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Good thing they don't take community input on this one. Sakurret would be terrible


sakurret, a turret of sake. getting drunk with the boys in one simple trick


palworld needs to give me alcohol guns now so i can make the pals drunk


Lol. Sanity goes up but productivity tanks


Chance of incapacitation increases with stacks.


I like Sakurret. And, uh, if the community wants it, then why is it a good thing they aren't getting it? I wouldn't expect them to take one person's recommendation without the support of the community. I just don't understand the logic behind the words you chose to use.


Chillet Ignis is fine tho. All other pals that are variant are the same kind of name, wouldn't make sens to only name this one differently.


Agreed. I don't like the alternate forms only being differentiated by a suffix, but making arbitrary exceptions instead of being consistent would be much worse


Well the correct route of course is to rename all Pal variants with something more creative. Kelpsea Ignis is Magpis in Japanese (Kelpsea is Kelpis). Why do English names got such a long ahh name.


I don't even care about Kelpsea Ignis, but I'd like it a lot less if it was called Magpiss


It's just an example, like Raizo/Sasazo (Mossanda/Lux = Grass/Thunder Giant) and Gokuen'ou/Shinen'ou (Blazehowl/Noct = King of Raging Fire/King of the Abyss). The English names need to be creative in English context like that poke game does with their names.


Not like you can't rename the other pals.


I know but the people in the screenshot want griller to become the official name... which is not happening šŸ˜‚


To be fair, chillet is a weird case. The start of his Name ist still **chill** while being a fire type, who are not genarally known for chilling things. If you take for example Mammorest Cryst, this Does not happen because mammoths don't have a Problem with ice and even forests still do stand all year round. Though taking the Idea of chillet chill means to lower temperature, the fire equivalent would be more warm or maybe ignite. So instead of grillet it would more be something Like ignet (?) for ignite + furret. While I do Generally don't like their system because it, in my oppinion unnecessarily, lengthens and monotonizes names I still do recognize that you either Stick to the system in all cases or you do away with it completely. Having a half implemented system is the worst after all.


Foxcycle.... Foxparks. They are literally the same


they aren't at all. Foxparks has one tail the tip is on fire along with its paws and its ears are pointy. Foxcycle has 3 tails and the tip isnt emitting any frost effect and it has fluffy furr going down from their ears. Pretty sure they aren't meant to be a variant of each other, their design arent even similar in look and shape. Even Kitsun is another type of fox but they aren't related. Chillet ignis is a direct type variant of chillet, same appearance with different element.


I am pretty sure Kitsun is not even a fox type. Its internal name is AmaterasuWolf and Japanese name is "ghost fire".


[Kitsune](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune) are actual mythological Japanese foxes with supernatural, shape shifting abilities. The pal is definitely meant to be a fox


It is called this only in translation. Internal name is "AmaterasuWolf", and Japanese name is best translated as will-o'-wisp.


Kitsun from Kitsune means a trickster fox with supernatural abilities in japan mythology, 100% a fox type.


It is called this only in translation. Internal name is "AmaterasuWolf", and Japanese name is best translated as will-o'-wisp.


Its internal name means literally nothing when it is very clearly NOT a wolf


It clearly IS a wolf. It has wolf muzzle shape and wolf size.


Oh sorry I forgot to put /s on the end. My bad. Tried to be sarcastic tho


No, no they are not. Barely even similar, in fact


I know mate. Tried to be sarcastic cuz both of their name starts with fox and the second part is referring to their "type". Like foxcycle is fox icycle and foxparks is fox sparks. I guess my humour as a 23 yo is still shit.


Who said chillet came first?! Maybe grillet is the base form and grillet frost the variant? You see what I mean?


Then it would be Grillet Cyst and not Chillet


thanks I didnt know the ingame name in the moment hehe


Why do people care about a pal name that much while you can rename them? That seem like a non issue.


Grillet sounds more like a nickname anyway . Like yah your on cooking duty go cook it nowĀ 




While Grillet is a great name... I mean of course they weren't going to go down that road. They've already created their syntax for elemental deviations. It only makes sense to keep their own trend consistent.


It's an Early Access game. Things are bound to change.


Some people don't really want to name their pals. Others just prefer slightly less lazy names better than slapping "lux" on an Electric, "Ignis" on a Fire, or "Cryst" on an Ice variant. The non issue part comes from people making a big deal out of it.


Well in this thread people who care that it stays the same are getting hundreds of upvotes for demeaning anyone who thought it could be better, so apparently it's an issue.


Bro, just rename it to Grillet yourselves. So the devs arenā€™t calling it Grillet. Big whoop.


Jokeā€™s on them, what I wanted was Flaminā€™ Weasel


I thought grillet was funny but I wasn't expecting them to throw out the naming system that's established. If they name it grillet, then naming mine grillet will just be normal. I like the idea of it being properly classified with the species followed by the variant type, then nicknaming the pal I'm catching.






>Sakura Furret Would need a new element for that though. The weeb element.


Every element resisted it and be weak to all the other elements. Perfect balance.


