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This is funny because the whole reason they got that machine is because most people couldn't make a consistent product by hand. Now they'll have an inconsistent product and have their newer employees complain about it šŸ˜†


It's called a dough spinner and you should still be hand tossing your pizza when using a dough spinner. Do you mean edge locking?


For those of us not in the biz, could you briefly define these terms? What does the dough spinner do, what is edge locking etc


The dough spinner has whatā€™s essentially 3 rolling pins in the top of the machine so when you press the dough it spins it out but most people either pull the lever too fast or just not enough and you get shit dough skins to slap out, the edge lock you take your fingertips on the edge of the dough ball and basically do a press and pull to put a crust on it then you flip it and press it by hand and then slap it the edge lock will give you a more defined crust but the press is easier on your arm muscles šŸ˜‚ and faster


They taught us edge locking too but donā€™t want us using the machine at alll


lol enjoy that carpal tunnel, tendinitis, and shot rotator cuff in about 10 years. Too many old GMs and AMs now have these problems because doing dough by hand all day everyday isnā€™t sustainable unless you really take care of yourselfā€¦which they donā€™t pay us enough to do.


Yep Iā€™m 48 and only been managing about two of my 4 1/2 years before I was a driver and didnā€™t really make food and my hands are so messed up and I have a torn rotator cuff in both shoulders .


Wdym "they don't pay us enough to do". If you're not taking care of yourself because a company isn't paying you to do so you should take a break or find another place my dude. The pay ain't shit but if my mental health needs time to cool off I'm calling off IDC what people say. Putting your job before yourself is necessary sometimes I understand, but choosing it every day is not gonna be good for you.


Being homeless will also negatively affect your mental health. Some people have to work and donā€™t have the luxury of taking off for a mental health day. And I donā€™t mean to diminish the value of taking a mental health day. The problem is greedy corporations and a fucked up healthcare system all while the economy falls apart.


Its funny you said that because I've been homeless this year in January and into February. I am well aware that some people "can't afford not to take a mental health day" and I believe I said that in the other reply I wrote. All I was trying to do was show some care for the person by saying maybe it's something they should do but I'm being down voted for it so idek šŸ˜‚ work yourself to death if you want, I'm not anyone's babysitter


Bold of you to assume I meant mentally. See: carpal tunnel and tendinitis. Believe me, Iā€™ve tried to find a new job. But I just canā€™t leave the Papa


Physical anguish from carpal tunnel and tendonitis can weigh on someone's mind even subconsciously though. I'm not telling you what to do I'm just weighing in and saying it's not worth it to work away your body/mind to a corporation that doesn't give a shit about you. The only reason I ever come in on a day off or early is if the friends I made at my store ask me to and if I'm feeling ok with doing it.


We agree. It's not worth it. Papa johns corporate also agrees it's not worth it. If the franchise you're at cares more about a centimeter higher edge than your physical health go find a corporate store and get paid more.


I am a corporate store :D


Who exactly is threatening to take away your dough press?


Our main manager / store owner


Your GM is also the owner? Fuck that. Get the fuck out of that place.


How exactly does that work? Two separate jobs with separate pay? I had no idea that was possible


How is the owner being the GM a bad thing? You realize thatā€™s probably what they have to do especially if thatā€™s their only store. Not every franchisee is big enough to hire a GM


It's a power structure problem. If your GM is also the owner, there is nobody to go to when you're mistreated or laws are broken. One man is the judge, jury and executioner. There won't be an HR department, there won't be a DO.


This man hates small businesses.


I've hated working for small businesses. They want a "family" atmosphere from their employees, aka sole rule over subordinates who will be overworked, underpaid, and blamed when things go wrong.


The slight customer satisfaction bump isn't worth the tens of thousands of dollars in workers comp and medical bills for rotator cuff and wrist injuries. Years later and I still have a fucked up shoulder and two bad wrists.


Guess you didnā€™t work before we had a dough press. I ran one of the busiest stores in the country and didnā€™t have an issue keeping up. The press isnā€™t that much faster itā€™s just easier to make a consistent product.


Yeah Iā€™ve only worked here bout a year and yea ur right yesterday we all had to practice not using it and it wasnā€™t that bad, we just get really really busy weekends


Racking dough is your friend before rush.


! Definitely, Iā€™m always usually the one doing it but Iā€™m just so used to using the machine I can do large smalls and mediums in like 20 mins but now ima have to learn to hand press fast just incase they do take the machine


everyone stop what youā€™re doing and look at how cool this guy is! Isnā€™t he so cool!


