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I do shorts to make my channel seem more active in-between putting out long from content


Yup! This is also what I do. Something between my long content


To who?


Mr. Gorithm probably. I've heard old Alfredbe poking around on channels activity in terms of whether or not he promoted em.




Basically just filler then?


Yea, that's a good use of shorts on youtube, when you have a decent topic for a video but not warrant for a full video


What;s wrong with a "full" video \*regular video that is not a short) that is short? Then I still have the ability to pause and replay parts that interest me or confuse me that I am not able to do with a short. Also for a video that interests me, I often value the comments for humor or to enlighten me, comments that do not exist with shorts.


1. "What;s wrong with a "full" video \*regular video that is not a short) that is short?" It clutters your "videos" tabs with content that not warrant a full video, shorts creates a separation. 2. "have the ability to pause and replay parts that interest me or confuse me that I am not able to do with a short" change the "/shorts/" in the url with "/watch?v=" and boom, you'll get your regular control back. Also you can pause and rewind on shorts. 3. "Also for a video that interests me, I often value the comments for humor or to enlighten me, comments that do not exist with shorts." There is comments section on shorts since forever


Thidnisnshort sighted. You guys the answer on what do with shorts but fail to see. Smh 


That's all shorts are haha


I also think building your subscriber count gives others the impression you are popular and successful. Similar to the no worse marketing for a restaurant than a bunch of empty tables analogy. This method isn’t fool proof, because it really is all about long form, but I am using this method on my journey.


Early on I did quite a few shorts to add subscribers to get to the 1k target quicker for my long form channel. They were related content. It worked. Doesn’t matter if they do not translate to long form views. A sub is a sub on the channel. There are a lot of ‘experts’ who will point out this doesn’t work. It worked for me. Now I have backed off quite a lot and only do them occasionally. They do not generate any $$ return or significant traffic to the long form videos. As the 1k sub target was already achieved there is no need to pursue subs with shorts to the same degree now. However, shorts are fun to do. If you have a spare 30 minutes I find knocking out a short, editing it on my phone and seeing it take off within the hour can be a lot of fun. That’s the only real reason I do shorts now. For the buzz 🤪


I like this approach, I make really long videos that take weeks to make and they rack up view hours with ease, but few subscribers. I'll definitely do this once I've hit the 4k watch hours mark!


I remix all my long-form into shorts. I get double the views, double the subs, and double the shares. I do not know why other content creators are not taking advantage of the "remix" feature. Also, cranking out a short in 30 minutes and watching it go viral is such a fun feeling. I've noticed shorts will gain me immediate subs within the hour.


Exactly this! It helps gain subscribers and you can link it to one of your longer videos that is the same topic to drive traffic there as well.


That's a GREAT use of shorts! Awesome idea.


I’m in the exact same boat, just trying to get to 1K subs since I have the hours watched already


It’s so true!! I’m a small channel and 1/2 of my subs come from shorts. I do 5 shorts and 2 long form a week. Keep sending g content for the machine. And I think they are funny and love having lycs watch parties with my family


30 minutes wow high effort, more like 30 seconds to 3 min for me lol.


When you upload it, do you have to select “short” or does the algorithm know it’s a short due to length? We’re a band and I want to utilize this to our advantage to gain subs but don’t know how


If you record it as a vertical 1080p video of less than 60 seconds it usually recognizes it as a Short. You will know for sure when adds the ‘s’ Short logo and doesn’t permit you to create a thumbnail. You don’t select ‘short’ if that helps


Right on thanks man


got 2 million views just to get 200$ 😂😂




Sure but i actually regret not putting it as a normal video, it only needs 200k to get the same amount i got, which is more consistant than trying to get 2 mil each time, and the subscribers u get from normal vids are more valuable


nah thats crazy 😂


Thats actually on the good side lmao


I do shorts. They make me a few grand every month. They also allowed my to grow my account to 100K followers in a little over a year and now my long for videos get good views too. The RPM is bad compared to long form videos but the amount of views I get make up for it. Imagine it like this. Long form video gets 10,000 views. RPM is $2.25. You make about $23 Verses… You post a short. It gets 300,000 views. RPM is 12 cents per thousand views (this varies, some get less to be fair. This is my current RPM). You get $36. This is a fairly likely split in views. Shorts just really do do that much better. And imagine the short takes you 1 hour and the long form video took you an entire day. You can whip out shorts daily or even twice a day pretty easily.


Agree! I made a short in 20 minutes on my phone that was just a remix of 20 seconds of a long form and has made me $46. Why anyone wouldn’t do shorts is beyond me?


