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My almost 8 year old had increased irritability with Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Adderall. I don’t know about the interaction with Zoloft but he does much better on Focaline. I would also recommend executive functioning coaching and parent coaching to help with emotional regulation. I feel like we got 60% of the way there with Focalin and the coaching is helping bridge the rest of the gap.


She does go to CBT once a week and then my husband and I go about once a month for parenting coaching. That has helped us tremendously but we don’t really see a change in her.


This is a question for a prescriber.


I’m sure they’re asking a prescriber too, but as a fellow parent who has had unhelpful prescribers it’s nice to have some anecdotal backup for your conversation with them.


I take zoloft and vyvanse. But I'm 33.


I think it’s going to vary child to child. We’ve had success with Vyvanse and Dex. For irritability make sure they’re eating well - my 8yo’s appetite is decreased on her meds and gets irritable mostly due to being hungry (and not realising)


Following! Going to ask my doc about Zoloft. We are currently on abilify and quillivant. It significantly reduces behaviors but she is still very agitated most of the time




I take Zoloft and Concerta together.


Our 8 year old does well with guanfacine, Zoloft and Ritalin. We haven’t been able to acquire Ritalin for months. But when we had it, it worked well together. How long was your daughter on guanfacine? Our son’s tics go in waves and are pretty extreme right now. I’m wondering if we need to try to get him off the guanfacine.


She was on it for about 2 months. I know it’s supposed to help with tics so we were hopeful at first. But we had to stop because the tics got much worse. After we stopped they went back to her normal mild tics. She will have a certain tic for a couple of months and then stop that one and start another type. Does your son do that?


He does! Some are harder to watch/experience than others. Right now he does this neck rolling and popping that looks so uncomfortable, and I feel sorry for him. But for me it’s better than the vocal tics, which I know can be disruptive.


It’s definitely a person by person thing so it’s hard to say. Every adhd med that my son has taken has caused increased irritability. SSRIs have helped his anxiety, thankfully. But it’s incredibly frustrating that it’s been so hard for us to treat his adhd.




For me it was the Ritalin that brought out tics. We stopped and switched to guanfacine and it’s helping them go away (still in the drowsy stage). Pediatrician said we can assess another stimulant if needed, but it wouldn’t be straight up amphetamine next time. It would be something like focaline or concerta and a low dose at that


My son is on straterra and zoloft , He has ODD, ADHD, ASD, CPTSD, GAD, PTSD. It seems to be working.


Zoloft and short acting Adderall twice per day/as needed.


I had a bad reaction to Ritalin and I know several others with similar diagnosis like OCD and ODD and they also had bad reactions to Ritalin. That’s not to say your daughter will have the same reaction though, unfortunately the only way to know is to try it.


My daughter takes Evekeo twice a day and that has helped decrease her irritability and increased her executive functioning. She was first on Vyvanse, but that caused suicidal ideation.