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At the very least, they should have the ability to "store" the cooling, like the electricity rod, so it can retain it while they sleep, or something. It's just kind of pointless right now.


I hope that gets changed. There is currently no point for pals to have different levels of cooling imo.


Iirc different levels of cooling changes the amount of time something stays good for in the fridge. Still not ideal, but I'm fairly certain the number does effect that


It does. It goes up incrementally with the higher level cooling pal. Like 199 minutes for level 2, 299 for level 3, 399 for level 4. And some last longer. With level 4 my lettuce lasts like 1199 minutes lol but it all drops back to 20 as soon as the pal goes to eat.


I also read that sorting the fridge resets all expiration timers


Yes it does. I use this all the time!


Same with my feed box.


I don't like how it rearranges what you put into it though, because the pals will only eat the first item in the box


If you only feed one kind of food, it shouldn’t be an issue. On the same hand, I agree with you. It always puts the lowest satiety food first and I feel like it should put the highest satiety first.


I don't think it's lowest satiety, but the order is not how i would prefer it. I think it's the order they would show up in your inventory.


My berries always ended up first in line when I would sort the box. Drove me bonkers.


It appears to be alphabetical.


My pals all get pizza so I don’t have to worry about it anymore.


This is the way. Pizza for the base and salads for the team.


That’s precisely what I do. Berries are for cakes and gold. lol


Why not other way around? Salads increase work speed, so wouldn't they be better at base?


Works in any storage container. Also storing cakes in the cake box stops their timer.


Yeah, I refresh my fridge every time I go back to base.


In your inventory as well


Yeah but I didn't make a specific box for food to be stored in (that pals don't automatically store food in, anyway) that I then have to manage every 15 minutes. :/


Sorting any container including your inventory refreshes food timers. The only exception is food in your feed bag slots, which you have to remove in order to refresh. Additionally, stacks of food decay one at a time. So if one bread takes 30 minutes to decay, a stack of 30 bread will decay at 1/30 seconds. So food storage isn’t a HUGE issue regardless. If they ever fix the sorting bug THEN I’d love for the fridge to get revisited. As it stands, cooling is already a fairly underutilized work suitability. I think if you had to cool down machinery and/or furnaces after extended use to avoid damaging them, it would help the devs feel better about making the electric fridge work off electricity rather than cooling.


Yeah. If I look in the fridge and timers are low, I just take all and place back in again. Resets to full again.


The sort button refreshes it too without rhe need to remove and replace


Nice. Save me even more time!


Sweet, I thought so. I had a level 3 or 4 cooling on my world and I remember jam bread lasted ages. I hate that it drops while they eat. They should at least keep the buff on the fridge while eating lol


It really should not change the duration based on proficiency. But rather it should "buff" the fridge for 3.5/8/20/60 minutes based on proficiency. While buffed, the fridge works at 100% cooling (20% spoil rate, or 5x max timer). While unbuffed, the fridge works at 25% cooling (50% spoil rate, or 2x max timer). Then simply make the fridge "request" cooling when it has 3 minutes or less left. That way, one ice type at skill 4 can cool the fridge once (say a 120 second task) once an hour, then go do other things. But a skill 1 cooler would spend 2 minutes cooling the fridge, and then it'd need it again 30 seconds later (giving a chance for the Pal to go eat). Skill 1 can keep 1 thing cooled. Skill 2 can do 3 things. Skill 3 can do 8 things. Skill 4 can keep your entire base cooled, no problem. Then just add extra things that benefit from being cooled down, so that there's a use to having a skill 3 or 4.


They should have some kind of structure or the anubis statue let us upgrade a pals level in helping. Isn't Frostallion the only lv4 cooling? They feel too huge in my base when I'd rather want the cute little ice hedgehog doing the job despite food expiring sooner.


>They should have some kind of structure or the anubis statue let us upgrade a pals level in helping. Technically, there is. Condensing a Pal all the way up to 4 stars will bump all of their work skills up by one level each. It's just that, at a cost of 116 same-species Pals per 4-star, it's prohibitively expensive to do so for an entire base.