One of the things, though before we started using the press was you had more employees and you would have somebody just doing though somebody making pizzas on the oven so Iā€™m on the register now I go to work every day and work by myself at night we only have two people, Going back to having to do by hand plus physically I couldnā€™t do it I would have to quit . Which sucks cause I love my job .


It's not about speed it's about not getting chronic injuries that pj's will have to pay out tens of thousands of dollars per instance on.


How tf do you get chronic injuries slapping dough?


Oh you sweet thing. After a few years even just the dockers will give anyone wrist injuries. Not to mention that papajohns is way behind the times on cutting. Rockers aren't about better cuts they're about reducing the strain of repetitive movements. Remember, chronic joint injuries like the ones in this comment section (carpal tunnel and rotator cuff injuries being the primary culprits) are a result of constant repetitive movement, not strenuous activity.


Because the repetitiveness of slapping over and over again will cause this. It can happen to anyone. You do the same motion long enough, those muscles will start to get sore and the tendons overwork


Get better dough slappersšŸ¤·šŸ¼


Weā€™re training, most of our in-stores are newbies or just not good at it


What happened to the MIC sitting in the dough corner and cranking it out for the store? Means you always have your best, most-experienced people producing great skins.


TBH, the MIC should NOT be slapping. How can the MIC know what's going on in the restaurant if they are in the corner?


You should be able to run the store from any positionā€¦


When I worked at ppj we did it by hand and it took like 6 months to get good at. And we didn't get paid any more for knowing how to do it.


so I actually manage the slap table Friday night rush. Start pre-slapping like 30 to 45 minutes before the rush and then just keep counting and maintain your top bar on your screen that shows you dough products and count. Youā€™ll live.


The dough press sucks. Hand stretching and docking is 10x faster if you actually know how to do it, making a slap should not be a 4 step process


Hopefully I can learn to do it faster and yeah the crust is way better hand tossed


Once you start doing it more youā€™ll get faster, itā€™s annoying at first but it genuinely is better after a while


Preach. Any competent hand slapper is much faster than the dough press and the pizzas look and taste way better. The press just simply doesn't "press" the dough out enough so the skins always look like shit with no actual crust or anything.


Then you need to adjust the thickness knobā€¦


I have actually had quite a few people lately complain about theyā€™re not really being a puffy crust the past two weeks even though I use the dough press I have been creating a border by hand to try to make a better crust when I stretch them out


Are you corporate or franchise?


Iā€™m store #8 in Louisville Kentucky, one of the first stores so I guess franchise ?


I wouldnā€™t self doxx like that but hey


Didnt think about that haha




I mean to be fair the dough does suck since we got those things but I see where they come in handy but I also remember the days of being allowed to have more trays of dough pre rounded out just for the rush and the employees to do it


I donā€™t even use the spinner. I train all my shift leads to do dough by hand before I let them use the spinner most donā€™t use it unless weā€™re racking up for a large order.




We call that ā€œslap ā€œ šŸ˜… -4 pm is slap hour


Thereā€™s nothing more fun to be honest. The spinners took away the best part of the job. And the sense of accomplishment is top tier. I do have shoulder problems but Iā€™ve never blamed it on pjs, Iā€™ve injured my shoulder a few times on my own šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


They should. I've hated that thing since day 1. I want my damn counter space back. šŸ¤£ They only brought it in because of how understaffed Papa Johns was and they could NOT find any employees. If an employee is properly trained and managed, they should be able to pump 20+ skins in 30 minutes. I can make 5 trays of large predocks in under 30 minutes if I have no interruptions. It's easy, people just don't want to work, even getting paid the big bucks. šŸ¤£


How much are y'all paying that it can be considered "big bucks"? Sorry but i just find that statement hilarious considering what the pay is over here


I agree. As long as dough is perfect (not truck dough or overproofed) 1 skin should take no more than 20 seconds as long as its uninterrupted. I do miss the counter space though


My store hand tosses everything yet and makeline/OTD time is only bad during late night rush


It takes just as long to do a tossed doing it correctly stop being lazy


You do realize there are stores (like mine) that don't even use the machine at all, right? We don't get complaints about our crust at all because no one gets flat crust.


Whatā€™s yall average number of orders on Fridays?


It ranges depending on the week but anywhere between 70 and 140ish


We do tend to be a slower store, I don't know how busy others get. We're in a college town so its a lot more during the school year.


Our stores like Between 180-220