It would be weak to Plant Type


Except dark. Weebs get shade thrown their way 24/7 and they still here


"Grillet" sounds dumb af; however, "Sakurret" somehow sounds even worse. "Chillet Ignis" is the only real choice.


I was thinking the same thing, Skillet is better šŸ’€


Wait people were actually pushing for this? Iā€™d rather they keep their consistent name scheme for English than start trying to change things. Grillet is a funny name but coming up with names for every alt variant would be tedious.


Donā€™t they already do that for Japanese names?


Kinda but iirc itā€™s not quite the same as English. So itā€™s a literal translation but not a direct translation that conveys the play on words. Kinda like PokĆ©mon in that regard.


It would be so easy, the variant names write themselves I'm going to pick 5 random pals with variants and attempt it now, taking no longer than 30 seconds per pal: Frostallion Noct: Noctallion Gobfin Ignis: Charfin Kingpaca Cryst: Crystpaca Robinquill Terra: Rockinquill Surfent Terra: Turfent (I'm particularly proud of this one because it's Surf and Turf)


Then rename them to that lmao This isnt a big deal....


They complain about it not being much work and then donā€™t do it themselves šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Those are terrible


listen we can break rank for BABY


"We lost the war boys we can't tell a game developer to change their creative decisions arbitrarily"


If I'm not mistaken, the [original](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1d9zncj/lets_go_grillet_info_tomorrow/l7huckk/ ) creative decision was to have elemental puns/references with pals that had elemental subspecies, and the localization tossed unique names in favor of uniform suffixes.


Localization teams don't do anything without request or approval of the publisher.


Sending a smile emoji at someone while telling them to "get over it" is a "conflict resolution 100" moment


Not top class professional behavior, but sometimes players need to accept that they are the one being ridiculous. This is not a bug or a server issue that demands action, it's just a cute meme. No need to nag devs over it. It kinda sours the whole thing that people are going overboard over it.


Broken clocks and whatnot.


Is it a broken clock if he's just not mincing words about something perfectly reasonable. Some folks who love to dump on Community Managers don't afford them half the respect they demand back.


Surprisingly, the community manager has chilled out a fair bit, they used to be much more snarky/passive aggressive and I guess the complaints led to him being told off about it. He was *hated* by the majority of the discord server near the launch of the game for giving off this "You're wrong, I know better" vibe when he was wrong a lot of the time. There was a time where cheaters were spamming the public servers with insane amounts of connections to crash them (I followed a lot of cheating forums at the start), but when this was brought up to Bucky he was *convinced* that this was an overwhelming amount of legitimate players trying to play despite the cheaters bragging about it via admin/system messages in the lobby before crashing it as well as the player count declining a lot since launch. Timed out/banned anyone that spoke out against him on anything and was just a power-tripping mod for a while and despite chilling out a lot you can still see the old behaviour seep through the cracks.


Fucking hate when people do it. So immature.


Kinda like harassing the devs en masse to throw away their naming conventions?


(Posting this here for visibility as I'm only now finding out people are harrassing devs over this) The ask was half in jest, half in hopes they'd actually do it. We've got our response, please do not harrass the devs over this. The fact we got a Chillet Ignis is enough.


I dont think asking a question is harassing


It is when you keep asking over, and over, and over, and over, and over.


They have a community manager. That's why they paid them. It's not harassment, just annoying request.


When it continues after being told no repeatedly, it is not just a request. It is harassment. Harassment does not require the harasser to have bad intentions.


I was a community manager for a different product and I haven't heard anyone defines "harassment" like that. Harassment has actual legal and ethical implications, it's not just a word which definition you can pull out of thin air.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/harass https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/harassment https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/harassment Good thing I didn't just pull it out of thin air. Harassment is not just a term lawyers made up. It has real-life meanings that exist outside the legal realm. And what you're defending 100% qualifies.


Sorry, but linking a dictionary definition when we're discussing a word with actual policy implication is stupid. Yes, "harassment" has a casual laymen definition, but in this context (consumer-producer relationship) "harassment" refers to specific instance of disturbance. Filing persistent annoyance as "harassment" would only waste everyone's time. By the way, only Merriam Webster from your link defines "harassment" as a persistent annoyance, and it's only 1 out of 4 possible definitions, which makes your point even weaker. All dictionaries include "hostility"/"pressure" as important component of harassment.


Good tbh. Grillet is a pretty shit name, as well as the suggested names for the other versions of Chillet


The problem I have with it is the inconsistency. Chillet gets its own name, but Chillet Ignis has to have a subtitle? Chillet Cryst, then!


Um that is how they all work it isn't inconsistent. For example Frostallion and Frostallion Nox or Eikthyrdeer and Eikthyrdeer Terra or Jormuntide and Jormuntide Ignis So Chillet is the original and Chillet Ignis is the subspecies. It is fully consistent with how other Pals are named.


"Chillet" as a name implies an element, cold. Eikthyrdeer as a name, doesn't _seem_ to imply an element in its name. For example, if Eikthyrdeer Terra was the first version you saw you'd just call it Eikthyrdeer, and then the normal version would have the Normal variant name. From a video game perspective it obviously works, but from a logical or in-world lore perspective? Why would those from Alola call their Vulpix "Alolan Vulpix" and not just "Vulpix" and the fire-type "Kantoan Vulpix". It's barely of any concern at all, it's just inconsistent.