How interesting I've never noticed they go up with the stars. Is that per condense session or only when you get to 4 stars?o:


Only at level 4, all it's jobs get a +1.


Once at 4 stars, they should just let us dump 64 on it over and over until you get lv5 work skills. I will obtain 308 Jolthogs Crysts for lv5 cooling on my little guy. Frostalion just looks like it died in front of the fridge.


I tried building the bigger fridge but none of my ice pals will work at it so I thought I needed a higher level one. Haven't gone out and tried yet though


Really? My little blue hedgehog just sits there all day keep it cold. 


Jolthog Cryst gang rise up. Chillbud has been with me all playthrough since I rescued him from a cage. He even has Artisan!


Jolthog Cryst is my favorite for cooling. Doesn't get sidetracked, never in the way, just an awesome little guy to have around


Was there food in it?


I'm an idiot I didn't even think about that they wouldn't work it without food


This was it. Emptied the small one into the big one then the cat started working again.


My personal proposal is that the *fridge* just needs electricity. Having a cooling pal makes your *feed box* food last longer. (But really, food lasts long enough and can be gathered in large enough quantities that cooling is pretty useless overall. It kinda needs a second go-round to give it a niche.)


Battery back up because my electric guys always get stuck, rage quit and sleep 75% of the time (even with good stats) or just go off into the unknown.


Electro power station that uses multiple pals to store large amounts of juice needed to run max tier equipment. Needs heating cooling and electricity to function but otherwise runs everything else would be nice


Build multiple power storage and have an orserk recharge them in like a minute. Just top em off when needed. I have 4 at each base.


I have 3 and they all kinda go down when he stops working. This throws off my furnaces and kitchens. I have to have 2 electric guys out, which is fine for now but I wish the game let you optimize pals at bases a bit better.


But even then.. it's a fucking fridge. It's pretty well isolated so cooling from the outside is just about the dumbest thing you could do. Make it a walk in fridge and lock the pal inside. Problem solved.


It drops two temperature levels vs one for the regular cooler. But yeah if you don't need the extra cold then there's no point


But as soon as they walk off it goes poof


If the electric one at least could hold a battery of cold while using electricity so you would need an electric and a ln Ice pal, but it would also work while the ice pal sleeps or eats it would be awesome.


Ice organs


The fidge fucking sucks rn. It's honestly better to just hold it in your inventory and sort it.


Yeah, like what's the point of electricity if there's someone actually generating the cold.


Got to power the fridge light.


The real answer


Yeah, that's why ice pals have to work hard. 'Cuz of that strong light.


Why is there a fridge if we need an ice pal to keep it cold? We could shove it in a cupboard and have an ice pal cool it instead.


Riiight? Looks like ref are just glorified ice chest that shouldn't need any electricity at all.


I didn't know about this, I assumed the whole point of electric appliances was that it ran off the generator....


ACKCHYUALLY gathering cold isn't a thing. Rather it's removing heat.


Ice pals are basically nitrogen they don't remove heat.


Same as Heaters and coolers


Imo they should also go back on the campfire change. Heaters are useless anyways when you can just place 2 campfires. It doesn’t even make sense for it to work that way, idk why they changed it.


right?? kinda lame i’m sitting there baking to death bc my fire lion is cooking berries and i’m across the base lol


it's not just that. you can't use your fire pals when in fire areas, at least without using a t-shirt and heat armor.


There are high level T shirts in the ice dungeons that provide total protection. The downside is you're using both your accessory slots if you don't want to constantly swap back and forth, and it makes the heat/cold resistant armors basically pointless.


Far from it, check the stats on the armors. metal < fire < cold


yeah... which is annoying, personally.


For PC users, there's a mod to make heaters/coolers not need a Pal... and I STILL don't use them.


Yeah. I honestly don't see a reason to ever *not* be using the shirt accessories, so once I've got a level 3 of each, there's just no reason to bother with heaters or coolers anywhere.


