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>What do people think of the breading I actually prefer salad but you do you Also, I didn't know we had sexually transmitted disease-based pals.


Panko-gos Islands are a great expansion idea though.


Thank you for this đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


You sound exactly like [this idiot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/s/aybKy6Hj4r). The game is a sandbox, so play the way you want. If you think something is broken or too OP, then don't use/do it. If you think a specific aspect of the game is unenjoyable, then avoid it and come up with a creative way to work around it. Why would you actively play a game with multiple avenues and possibilities the way you think is unenjoyable **on purpose**? Games are for fun. If you're not having fun, then don't play it. Simple as that.


I actually thought it was the same idiot.


I genuinely did too and had to go back and check the usernames. I was thinking "There's no way they've come back for a second serving of mass-downvotes, surely!"


Lol, I don't think getting people's opinion on something makes them an idiot even if theirs end up differing from the norm... (I guess the other post seems more of a statement then showing interest in the comunities opinions.. still though)


I'm not somone who cares about upvotes/down votes people can agree or disagree with me and that's fine I my original post was to find this out... but do people that downvote this specific comment actually think that having a different opinion about something in a game to the general community does indeed make you an 'idiot'? To me that seems crazy


That's exactly how I played on my first save. I realized that googling a breeding calculator to just skip to the good pals would take away a lot of the fun of discovery, so I just didn't. Actually played for a good while almost completely blind and letting the game progress naturally. Only once I started reaching the endgame did I start doing more research and optimization.


Yeah that is true be honest I don't have an issue with the breading, well clearly I don't like it and wanted others opinions, but I'm not here to garner support for changing it (though a setting to turn breading to only same pal breading might be good) just genuanly interested in community opinion My only real 'issue' with palworld is it's cashing all the time haha, other then that is a pretty good game


That's the fun; you don't have to breed OP pals early in the game. That is entirely the choice of the player.


Yeah true... but there is a reason most games don't give you an optional but OP breeding method (or similar mechanics) even if you chose not to, it makes going and getting that pal that you know you could easily just breed seem like much more effort :P


Yeah, but it’s also not like cakes are super easy to get that early on either, you could either gather up all the ingredients and have anything that isn’t a Jormuntide ignis take forever on cooking it, or take the 1% chance or something that a Lovander drops on. Either way you’d need at least a few cakes if you want to have a shot at a decent Anubis if you’re doing the Penking bushi Strat.  Also breeding is completely invalidated unless you have a known combo or a breeding calculator on hand, so there’s that too


That's true


If youre not baseline brain dead getting cakes by level 15~20 isnt hard.


Yeah, almost all the cake ingredients aren’t difficult to get, wheat and eggs and milk are all very easy to get (except arguably Beegarde since they constantly explode, but you should still eventually be able to catch at least one. That’s not the difficult part of cakes, the difficult part is it being so tediously time consuming.  Even if we assume you have the best RNG in the world and find a lucky level 2 kindler (all the level 3 kindlers like reptyro, ragnahawk, etc are only found in the volcano) that also has serious, artisan, and work slave, it will still take such a long time to bake a single cake. And like I said the only other option is grinding Lovanders, which have a low drop rate and only spawn at night and don’t have a fast travel point super close to them.  Obtaining a single cake by level 15-20? Easy, obtaining cakes quickly and reliably by level 15-20? Absolutely not 


So you make breeding a really good kindler your first priority after you make your first cake.


Probably yeah, but uncondensed perfect worker Jormuntide ignis has still served me pretty well, and once you hit the 30-40 range you can either search for dragon eggs in the volcano (they’re guaranteed to be jorm ignis) or just go to the sanctuary and find some there. 


Obviously we missed things like taking a lv2 kindler with a work speed passive and giving it a bit of boost at the statue.... so its not lightning fast... and beeguard aren't the easiest way to fetch honey early game hur dur. Act all authoritative, meanwhile someone else has already farmed 100+ honey (at level 16, with a wixen and a green xbow) its a drop too ironically it drops off level 13 pals so.... no again im missing how many of you think a resource and inventory management game is more rng gatcha than it really is. /r end


I hate IV breeding In any game, Passives are fine


Depends on what kind of player you are. Personally I don’t really interact with breeding because I find it boring and repetitive.


Catching Pals is actually so easy that I dont feel like an even slightly easier way to aquire them matters.


You saying catching anubis early game is easy?


I wouldn't let them breed with any STDs and purposefully putting the offspring at risk. Not cool, to be honest


I like it personally. Just don't bother with IV's, farm Bellanoir Liberos instead.


