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Smart cities - you know, they could just not live there. Ever notice that a lot of people who don't live in cities sure like to determine how people in cities run their affairs?


Like that "15 minute cities" panic they keep going on about. The most desirable neighbourhoods in cities are already "15 minute cities" in the sense that most day to day needs are within a 15 minute walking distance. Only some insidous right wing think tank funded by big oil has convinced them that they'll be locked in their cities and not allowed out. And they eat that shit up, it's baffling.


Agreed - many people choose to live in neighborhoods that are conveniently located near things they like, and often within walking distance. I live in a house, but if I were to live in an apartment, I'd probably live in one of the newer ones that have stores on the first floor. I don't live in one of the most desirable neighborhoods, but I still have plenty within walking distance.


Remind us again which party came up with the Patriot Act since you are whining about surveillance state?


Right wingnuts have the memory capacity of goldfish. They are incapable of being ashamed of their own hypocrisy because it requires self awareness.


They can’t remember the mountains of dead Americans in 2020 from COVID so there’s absolutely no chance they remember Bush 2: Surveillance Boogaloo.


It’s so strange how all of the fervently pro-Dubya folks that were all over social media and comment sections just faded away and disappeared. By the end of his second term, you’d be hard pressed to actually find someone who would admit to voting for him.


You know why? His work fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa.


Oh they remember all the dead people, they just blame it on a bioweapon and/or the Covid vaccine. Lately they claim Covid itself was the testing of the vaccines. I've dropped turds with more intelligence and self awareness than those folks.


This is a bunch of things that crackpots say are existential threats but don’t really exist, and one thing that scientists say is an existential threat but crackpots don’t believe in.


I’ll have you know I actually have a digital drivers license. So there. Checkmate libruls!


The real conspiracy is that there are interest groups working to protect their wealth and power that are making a concerted effort to get them to believe that crap.


Like “Don’t worry about the proven conspiracy to take away your reproductive autonomy, labor protections, and voting rights. The real threat is smart cities.”


You ain't wrong and it is a shame how easily misinformation can infect folks brains.


Most people have zero idea what any of those words mean in detail. In an information vacuum like that, it’s very easy for bad faith actors to fill the void with lies. It’s not misinformation. Misinformation is when someone spreads information they believe to be actually true. What right-wing propagandists spread is disinformation (lies) that they know is completely untrue. The recently incarcerated Steve Bannon is an incredibly massive purveyor of disinformation. Bannon knows he’s lying, pushing those lies to bring his dream of fascism to America with him as Trump’s Rasputin. Alex Jones is another one. Alex knows he’s making it up as he goes based on whatever memes he’s seent on the Twitters and sci-fi movies he’s watched.


Bannon is a dangerous piece of shit. Here's hoping he catches a deep shiv in lockup. 


“Climate lockdowns?” Give me a fucking break.


Climate Vaccine Microchip HAARP Nano Trackers!


WaKe uP ShEEpLe!


I'm so out of touch on my conspiracy theories that I don't even know what a "climate lockdown" is. Is it the government forcing people to work from home for weeks or months at a time to drive down pollution?


It might not actually have a definition, you really just gotta glue buzzwords together and let people's imagination do the rest. Less is more.


That actually sounds fantastic, and I hope this one is real.


They weaponized stupidity, grew their ranks, and now the run wild.


Oh no, I won’t have to drive to every. freaking. store. instead of having a nice walk. Same for restaurants, bars, and entertainment. Please, not that. These are the same folks that gripe about their Uber drivers (if they decide to not drive drunk, of course) because they are not white.


Why is Carbon Tax at the bottom? [It's already a thing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tax#Implementation)




Nobody listens to these fucking idiots, they are an insular circle. We’re fucked, but not because of them.


There’s a lot of them and they vote. Look at Florida and Texas.


Those places are purple, and the right wingers there pretty much just hate black and brown people. Could’ve used less words on the bottom of the iceberg.


We'd Be Better Off If All The Total Morons Were To Vanish.


Come on, rapture! Prove me wrong!!


I always imagine these people as being the most terrified people on the planet


I'm more afraid of blatant ecofascism.


Oh my god digital ids?!?! No!!!


This is why Dietrich Boenhoffer blamed stupid people rather than expressly evil people for the Nazis' success. A fool is far more dangerous than a villain.


Climate change represents the sort of challenge that humans can see coming but that humanity overall cannot cooperatively avoid. And this isn't the only such challenge. Sorry, apes. You and your civilizations aren't going to make it. Too much fear, superstition, and unmanaged existential terror.


Idk how they’re related but the things on the bottom are actually scary 😱


These people really think they’re on to something


I'm sure think is the right word.


All the negatives are things the Republican Party would love to do.


Also: it’s hotter for some reason.


This makes me weep on such a deep, existential level I cannot even begin to express it. Any language simply cannot reflect the depth of sorrow that climate change's worst cases, and how this shit works toward them, bring me. Denying climate change is a crime against humanity and life in general.


TLDR Boomers are finally noticed there old and world is changing faster then they can keep and are scared.