The only purpose they serve at all is egg incubation. But because external temperature changes so much, getting "perfect" heat is an intense game of micro-managing the base. It's easier to just not use heat/cold at all, and let the timers run naturally. Though I have no clue who on the design team decided on the multiplayer/server speeds. When single player is 2 hours max, and multiplayer is like 3 days. IDK about you, but I feel like a 2 hour single player time correlates to about 2 eggs/day (4 hours playtime - as an adult with a job - is the max I get most days), so it should be 8-10 hours for that same egg on a server that's always online & running (but also food needs should be lower on a server for the same reason - always online). But yah, on the topic, heaters/coolers/campfires are absolute garbage (once you stop using the campfire to cook at), and not worth your attention or a pal's attention. Only exception is moderating base temperature in a desert or ice region, and even then they're inferior to just getting the proper gear equipped.


Like pretty much everyone doing mass breeding, I kept decreasing egg timers until I realized 0 makes sense. You're still waiting on the Pals to lay the eggs, and you're still making cakes (at an increased pace) to keep up. It's not like eggs even have anything groundbreaking, except maybe for Jorm Ignis. Until you're going for traits and/or IVs, it's way better to catch than hatch.


yeah, the palworld breeding is just frustrating. Obviously, Ark is the best comparison, but Pokemon has breeding too, and is relevant. In Pokemon, breeding is very limited in need (passing down moves to breed them across generations, getting baby versions of pokemon you captured, getting different IVs, etc). And you are heavily gated on time, but nothing else. Ie, you put parents in, add time, get egg, add time, get baby. Nothing else is needed except time. This is a good balance, because it emphasizes the value of "breed what you need only". In Ark, breeding is super important (combining wild levels, breeding for mutations, breeding colors to look good, getting expendable dinos), and you are gated by both time and resources. Getting a baby is gated by time - but that can be offset by breeding quantity (as every female has it's own time restriction), but has zero resource cost (beyond feeding the parents as normal). But then raising the baby is gated by time, as well as massively gated by resources (food). Raising a bunch of babies at once will DESTROY your food trough, but is highly efficient in terms of time investment (especially with imprinting). This is a good balance, because it is basically a conversion of resources into babies (spend meat, get rexes; spend berries, get theris), where time is only a mild limiter. This emphasizes the value of "breed like crazy, dinos gonna die", as well as the fact that stat inheritance is very RNG, and you might need to go through several breed cycles to get the outcome you're trying for. Palworld misses both of those approaches. In Palworld, you have IVs like Ark's wild levels, which dictate "how good" the baby is, among it's species. You also have type-breeding, where you can mix two pals and get a different pal, which is functionally similar to move-breeding in Pokemon. In addition, you need 100+ Pals of a single type to power your "main" Pal up to 4-stars. And because that raises job skill level, you want to do that for ALL of your base pals in theory. Across 3 bases, that's 50+ Pals. 5 THOUSAND sacrificial babies.. So based on all that, Pal obviously is going for a "breed like crazy" approach. But every single mechanic for breeding is contrary to that. First, you have the breeding pen, which is absolutely massive, and only holds 2 Pals at a time. So the first limit is space. You can overcome this with time, but that's a luxury resource, given the quantity of Pals we are expected to breed. Second, you have cakes. A crafted food that requires a specific mix of ingredients that you can't really gather in the wild. Which means you need a ranch, and a wheat farm, and a mill, so that you can get honey, milk, and flour. Cakes are a significant resource gate, but they themselves are ALSO gated by space and Pal Worker Hours (doubling your cake production requires doubling the buildings and dedicated Pals). Third, you have incubators. All eggs need incubators. And the longer the egg timer is, the more incubators you need in order to keep up with the supply of egg's your knocking out. Incubators themselves are fairly cheap, but still technically gated by Ancient Parts, and space. Again, MORE space needed if you want to ramp up your egg production. But not only that, restriction 4 is manual labor. In Ark, once you have your breeding set up, you can have the entire thing automated. Dinos with mating enabled. An Oviraptor at their feet scooping up the eggs. When you're ready to raise babies, you grab the eggs, drop them in the egg room (a task you can do in just a few minutes), and set a reminder timer. Come back, claim babies, make sure trough is full, and then forget them (unless you want to imprint). In contrast, for Palworld, you have to scoop the (one) egg up at the Breeding Pen, run it to an incubator, and pop it in. Then when it's done, you fiddle with the incubator for a bit to get the egg to hatch. This sounds easier - but you're having to manually add & remove each egg from each incubator, which is super annoying when you're doing 20+ eggs at a time. So, breeding is gated based on time primarily (mate time, hatch time, cake bake time), with each metric allowing you to convert additional base space to handle more hatches simultaneously. But the more you add, the less OTHER game you're getting to play, and the more manual labor/attention you're stuck providing just to keep the entire process running. Manually grabbing eggs to start them hatching. Manually removing them. Manually stocking cake into the breeding pen. Manually stocking wheat to the mill. Manually stocking cake ingredients to the cooking pot. And anticipating doing this process 5,000+ times to breed baby pals to use as skillups (if it's not a pal you can easily catch quickly). UGH.