Breeding is more reliable for optimized pals


Personally I only use bread when I lose track and my pals are all starving


Agreed. Breeding needs a rework. The issue is, *if you do breeding blind*, you waste hundreds of very expensive cakes on slapping together random Pals wildly until you get something cool (maybe), and if you've got the egg incubation rate to anything but instant, you're going to spend literal weeks on this, probably getting tons of Pals you already have since breeding is pretty late-game. TL;DR: waste of time. *If you breed using a guide*, you get whatever you want, whenever you want, even if the Pal's only found on some island far away, or in one of the sanctuaries, and the entire breeding mechanic is reduced to following flowcharts, mass-producing cakes, and possibly rerolling the same egg 99999 times to get the right traits and IVs and whatever. Don't need to explore the world, don't need to use Spheres, don't need to battle anything; you pretty much avoid the game itself to do your own thing. TL;DR: using a guide is just boring minmaxing. Breeding being the way it is is probably most of the reason why basically everyone turns the incubators down (or to instant), and uses breeding guides.


Name one game (outside farming games and games like Hogwarts Legacy where the breeding is purely cosmetic) where breeding ultimately isn't boring min/maxing. In any game similar to this breeding comes down to min/maxing to get the best offspring. Personally I don't see how that can be reworked to not be boring. Min/maxing is always boring imo and also usually comes down to following a guide for most players. This is why players who do this usually start with this after they've done everything else. They then simply have nothing more to do but to min/max.


IMO the bigger of the two issues I listed was the blindness of the breeding mechanics, since without a guide the entire mechanic is "breed random Pals together until something good happens" and there's no logic to it, no way to predict what you'll get. TBH, minmaxing is fine, the only reason I mentioned it is because if you breed with a guide, that's basically all you use breeding for is minmaxing because it's too slow and too expensive to really be used for raising star levels on your Pals, and by the time you can mass-breed, you've probably already seen the entire map, so you're probably not gonna breed to fill in a bunch of gaps in the dex. One way to \[subjectively\] improve the breeding mechanics might be to have it so if you have two Pals ready to breed, you get a silhouette of what the result will be (or if you've seen the Pal, it'll just tell you), and then the player can decide if the silhouette looks cool or if they want to try something else. Downside to this idea is that it furthers that whole "no need to explore because you can just breed to get everything" issue, because you can just breed everything that's a silhouette and be done. I was going to keep writing more, but the whole thread is kinda floundering and OP got downvoted to oblivion, so there's not much reason to try to keep going, especially since I'm sure we probably don't get a lot of Pocketpair devs poking their heads in here for ideas, so it's dangerously close to being like farting in the wind, haha. I just like typing.


So that's what I need.... Breeding guide


It would be fun if it wasn’t solved and put into calculators in like a day


You know you don't have to use those calculators.


Yeah but it is a fact that I already know they exist and it’s a part of the game more or less at this point


I prefer panko personally? Strange question about cooking on palworld sub 😅


Personally I see no issue with it. Palworld is a numbers game when you right down to it so it should be encouraged to be min maxing.


I like the breeding in this game. The puzzle aspect of cross breeding to find what you need. Also the fact that you have a condensing mill for the harder to get pals. The best part of all of it, I don’t have ride around on my bike for an indeterminate amount of time and get stuck with a terrible hatch animation followed by 8 single line text interactions
”Oh?” Just for the record, I don’t hate PokĂ©mon. I just hate breeding in PokĂ©mon.


Yes, yes, you are.


I don't think bread is a good source of food for pals. I use salads for the base and food with more atk power for my squad


I mean like everyone on here is saying, play how you wanna play. Personally i wasn’t able to get any friends to join me on my play-thru so I’m doing it solo. That being said I have way less tolerance for the grindier aspects of the game. I made it so i keep my items when I die, i get 1.5x experience when I level up, and I breed pals that I want when i want them. Would most people call this cheating? Fuck yea. Am i having a blast playing a game i paid money for? Also fuck yea. So fight me.


Never bred Pokemon cuz their system is trash. Palworld is far superior, they got me to breed pals. 


Oh and  I actually partook in the breeding system very early because I was enjoying a univolt with musclehead, then I started looking for one with swift trait and then mashed those two together and got myself an univolt with musclehead and swift and that lasted me until level 50. One of best decisions I made in the game. 


I personally love it. It takes what I enjoy from smt fusion mechanics and the breeding mechanics from another well known game and puts them together. I really enjoy breeding them.


Breeding is its own kind of challenge. If your aim is that any pal of a certain kind will do, then there is no point in breeding and you can continue as you have been doing. If you're trying to get something quite specific to your own liking, no amount of running around in the world is going to get you that. I did basic breeding before IV glasses were a thing, and was just happy to get good passives. But now with the glasses, breeding has become a lot more challenging than before.