Wow, you must be posting one short a day and getting a million views per video or more to be making thousands a month off shorts




This is motivation, I’ve been wanting to make shorts, it’s just about consistency and decent content. You will eventually get views and subs. Playing the longer video format game is much more difficult. I posted the same video as a regular video and it got nothing, then posted it as a short and got 2.5k views and 18 subs lol I don’t understand why YouTube doesn’t also push long form content this easily. I guess they want to compete with tik tok so the algorithm rewards short videos more


I think youtube shorts RPM is rising so.. you can tell me experince but since shorts begin monetizable (march i think) it doubled


Got a quick 2k views and a handful of subscribers today. Why not? I do no editing and keep them pure and authentic, right from my cell. It helps expose more of my long form videos.


shorts gained subs are very different from long form gained subs and will rarely translate from short to long form views


I think it depends. Posted a 15 second Ford F100 series pickup and related to the longer car show video. Seems to work.


how many views did that get in comparison


I think authenticity is huge. Press the record button and fire away something truthful and authentic. I need to try this more


The editing is fun because it’s so fast paced, and I’m always interested in seeing what sticks and what doesn’t - plus it got me like 100,000+ subscribers in a niche that does translate to longform viewers if done right


Do you make decent money every month with shorts? There’s a new shorts fund but I think you need to get like 10 million views in 90 days or something and have over 1k subs


I’ve been partnered for long term content since 2015 so I’ve been in the shorts fund, I don’t make a lot, maybe like $100 per 1 million views, give or take. I make 80% of my money from longform content but use the short form to build my community so I can sell them merchandise which is way more profit


Extra 50 cents a day adds up 🤷🏻‍♀️


solid $15 a month itll only take 7 months to meet the threshold 🔥


And yet that’s money someone else didn’t make when they were just thinking about making shorts. It’s not for everyone. Don’t need to shit on it because others found ways to make shorts work for them.


womp womp 😢 + not sure if you know how thresholds works but you need $100 to even receive money which is about 1 million shorts views 💀💀


That one minute time limit honestly has been a great hurdle to try and make videos better. Sometimes it's nice to just use shorts as a way to share a quick funny experience, and other times it's more of an editing project where the time limit becomes your barrier and you want to fit in all the best you can which will turn into reworking and taking out parts to make everything fit. Really becomes a good lesson for editing longer form videos too when you've seen what a maxed out minute of project can look like


I keep saying it…..Shorts help you get subs. It doesn’t matter if they end up watching your long form videos. Simply having a larger sub count will attract additional subs to your long form content! If you watched 2 very similar, good quality videos on a subject you are interested in and one has 112 subs and the other has 5200 subs, which one does your brain say is better?


My brain says neither because only views show up next to the thumbnail. You have to actively open the videos or go into a channel to see subs. What matters more are recent subs but since there’s no way to check that it doesn’t really matter. If someone’s main goal is to flex/obtain subs and view counts then they should 100% start doing shorts.


When you are actively watching a new channel, you know how many subs there are before you decide to subscribe, right? I would never subscribe to every random channel if I like one video and wouldn't expect others to either. It is a mindset thing I guess.


I agree, I wouldn't sub to a channel after a single video. If I am actively watching a channel the subscriber count literally does not affect my decision to sub. If a channel consistently releases good videos and you like them, do you look at them and go "oh I like them but they're under 500 subs, not gonna sub till they're bigger"? People also sub when the channels are small because they feel like their subs make a difference.


I started a shorts channel on October 4th because I had a lot of spare time and wanted to see where it could take me before the end of the year. I managed to get over 100k subscribers and made over 3k in my first month monetised! Plus I enjoy making short form videos over long form.


how did you make 3k in your first month monetised? With only shorts or also normal long videos? Because as far as I know, shorts only pay 0.05-.010 or sth like that per 1000views.


It’s only shorts, I get around 1 to 2 million views a day, which made me around 100 euros per day. The main reason was one short which got over 35 million views. It got 90% of the revenue so I doubt my next month will go as well lol


Hi, can I ask what kind of shorts you post?


My take from a YouTube watcher perspective... I've watched everything in my subscription feed, so I look at recommendations. I've got 5 minutes, so I'm doom scrolling past all the longer content. A thumbnail for a short catches my eye, I watch it. It was interesting. I click on the channel to see more, but I don't have much time to watch more, so I hit the subscribe button to see more later. Then I forget about your channel. You post your next video. It comes up on my feed, and I watch it and I like it. I'm now a regular viewer of your content. I'm subded to at least 20 channels like that this year.


I have found it helps me getting subs. I'm well on my way to the 4000 watch hours for monetization but have been lagging with subs. Started producing some shorts a week ago and it's definitely helped bring in subscribers


sometimes I just have an idea for a mini project sub 1min and it's not big enough for a full length video. thats when I make a short.


