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I love Lunaris, maybe not “under rated” but a solid early game alternative to Anubis I spent ages breeding the perfect Suzuku because I think they’re the best all-round flying mount pre-legendary mounts. Tons of stamina and DPS, and pretty fast with the right perks.


Wixen is just better than Lunaris though. Converting damage to fire is quite good in most cases, and it is quite combat capable. And has the same 3 handiwork. Also, how Lunaris is early game? They only can be found as a boss, which is IIRC level 31. You can breed Anubis using only early available pals, like Azurobe+Wanvyrm or Penking+Bushi.


Other than wild eggs, you can buy a lunaris from a black marketeer pretty early on. That +80 weight limit is nice to have as well.


I wish I could randomize locations for pals. Imagine starting the game and seeing a jet dragon in the starting location 🤣


Jet dragon that you cannot ride for 49 levels  That imo would probably be the main issue as a lot of pal equips are level gated 


Well, you wouldn't be able to catch it for a while either. This is more so just a fun way to mix up the gameplay.


Weirdly enough every time I've been in a new game I've hatched one from a random wild egg. It happened to me 5 times.


Do you remember the kind of egg?


Large common egg for Lunaris. Can't remember exactly where but it's either in the bamboo area or north of the starter peninsula where you run into the Cinnamoths.


Sounds like I gotta go hunting for them! Thanks a bunch!!


Large fire eggs will hatch a wixen 


Celeray+relaxaurus too, and there are some other easy ones


You can breed one with a Tombat and a lamball. The only issue is unlocking breeding at 20 which at that point could get yourself an anubis fairly easily.


Lunaris is a decently common egg hatch. I've had one since probably level 15


Iv seen it quite a few times in the black market so it’s prob more likely mid game in a lot of cases for me 


In every game I've played, the first Marketeer I've found is usually selling at least 1-2 Lunaris for just a couple thousand gold each. And then there's that church with the several iron nodes behind it. There's 3 different Black Marketeers very nearby. Having like 3-5 Lunaris on Day 1 before you even reach level 10 is actually very doable.


Tbh for my 3 playthroughs Lunaris has been very early game just because it's the only thing I've ever seen hatch from large normal eggs.


I've always wanted to use a lunaris so that's perfect! Also from looking at the breeding chart it's fairly easy. Just a Tombat and Lamball! Is it weird I never used Suzaku? It seemed like a strong Pal I just never used it as a mount.


Suzuki was my flying mount for a long time until I found Faleris. Faleris is so much quicker and has longer stamina


Incineram is my go-to fire pal, I love how it closes the gap and hits hard. Don't care if it gets outclassed. If you can make em hurt, you're alright by me. The Hellfire Claw attack reminds me of vergil's attacks from Devil may Cry. >! *"Where's your motivation?"* !<


I prefer pyrin noct it is a pretty good fire pal plus it is also pretty fast for a mount


Pyrin is a great choice! I never used one so that could be a really fun option!


It's an excellent cave mount. It's super quick and fits everywhere In caves. Get one with Swift and Runner and just go. Pyrin and Pyrin Noct are both excellent, though I prefer the look and type coverage of Pyrin Noct.


I actually used an incineram and was never disappointed! I caught one early in raid and never looked back! Honestly if possible I would easily grab another one early!


It is possible. There are syndicate pal tamers on a high mountain to the west of Small Settlement. One of them has Leezpunk and another has Inceneram, both level 10. They also respawn if you move far enough, so you can catch them until you get ones with good passives, but you need to move really far. Although I wound recommend trying Wixen as an early pal, it can be captured at level ≈10 in a volcanic rift near Jormuntide boss. Also fire type, and has higher handiwork and kindling.


My Incineram soloed the entire game back when it came out, lol. Dudes cracked.




I found a lucky one of these guys on my first day with the game and it's been carrying me and my loot very nicely.


It it a staple of your team or do you keep it in base?


He's been the main fighting pawn in my exploring team.


It's special attack can do significant damage if it connects early on on the combo.


I've had a goal of using one of these guys til the end. The funny part is they're not even bad 🤣


This is the true answer, Alpha Fero Muscle Legend Emp cattiva jumping between punch flurry and air cannon is theoretically the highest DPS in the game, but it hasn’t been tested yet 


Felbat for sure It beats out frostalilion noct in my op because of life steal


I love Felbat's life steal ever since I caught one its been on my team and ill never take her off the team.


Can you describe the life steal? How much does it heal and how helpful is it for FelBat?


I don't know how much it heals but (haven't played in a while so may be false) heals both player and felbat for a good amount I also believe it's every hit or every certain amount of hits


Any time you attack an enemy you and Felbat are healed for a little heath, it is not much but can add up the more you damage the enemy.


6% Lifesteal at max condensation for both Felbat and the player.




I've always been interested by Felbat because of the life steal! My favorite pal is frostallion noct so I'm curious how it holds up!


This is the answer, felbat goes hard. If you give it both poison and burn moves it has a hard time dying to bosses.