Some of the ice pals are small enough we should just stuff them in the fridge and call it a day.


That would be excellent if we could store an ice pal inside the fridge. It would not wander off doing something less useful and it could eat the stuff inside the fridge so no need to go to the feeder.


So like a tiny prison cell?


But then cooling pals will have nothing to do.


They can make ice for my drinks.


I’m surprised there isn’t a drink recipe. Mix up some Chilleteenies.


It would be cool if the condenser was changed to be compatible with a bottle or something like that. Pals drink other pals to grow stronger, so if the player drank an Anubis Smoothie for example, it could give you a 10 minute effect that boosts your work speed and gives your attacks the ground attribute. It could take the Pal’s highest stat and give you a boost in that same stat, then also makes your attack the same typing as each Pal’s primary type.


That’s grim. It I really like that idea. Leans into the hunter gatherer side of things


I read this in Archers voice


Those little Jolthog Cryst’s really love just vibing by the coolers!


I can't ever get mine to fucking stay there, no matter how many times I throw it at it


Weird! Any time I pull out a Jolthog he just runs over there and starts chilling (literally)!


Exactly. That's kind of the point of progression. First you need the pals to cool. Then you get electricity and you don't need pals to cool, so those pal slots can be used for farming materials you need


I say don't phase them out, just have the electricity drain while they sleep. Perhaps then you will need a dedicated pylon just for cooling.


Give them some other job to do. TBH cooling feels like a waste of time. I make so much salads that I sell excess for cash. Rotting food isn't really a huge problem.


They could use them for blacksmithing (specifically for quenching, which is to rapidly lowering the temperature of the metal)


How dare you put my jolthog cryst out of a job! I adopted his twin and he powers my electricity. I won’t separate them


Yeah I got it thinking that was the whole point. Boy was I flustered


Can we pause and talk about the electric stove that is clearly wood fired and still requires a pal to run efficiently?


Or the assembly lines that shows the items being made but won’t progress without a player or pal lol


The stove should have a slow baseline work speed that is always on, maybe equivalent to a Kindling 1 Pal with no workspeed traits, then speed up to the higher value when a Pal is assigned.


It literally does




This was my immediate thought as well. Fridges don't just magically cool things using electricity.


Just FYI A cooling appliance moves refrigerant gasses (with an electric pump) to move heat from one place to another. Once the gas is in the fridge, all you need is electricity.


Yes they do. So does your A/C or heat pump. Refrigerant is not some magical substance that needs to be recharged. It's a liquid that is put under extreme pressure, and uses pressure changes to absorb or release heat. On one side, it is de-pressurized, which causes it to turn into a gas, which causes it to absorb heat (making the room, or fridge interior, colder). It is then pumped to the other side of the wall (or out of the fridge), and then pressurized, which causes it to convert back to a liquid, releasing the excess stored heat. As long as the piping doesn't leak, you never "recharge" your system. You just apply electricity to operate the pump. For your AC or heat pump, you also use electricity to spin a fan, and blow the cold air to the place(s) you want it to be. So yes, a fridge does "magically" cool things using NOTHING but electricity. The refrigerant is just part of the initial construction cost.