Shorts algorithm isn’t as punishing as the long one


Tutorials are better


reach/exposure to channel


Hi I used shorts as-well to hit 1k subscribers. I enjoy making them, gonna focus more on videos in the new year.


I had 2 shorts do well and gained 1000 subscribers for approximately 30 minutes of work. It is fun to see what may “take off” and turn into something. Go for it!


The idea for short is to gain subs not money


My long form views have tanked since i started doing more shorts. Overall views are great but longform views cut in half. counter-productive so i put all my shorts on private.


Actually A Good Question ⁉️ Why Do People Do Shorts ? Why Because To Earn Money 💰 . yes I Just Started My YT Shorts Channel And Over 2 Months I Gain 266k+ Subscribers And Pulled Out Neatly 200M Views Only With 280 Shorts And Gained Nearly $ 7k In 6 Days . So I am Having Fun 😊☺️


Newer channel here - shorts for me are pretty low effort and have been instrumental in my channel’s growth. Here’s my case study: YouTube is putting a lot more emphasis on short form content(like everyone nowadays) I started in July - my goal was to post a short daily and see what happened. I built up to about 400 subs in 4 months, each one got 1-2k views and some would get 4-5k and then one hit crazy and is up to 4.5 million views as of today. That one short got me 8600 subs and I’m over 9k subs now and am Partnered. I was on the path to be partnered by eoy but that one short made it all happen way faster and validated all my efforts and consistency. Shorts also help me get viewers for my live streams which will be way more profitable once I hit the watch hours goal and can run ads. Also - the new related video feature is great cause I can drive to my long form stuff. A lot of my views come from shorts traffic and the subs I got all off shorts. That’s why I do them and will continue to! Hope this gives perspective 👍🏻


Stories like this make me feel better about focusing more on shorts in addition to longform content. Just the fact one short can randomly take off and exponentially grow a channel is very reassuring. It will take a long time, but it CAN happen.


If you make your shorts the same content as your longs it will. I've been repurposing my longs on multiple channels by shorts/Tiktoks and it's been great for growth.


Because my videos get 20 views and my shorts sometimes get 2k views and big number make monke brain happi 😆


Because they are fun to make and fun to watch.


I do them for fun? same reason i do tik tok. Not everything is about cash and profit sometimes people just do things for enjoyment.


Am I the only one whose shorts do worse than long form?


[https://youtube.com/shorts/WYDE8Yq4TKk?si=nuJfNXsUU8SDeOMS](https://youtube.com/shorts/WYDE8Yq4TKk?si=nuJfNXsUU8SDeOMS) Did a short on a food health topic, need your opinions. Thank you.




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Nope, this is completely wrong. Shorts are a great way to accelerate growth. And I don’t know about you, but by CPM is approximately .15; a third of my income comes from shorts.


It’s called views


They don’t take much time and those shorts subs did help me on my climb to 1000


You could gain subs though shorts viewers aren't always looking to watch long form videos. I don't make shorts bc I never really feel like I can get my point across in 60 secs or less


That’s like asking why businesses put out ads?


The shorts are annoying. Random shorts pop up and it’s always “did you know that in Toy Story, super Mario, Alice In Chains…” everyone knows this and I mean EVERYONE


"Why do people even do youtube shorts?" Not everyone relies on AdSense revenue for either long or short-form.


Shoot for the 100 million views a month.


Well I mean YouTube is investing heavily into shorts, so you probably want to be where YouTube wants you to be going forward. It's simple really, plus they are super easy to do. Think of them like ads for your channel. I have both shorts and long format subscribers, about 20% view both, 40% long format and 20% shorts only. So I want to carer to all, especially gotten my sellers are just clips of my long format content.


Unless it's a trailer for long videos.




yeah 150k views is not that many for shorts… shocker i know


That is where I’m at right now. But I’m not in the gaming/humor niche where millions is the rule. What would you deem avg per short for views for a successful channel?


for a “successful” shorts channel at least 200-500k each short ofc it can vary, some shorts will get lower views and some will get higher views. with like 20-50+ million views a month that’s what you usually need to be considered successful as a shorts channel


Wow… some numbers there. But then you need very broad niches to reach that many people. Focused niches won’t be netting even a tenth of that from potential target audiences alone for non-english/chinese languages I believe. Thanks for the response. :)


i guess success is subjective the person you’re asking


Tbh I don't think youtube has gotten the algo as good as tiktok for shorts. They encourage content creators heavily to focus on shorts to compete.




