• By -


The way it turn and then wiggles: makes me think about a string tied to the handle. Just being honest. If it moved in any other direction or way I would totally say it’s possible. However I still enjoyed the video. If it’s authentic it’s definitely amazing and if it’s not it’s still entertaining 👍🏽




It literally moved in a straight line as if a string was tied to it


Yeah exactly! It moved with the direction it was being pulled from. Good catch!




You can see some reflection of light along the left side.


Yes this along with most people don’t have cameras set up in their kitchen. Especially thoses whose houses look like that.


Unless trying to catch paranormal activity because stuff is happening...


Handle this topic carefully, boys! 😄


How come we never see a ghost put dishes away or sweep? All they ever do it seems is make a mess or just move an object.


I want to know why the voices never command “feed the homeless” or “volunteer at a shelter”. The ones in my head speak German and I don’t understand them.


🤣…how do you know it’s German if you don’t understand it? Im totally kidding, it’s the angriest language in the world; I don’t speak it but I recognize it too.


I know! Right?? I mean, I could learn it, but if they are just going to tell me to kill my boss, I’m thinking why bother? I’m self-employed, so….


lol…suicidal ideations just got turbo charged!!!🤣


You would think they would know better. If I die, where do they go?


These are burning questions indeed


I always thought that too until one day I asked my half-german ex BF to speak so.e and I had to hold back my laughter because what came out was Def not what I expected. It was like all bouncy sounding. Fleh flaf flow fluh de da duh like




I don’t know why Swedish chef popped up in my head when I read your comment but it definitely made me laugh. ![gif](giphy|YmMwqVCtyxFRe|downsized)


you got the bundeswehr in your ear bro?😭 dont listen to its commands i beg you man💀


I know! Right?? Always so bossy!


Feel free to vacuum, wipe down the counters you know? Why do they fuck with me and make another mess as if I don’t have kids and dogs that are perfectly capable of driving me mad with messes. Be better Casper.


Apparently ghosts are teenagers


What a strange position to put the camera in lol


That didn't look unnatural - naturally.


It's cool, but easy to fake, so I'd need to investigate before saying.


The ghost is tired of the mess, tell your friend to clean his house


Hi dude, this is my house. Sorry about the mess…kinda have a baby and didn’t think to clean it before setting up this “fake ass video” 😒 this is why I did not post this video for all to see, I knew there would be naysayers sure, but the keyboard warriors really get to me. I have no other explanation for you, and can tell yall til I’m blue in the face that this is real; I have no reason to make this up, didn’t post it everywhere for likes…OP is our friend and wanted to show the video. The reason the camera is in the kitchen is the day before, we found this same watering can after it went missing for weeks. We found the watering can on the kitchen counter. So we set up the camera the day the watering can appeared, not thinking it would actually capture something. This isn’t the only occurrence of weird shit we captured on the camera, but yeah not sharing for the rude public. In conclusion, believe what you want, but it’s a real video, and I’m a real human mom with a real life kitchen and real life feelings byeeee 🫶🏼


Hey man, I had a heavy ceramic plate fly towards me JUST LIKE THAT when I was living in a haunted home My mom saw it and I cleaned it off the floor. People here wont believe if the image is too clear : "it's staged" if the image is blurry "it could be anything" You can never win with these people but some of us here believe


I saw the same thing after finding out a friend of mine passed away I was at a mutual frenemy's house when I got a text that my friend had taken his own life the night before. The people I was with couldn't stand him, and even after that news they were still talking shit about him. That's when a plate flung off the dishrack onto the floor. Everyone saw it, we all were freaked out, and they stopped talking shit about him real quick.


*One does not simply disrespect the dead*


That is crazy!