I don't understand how fridges work. They totally magically cool things using electricity.


Depletes its refrigerant? Are you trolling? Do you know how fridges/freezers work? Edit: in the EU, it’s actually illegal to continue to top up a leaky appliance with refrigerant without taking the necessary steps to fix the leak.


What the hell does EU law have to do with refrigerators on the Palapagos Islands?




The maintenance guys in my apartment were perfectly fine with stopping by every week or two to recharge my AC unit a couple summers ago. It was so frustrating lmao. I legit had them come out to look at this thing at least ten times before they finally sent someone to fix what was obviously a leak. They were trying to tell me that the AC unit just can’t keep up because we’re on the third floor and it’s “scientifically functioning properly” despite my apartment being 82 fucking degrees all day. The dudes that fixed the leak must be Harvard graduates because somehow they figured out a new scientific method that keeps my apartment ice cold if I want it that way.


Kinda like how you need to regularly refill the refrigerant in your house?


This would be less of a problem if the appliance only needed pal attention once a day instead of continuous


It’s not electric it’s like the old timey fridges that needed a giant block of ice delivered to your home daily to cool it. Iceboxes is what they called them




I 100% agree with this post. Is there some where we can suggest this to the devs?


[someone suggested this on another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/I6uyltZcuK)


This annoys me the most so I turned off food timers with a mod.


This is why I changed the hunger setting as low as possible. I’d rather just ignore the whole food stuff


then you miss out on all the buff food, unfortunate


Wait. There’s food buffs?!?


Yep, hot dogs for instance give a defence buff (i believe I’m correct) [food buffs](https://www.destructoid.com/palworld-all-food-stats-buffs-and-recipes/)


I love that the most nutritious food is cake. If only it was that way in the real world....


yep, most are made at the electric stove, theres buff food for attack, defense, work speed and staying full longer, in different variations with different precentages


I just eat berries and other stuff that spoils slowly.


Ok, so with the cooler that doesn't require electricity, I think having a cooling pal required do the work is appropriate. However, the refrigerator needing electricity to function is a little different. I think that the refrigerator should provide everything in it with a cooling effect about half as effective as level one cooling. This way, you are still getting *some* cooling out of the fridge without having to dedicate a pal slot to perform that job. Now, if you want a better result, you can still absolutely slap a cooling pal into base and they will add to the effectiveness of the fridge, but I think just standard it should have some cooling effect. Similarly, I think the upgraded assembly lines with the robotic arms should complete manufacturing tasks at a rate about as effective as a level one handiwork pal. To further explain, all of the cooking sources have this built in already. Try putting some raw berries on a campfire without a fire pal around to ignite it, and they will still cook, albeit slowly. Add a fire pal to the mix and it increases the cooking speed further, but it always has that passive cooking going for it. The refrigerator and the upgraded assembly lines should work in the same fashion


A meaningful upgrade should free up pal labor (pal slots) on your base. If I still need a dedicated ice/fire pal to run electrical appliances that another pal is already being dedicated to producing the power for, then it feels like less of an upgrade and more of a lateral move.


Right? What's the electricity doing, providing the little light that goes on when I open the door? Why am I not just using an ice pal?


Cooling for me just seems pointless cause they never stay on task. 😂


You need a pal which only cools like jolthog cryst. But we definitely need a better way to assign pals to only tend to specific tasks


I actually got stupidly annoyed at this. Especially considering how hard it was to keep even a cooling only pal at the damn thing to cool it.


Wait, I just got to level 42 and I was excited to finally buy and get the electric cooler to keep the ingredients I use for breeding from spoiling... You mean to tell me I still need jolt hog (ice) even though I have electricity running through my base?


I figured there was a upgraded version of the fridge that required electricity. Having a refrigerator that doesn't refrigerate is kinda weird.