So would you recommend Burly Muscle Legend Siren on a Felbat since it benefits more from % based poison and burn? Want to know before I put all the effort into breeding one 


That's certainly one way to do it. I really like burly on it and alpha for the extra HP; nice that it's also not that big as alpha. I usually don't take siren so I can more effectively use fire attacks or as a flex move spot. Usually end up using poison blast (only move for poison anyways) then any other two moves that burn (spirit flame for dark STAB, another low CD fire move, dragon cannon for AOE, etc).


My current plan is hundo alpha with dark cannon/poison blast/spirit flame, and I’m debating either the first one or Muscle Legend Siren Lord for passives 


Be careful with dark cannon. I believe it inflicts the "darkness / blind" status or whatever. From my understanding that status will cancel out any burns or poison. I read that the only two status' that can coexist on an enemy is burn and poison. I have not confirmed this myself though.


I don’t think this is true, well, maybe partially true. I’ve definitely seen videos of people running up to a boss, using shockwave/sand blast, and inflicting both para and muddy for a quick capture. So maybe only two statuses can exist at a time? It gets harder to test as you go down because % odds to get 1 status are good, then lower % odds for 2 at the same time, then even lower % odds for 3 at the same time, etc.  Dark cannon might be good, but now that I think about it if you only want DoT status effects poison fog isn’t a bad one to breed down either, as it seems to be the best way to proc poison and served me well on a lily and Lyleen I used, if that’s the case I might go with that one as my final move 


That's a great idea. My only gripe with poison fog is the 30 sec CD, but it is a guaranteed poison status, and its AOE. Might end up making the same things. 👍


Tombat is very good early-mid because its levitation messes up enemy AI - a lot of attacks would miss. And it hits pretty hard too. Probably best pal you can catch very early. Penking and Wixen are also pretty good.


Chikipi O3O so heccin adorable and op if you get perfect everything


They are adorable! I usually catch a lot for farm life but never used one!


Tocotoco- its pal ability obliterates, and it's a fun pal to use otherwise too


Celaray as a glider pal


They are ok if condensed, but they are outclassed by Killamari in all stats. Surprisingly good in combat early though.


You can also condense to 3* - 4* very quickly/easily early game. :)


Maraith is so much fun to run around on.


Bushi. He was the first Pal I bred to perfection and hes been a staple of my team.


Gorirat! It’s so strong and people tend to sleep on it for being a neutral type. Hit like a truck, decently bulky! Always the first pal I try to hunt down to get and start max passive and stat breed for.


I will always say Dumud is the most useful Pal in the game. If you need everything rock related, he’s your man. He mines. He transports, he waters. And most of all, he’s friend shaped.


pyrin noct is a pretty good land mount till you get necromus or paladius it does not have to be a noct version but it just looks so much cooler


Felbat. Her base stats are **just about good enough** compared to high end pals, but her passive heals you absurd amounts when using a legendary assault rifle. In a full bellanoir libero ultra fight it even outheals having multiple lyleens in your team. Lovander has the same passive, but her stats and type are worse than Felbats.


Roobi. She walks in Foxpark's shadow unfortunately.


Gonna throw out Teafant. Caught one for my shiny only run and he's been the tank to carry me to late game


Galeclaw exspecially if you rank it up is fun to use as a glider . I imagine there’s other utility pals too if you were to upgrade them would be a lot of fun to use too 


I used a cinnamoth as a utility mon being able to poison every boss, and it worked really well. I did use galeclaw eventually, and it's pretty dumb how fast you go on that thing 🤣🤣


One of my favourite things has been max staring pals to see both how they fair as workers and how they do in combat . A combat digtoise for exsample could be fun as the continue spin attack you can control and use to mow down enemies (just need the combat stats I did it on a work digtoise ) 


Wyvern is a goat great early game flying mount. Not hard to get and to buff with condenser plus fire dark is a brutal combo. Plus aerial marauder is a great perk really some death from above vibes.


I love wyvern cause of its stam and low cool down moves as well. I've often used it for a long time until I get an end game mount


Pengullet's maxed out partner skill is pretty OP, and the only downside is the long cooldown.


The launcher is actually what made me pick up the game. That skill is so funny and fun to use 🤣


That little squid that you can only find in earlier dungeons, almost nobody catches him early haha




Best glider


Well I have been sold on Killamari as a base pal. Good ore transport. Never seen it slack off.


Elphidran. How can you say ‘no’ to that face?


I love my Elphidran Aqua. I bred it to be a powerhouse and you can mount it


foxcicle, severely underrated as they do a pretty significant amount of damage already (a 3 star condensed with maxed out attack souls can basically solo axel) and they boost stronger ice pals like frostallion, and cryolynx... cryolynx especially just goes full doom mode by having one or two of these in your party, absolutely annihilated axel to the point i had to double take when my water pal team wasn't doing the same for Marcus


I really like tombats early game


Fenglope. But because It’s a pretty quick mount & the ability double jump is top tier. I literally climb mountains w her if I don’t want to use a flying mount