You’re fr? A plate flew towards you out of nowhere? I’m just incredulous because I’ve never seen anything in my life out of the ordinary


Im actually serious, my mom saw it and we had perfect vision in all directions. My first assuption was my brother threw it, but nobody was there, nowhere to hide either, not even usain bolt could have done it & hid. Some places are truly haunted, if you doubt it but want to find out id recommend going to a haunted location that is actually haunted or get involved with research groups, at your own risk. The truth is most people dont want to find out, they just assume it cant be true but have never put themselves in a situation where they can be proven to be wrong. Im not saying this is you, but a lot of people in here. The hause I lived in was so batshit crazy haunted, we decided to break free of the lease and were forced to pay a ridiculous amount in order to do that, but we were about to lose money we needed REALLY BAD to get out of there.


Trust me, no one really cares if your house is messy, they just like to make fun. Most homes look like this especially if there are kids, and if they don’t it’s ‘cause they’re anal. Yep, weird things have happened to me too, we’ll never know why but it’s interesting to see how it can happen anywhere.


I believe you, i was babysitting my neice when she was just wa few months old amd i worked nights but they needed a sitter so i would get a few hours of sleep before going to babysit and i would bring my work clothes so i could take her to work with me and switch out with my sister, ( we both worked in the same place). I would nap when the baby napped and one time i woke up suddenly bc she was screaming like ive never heard her scream it freaked me out and i was super disoriented for some reason and couldnt seem to focus, thats when i noticed the whole living room was full of what looked like smoke and thought holy shit the house is on fire!? Then i started thinking a bit more clearly and noticed that the (smoke) was moving towards my niece and building up just above the swing she was in. I immediately jumped off of the couch and pulled her out of the swing as fast as i could. The second she was against my body she stopped screaming and the smoke dissipated completely. This is when i yelled out to whatever or whomever it was to stay the hell away from my niece. I got so damn protective i had goosebumps from head to toe, it was a very weird feeling. She slept with me on the couch after that. I told my sister about what had happened and she said shutup! Bc those experiences freak her out. But we've "experienced" things like this our whole lives, she just chooses to disbelieve and stay afraid of them, i was always the one to act i guess. I gave her one of my abalone shells with sage and Palo Santo, it hasn't happened since. This occurred two years ago now.


That’s a wilddddd experience!


Tbh my home looks like this and I’m not even a mom.. I’m not married either.. do have a roommate though.. sometimes life just gets in the way. Ignore comments about the “mess” we’re all human and it’s easy for others to sit and judge other people behind a keyboard.


New baby = free pass for general chaos and doom piles–no questions asked–for one year Also interesting how whatever it is seems to have an affinity for the watering can


On behalf of those of us who aren't petty dickheads. Sorry for the rudeness.


Command it to leave in the name of Jesus. Not "God," or "Christ," or anything else. Literally, "In the name of Jesus, I command you to leave this home." Say it any time it manifests or you feel a presence that shouldn't be there. It'll either work, or you'll have a fight on your hands. At least you'll know who the players are, which will help identify next steps.


What if you're not a christian or religious at all?


Can you explain why this would be the case? ‘Jesus’ is an English transliteration of a Germanic adaptation, of a Latin transliteration, of a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name Yehoshua/Yeshua (both are used as it’s essentially Joshua/Josh). One would imagine that when he said to pray in his name, he probably meant his *actual* name and not a word that wasn’t used for the first time until 1632.


Names are signifiers that can (but need not) be translated to other languages. Say the words and the name in whatever language you speak. The effect is the same, because of Who the name signifies. In my experience, it's best to pray and speak in one language at a time.


I see. So, to clarify, your original post says you have to say Jesus, “Not ‘God’, ‘Christ’, **or anything else.**” But your second says that any name works as long as it represents Jesus. Can you see why this makes it difficult to understand where you’re coming from?


The language you speak doesn't matter; they'll understand you. Use the name of Jesus in whatever language you happen to speak.


