s always the same goby


I couldn’t either I had to YouTube a walkthrough


I say for months and finally completed it. Look up some YouTube videos. Follow the flags. Took lots of patience but I completed it!


I totally looked up a YouTube video to find them all lol 😆


Don't worry bestie I looked up a walk through you're not alone. With no minimap other than the Skyrim bar at the top it makes it hard af to find the quest markers! I hope this is something that changes in the future! It was still pretty fun but i did get sick or running around finding those treasures. One of them you have to make this near perfect jump to grab the floating platform without sliding off. Misery.


you can look it up on youtube. i avoid it to do other things like housing, friendship, treasure chests


First time I ran it, I got frustrated and quit doing the quest. Had to go back to it later.


This temple wasn't hard for me but I can barely hunt. Lol


I heard that this was just a terrible temple


I must admit I watched a video because I quit halfway the first time and didn’t know where to start back up a week later