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Do you think it was waving to greet you?


That's actually possible, as i never felt anything negative when it was present. It also might be touching the wall.


True. It would be cute if it was just saying hi and enjoying the atmosphere. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/4mgknd7esiyc1.jpeg?width=836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcda9e5a23ca6442536d7e5eb7a6ab2048e67faa Took me a minute to see the shape you are talking about. My eyes were instantly drawn to this thing that looks like a face. Almost looks like Darth Maul from Starwars 😅


It was National Star Wars Day...


Yea i see what you mean. That's the closet i think


No clue why you got downvoted for saying that you see what they’re seeing but it’s just the closet lol


Unsettling to look at. That part’s for sure 😬


I’m curious as to why you are taking a picture of your friends cat, in a dark room, when you wanted it to be for your phone’s wallpaper? Wouldn’t you want a picture that you could actually see the cat in, if you’re using it as wallpaper? It is quite creepy looking. But the story part doesn’t make much sense to me.


The story is confusing me too


Honestly, the confusing story kinda makes it sound unbelievable. Nobody thinks to take a picture of a cat, in a dark room, to use as their wallpaper for their phone. Nobody. You wouldn’t be able to see the cat.. lol! I don’t know all that much about photography, but I do know not to take pictures in a dark room, if I want to use that picture for something, like for instance.., wallpaper.


Also they took the photo in landscape not portrait? However they crop it it's gonna look blurry for a wallpaper


I don’t know much about photography either, but I know most phones have auto flash now. If for some weird ass reason I was sitting in a dark room and randomly decided that I wanted to take a picture of my friends cat, from far away, and out of focus, my flash would turn on.. Where’s the suppose cat??


Because it’s not real. Nothing real is ever posted here and I absolutely can no longer stand posts like these. I hate people that announce they’re unsubbing, that being said I’m about to be a hypocrite. I’m done with this dumpster fire of a sub.


I've always wanted hot girls to come in through the window 😂


I dont know why it looks like some babe in a dressing gown. I


These are things that use to stalk me as a child. Then they would dart behind a door or a wall if I would se them. And they were as tall or taller than this one. I believe it’s real.


perhaps some kind of fairy or something? like a trickster


No. Some kind of entity. They are very interested in children. They don’t want to be seen


a fairy is an entity. what do you think it is then? maybe some kind of shadow elf


When I was a child I would see them all the time but the minute I’d see them they would dart away in milliseconds. When I was 9 I saw one for the last time. I was living with my grandmother in her condo. I would always play dress up in her clothes and makeup and I was in Her bedroom doing that while she was in the living room watching tv. My grandma was sitting on the couch that faced the bedroom door and to the right of the bedroom was a dinning room with a huge table and chairs and then to the right of that was the kitchen then nothing. I had laid all the clothing out on her bed and was facing the door so the dining room and kitchen would be to my left. I had been looking down matching the clothes for some time when I realized there was someone watching me from the door. I knew right away what it was and I had a decent view of it from my peripheral vision. It was taller than the door way and bending its head down to look in. Its arm and shoulder were also holding onto the door frame and I could see some of its torso and leg. I decided to keep playing with the clothes and as I did I very very slowly moved my eyes up and I guess I finally caught it off guard cus it didn’t realize that time. Usually it would dart away in milliseconds, like I mentioned before, making you feel like you’re crazy. But not this time. It didn’t realize I was looking directly at it and got about 3-4 full seconds before I got scared and it realized and it darted away so fast to my left, directly into what would be a solid wooden table and chairs. I came out and asked my grandma if someone was here and she said no. She would have been able to see it if it was a real human being as she was sitting right in front it. That was the last time I have ever seen them. It’s like it knew I had caught it finally and it was done with me. But I cannot stress this enough, it’s not a fairy or a troll. They look like 8-9 foot tall men but blacker than a shadow and completely featureless, just the shape of a man. And they are black like a void. And they just watch and the minute it realizes you see it it’s gone. I don’t know about ghosts but these entities are definitely real. And I have no idea what they are.


interesting. creepy that it chose a young girl changing clothes to look at tho..


That wasn’t the first time it happened. It happened dozens of times since I can remember. This particular time just ended up being the last. Many times I would see them dart away when I’d be in my room playing and I’d turn around and I’d see it dart away from the door way. One time I came into the kitchen on was standing on the side of my refrigerator, its head and shoulders were above the refrigerator and it darted away into nothing. I have seen them out side of my house as well but never did I see them as clear as the last time. When you’re a kid you don’t really know what’s happening and when you see these things so much you just think it’s something normal. Or many times I would think to myself it was just in my own mind. And then the story I told above happened and it removed all doubt from my mind that these beings are real and it has never happened again. If I was crazy or seeing things that aren’t there then why have I never had another paranormal experience in my entire life? I am autistic, but super high functioning and high masking, but I have never even experienced anything that made me think I saw or hear a ghost. Just these shadow entities when I was a child. And I know I’m not crazy.


fascinating. my best friend who is a bit on the autistic side undiagnosed but he has something for sure. Anyhow he would see shadow beings all over the place until he learned to turn it off at like age 16 or something. but they where just normal human shapes. one was a lumberjack who was inside my parents old summer house which was built for labourers. i even snapped a picture of a little girl shadow peeking out from a doorway(our dumbasses got scared and deleted it because when we saw the photo a bit later we both got an insane headache) anyhow when outside at twilight the shadow beings would be walking towards him from all over. I even ran up to one and started punching in the air and he freaked out but nothing happened. i couldn't see them so i don't know if it reacted. perhaps there is somekind of brain combination of being young and having something specifc that makes you see beyond the veil


That sounds terrifying! Your poor friend… and yes maybe it’s possible. I was extremely, hyper introverted as a baby/child. I wouldn’t even cry, I would sit in my crib until someone came to get me. So it wasn’t like it was something that would be easy for me to ask about or talk about, I barely talked ass it was. But it was very specific with me that these entities wanted to watch me but they did not want me to see them.


Oooohhhh heck no! That thing looks massive 😳


One of these “lives” in my childhood home (grandparents home from the 1950s). I call him “the man who wouldn’t leave”, as the last time my grandma saw it, she was sobbing telling me “I kept telling him to leave and he wouldn’t leave!” Over and over.


So, what would you little maniacs like to do first?


Shadow people! I them from time to time


I definitely see something there. It's much clearer in the 2nd pic.


Ghosty is posing lol


yeah, that has feels to the pic


It does, but I don't see anything


There is the doorway on the left. On the right to it, there is some sort of a shadow and an arm


the octopus arm


En tity... Hehe



