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This is so funny but is so true. I feel like my son is the only toddler in the building. So all attention's on him right now. Well, it is what it is. Our neighbor across the hall has a less than a year old baby. They might have complains too 😅


Might make sense to look up housing law in your area. While children are subject to noise rules in that you can’t do something like have them banging on pans at 6am — noise rules usually can’t be so stringent that they amount to family-status based housing discrimination (landlords can’t forbid children from making child sounds as a way of de facto banning kids from the property.) Dropping things, occasional running and barefoot jumping, age appropriate crying/whining are all allowed. It sounds like your neighbors are very sensitive to sound (and maybe your building isn’t well soundproofed) and you’re trying to be considerate by keeping things muffled as much as possible. At some point it becomes their issue to mitigate — you can’t be expected to never play or eat in the house with your kid.


Thank you for this! We have quiet times of 7am to 10pm. We are at daycare from 7 to 3 and are usually home by 4pm. My son only gets to play from 4pm to 5:30pm as we shower, eat, and are ready for bed by 7. On weekends, we try to be out in the morning so he only plays for an hour or so and we're home by lunch time to eat and for his nap time. He starts playing at around 3 so I do not really understand why they made several complaints as if he had been playing and making noises the whole day. Our apartment, unfortunately, isn't well soundproofed and we only realized after moving in. If it continues, I do plan to write a letter to the landlord as we have done all we can.


I think you should ignore them. I'm sorry, but when you live with a unit above you, this is what happens. They are being absurd


Exactly. Hearing footsteps are part of apartment life, frankly, and they need to get a single residence if they can't handle a three year old running around.


Right? Our neighbors upstairs have dogs and we hear them running and barking at times. But, it isn't really annoying or bothering. I am assuming our neighbors below hear my son's footsteps the same way we hear the running dogs so it really annoys me how sensitive they get. One time I got so petty because my son woke up, walked from the bed going to the bathroom and they tapped on their ceiling too hard that my son got scared as he just woke up. He wasn't running. He was simply walking so I stomped my foot twice as a response.


I’m inclined to agree that you should ignore them. But that may be easier said than done - as you’re always going to feel yourself getting annoyed when they knock on the ceiling or get another noise complaint. In my mind, they should expect a degree of noise if they live in an apartment below another one - even a single person walking around above them is going to make a noise. I’m not sure how possible this is, but I’d look to move if I could. Neighbour disputes are awful things to get into, as your home should be the one space in the world where you feel safe and able to do anything you please. It already sounds like it’s having a big impact on your life and your child’s childhood, and it probably won’t get any better unless they move.


I know you're likely way passed this point, but have you went and talked to the neighbors, and tried to explain to them what's going on? Make a show of asking them what you can do to help, let them see that you're just parents doing the best you can... there's a chance that it doesn't solve anything, but maybe makes them less likely to submit complaints? And while I know every generation has had issues with their neighbors, going back to the caves... it still makes me a little sad that people don't see that within the apartment, they're living together in a small community... and they should cut some slack to parents who are largely just trying to survive.


We have not. We do not want to go there and seem like we are the one complaining about them. We were actually hoping they would come to us so we can at least explain to them that we are doing our best.


Parenting in an apartment is a whole different ballgame. It sucks, because our kids are the ones who miss out. No advice, just commiseration. :(


Children should not run or jump inside full stop. Take him to the playground


Simply put, you're being harassed by your neighbors. We moved a few years ago now for a similar issue. We received a 2 page letter detailing kid and music noise, right after the start of the pandemic, when schools, parks, etc., were all closed. Our neighbor expected silence during the day, which is ludicrous. Suffice it to say, we moved and have not had an issue since.


Let the baby be and the neighbor can go to hell and live so where else with no neighbors if she wants quiet she’s living in the wrong place