From what I’ve seen they are a good way to get more subs and more people onto you channel. If a shirt goes viral a lot of people subscribe as a result, now how much of that translates into more watch hours for your longer content that makes more money is not clearly. I’d guess an average sub gained via shorts will on average give your less watch time than a sub gained from watching your regular content. I also imagine if a shirt gets lot and lot of views that can start to add up and you can actually make decent money and it’s probably why there are so many ‘viral’ type channels out there just churning out shorts regularly


I can make them during the content I'm already making (urbex) so there's literally no downside to making them.


What is the rate per 1000 view for shorts?


A few cents of a dollar. Say 3 cents per 1000 views. So 1 Million views = 30 $


Suppose it is a gaming channel posting short conent of chess videos then also the revenue would be so low as 0.03 $ ?


Sadly I can’t say pal… but I know this: it can get lower. This depends specially on the demographics. If most of your views are from India, Asia etc where buying power is low, then your videos will also net less.


My shorts are taken from my long form videos With the new "related videos" function, it can drive some new viewers to my channel. Sure, it's small numbers, but as far as I'm concerned if shorts expose my content to more people who may enjoy what I do, I'm going to do it. Even if only 1 or 2 people become a "loyal viewer", it's worth it. Not everything related to YouTube is about money, on fact none of it really should be. It should be about doing something you enjoy, presenting it to others that enjoy what you create, and making money should be seen as a bonus.


Lol. Are you working at YT?


Sorry, dumb question, but if people subscribe to you via shorts, that subscription goes to your MAIN YouTube account right? (Not like some sock YouTube shorts account instead?)


yeah but more likely than now the subscriber from shorts won’t bother watching your long form content cause the audience are completely different


I see.. I mean I'm thinking if I can just get over the 1k subs threshold that'd be good. My channel got like 500 hours of watch time last month (relaxing ambient music channel) and I barely touched it


More content for my subscribers to watch, it helps me practice my editing skills with doing different things and lastly, Shorts can help with pulling in a larger audience. I mean yeah, you’re not going to make anything from Shorts below 1M views but it doesn’t mean they’re completely obsolete.




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What do you mean it’s not profitable? You likely won’t make a living unless as you said, you’re getting hundreds of millions views per month. But depending on the niche it’s pretty easy to make 1-2k per month solely from shorts


Because I enjoy it?




it does not add up unless your shorts rpm is like 3 per short which is quite unbelievable if you ask me




so you tell me to look you up and also don’t want to share your channel? i looked up “the allie rae” and your channel came up with 3k subs which is extremely low to how much you say you make




great job on being inspirational lol merry christmas to you too


but id love to see your channel if you can let me know the title of it so i can see for myself


It’s my niche account and i definitely don’t feel comfortable posting it here


For me it’s easier to make shorts plus they get 5x the views as regular videos


If you have a short that does well, then you stream, people watching the short can see that you're live so might click on the stream. I think it's just a good way of getting more eyes on your channel. Also it can be good for brand deals


engagement. keeps people coming back to your channel. so when you do ads it reaches more people. it’s all gross


I make them because it's fun.


As a man with a shit upload schedule, it's probably to post random stuff


Another question would be why movies have trailers?


You need 3,000 public watch hours or 3M watch views, and some other metrics, to monetize a YT channel. Plus most people have 8 second attention spans.


I see them like tiktoks and good dopamine attractors.


Getting found. I found Pirate Software from his yt shorts and now I'm watching his twitch streams too


I almost only do shorts because they’re fun and people like watching them. I do gaming shorts for a specific game that i play. I have a blast doing them too!


Yes, but judging by the average numbers, People began to watch and consume more short content. Therefore, even if this does not give many viewers, the audience wants it.


Personally that's all I do. Profitable enough. As we all know YouTube is hard to do, just put in the work. I post between 10-15 shorts a day


Hey- have you ever seen beyond ten shorts in a day not get put on the shorts feed? This has happened to me every time I’ve ever tried to beyond 10


Yeah when I first started that's how it worked. This is why I went to posting 10 or more a day. I wasn't getting any views so I kept uploading more and more.


So did it eventually get to a point where YouTube let more than 10 in a day on the shorts feed for you?


Because it's served to a larger number of people who, if they even slightly interact, gets more of my content on their recommended feeds. Shorts are basically an ad that gives me a few bucks instead of me paying anything at all. Heck, half of my shorts are just repurposed clips from my own longform content or directly promote the longform content (even if the amount of people who actually go from one to the other is miniscule)


I think one of the prerequisites for superchat or stickers is related to having a ridiculous number of views on a short


i post on tiktok and instagram reels anyway, so youtube shorts are pretty much just a no brainer for me


Yeah I get hundreds of millions of views.