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You missed the remaster. The core rule book has recently undergone some updates, and one if those changes was the elimination of the 8 schools of magic. Since those are no longer a thing, the old wizard schools based on the magic schools had to go. The remaster version of the CRB are Payer Core and GM Core. It got split in two books to make it easier to handle. GM Core also has most stuff from the old Gamemaster Guide. Note that other than that, the old CRB is still perfectly usable for like 98% of the rules. The overall rules are identical after the remaster and the changes are mostly to individual classes, feats, items and so on. Edit: If you don't want to deal with stuff that's not in your book, look for an option to switch to legacy content in Pathbuilder. The "pre-master" rules are still perfectly playable.


Thank you, this is really helpful. If (most of) the mechanics are otherwise the same as in the core rule book I’m guessing I can figure this out with the help of Pathbuilder and mess around with some character creation. I will probably get the player core books at some point in the future if I enjoy the system. Thanks again for your help!


Don't forget to check out [Archives of Nethys](https://2e.aonprd.com/ArcaneSchools.aspx) as well, which is mostly updated with all the remaster changes.


Thank you, I’ll take a look.


You can also use the [archives of nethys](https://2e.aonprd.com/) to supplement your knowledge.


I don't know how much of this you know, but basically in the recent past Wizards of the Coast announced they were taking away the OGL license Pathfinder has always been published with (which they later walked back). Paizo and other RPG companies responded by making their own license. The PF2 remaster is mostly designed to cut out a lot of D&Disms from the game, which includes D&D's arcane schools. It also gave them the opportunity to update some of the rules, but they're mostly quality of life improvements to make options that weren't very good more viable. For instance, the ancestry weapon familiarity feats now give critical specialization at level 5. Otherwise, a lot of stuff got renamed and some things like Alignment got removed https://rpgbot.net/p2/remaster-transition-guide/ Here's a pretty good summary of most of the changes Player Core 1 is out and covers the basic changes plus the specific changes to the bard, cleric, druid, fighter, ranger, rogue, witch, and wizard. Player Core 2 comes out in August iirc and will cover the alchemist, barbarian, champion, investigator, monk, oracle, sorcerer, and swashbuckler. The other classes (which are all newer) including the kineticist, magus, summoner, gunslinger, inventor, psychic, and thaumaturge will not be receiving major updates


Thank you this was very informative. I was aware of the OGL debacle and it absolutely makes sense for companies like Paizo to make these amendments now to future proof for when WotC inevitably re-table scalping the OGL with less fanfare in the future.


Pathbuilder is showing the remastered version of the class, which is like a massive errata patch that is still in progress. The schools were changed to distance the Pathfinder game from the Dungeons & Dragons game, and to create potential room for expansion of new schools with different themes which the old way of doing schools didn't have because the old schools were a complete and all-encompassing list.


I’m using Pathbuilder with the pre-remaster content, just so you have confirmation that it can be switched between Legacy and Remastered. I don’t remember where it was, but it’s pretty easy.


Thank you. There were definitely some options regarding legacy content which I thought I had on, but I will definitely double check this.


In the web-builder, when you select new character, you can toggle off Use Remastered Rules. I'm not sure how it works in the android app.


Thank you, I had gone onto check after u/Tabris2k commented and yes it was as simple as toggling off the remastered rules in the way you suggested.


Just want to chime in that you absolutely don't have to use the remaster and/or can freely mix and match remaster and premaster content. In fact, you're expected to! The vast majority of the character options and monsters in the game are published under the ogl license. I encourage my players to use whatever options they like, and I only review rare and uncommon options, usually allowing those too. Discuss it with your gm and have fun and make the game your own.


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Remaster replaced arcane schools with those tiny little lists because apparently WptC owns spell schools with the OGL. You can enable legacy content on pathbuilder to get the better version.




No it doesn't?


The only 3rd party content pre-built into Pathbuilder is Battlezoo's dragons. You, or someone else who used your device, had to have set up any other 3rd party stuff you might have


The old schools of magic (Abjuration, Conjuration, etc) have been phased out as part of the Remaster. The issue is that their rulebook is from pre-Remaster, while Pathbuilder defaults to Remaster content. I haven't seen any 3rd Party content in Pathbuilder, besides the Battlezoo thing.