I’m fine with it using both but there should be a reason to power it with electric and have a pal freeze it . The higher the freeze level of a pal the longer it can store items before the next item decays . Electric to a fridge should count as level 2 freeze duration and this means at night unless the pal is nocturnal you will have level 2 protection  Let’s say I then pick up a pengullet to freeze the fridge . The fridge during the day while it’s feeezing the fridge becomes level 3 . If I recall every level adds 60 minutes of freeze time  This makes freeze pals still relivent but also makes the electric part of the fridge useful too 


I only allow my mind to accept it by thinking ots electric assisted like it gets a little more performance out of it. Still is annoying. This is with turning up pals to 20 on base. I think 15 is default and that one electric and one cooling comes at a premium


Can we also include the electric furnace as well?


I also think the electricity is OP. I think each structure pulling power should accumulate at a higher rate. My rayhound is powering everything late game with no issue. I don't really feel incentive to use a more efficient pal like Orzerk.


No that's fine, but give it a battery, just like the electro device has. It's stupid that the fridge stops working in the moment the Pal leaves it.


Ice pals should make it cold, but Electricity should make the chilling pal able to stop cooling.


I was mad about that with the stove


Why would I change your mind? You're correct


Any electrical equipment needs this. Have it so we don't need 30 different pals running around just for cooling, heating, and crafting. Hell you can even make it do both. A slower but still upgraded from the base version when not manned and an even faster version when manned.


If at least the pal don't go wandering in the base after feeding.


As far as I know, fridge in this game doesn't need an electric pal to power it up. So that's why you have to cool it manually.


Ya I don’t get that either, food items still go to waste because the cooling PAL isn’t always attentive to the fridge.


The whole cooling thing in general needs to be tuned. In terms of things that actually need to be cooled there really isn't a total need for it. Base Pals literally just exist to make food at endgame. You could take away cooling all together and you still wouldn't lose out on much since they are making food faster then it can spoil. You just won't be sitting on a 1000 cakes and 10,000 berries. I do agree though. Fridges should have a cooling bar they can fill up like electricity.


Are they electric? Does it say that anywhere? To me I just viewed them as boxes that needed to be cooled.


a lot of things in this game should be fixed really.


TLDR: The refrigerator is fine as is. They could give it like 0.5 level passive cooling without a Pal but any more than that and Cooling suitability becomes effectively useless. The Electric Pal is contributing in other ways if you're worried about it taking up a slot. ​ I think I've said this before but electricity is just a gate for better versions of things that didn't need electricity, and it doesn't need to be automatic or replace a requisite Pal. Most of it isn't automatic, at least in any way that most of us would care about. 1. Oven/stove: as far as I can remember (It's been over a month now I think since I've played), this is the only structure that will automatically do the work for you. Even then it's incredibly slow so basically negligible. The Electricity is paying for decreased workload. Plus more recipes. 2. Furnace: Decreased workload per unit. It cooks stuff faster than you could otherwise. Plus more recipes. That's what the electricity is for. 3. Refrigerator: Technically the electricity is paying for increased storage capacity here. It could do with a charge to keep stored cooling for breaks, sleep, etc. Maybe at minimum effectiveness or even half as effective as level 1 Cooling. Otherwise Cooling pals are useless. 4. Heater/Cooler: Electricity used to gate being able to keep all types of eggs 100% comfortable. Since the heat source stacking update, these seem useless to me, but I stopped playing before that was implemented so idk for sure. 5. All workbenches: decreased total workload plus more recipes. You get all those benefits for the low low price of 1 dedicated electric pal and an arguably ugly structure (and yes higher construction costs). Like from a game design perspective the way it works makes sense. Have players dedicate one slot of their base to unlock the highest tiers of comfort, equipment, resources, etc. From a "realistic" perspective, yeah, we expect electricity to just do all the work for us, so maybe it seems stupid the glorified ice chest needs electricity. I keep seeing people say stuff like "This electric Pal isn't doing anything useful other than keeping my lights on because none of the electric structures are automatic!" but like that Orserk is simultaneously helping 2 fire noodles and nearly a dozen sweatshop workers make ingots, cake, and Pal Spheres faster by decreasing the total workload that all those Pals need to contribute to. I call that a good deal.