So if the word used isn’t important so long as it means ‘Jesus’ does that mean that your intent is what matters? If that’s the case, why would ‘god’ or ‘Christ’ not have the same function? Also, in the same vein, what about utilizing any of the *other* names of god? Will ‘Yahweh’ serve the same purpose? Will ‘Jehovah’, even though it’s just an incorrect pronunciation attempt at the Tetragrammaton? Will ‘In the name of Adonai, the Great I AM, I command you to leave this house’ banish spirits since those are common stand-ins for gods name and still undeniably mean him?


is that why he don’t answer my prayers? i gotta call him josh?😭


Unfortunately, we were unable to get to the bottom of that particular issue.


I believe you


The person didn’t say that your video was fake. They were making light of the situation in my opinion. Relax.


Yeah holy overreaction. House isn’t even messy, just a ghost joke.


Nothing to be ashamed of! Thanks for sharing. Hope you and your family are doing awesome!


I believe you mom 🫡


Post another follow-up video showing different angles. I would be interested to see this happen again from different perspectives.


You go girl! 😆 I totally believe you. My dad carries an old fashioned little coin and key case in his pocket. He was getting ready for work and had it next to and a little behind him on the bed while he finished up something on his laptop. The coin case flew past his shoulder and smacked into the laptop screen while he was working on it and hard enough that the laptop jostled on the bed. He had not touched it. Totally believe you.


I’ve had this happen with a big heavy three wick citronella candle sitting on top of our table in our dining room right in front of us. It had so much force as it was shooting off the table and hit a wall a couple of feet away.


I believe this is fake and I’m not going to say anything mean.


It’s called sarcasm dude, no need to explain.


She threw an essay at you. When sarcasm is that heavily implied I don’t bother with /s but apparently it’s something we all need to start doing.


The comments about cleaning up are rude, but it’s people trying to be funny and probably not full if hate. As far as people not believing, well that’s just exactly the point. It shouldn’t be about “belief” or “faith”. Skeptics don’t want to trash your videos. They will propose various ways a video can be faked. Because it can be faked. What skeptics are really hoping for is to be proven wrong. So when you say you have tons more videos but aren’t going to post them, it makes skeptics think it’s not really because some dumb teenagers made a comment about the mess. It’s because either they didn’t exist or are even easier to debunk. Your best argument is to post the videos.


Has it just been happening with the watering can?


Dear fellow momma, never apologize for your private space not meeting someone who isn't paying your bills standards. I just wanted to comment because you said you "kinda" had a baby... It made me giggle. Like "is she not sure?" Ha ha. Having mom brain definitely have you be thinking crazy!! I'm sorry you're going through something scary or at least irritating. That sucks on top of baby care. Sending positive vibes your way!






Your comment has been removed. No trolling the subreddit. Users come here to post their experiences, and/or get serious help with paranormal phenomena


fake.. it is easier to fake chaos.. but if i saw that kettle jump from the floor to the dishwasher then id say it is harder to fake.


People are so rude. It’s not even that messy.


Fishing line is hella paranormal.


Very strange!


Why is nobody talking about the way it teleports back?


It didn’t?


String... its just string.... I think this world is doomed if people beleive this shit.


Have you been a victim of the paranormal ?


Oh yeah, more than you even know exists. not just children playing pranks on video.


My comment wasn't meaning to come out harsh to you, I was just stating that we can't actually know either way if it's real or fake. It's the other guys that wanted to toss their weight around and act as if they knew everything. I'd be interested in hearing what you've experienced as I've also experienced a lot that others wouldn't believe!


Then how do you know its fake....


Years of experience and applying Occam's razor to simple events like this.


Use your fucking eyes dude. That's exactly what would happen if you just tied a string to a bottle and pulled it.


I don't disagree with you, but I thought it looked more like someone on the other side of the island (out of sight) pushing it along with their hand, they knock it off and then when it's out of the frame they chuck it across the room. The trajectory changes out of frame which seems like, you know, human interference. Edit: If you slow it down and zoom in, you can see that just before it "falls off" it tilts back and then lifts off indicating that there's a point of pressure coming from under the watering can from below the island. Really, it looks like someone was holding the bottom of the can, looks like they lost their balance, the can comes down and then they chuck it while they're down which is why the trajectory changed from where it was originally falling to where it ended up.


