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I was considering this prior to the start of the league. And I gave up on it. The biggest issue is losing all of your ability to reserve auras on mana and also losing CI. You can't use prism guardian, so discipline, grace, clarity, hatred, zealotry isn't all going to fit, most likely you will have to drop 2-3. Sure on paper the damage is good, but icestorm is not a mechanically good skill, it's slow, it's small aoe. Archmage builds in general do not struggle for damage.


if wiki is right and it's 100% damage effectiveness you'd probably be better off not scaling int or the cold at all and just focusing on archmage. and if it really is 100%, holy balls. edit: apparently firestorm of pelting is 120% and you can have more storms. so that's probably better unless you want the chilled ground for some reason.