I feel like all the electric versions should be able to run at least to some extent on their own


Don't you have a magical hedgehog blowing cold air into the back of your fridge IRL?


Hey uh where does an ice pal's excess heat go? Is an ice pal's internal body temp hot or cold, because we know that ice mounts will keep you cool in hot climate. Based on thermodynamics that cold means heat was displaced, but where?


Why not both? Doesnt need a pal when electricity is present and a pal can take over to keep the food cold is the power is lost


There is no electric fridge, neither the refrigerator nor the cooler box use electricity. https://preview.redd.it/xrjiqzo03xnc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15499bfe2d0397bbea90170e5dc391d332ba3602


Same as all things that need elec for some reason. Make them automatically do their things, with specific pals providing a bonus


True facts


As a guy who know what fridge need to cool ur stuffs, its nit weird if they need an ice pal for it




The obvious solution is to build a device and store the cooling pals in them.


Honestly, I'd be happy just with the ability to adjust the temp. I suspect most people only use these for egg incubators ... and it sucks to have to tear down and rebuild different devices for every new egg. Increasing heat isn't a huge deal, just use campfires. Dropping temp is a bit more irritating. And then there's the night/day temp difference.


I agree but on the other hand, I really enjoy watching my giant Sweepa chilling on top of the fridge.


This would open up the chill pals to cool eggs thar may be a little too hot for incubators. Imagine a chillet wrapped around an incubator, or a mau cryst jumping up and falling asleep on it


Yeah that always bothered me, same for heaters. I assumed it would be electric, freeing up a pal slot. But nope, it's just expensive to build. I'll just make camp fires for hatchery heat


We are starting to think and speak like Palworld is some AAAAAAAAAAA game. It's a (very) early access put together by a small studio. Give them time. My only hope is that they don't just decide to grab the bag and bye after the incredible success they had with something that isn't even half finished.


I mean, yes, but what else would foxicle do all day. They look so cute, just sitting staring at the fridge. Well worth a pal slot, lol


Alot of the electrical stuff should work ambiently without pals and get a bonus when pals do work on it. Idk but it seems fair to me, Hell I think more power draw would still be fair because I have one pal powering 4 conveyor belts, 4 furnaces, a med bench, kitchen, fridge, and whatever else uses electrical.


Fridge is useless when your pal just stops cooling to wander around or water a plant.


I think it should be that it cools with electric and then an Ice pal can make it cool more thereby making it an upgrade without much changing anything.


So cooling pals would be useless? Lol


I have no idea why this isnt a thing. I dont like having to use a base slot of Vanwyrm Cryst who likes to do anything other than sit on the fridge, causing me to lose a lot of food. I play with max item drops but I play for hours and may not go back to base for a few days (in game) or not visit that base since that is where all my food is stored. They need to change how Ice Pal work or add a second function to that OR increase Vanwyrm's cooling skill one level so it does that. That change on cooling could let them (whileon your team) keep food items cool while you carry them because I may keep on on my team when Im out hunting for meat. Also, can we PLEASE stop using the Steven Crowder meme. Seriously, fuck that guy. Do not let him exist in meme culture!


Holy shit I did not see what sub this was posted in and was wondering what the fk everyone was talking about, like wth are PAL's that you need? My fridge just works fine without anything wth? Is this some weird thing I'm too European to understand? Nope, just stumbled into a subreddit from /r/all without checking which one lmao.


Same with the electric heater! I built a base in a spot that stays cool enough to need the thermal undershirt and any time I try to hatch eggs, they get a 0% buff. I built an electric heater and it took me a minute to figure out it needed both electricity *and* a fire pal to heat it.


I was so confused before realizing this was about palworld


I didnt know this was a palworld post 🤣 I've never installed a fridge, so I was thinking "what!? Fridges need a water pump too!? I thought you just plugged them in!"


Well you need one pal to power the little fridge light and another to actually cool it.


I agree. The need for both, same with stove, made no sense to me at all.


I also feel this way about the “Electric” furnace. It’s Electrically powered but yet still requires constant “kindling”. Kind of odd.