A literal middle school level understanding of physics. When force is only ever applied in *exactly one direction* it's string. 100% of the time.


So what is gravity? Am I being held down my string? So is string? You said string pulls everything in 1 direction so I guess you also think we are held down by string?


This has to be the most absurd strawman I've ever been hit with in my life. When a video *claiming to be a ghost moving an object* has the object only affected by a force in once direction (excluding gravity, didn't think people were *that* slow), it's a fucking string. I'm on this sub because I believe in the phenomenon, *despite* my scientific background. People like you are the reason people like me aren't taken seriously. Do better.


Show me the string please?


you ever see a magic trick? what if they didnt want you to see the string?


I got no string to hold me down, to me fret or make me frown. I had strings but now I’m free… There are no strings on me


And I agree with you that it is most likely fake, BUT the other 2 cocky nobs need to provide evidence for their cockyness. As you said and i agree, it's most likely fake.


I’m one of the OP (we sat together and posted this after asking the owner of the video). I agree it does look like it was pulled by a string. But here’s the big BUT: I know these guys, they are not the ones trying to pull pranks on people, they didn’t even want to show it or upload it in the first place. I have watched this video many times, and told them in their face I am not buying it… they showed me other videos of strange things happening, too. So I honestly don’t know what to believe. If I just saw this posted somewhere I’d definitely think it’s fake.


Dang, some of y’all are mean. As my wife mentioned, we didn’t actually set the camera to make a video to post on the internet. We set the camera up to try to figure out why our watering can kept disappearing and ending up in weird places. Sorry for not putting the dishes away on a weeknight with a baby? We weren’t exactly expecting the world to be looking into our kitchen. We casually showed this and some other videos of things that we’ve caught on the cameras in the house to our friend, he posted it here after asking. The thing is, we really don’t care if you believe it or not, it’s just what we caught on the camera. We aren’t looking for validation. As far as a string goes, if it were, it would have had to have been one of the cats with a string tied to their tail. In y’alls defense, if someone showed me this video I would probably think it was staged, but being on the opposite end of that, I should probably be more open minded about some things. Honestly, I think the video of me bringing the baby inside after work and hearing something in the had and the lights getting dim for a second was the better one. Who knows, maybe we have a squatter living in the attic or crawl space.


Most of the hardcore cynical comments tend to be on posts like this, where objects are moved, and not on pics of alleged apparitions. Which is interesting because it's supposedly more common to have things moved, doors slammed, hear noises, etc than it is to see a full-blown apparition. The cynics just haven't experienced anything for themselves yet. I would know since I used to be one. I used to think that things being moved was more Hollywood than anything, and a *real* encounter would be to see an actual ghost. I've since learned that's not how it works. It's more likely phenomena like what's happening here with this watering can will be what is experienced.


Dawg you could post anything on Reddit and get negative feedback


You need to go check the attic. And if you find nothing there , when you close the attic door, bolt it with a lock.


It’s reddit bro


Cat ghost


Could be a HULK type ant 🐜???


Anyone notice the light reflecting off of the object near the end of the counter? Im pretty sure someone moved.


My thoughts ? Fake af


Angle is wrong to make any decision. Things move, but we can't tell if there's a physical notice source. Conclusion: Insufficient t data. Suggestion: Add additional camers, or reposition existing to show both sides of the bar area.


Obviously a string! The ghost was trolling and wanted to spook your friend so he tied a string to the pot then pulled it probably laughing his butt off in the process. Also was blowing on a spider web to try to make it seem like there was something in the background. Totally fake! Tell that dumb ghost no one in this sub human reddit section is falling for their crap.




