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It’s your gnomesis


That’s what my dad calls him lmao






Lol I didn’t smoke weed as a teenager (started that activity when I went away to college) and as far as I know my friend never picked up the habit. We didn’t drink either. My mom’s not known for pranks outside of this, so when she says she didn’t do it I’d normally lean towards believing her. But she’s either in for the longest con ever or that thing really is fucking with me itself.




Wow thats pretty scary and cool. I have at least 8 gnomes around the house. Well we moved 3 weeks ago and i placed them outside. I do know they protect me. There was one in particular that would always move around and the next day it would be in a different position. So i glued it to the porch and the next day its legs were broken. After that i put it in a pot. And felt guilty. I talk to them often, just to make sure they happy. And so far they give me good vibes. Visitors have mentioned that they look creepy. But to me they protecting. One small one that i bought at an antique shop disappeared and never came back. 🥺


I gotta see these little guys!


I definitely remember the Goosebumps books!! They didn’t play around w some of them!!


He just wants a roommate


He can keep his little gnome ass outside! Lol


Look around you, there are many things to see, that some would say could never be...


I once had a book about Florida hauntings. (I lived in Florida at the time.) One story was about an old orange orchard. I can’t remember the whole story, but there were tons of garden gnomes, just like yours, of various shapes and sizes all over the orchard. It is said that they move, by themselves, nightly. Some of them even have the solar power lanterns and people report seeing the lights move at night.


Either your mom is trolling you hard (or gnoming you, I guess?), or else this is a terrifying story, lol, because I too read that lawn gnome Goosebumps book as a kid and have low key been sketched out by them ever since. I do not appreciate hearing proof one might be alive! 😭😂 Good luck with that, hopefully you don't wake up to find him sitting on your bed staring down at you one day!


I came here to ALSO say that damn book had me scared to death of those bastards as a kid lmao


I’m happily living 2500 miles away from it now - so if it showed up here I’d be properly freaked out lmao


WITHOUT A DOUBT 🤣. At that point, the gnome would just be shot if it randomly showed up


Ok, Dewie, calm down!


The picture alone made me almost scream laugh 😪 cause desdass nemesis regardless of if it just stayed still next to the bucket


it almost looks like a boxer dog sitting here to me.


A spirit has attached to that gnome, and not a nice one. Probably explains why you had an uneasy feeling in the beginning. Do you believe in God? Go to church at all? Curious. Gnomes were Nephilim.


Was raised Lutheran, so I know the doctrine, but I wouldn’t call myself Christian. There’s likely higher beings, but whether we wanna call them gods is a bit of a stretch to me. I think it’s akin to punching in the dark. I’m respectful if I attend service, cuz I’m not a dick, but there’s a lot I disagree with when it comes to the church. I don’t think the gnome is evil or malicious. He (or my mom!) just likes fucking with me cuz it’ll rile me up.


Well let me tell you this, wasn’t raised Christian, nor have I ever went to church, and the God of the Bible personally revealed himself to me in some of the most terrifying experiences a person could ever have. Was a straight up militant atheist until 19/20, and by 21 a hippy occultist.. when the Lord came to me. I won’t get into all that now but I will say with certainty, God is real and he’s the God you were told to worship. It’s not about doctrines though, that’s where we all end up wasting our time. I’ve had hundreds if not thousands of encounters with demonic spirits and creatures. There’s only two types of spirits, those that serve God whether Angelic or human, both of whom need to be given the authority by God directly to interact with a human in any way, and then there’s the fallen angels and demons who will readily and more willingly interact with mankind, many of them will literally troll you if possible. I don’t know why that gnome has a spirit attached to it, maybe it was cursed by somebody before your mother got it.. or maybe they knew it intimidated you and just used it to mess with you. But definitely a demonic spirit bro. I know you’ll be skeptical about what I’ve said but all truth leads back to Christ so if you’re willing to look for it with an honest heart, you will find him alone. God bless


Is that the big Lego tub next to the gnome? Is it the Lego Gnome and it goes around at night leaving that one brick in your path to the bathroom, the one you inevitably step on with your bare foot.


its def a bucket of Tidy Cats, but i like your idea so much more 😂


Lol no all our legos from when I was a kid are in a huge cardboard box in the basement. My folks do have a cat so the Tidy Cats suggestion is probably correct.


Nomesis *