I just have electricity at one base and have electric stations there. It's not really needed at all of them in my opinion


You have to think of pals with specific abilities as 'amplifiers', it may be more efficient to feed them with sources alternative to electricity generation. Portability is another good trait, rather than using generators in isolated areas.


Didn’t realize this was the palworld subreddit and i thought i was about to learn something insane lol


I couldn't agree more


...Also Electric Furnace and Kitchen


I agree with the statement. I do not agree with using the steven crowder meme for any reason, please please please stop putting this absolute loser's face on my feed.


I feel like if it worked only with electricity it would render the freezing pal useless, cuz their only other use would be to use that ice block thing. Same goes for the electric oven and fire pals, although the fire in this case could be used to speed up the cooking


iirc, it's not actually an electric fridge, is it? i mean, you can make it before the electric generator ish tech.


I didn't know this was a pal world meme and I was so confused lmao


I could see needing the rare bit of pal fluid, similar to an AC unit recharge, but yeah. Otherwise it should just work.


I know everyone here is joking but in laboratory equipment a chiller needing its own chiller is pretty common in ultra-low large scale equipment before you get to just using cryogenic liquids. I have used huber unistats that are smaller than a standard refrigerator, run 480v and to work at high load required a water chiller hooked up to it to cool it off as the air cooled model didn't like 90F+ warehouses that it got setup in. As justification the electricity isn't powering a refrigerant system but moving cold liquid/gasses around to cool a larger capacity but they shouldn't have called it an electric fridge but a circulating ice box maybe? That way you could at least justify the purpose of ice pals late game.


Personally, one idea is that when powered with Electricity, it has the equivalent of LVL 1 cooling, then a Cooling Pal adds to it. So if a LVL 2 Cooling Pal works on the powered refrigerator, the effect is equivalent to a LVL 3. Alternatively, a powered refrigerator stores cooling charges as others have mentioned.


And why are the Pals so bad at cooling? Just cool, that's all I want you to do, cool -_-


I don't understand, don't we all have our freezers in a larger freeze in real life? I think the realism is on point here 🤣🤣 Joking of course, just in case someone thinks I might be serious lol


Yeah same thing with the heaters and coolers and the forge, like why do I need a pal to heat an electric forge? That's the point of the electricity so it's automated


Some of the implications of this game are outright wild, the sun sets in the east, the moon is bigger and farther than the sun, freon doesn’t exist and a cop can summon pizza.


Does it not offer some level of cooling as a standard? Cause the electric oven will cook on its own. It's not fast, around the speed of a kindling 1 pal I think, but it cooks even with no pal to help. So the electric cooler is probably the same, offering level 1 cooling at all times and can be reinforced with a pal.


There is no Freon in Palworld.


It's a game based on pals, obviously everything is gonna require pals. Now the colling shouldn't stop immediately when a pal stops working. It should decay or last for a certain duration.


That's what the electric pal, charging the electric tbingamabob is for. To run electric stuff. Now I need two pals to do 1 job. Is dumb.


One of the dumbest things about the game honestly. So glad someone said it.


If they absolutely have to have it this way, at least give us something like an ice cube fuel source that can be made from pals. With this fuel source you don’t always need to constantly rely on the unreliable pal Ai to cool stuff, and would mean your stuff doesn’t start spoiling again when night falls.


Do pals automatically put food items in the fridge or do they default to the feed box?


Thank god the devs make changes to the game.


i never use the fridge


You need to invent HFC's first, then you won't need a Pal.


And the electric heater


Imho, I think powered fridges should act as though constantly powered by a pal with one level of cooling, and pals with higher cooling levels could supercharge them by working for a few minutes a day.


Seriously, why do I need Jormuntide Ignis to help on an electric furnace? If anything, I need more then Grizzbolt keeping the 2 batteries charged. And all I use to keep my ELECTRIC freezer cold is Foxcicle.


It's even more unreasonable when you consider that the Electric Medicine Workbench has a computer.


Refrigerators use coolants, not just electricity. Same as in your car. Ovens are the ones that just send electricity through a gigantic wire and it heats up.