I just don’t get why ghosts want to knock things over so bad. Like they could do presumably anything and they just wanna knock stuff over???


because they are trying to get your attention.


no one was there...


their point exactly






Rude behavior or attacking other members will not be tolerated in any forms. You only get one warning on this.


I wonder why your ghost really hates that watering can.


Looks like a poltergeist




Great timing too.


Now this can be called finally a paranormal event because some pepole of this group post only fake photos and videos but this video is true


I seen objects move similar to this but differently. There can be dark forces behind it.Not sure the footage its hard to tell if this footage is real not.Best option prayer get you some blessing oil and bless those entry ways.


I have seen this and so much more happen in front of me with witnesses who also saw the same things. I know people here love to say everything is fake but once you see it you will believe it. I don't know what it is but these things absolutely do happen and I have no idea what causes it. We call them ghosts but that is just a word.


It’s a stringgeist!!




Something in the can trying to get out


A little moisture on the counter, and a little wind….


Why can't ghosts ever clean up instead of making a mess?


My first viewing of it made me think it was a young child, maybe 4 yo. Then, as their head cleared the counter, it became a small ball of light reminding me of a child playing where they shouldn't have been with a small ball.




I do believe this is authentic. It gets a little upward lift before going off. A string would not do that nor wiggle like it did and I cannot see any type of string. I myself believe this to be real. I have seen very similar things in our old house.


I think I kind of see their reflection




A lot of videos here make me think that if ghosts are real, 90% of them are cats knocking things off counters




Don’t know how you saw anything with all that clutter. I barely saw the item flying around.


Ffs... This is brutal. Not even backstory about how it was the watering can great grandma smuggled out of Siberia or how it once stopped a bullet to save your neighbours aunt? Just a camera happened to catch an invisible ghost tie a string to a watering can and give it a tug... Put some effort into it would ya?


Definitely seems like fishing line or something the camera won't pick up. Although I had a buddy from the Marine Corps post a similar video from his home CCTV once of his hat he had just placed on his counter doing random flips and shit as it flew across the room while he was cooking and MY GOD it gave me goosebumps lol. Also the fact he and his family moved houses a month or so later, kind of sealed the deal of the validity for me 😅


Fake as fuck!!!!


It's a cat. You can tell because when the object reaches the edge, it stalls and then YEET.




I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that.


Where does it disappear to after leaving the counter, it should hit the floor.


It does. It bounces around as it hits.


I don't see that


It's out of sync with when it goes off counter.


Yep time to move 😂🤣


Anybody ever notice that these videos always capture an object sliding across a surface. I rarely see an object being lifted into the air, as if it's being picked up by an invisible entity.


Ghost of a cat… 🐈


Ghost Cat


It’s giving 🧵 ![gif](giphy|lQhMIgK8GmMGEoKzBe)




you've got mice


Have you looked into the history of the house


Get rid of the plants


hi, tell your friend to move out immediately and burn the house down while they’re at it.


Ghost cat


String tied, fake


So easily faked. Cmon ppl think.


Of course there is someone behind the counter tugging on a string and then pulling it. The way it wiggles is similar to someone tugging on it. Then it got pulled hard into the direction from where it was pulled from.


lmao the way it just was slow and flew off makes me think that it’s staged


I don’t believe in ghosts but I have no clue how to explain how quickly it flies off the counter. OP and the footage author (in comments) seem genuine


Well, at least they made sure it was plastic so it won’t break and leave a mess for the home owners to clean up


That’s disrespectful af! Damn ghosts 😂


Oh no! A string! Why does this have upvotes? Garbage post.


Anyone who thinks this is real, I ask this: If ghosts have the ability to throw a 1-2 pound object off a counter, why is it so rare? Why aren’t our belongings being tossed around while we watch? Why won’t they do it on request? Why only do it at night, when no one is watching? I ask the same questions about those who believe they can talk to the dead. Why aren’t they more specific? How are there unsolved crimes if the victim can move a pen? Imagine a murder victim writing their murderer’s name on paper! That would be awesome…..oh wait, that doesn’t happen.