Ok while I can see your case for Eikthyrdeer as the name is type neutral. Why did you not address the other 2 Pals I brought up. Both of which have parts of their name that imply a type. Frostallion has "frost" in the name implying cold/ice, and Jormuntide has "tide" implying water. Just like the "chill" in Chillet. If the issue is that it still has chill in it despite losing it's ice typing then as said Frostallion is pure ice and Frostallion Noct is pure dark. Jormuntide is Dragon/Water and Jormuntide Ignis is Dragon/Fire. So this is perfectly consistent with how not just elemental Pals but all Pal variants are handled. While I will agree when applied to real life it doesn't make complete sense. It is just how it works. And the likely lore reason that only Alolan Vulpix is called that, is that outside of Alola no other region has a Vulpix like that. It is exclusive to that region. While everywhere else in the world has the same "normal" Vulpix. So it makes sense that that one is given a regional prefix. Also I would personally reckon that when talking about it normally they are just called "Vulpix". So if someone asks "hey what is that one" you would just say "It's a Vulpix" if asked for more you then might say "It is an Alolan variant". So only when it comes to offical documents or scientific discussion that the term "Alolan Vulpix" is used.


Grilled is so stupid, then I saw the suggestion below hahahahahhaa ainā€™t even mad thatā€™s just meme level funny


I'd understand people being upset if we couldn't change names ourselves, but since we can, this is and always will be a stupid and unnecessary argument to have cause even if it was named Grillet SOME OF YOU ARE GONNA CHANGE IT ANYWAY DON'T TELL ME YOU AREN'T![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


I don't really care one way or another about the specific names for the fire Chillet, or the ice Jolthog, or the electric Mossanda, but I'm just personally not a fan of the name + cryst or name + lux thing. Just feels a little boring. Not horrible, but I think it would be more interesting if they had their own names.


Yeah it's boring and does feel robotic. The Japanese name is more interesting. E.g. Mossanda Lux is Raizo (Rai = thunder, zo... maybe big/giant) while Mossanda is Sasazo (Sasa = grass).


im naming the blue one Grillet Cryst


This!! Who said whats the base thing?? Exactly. I like this


I mean Grillet as a funny nickname is okey but as a vanilla one? Nah. It wouldn't make any sense to have pal variants to change their base name, regardless of how memeable they could be. Tho it makes me wonder which silly name the fanbase would come up with if say a Lovander variant showed up ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49351)


Wait can u breed chillet ignis with flambelle? Bc I randomly got one from a syndicate base with near perfect IVs




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The Pal could be named poop and I'd still capture and make it work for me What used to be annoying for me in the PokƩmon community was the nerds who care for small things like that, hopefully not again.




Iā€™m naming mine spicy noodle šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I named my Flambelle "Mopar".


I will STILL NEVER not call it Grillet šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


ā€œi honestly donā€™t like grillet as a name. i prefer sakurret.ā€ - šŸ¤“


Sad but fair.


fuk that. i'm still renaming my favorite pals to its original Japanese name.


Based Bucky strikes again Also found out you fuckers were harassing the devs over this, chillet stans are fucking horrible and Iā€™m never using one again


Thank God, Grillet is the dumbest shit humanity has come up with in a while and if you think that's a good name, you're part of the problem.


Today is a sad day.


As a ferret, I do not agree with the idea of cooking my own kind.


As far as I'm aware, the Profanity Filter is also still a thing.


I wanna play this so badly. Please bring a Playstation port soon!


Where the hell do they find these community managers? Yet to see one that wasn't a raging prick. Most usually damaging the communities their supposed to be watching over.




were did keoe recommend Lovanders Paldex number be 69 that they approved. We need to be talking to that person, not to a community manager for whom moderating their community is too much of a bother.


We need a popular poll with alot of people voting to see what the official name should be. Grillet needs to be considered more heavily


No, we don't. People like you need to let it go. They have a naming convention for variants. They are going to stick to it. If you want to name yours "Grillet", or "Hot Dog", or fuckin' "Wienerschnitzel", go for it.


https://preview.redd.it/owk07r30b27d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08b5e9d13042bf6986ba161b19dc3ac74ef06c89 Bucky was responding to a smaller poll done for naming variants.


Thatā€™s why we need a large one


Rename yours grillet then. Donā€™t harass the devs over something like this.


This. The ask was half in jest, half in hopes they'd actually do it. We've got our response, please do not harrass the devs over this. The fact we got a Chillet Ignis is enough.


No, "we" dont. The name should be whatever the developers and localizers decide it should be. End of story.


The thing is - localizers and developers have different ideas. Developers have own names for each variant, and localizers went with "screw this, we are not paid enough to bother, have a suffix".


They are the localizers, so unless the devs tells them to make a change, their word is final, as it should be.


What is with localizers worship? I haven't ever seen a localization that is nearly as good as original.


Shadow chillet- Shadit. Or shatit.lol Dark chillet- (deleted)