Is it an electric kettle with a hanging cord that's slowly pulling the kettle until it falls?


No it’s a pitcher to water plants


The ghost need more strings


It seems to be too much time between falling off the counter and seeing it falling by the edge of the half wall and sliding on the floor.


That’s the part that gets me, and the way it bounces feels weird… I’m seeing people say string but I’m not convinced that’s what’s happening here.


I think it hits the chair before hitting the ground.


Why were you recording this video before it happened


This was on a previous comment: "Hi dude, this is my house. Sorry about the mess…kinda have a baby and didn’t think to clean it before setting up this “fake ass video” 😒 this is why I did not post this video for all to see, I knew there would be naysayers sure, but the keyboard warriors really get to me. I have no other explanation for you, and can tell yall til I’m blue in the face that this is real; I have no reason to make this up, didn’t post it everywhere for likes…OP is our friend and wanted to show the video. The reason the camera is in the kitchen is the day before, we found this same watering can after it went missing for weeks. We found the watering can on the kitchen counter. So we set up the camera the day the watering can appeared, not thinking it would actually capture something. This isn’t the only occurrence of weird shit we captured on the camera, but yeah not sharing for the rude public. In conclusion, believe what you want, but it’s a real video, and I’m a real human mom with a real life kitchen and real life feelings byeeee 🫶🏼"


I wasn’t trying to be a dick asking that question. My apologies if it came off that way. I was wondering if this is was a security camera or phone.


I'm just sharing what this person replied to in another comment thread. This is from the person who sent the camera up so hopefully this answers some of your questions. Personally I think this may be legit.


lol string


Ghost: gaddamnnnmn! Mike left a ton of dishes in the sink again!!!!


hmmm, kinda see the string thing going on the video, I have a very trained eye after watching these types of video's for nearly 30 years, you see the can being pulled hits the floor then gets thrown again..umm no. but hey if i'm wrong tell it o pick up the can and put it back, sometimes they will..;)




Ghost has a point, might want to clean up and put stuff away.


I always question videos where you can’t see the entire area.


Wait what exactly did you get? Clutter?


Do people ever realize that not everything is fake online???


Not when it's fake stuff like this


Wait, if you watch the video on full screen, there is a mirror behind the counter you can see someone pullling it down...Dafuck!! Back to the ole drawing board...lmao


What are you talking about? I don’t see a mirror or any reflections?


I can do that with magnets easy lol


The ghost is just trying to get a handle on the mess.


First thing I thought of was that looked like something my cat would do, because…cat. Then I notice how quickly it yeeted off the counter - nope, even on her best days my kitty couldn’t have achieved that velocity. Add in the note about that same watering can having gone missing for a few weeks…yup. You have something really intriguing there. I have things go missing for days/weeks at a time, and after I can’t find them where I know I have placed them, I just tell my husband that the “Borrowers” have them. Right now, the Borrowers have my wedding ring, which I took off the other day when I was washing my hands. I know it will turn up when they’re done with it.


The ghost is sick of the clutter and the mess take the hint


Its a ghost telling them to clean up that damn kitchen


Yeah I have a thought….clean your kitchen


somebody under the island with a really strong magnet could have done this. Is this person prone to pranks?


Also could have easily been done with string


Yeah I see it cool


I dont see anything


Shit, that scared me, no lie. Burn some sage in that house and pray out loud. Get some holy water too and throw it on all four corners of every room.




Ghost is telling you to water your damn house plants😂😅


Is that an onion? Lol


It’s called a poltergeist and it’s real


The spirits have spoken, that kitchen is a mess.


If you listen closely the spirit is saying: *cleeeeeeaaaannn*


Hmmm, not sure...I would hope your friend 😉 didn't fake it, but you never know. I feel like it could be real, but if there was another angle that would help. I would label this as unknown.